Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Obama Advisor Denies Campaign Is Connected To Harry Reid's Comments On Romney's Taxes


Candy Crowley grilled Obama campaign advisor Robert Gibbs earlier today over Harry Reid's claim that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes in ten years. Crowley asked Gibbs if the campaign was coordinating this with Reid, noting that a Democrat close to the campaign told her, 'If Chicago wanted Reid to stop, he would stop, but Chicago doesn't want him [to stop].'

RELATED: Romney Takes On Harry Reid's Allegations: 'I Paid Taxes Every Year ' A Lot Of Taxes'

Gibbs said that Romney has been keeping his returns secret to hide his money. Crowley asked Gibbs directly how Reid could seriously make such a charge without the evidence to back it up. Gibbs insisted that releasing tax returns has been a 'time-honored tradition' that Romney's own father helped set the standard for. He brought up the over two decades of returns Romney provided to John McCain's campaign in 2008 when he was being vetted for the number two slot, wondering how Romney could only release two years when running for president.

Gibbs suggested Romney could go to Kinko's and just quickly print out copies of his earlier returns and hand them out to news organizations, arguing that the speculation would finally end and people would know for certain what Romney has and has not paid in his returns. When Crowley pressed Gibbs on Reid's comments having a connection to the Obama campaign, Gibbs remarked, 'I don't think anybody has control of Harry Reid.' Crowley suggested that he would stop if the campaign asked him to.

Gibbs found it odd that Romney would be so adamant in pushing back against Reid without providing the evidence to rebut him once and for all.

'I've never seen anybody jump through more hoops to say' that somebody's lying, but also to not put out a document that would prove what the real truth is.'

Watch the video below, courtesy of CNN:


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • Once again, Snidely Axelrod's tactics have backfired.

  •  Backfired??
    You folks are squirming like fish out of water.

  • Sounds like wishful thinking.

  • Gibbs ' not 'part of my campaign'

    What kills me is that the journalist host Crowley uses the now standard but still pathetic ''a Democrat close to the campaign'' ie yet another anonymous source.

    An anonymous source told me that Gibbs was wearing a Depends diaper in case he gets a question that makes him piss in his pants. 

    Pathetic journalism and you guys are killing each other' 

    Oh yeah that is the point. Last man standing'

  • Show us your tax returns willard,  This is not going away, 

  • What do you want to know?

  • Sorry, but no one is squirming.  You libs are livid that Romney isn't responding the way you wanted him to.  Another EPIC FAIL on the part of you libs.

  • What do you want to know?

  • Well someone is lying because Dingy Harry said he has the blessing of the Regime. 

    Who's lying libbies?

  • Because if he does you'll vote for him?  lol

    The vile liberals who have allowed Obama, the man who promised the most transparent administration in history, to go unchecked have lost your right to demand anything.    We've been asking Obama for his college application for four years now.

  • If you think the average American is going to be focusing on Romney's tax returns and not the continued bad economic news (that the Regime and the corrupt, liberal media is doing it's best to bury), you are more delusional than I thought.  But hey, keep it up, please!

  • that's why he's called 'Robert Fibbs'

  • Are you f'ing kidding us? Rmoney steadfastly avoids all unscripted contact with actual journalists because he knows he's getting hammered on this. He knows that he's going to be asked about this anytime he steps outside the faux news bubble. He knows that this is the talk of the Sunday talk shows. And he knows that his approval ratings are going down as his truthfulness takes a beating.

    Talk about Epic fail. Just look at the Romney campaign. (And don't pretend that you weren't warned about this. Gingrich, Perry and Santorum told you all that his dishonesty was a huge liability to the ticket.)

  •  Not going away is correct''and just check out the squirming from the regressive party folks?
    Loads of fun! The Obama camp has played this with brilliance and the proof is the squirming that hasn't ended since the comments from Reid.

    They're squirming like fish out of water and they know it!

  • You can keep believe whatever you want, failure.  A sure sign of liberalism is being prone to delusions.

  • I'm Barack Oblamer and I approved this smear.  See, I got you to stop thinking about the economy!

  • Actually, he's responding exactly how we expected him to, D U M B A S S, he's hiding from it, digging his hole deeper and unable to make traction on his campaign. We have set the narative of his campaign, we now dictate what the American public will know about Mittens. Best part is that we did it with a fellow Mormon. LOL kill yourself LOSER.

  • By putting a corrupt, incompetent thug in office, the Dems have infected the government with Chicago Values, which have to be ripped out next January.

    The few Dems defending MealWorm Harry will regret it very soon as Harry retracts his nonsense.

    Keep trotting out slugs like Gibbs. Bring in the comical chihuahua Little Debbie.

    Best of all, keep having Snidely Axelrod slither in to speak for Obama. The guy is an obvious liar and hack, so he's the perfect spokesweasel for the soon to be ex-Preezy.

  • Gotta love it, every single time people talk about Mittens, the only thing they talk about is the tax returns. Meanwhile, Mittens is unable to gain any traction in his campaign. No one knows what his vision for America is heck no one even knows what he's saying (except when he gaffes). Brilliant strategy by Harry Reid.

  • Do you have to stink up every Mediate comment section with your insane regressive postings?  When was the last time you even went outside and saw the sun ?  

    I have a brother-in-law exactly like you'nobody in the family ever wants to have a gathering because 'roafer' might show up.  He ruins the day for everyone.  We actually told him to meet us all at a restaurant one time for dinner, but we all went to a different one.

    Yep, I have a 'roafer' brother-in-law.


  • Gibbs is squirming, look at him try to keep the narrative going because he cannot defend the pathetic record of the current occupant of the White House.

    He spends his time bashing, lashing because he has not a positive thing to say.

    Unemployment is up' more record of failure'

  • To me, one of the funnier parts of this smear has been that liberals think Americans are so dumb that they wouldn't stop and say, 'wait, if this were true, wouldn't the Oblamer IRS have audited Romney and made it public that he is a tax cheat?'

  • So you're squirming too?
    What is you guy hiding? Why wont he release those tax returns?
    You can post all sorts of slander about me until you're blue in the face''.but where are those tax returns!!??

  • At some point the public will tired of your negativity and ask where you want to take this country moving forward'. our plan worked was the cry'  8.3%, debt and more projected debt, 

    Oh yeah, it worked'.LMFAO.

  • Repeating yourself I see' at some point the public will tired and ask if you have anything new.

  • Rinse.. repeat'. the public is seeing you got nothing more'.

    What about your mans record. What is he hiding? Why doesn't he want to talk about it?

  • LOL repetitive stalker, no I don't want to be your friend, now quit following me around like a poodle. Get a girlfriend, loser.

  • Over and over with the same pathetic demand because you got nothing to be proud of on your side'. it would be better but' whine, whine, whine'.

  • Look in the mirror' look at the discussion board' between you, roach and failing guy you all say the same thing over and over again'

    You created me, now deal with it'

  • Kill myself?  Nice, I'd expect nothing less from a lib.  A real class act.

  • AKA Bahgdad Bob Gibbs.

  • If you were a class act you would kill yourself. The world would be a better place. LOL

  • Harry Reid is becoming a hero to me.  Ilove how he doubled down.  Of course he has copies of the returns in his hands.  I doubt that the Bain informant is willing to take the stand but for sure if his identy is revealed Mitt will get that little laugh before he answers.

  • Or I could just ignore you. Let you type for NOTHING. It's not like anyone else understands what you're typing about.

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