President Obama's reelection campaign has released a two-minute web video response to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's Thursday night acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, but rather than focusing on the candidate's speech, the video highlights a lack of substance, and condemns Romney's failure to even whisper a mention of the soldiers who are still fighting and dying in Afghanistan.
The video opens with a serious-voiced narration that says 'On Thursday night, Mitt Romney gave the biggest speech of his campaign ' a chance to tell America what he's done and what he might do as President. So what did he say?'
It then cuts to clips of Romney saying 'Now is the moment when we can do something. With your help we will do something,' and 'Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, 'I'm an American,'' and 'I learned the real lessons about how America works from experience.'
Well, when you play them together like that, it does sound a little bit vacuous.
'But Romney offered no tangible ideas to move the country forward ' not a word about his plans for the future,' the narration continues. 'He didn't talk about his plan to give trillions in tax cuts to big corporations and the wealthy paid for by the middle class; or his plan to end Medicare as we know it by guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. He didn't talk about his budget, which could cut funding for K-12 education and Pell Grants for college by 20 percent; or his plan to slash funding for renewable energy like wind, but keep billions in taxpayer subsidies for oil giants.'
Perhaps most damningly, and not unnoticed by the political media, the narrator notes that 'at a time when 84,000 Americans men and women are fighting for their country in Afghanistan ' not a single mention of how, or when, to bring them home safely.'
'Thursday was Mitt Romney's big night to tell America his plans for moving forward, yet he chose not to. When you learn about the Romney plan, is it any wonder he doesn't have much to say?'
Here's the video, from Obama For America:
Follow Tommy Christopher (@TommyXtopher) on Twitter.
That's awesome coming from a campaign who offered 'hope', 'change' and to 'heal the planet'. How specific! Bahahahahahahaha.
romneyhood is all flash no specifics..
This is Obama's big chance to craft his DNC speech to tear Mitt's apart.
He hasn't accomplished that task or any other since he has become annointed. He'll pooch that too!!
Robbing the poor to pay the rich, Romney hood!
Yes, quite right. Obama has done absolutely nothing since being sworn in. Not one thing. Minus all the things he's done, of course.
I think you're confusing Obama with Congress.
Since Obama has no accomplishments of his own, his only choice is to bash Romney.
Now, ask yourselves, is that who we need as POTUS? Obama is a stuffed suit'.All talk, no substance and just a total failure.
' Getting Bin Laden.
' Bin Laden's next 2-3 #1's.
' Saving the American Auto industry.
' Getting American off of Bush's fiscal cliff.
' Ousting Kadaffi.
' Improving Equal Pay for Women with Lilly Ledbetter
' MASSIVE Healthcare reform.
' Consumer Credit Card Protections.
' The beginnings of Wall Street Reform.
' A Reversal of 700,000 jobs lost each month from Bush.
' Ending Iraq war.That's pretty specific'''..
So not sure why you're laughing, unless you were laughing at your own silly post.
' Getting Bin Laden.
' Bin Laden's next 2-3 #1's.
' Saving the American Auto industry.
' Getting American off of Bush's fiscal cliff.
' Ousting Kadaffi.
' Improving Equal Pay for Women with Lilly Ledbetter
' MASSIVE Healthcare reform.
' Consumer Credit Card Protections.
' The beginnings of Wall Street Reform.
' A Reversal of 700,000 jobs lost each month from Bush.
' Ending Iraq war.yeah' right'. no accomplishments.
yeah' right' no substance.
no WONDER you people nominated a mormon liberal'
' Getting Bin Laden.
' Bin Laden's next 2-3 #1's.
' Saving the American Auto industry.
' Getting American off of Bush's fiscal cliff.
' Ousting Kadaffi.
' Improving Equal Pay for Women with Lilly Ledbetter
' MASSIVE Healthcare reform.
' Consumer Credit Card Protections.
' The beginnings of Wall Street Reform.
' A Reversal of 700,000 jobs lost each month from Bush.
' Ending Iraq war.That's pretty specific'''..So not sure why you're laughing, unless you were laughing at your own silly post. -
'Hope' and 'Change'' real specific. ;)
So you blame the 'congress' for the last 2 years Bush was in office? You are consistent' right?
You're bang on here, but probably not for the reason you think.
Every convention the parties 1) introduce the candidate; 2) talk in broad themes and narratives; 3) ignore policy substance
and after every convention, the opposition always complains 'where are the specifics?'
it's a tired and stupid critique. Romney gave his version of 'hope and change''
this critique is as stale as last weeks bread' can't wait to call bs after the dem convention too'
it's like these partisans hope we will forget what a convention is supposed to accomplish'
Very effective video. The most important point it makes is that there wasn't a word from Romney about his poor record in Massachusetts or about how there's no disagreement that his tax plan totally screws the middle class.
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