Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Rachel Maddow Promises 'Incredible Tape' That Will 'Change Direction' Of Romney Tax Return Story


With the heat of a thousand suns already beating down on Mitt Romney over his refusal to release more than two (eventually) years of his tax returns, Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid deployed a giant magnifying glass this week with his repeated accusations that Romney paid no taxes for a period of ten years. On Thursday night's The Rachel Maddow Show, host Rachel Maddow promised to add new heat to this 'white hot fight' with an 'incredible tape' from 'the archives.'

Rachel finished her program last night with a collection of clips showing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney pulling Matrix move after Matrix move to dodge any connection whatsoever to Rafalca, the Olympic dressage horse owned by the Romneys. Prospective First Lady Ann Romney has credited dressage with aiding her recovery from multiple sclerosis, and, Maddow notes, was the source of a considerable (for most people) business expense in the one and only tax return released by the candidate, yet Rafalca gets treated like Fredo Corleone in interviews, all for what? So Charles Krauthammer won't make fun of him?

But then, Maddow pivots to the big tease. 'The matter of what is in Mr. Romney's tax returns, and what he says in his tax returns, turned into a white hot political fight today,' she says. 'We have found some tape in the archives that may take this fight in a whole new direction as of tomorrow. We have got that tape that iI think nobody has seen in at least a decade, and we've got that story as our lead tomorrow night. We've got that incredible tape for you tomorrow night.'

That's really not cool. Does the tape even have anything to do with the horse? Does it show Rafalca cursing 'whitey?'

In order to find out, Maddow advises viewers to tune in Friday night, 'same bat-time, same bat-channel.'

Does it show Mitt Romney doing his taxes in a Batman costume?'

I have a guess as to what the tape might be, but I don't want to spoil it for the rest of Rachel's viewers. If you don't want to know, please mute your computer now. I'm guessing the clip in question will be from one of Romney's gubernatorial debates, and will feature some kind of damning quote, like 'Anyone who won't release their taxes doesn't deserve to hold elected office.' or 'F**k Whitey!'

However, if the tape is truly earth-shattering, it seems an odd choice to put it out at 9pm on a Friday in August, traditionally the time period where news goes to die.

Here's the clip, from The Rachel Maddow Show:

Follow Tommy Christopher (@TommyXtopher) on Twitter.

  • This little lady seems a tad partisan.

  • Lemme guess, its a clip of Romney saying the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he stands for today ?

    we've seen it.

  • jeez,,,what's she going to make up now?

  • There is so much attention on this now that something is going to leak if Romney doesn't preempt them. As far as what Romney paid tax-wise, some at Bain know, some of Romney's current and previous political advisers know, some in the IRS know, and some in the McCain camp know. Take the last. McCain probably doesn't have much to gain from leaking anything about Romney, but someone from his 2008 campaign might. At this point, Romney and Obama both have investigators on one another and, in this sort of hardball politics, it's guaranteed that they're willing to barter for something that could win the election. 


  • Unemployment went up today. Hoax & Chains Obama2012


  • And Hell is a tad hot.

  • And Hell seems a tad hot.

  • What you fail to realize is that this kind of claim against Obama would only bring about more rants of racism and bias.

    So please spare the selective outrage

  • Anyone with journalist integrity wouldn't manipulate ' a scoop' for ratings like this.

  • Actually, it's you who should spare us the b.s. The Right has now spent 4 years claiming that Obama is a secret Muslim, Marxist radical, Kenyan citizen. And yet you have zero actual evidence for any of that. Zero. 

    But here there's clear and obvious signs that Romney is hiding something (something Obama never hid, nor any other presidential nominee to this degree), and you guys are pretending to be victims. Effing ridiculous. 

  • Rick Maddow sounds desperate. That is awkward

  • Unlike Hannity, right Gloves? 

    By the way, aren't you supposed to be pasting uncited Dick Morris blogs all over this site right now? What gives? 

  • If Romney's face ever shows up on currency, I wonder which side they'd put it on?

  • Thousands rejoined the workforce, thousands more began searching for jobs again' and you complain? Child'

  •  Your homophobia is showing. THAT is awkward.

  • Seriously, does she realize how off the charts nutty she's starting to sound?

  •  Easy!  Both!

  • The neobirthers have gone completely nuts.

  • Color me shocked that the corrupt, liberal media is doing everything they can to NOT talk about unemployment going up.  Every election year, I think they can't embarrass themselves any further and every time they manage to do it.  Congrats on the American people having NO use for your profession anymore!

  • wut

  •  I don't think she can accept an Obama loss and is starting to feel like it's possible. I dunno. She's not right upstairs. Can't trust a person who carries this much hate in them.

  • Unfortunately for the professional left, the people could care less about Romneys taxes, they care about the economy and jobs, both of which Barry has failed miserably on!!

  • clear and obvivous signs?    what would those be?

  • 'Ann, I say we saddle up the dog, and make the horse ride on the roof this time. That way, we can claim the Olds as 'farm equipment', take full advantage of the mileage reimbursement for livestock transport, and give my aching back a break.
    Win, win, win!'

  • The more desperate Rachel becomes the more ridiculous her stories evolve.

    Does your incredible story Rachel have to do with the ability of Romney to write off part of horse expenses as a exemption because the horse is used as part of Ann Romney's MS therapy?

    Your show Rachel is beginning to resemble the rag 'Inquiring Minds want to Know' type of chatter and apparently you have the ability to lead the masses..  Go get em, Rachel!

  • You keep telling yourself that.

  •  Awkward and disgusting.
    Just so sad the level of homophobia and xenophobia from the regressive party these days. And they think it helps them win elections??

  •  She is def not partisan

  •  Maddow is not partisan at all. Just reports the facts unlike that bagger hannity

  • Did you think for a minute that Republicans were going to abandon the scorched-earth strategy they've been up to for over three years just before the election?? Of course not.

    And now DeMarco is totally throwing flames.


    Treason. Pretty strong word, but I believe GOP behavior fits the definition.

  • lol

  • The crash and burn of the Romney campaign has begun.

  • Regardless, Obama is going to lose and lose big; so your bogus concern is for naught, just prepare your psyche for your new substantial president Mitt Romney for the next eight years.

  •  And Mitt drove Mass. down to #47 in job creation during his tenure.

  • Really?  What's your evidence of that?

  • When hundres of thousands loose their jobs at the same time, you're damn right I'm going to complain

  •  Economics, truth, and statistics are a Republican's worst nightmare.  The rate was not statistically significant and we still ADDED new jobs.  https://www.economy.com/home/login/ds_proLogin_4.asp?script_name=/dismal/pro/release.asp&r=usa_employ&refsite=twitter&tkr=1208031313

  •  It's possible?  According to what poll?

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