Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Rep. Conyers Shares His Thoughts On Proposed English-Only Bill In Spanish


Rep. John Conyers not only made his thoughts regarding House Republicans' proposed English-only bill clearly known by what he said, but also how he said it.

Addressing the Committee in Spanish, Conyers said, in a nutshell, that immigrants from Asian and Latin America are objects of discrimination in the U.S., and that one day our country will look back on our treatment of these individuals with regret. (I mean, I'm like 99% sure that's what he said, anyway. His accent and pronunciation posed a hurdle for this particular Spanish speaker.)

As TPM reports, Rep. Steve King responded to Conyers' speech by noting that 'I was gonna start out with a Tower of Babble discussion, but I think I'll pass on that. Mr. Conyers has perhaps made my point for me.'

Have a listen:

h/t TPM

  • Orale, Esteban Rey. 

    Anda que te coja un burro. Cago en tu leche. Vaya con dios.

  • Conyers. One of my favorite Congressional panderers.

  • But when Esteban Rey panders to gringos, that's okay.

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