As part of their effort to exploit the indifference toward women revealed by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's 'binders full of women' remark at Tuesday's debate, progressive superPAC American Bridge is preparing to release a new video that hits the Romney/Ryan ticket hard on their poor record concerning women's rights. Soon to be added to the group's site, the video pins Romney and Ryan to their most extreme positions on abortion rights, contraception, and pay equity, countering efforts by the Romney campaign to muddy those waters.
Within minutes of Romney's 'binders full of women' anecdote at Tuesday night's debate, which turned out to not even be true, American Bridge purchased the name ',' and within hours, had transformed it into a clearinghouse of information about Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's record on women's issues. Since that debate, the Romney campaign has been running ads trying to portray Gov. Romney as a moderate on issues like abortion and contraception, taking advantage of the fact that since Romney has held every position there is on these issues, the media often gives him credit for all of them.
This American Bridge video serves to remind voters that Mitt Romney has repeatedly voiced support for a ban on all abortions, with no exceptions, has promised to defund Planned Parenthood (which provides contraception to millions of women), opposed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, and that running mate Paul Ryan makes Romney look like a hippie. Ryan, even now, proudly displays his belief that there should be no exception for rape ('forcible' or'otherwise?) or the health of the mother. He also supports laws that would even criminalize birth control. In case any voters missed it, the 'Vice' they put in front of 'President' means that if something happens to take Romney out of office, this guy is in charge.
Ryan, for what it's worth, has at least been consistent in his opposition to women's reproductive freedom, and that's really the yardstick voters should use. Instead of praying that Mitt Romney chooses the least onerous card from the deck, they ought to assume he's already dealt them from the bottom.
Here's the video, from American Bridge:
Follow Tommy Christopher (@TommyXtopher) on Twitter.
It's just killing Tommy and his liberal buddies that Romney is now tied with Oblamer with women. You insult women by thinking the most important thing to them is abortion and birth control (which NO ONE is trying to take away anyway). The most important thing to most of us is being able to put gas in our cars and feed our children.
Barry is imploding, Romney is winning, deal with it!
Clearly, the Obama Campaign believes in recycling.
Keith Ellison gave Obama a binder full of Muslims to look at for White House jobs.
Whatever happens in the War on Women, Gloves will be there in the trenches doing his part.
'War on Women' is a profoundly stupid slogan.
It should be avoided at all costs.
There goes Tommy 'Stay out of my uterus' Christopher telling women whats best for them again'
Why did they stop it right there? Was Ryan going to say something American Bridge doesn't want women to hear?
As for Planned Parenthood, too bad so sad, ending taxpayer support for
that abortion mill does not change the right of women to kill a unique
human baby.the wage gap is a myth.
Who's talking about banning birthcontrol pills and condoms? Pay for your own sex life.
Roe v. Wade is based on a lie anyways. Legalized abortions on demand didn't stop the 'coathangers', just made millionaires out of the abortionists like Kermit Gosnell that still practice the back alley style
Democrats lead in the War on Women
#WarOnWomenFail -
Pretty good ad, and much better than the stuff comes out with. Although this is a SuperPAC ad, the Obama people know that if they win women by double digits again then Romney has virtually no chance of winning, as women will make up the majority of the electorate.
Except that he's not, or even close.
As usual, Democrats lead among women by double digits, Republicans lead among men and also by double digits. That's a change only in that Obama won among men in 2008, which he won't do in 2012.
How many lies about women is Romney going to tell. First he was pro choice as Governor, then he wanted to repeal Roe V Wade then he states that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape and incest, Next he opposes women getting contraceptives under the Healthcare law payed for by employees, then at the debate he says he does not oppose this.He is against the Fair pay act now he supports it just. Romney did NOT ask for binders full of women, a womens group put this together for him and he still did not meet with them. His capacity for duplicity makes me know that he is a pathological liar.
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