During Friday evening's edition of Late Night, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told host Jimmy Fallon that unlike this current Republican-controlled Congress, which she views as having a 'philosophy' of 'obstruction,' her time as Speaker of the House was marked by her cooperation with President George W. Bush.
'This obstruction of the president is something quite new,' Pelosi said to Fallon. She lamented that, in her view, Congress isn't as 'civil' as it used to be: 'There was much more civility, and you came to get a job done. Certainly, you advocated for your point of view, but you always strove to find common ground. And i think we have to return to that place.'
Pelosi then took shots at the John Boehner-led Republican House: 'The president has tried to cooperate with the Republican majority led by Speaker Boehner, they really have not cooperated with him. That obstruction has really been their philosophy.'
'They just won't cooperate with him,' she continued. 'So that's why this selection is so important. We must re-elect President Obama and give him a Congress that can work with him,' she said to cheers and applause.
Fallon then asked the California congresswoman about her relationship with Boehner, which she characterized as 'cordial,' but then proceeded to claim that she was a more cooperative
'When I was speaker, I cooperated with him with President Bush,' she claimed to Fallon. 'This obstruction of the president is something quite new. We got a good deal done when President Bush was president because we said, 'How can we work together to get results ' to solve problems for the American people?''
'But they have just made a decision to obstruct President Obama,' she concluded. 'And that's just not right for the American people.'
Watch below, via NBC:
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Right, Nance.
How dare the Congress, an equal branch of government, not follow King Obama's commands !!!
How many Dems voted for any of Obama's 'budgets' ? Zero ?
Even Dems didn't follow his orders, eh?
If Barry had acted the least bit decently in the beginning, instead of ' I won!' and insulting his 'enemies', as he considers the opposition, he might not have failed so spectacularly.
Instead, he brought Chicago Values with him from the sewer of his hometown and he will return to Rezko Estates soon and have time to think over his disgrace.
Since Rezko was brought up here, let's look at Barry's crooked chum.
Tony Rezko kicked in $625,000 so that Senator King Obama could buy his Chicago lair.
What did Tony Rezko get in return?
All through Obama's term, Rezko has been in custody, and he was sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption. He has been hidden away from the press and has not talked.
Rezko has done his part.
Between election day and Christmas, Obama will pardon him in all likelihood. Guess what day.
why are you replying to your own comments?
I kid you not, when this woman leaves Congress, I'm going to get drunk and throw a party, and I don't even drink. Her farts even lie.
OMG ' a democrat goes on another democrat's show and lies'.how unusual.
'If Barry had acted the least bit decently in the beginning, instead of '
I won!' and insulting his 'enemies', as he considers the opposition, he
might not have failed so spectacularly.'Republicans: 'Destroying the country because their feelings were hurt.'
What Nancy is saying is, George W. Bush knew how to be President.
Taking an ACORN/SEIU street agitator off the sidewalk and making him Preezy doesn't mean he knows how to Preezy.
Nance thinks if she plucks a thought from the Carlsbad Caverns that is her mind and says it out loud, it's a FACT. Same as Wormy Harry Reid.
A 1001% fact that the media negates. Reagan had Tip O'Neil help him out. GHW Bush had Help from Dems. Newt closed the gov't during Clinton, 2X. Then when the public was NOT with Newt, Gingrich changed his tune. However, the TBGOPer House impeached Clinton.
Romney in MA vetoed over 800 bills. All were overridden by the Dems.
GW Bush'..the Dems worked with him. Had the Dems operated as the right did with Clinton in 1995-1996, had the Dems Operated as the right did from Jan 20, 2009-Now 8-18-12 against GWBush in 2001-2009'..There would Never had been a 2004 for GWBush.
Obstruction of Obama, Nancy is that another code word for 'Niggerization'.
Nancy Pelosi and another viagra moment, She is in desperate need of a stiff one.
Is there a logical point to all that spew?
nancy all class and dignity the reichwing all a buncha losers and ass''
How can ANYONE believe ANYTHING a demoncrap says after this BLATANT lie? Only dumbocraps would believe.
So, the Republicans had ZERO control for 3 years when the dems took control in 2007' yet they were somehow still able to 'destroy the country' because their 'feelings were hurt'? Really? Is that your final answer?
Crazy Nancy'. always good for a laugh!
Yeah, Reagan had great help. They cut taxes and increased revenue' but when it came time to actually follow through with the cuts they promised, the Dems spent more.
GHWB, went along with the dems for a few tax increases, and when it came time for the cuts they promised' they spent more. Then hung him out to dry for violating his 'no new taxes' pledge.
(And the tea party wasn't even around when Clinton was in office, dbagger, get a clue.)
Newt balanced the budget, but it didn't stop Clinton from forcing a shutdown any and turning the public against the GOP' only to take credit for the balanced budget years later.
Wow, those dems sure are helpful.
he's paranoid schizophrenic, with delusions of integrity.
nurse will be round with his meds shortly. -
There she goes again! It continually amazes me how someone this dim managed to achieve one of the pinnacles of political power in this country. You can throw Reid into that category as well. Leadership of this kind certainly doesn't speak well of San Francisco or Nevada voters, our political system, and especially the Democratic Party.
Nancy should pursue a career in stand-up comedy.
It's called 'FACTS' bob and we all applaud Linda for providing facts instead of fairytales.
Well, that's how they're [Jews] being exploited. And they're smart people. They follow these issues. But they have to know the facts. -Nancy Pelosi
Classy. Dignity. Two words that don't belong anywhere near the words, 'Nancy' and 'Pelosi.'
Nancy's always good for a spit-take.
The Democratic Party has not had leadership in Congress since Tip O'Neill retired 25 years ago. Apparently they don't think it's important. Jim Wright was a mess of corruption, Tom Foley was a middleweight who didn't serve long, and now they've got one who's both corrupt and stupid, with a big mouth to boot. This is their best?
This is what comes from A) getting a free pass from the subservient media and B) getting uncritical support from their rank and file. And worse will come from it.
'''..nutty nancy, go-along to get-along.
I was just following orders.
Well, everyone else was doing it.
Because I told you so.
First they came for the Gypsies, but I wasn't a GypsySpineless old woman in good standing with the party, she is''''.
got your ears and eyes off talk hate radio and fox no news,you will be reborn to the truth.
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