Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Newt Gingrich Says To 'Get Over' Mourdock's Rape Comment: Something Every Catholic Believes


During his Sunday interview on ABC's This Week, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich defended GOP senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock's controversial comment that pregnancies resulting from rape is 'something that God intended' and thus no abortion exceptions for rape should be made.

When asked about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's endorsement of Mourdock and the relative lack of Republicans condemning the rape remarks, Gingrich said: 'If you listen to what Mourdock actually said, he said what virtually every Catholic and every fundamentalist in the country believes: Life begins at conception.'

Host George Stephanopoulos pushed back, clarifying that Mourdock's comments implied that 'as horrible as it may be,' the rape and the resulting conception were part of God's plan. 'Do you agree with that?' he asked.

'[Mourdock] also immediately issued a clarification saying that he was referring to the act of conception and he condemned rape,' Gingrich shot back.

'This is nonsense. Every candidate I know, every decent American i know condemns rape, okay?' an irritated Gingrich continued. 'So why can't people like [Obama adviser] Stephanie Cutter get over it? We all condemn rape.'

Watch below, via ABC:

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  • The Liberal Democrats have intentionally smeared and distorted Mourdock. It's the life of the child to which he was referring. It would be nice if the life of the child was discussed in these instances. Newt is right, everyone condemns rape.

  • An old white guy telling a younger white woman on national tv to 'get over it' regarding a controversial statement about rape. Yeah, that plays well.

    Newt Gingrich is an effective campaign surrogate. For Barack Obama.

  • WOW misleading headline of the year

  • well Mr Newt '.if that baby is a product of RAPE or incest do u wanna force the woman to give birth to that baby or can she abort it ???

    God gave us free will '. With that free will we can do something as bad as kill the baby inside of us in the 8th month '

    Did GOD make a mistake giving us free will ?? Clearly republicans think he did

  • The GOP just keeps wanting to give Obama more fodder, it seems. Huh.

  • Gingrich is an arrogant, sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-serving, condescending, race-baiting, misogynistic, hyperbole-spewing, morally-bankrupt and ethically-barren scam artist and master lobbyist ' making him the ideal spokesperson to represent the principles, values, and political agenda of the modern Republican Party.

  • We are sooooooooooooo over you Newt''''.but you know that.

  • Here's the problem: No one's trying to say Mourdock likes rape. But maybe, just maybe, people are offended by the idea that a woman should be required to carry the child of their rapist.

  • Newt hasn't talked to the Catholics in the pews. The overwhelming sentiment is 'I myself would not have an abortion EXCEPT for rape , incest or life of the mother. AND I would never tell anyone else what to do.

  • Wow, double down Mitt and Gingrich! Are there any women that seriously think so little of themselves to vote for these morons? Once again, the Republicans act as though they speak for God ' once again, they're using hate and fear to do it.

  • How do you smear what the moron said? You people are the dumbest group of Americans in our history ' and you just deny, deny, deny and lie, and lie, and lie'Willingly ignorant.
    What kind of visitation does your rapist parent get?

  • You mean the child who after it is born will be a part of Romney's 47 %.
    According to Romney.

  • I am a family values guy.I left my wife for another woman,and I was banging my secretary while my wife was dying of cancer.I asked for a divorce while she was in sick bed.It's what every catholics believe,get over it.

  • God sends the rapist to deliver the child. A child by a single mother which every teabagger condemns. A child who will be dependent on the government for support, education, health and welfare, everything teabaggers condemn. Hypocrites all.

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