Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Senior Moment: Paul Ryan Mocked Elderly Medicare Protester's Medical Condition


It didn't take long for newly-minted vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to land in the crosshairs of opposition researchers, and it won't be long before we're treated to a steady stream of Ryan's greatest video hits. As Mitt Romney campaigns in senior citizen-heavy Florida today, a 2011 clip of his new running mate mocking a 71 year-old retired plumber who spoke up about Ryan's Medicare plan should be particularly unhelpful.

Republicans were none too happy when Democrats began running ads featuring a Paul Ryan stand-in pushing grandma off a cliff, but this clip from a Sept. 2011 Ryan event isn't too far off from that, optics-wise. Following an August recess during which Ryan held no events that were free and open to the public, retired plumber Tom Nielsen joined others in paying to attend a Ryan event in order to protest the budget that ends Medicare as we know it.

Nielsen stood up and shouted questions at Ryan, and was promptly jacked up by police for his trouble. He later explained to HuffPo that his 'resisting arrest' was an attempt to guard himself against injury:

'Three people got me and hauled me backwards out the side door and into a little room. ' They pushed me the floor and twisted my arms back and handcuffed me. They said I was resisting arrest,' recounted Nielsen in an interview with The Huffington Post.

'I have a broken clavicle from a car accident I had about four weeks ago, and it's in the process of healing, but it's not done yet. So I was protecting that. I said, 'Don't hurt me! I have a broken shoulder here and collarbone.' They didn't pay attention to that. They put the cuffs on really, really tightly.'

While Rep. Ryan can hardly be blamed for the overreaction of the police (although he did nothing to stop it), his glib reaction to the man's impassioned disruption might not endear him to Florida senior citizens:

'I hope he's taking his blood pressure medication.' Good one. Here's another good one. Thanks to Obamacare, he won't have to eat dog food in order to pay for that medication.

Ryan's treatment of Tom the Plumber probably plays well with the Republican base, but we're in a general election now, and the shrinking sliver of undecided voters who will decide this election aren't likely to be impressed by this, or by a budget plan that even Moon President Newt Gingrich thought was 'radical.' At the very least, it demonstrates a sharp contrast between how Republicans and Democrats treat mouthy plumbers.

  • A nasty answer that won't play well but hardly election deciding. It plays into the Democrats wish to define Ryan negatively though.

  • His actual Medicare plan is far more offensive than this mild quip.

  • Hey Tommy, they announced the moderators for the presidential debates.  Who at Mediaite is on that?  I am sure there are pre-judgments ready to be made on that.

  • not out of the ordinary fir a Ryan crowd..

    Remember, these are the same people who cheer the execution of innocent people, they cheer the slow, painful deaths of the uninsured, and they BOO a gay US soldier who asks about our DADT policy.

    these people are sick' they know and they are proud of it.

  • Paul Ryan (Frog Eyes) was making fun of this poor senior, just sick!

  • Ryan is a disgusting evil little prick.

  • There's a video of Obama praising rabid Anti-Semite and good friend Rashid Khalidi at a dinner full of Anti-Israel rantings.

    A huge reward has been offered for a copy of that.

  • What a scumbag.

  • He later explained to HuffPo that his 'resisting arrest' was an attempt to guard himself against injury.

    Ya' that's what gets everyone off of resisteing arrest by police. I notice Tommy has a history of hating cops and always blaming them first (like here). So you can resist police if you can give an excuse later. Everyone who resist cops feels they have the right to do it.

  •  Jeez Tommy, lighten up.  'Hoping he is taking his blood pressure medicine' is hardly mocking a medical condition.

    Is that the best you can do?

    BTW, hope you took your Xanax.

  • Lie of the Year 2011: Republicans voted to end Medicare (via Paul Ryan's budget Plan).

    Truth ' Only Obama pulled funds from Medicare '$700 billion' as part of his Obamacare.

  •  That $700 billion is the lie of the century.

  • Social Security and Medicare have vastly improved the lives of elderly people in this country, primarily because these programs are non-profit. As far as their solvency problems, the former would be fine if Congress would keep moving SS money around and the latter needs only relatively straightforward reform. 

    The Ryan plan, however, would basically turn over the administration of these programs to private, for-profit businesses, most of which are beholden to stock holders who value profit above all. In other words, your money goes in and the companies skim a nice profit for themselves. In what way is that an improvement? Considering how little concern financial institutions and health insurance providers have shown for the average person, why would we want them to handle programs that profoundly impact seniors? 

    And what is the Ryan plan premised on? Well, Ryan believes in the cartoon world that Ayn Rand describes in her pulp fiction novels. Rand'who took both SS and Medicare, and was otherwise proven to be a pretty nasty person. Ryan and the far right have the exact same sort of ideological belief (blinded by facts, and still think that only their untested plan will magically solve every problem) that Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin had. Let the magical fairy known as the Invisible Hand of the Free Market solve every problem. That's the Ryan plan. 

    If it were implemented, we'd be seeing elderly people starving in this country again. 

  • You must remember, Tommy's first duty is to his ideology, fairness and accuracy are secondary concerns 

  • It's difficult to overstate the radicalism of the Ryan plan and how devastating it would be if it were ever enacted. Literally a death sentence for the old and the poor.

  • I heard there was a video of Romney rolling around on piles of cash with Osama bin Laden circa 2003 or so. A huge reward has been offered for a copy of that. 

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