Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

'Nothing Illegal': Chris Hayes Reveals Emails From ASG CEO Urging Employees To Contribute To Romney


On Saturday, MSNBC's Chris Hayes delved deeper into a series of emails written by ASG Software Solutions President and CEO Arthur Allen to his employees on the topic of Mitt Romney.

Specifically, Allen encouraged those who worked for him to support the Republican candidate with donations to his website, urging them to contribute to the Romney campaign 'up to the maximum of $2,500 per person.' In addition, he encouraged his employees to contact their own friends and relatives and urge them to support Romney as well.

'ASG,' Allen wrote, 'like many other companies, is still struggling, even after four years. We need to elect a fiscally conservative president and vice-president and stop this ridiculous government spending.' The letter concludes by asking employees to please 'help ASG and yourself' by contributing to the Romney/Ryan campaign.

In another email, Allen had asked his employees to defer 'some of all' of their salaries until December in order to help the company make a 15 million dollar interest payment. This provides a contrast to earlier comments Allen had made regarding use of a private jet costing something around 50 million dollars.

Hayes then reminded viewers that, in a teleconference held back in June, Romney himself encouraged others to tell their employees how to vote, encouraging them to explain what would be in the 'best interest of your enterprise' and adding that there is 'nothing illegal' about talking to employees about what would be best for the company.

Watch, via MSNBC:

  • These employers who are trying to dictate who their employees are voting for are idiots on many levels. If I was an employee and it happened to me, I would vote the exact opposite of what was being jammed down my throat. So I guess keep doing it you morons. All it will do is alienate you from your employees and probably not effect one vote. I am as liberal as they come and would never tell my employees how to vote.

  • Unions do this all the time..for Democrats, and give Democrats money without asking all the donors that may not agree.

  • Another case of republican/Romney dishonesty'I hope the employees of companies pandered to, have family members that see through all the crap, and vote for the right path for the whole country, not just CEO's bank accounts'Come on women, stand up for the girls and women in your family, and their futures'Romney/Ryan are like wolves in sheep clothing, if they get the chance they will 'absolutely vote' to overturn Roe V Wade'.Also seniors, how soon do you think vouchers will replace Medicare'I just don't think you can trust Romney/Ryan, they say one thing to one group and do something else'.

  • So this is what is left of our democracy post the Republican takeover of the courts. We have turned our governance over to crooked corporations. Even if Obama wins in November despite voter suppression and unlimited undisclosed corporate spending this won't stop unless people insist that enough is enough.

  • That headline is tortuous. I had to read it three times to sort it out.

    At any rate, the standard of 'legality' is pretty low. It's probably not the best situation if you are a paternalistic slimeball but manage to tread this side of ilegality.

  • Unions can't fire their members.

  • And we've turned our healthcare over to insurance companies.

  • I agree,

    'That headline is tortuous'

  • Funny, I never hear you libs complain about union members FORCED to attend Dem events and FORCED to contribute to Dems whether they support them or not. Hypo, thy name is liberal.

  • Tea party people are so stupid that they talk about freedom, yet they want a rich people or fox to tell them how to think and vote. That is not freedom, that is communism right wing nuts.

  • Unions are a democracy and you get to vote for your representatives and to set union policies. There was a time when many unions chose to contribute to Republicans because they saw them as pro-industry more than anti-wage earner.

  • Was it ever any different? Other than medicare for the elderly and the VA, America has never had socialized medicine.

  • What a load of crap. Ozero has unions in his pocket and they spent millions to elect him.

    On Capitol Hill today: Union members testify against forced dues racket

    In another story, union members were FORCED to attend an Elizabeth Warren event or were fined $150.

    And those are just a few of MANY stories. So save your lies for someone who cares.

  • Lame comparison.

    I have never heard of 1 case in which hourly employees at a corporation were able to vote out leadership like a union can if they are dissatisfied.

    This is epic communism by these corporations. Do what we say and vote for who we want or else'

    lms = 1% brown-noser and/or is part of the right wing media juggernaut.

  • Unions do it all the time, hypocrite. You libs are just scared that employers are speaking up and telling their employees what having a Dem in the Whitehouse means for their pocketbook. It means employers can't hire or give raises. Barry is imploding and Romney is starting to break away and you libs are going crazy because you can't stop it. After the debate on Monday, when Oblamer gets hammered on his Lybya lies, it will be all but over.

  • The key to a good union and this includes the biggest one of all, the United States, is participation, If you don't like the bums, throw them out.

  • False equivalence, unions cannot fire people.

  • I've complained about how unions abuse their power. They don't really have a peer in many situations. A big, regional union can easily break a small, independent business. Perhaps in part due to this lack of 'peerage', unions have become corrupt and greedy. High union fees, excessive and opaque compensation for the leaders, etc.

    I've said the Democrats should grab the reins and bring the outliers of the unions to heel. If we don't do it, the the Republicans might, in a much cruder form. It is better we take care of our own.

  • You were doing pretty good until you got to the word 'communism'. You might want to read up on your 'das kapital' Marx had these wingnuts pegged for what they are.

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