Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Fox's Chris Wallace Takes On Robert Gibbs Over Obama's Medicare Plans


During an interview with Obama campaign strategist Robert Gibbs on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace got a bit testy, confronting Gibbs for laughing at a question, and at one point ending a bout of crosstalk by saying 'I get to ask the questions here.'

Wallace grilled Gibbs over actuary claims that, under the president's plans, Medicare would not be able to sustain itself. Through a little crosstalk, Gibbs responded that the president's plans change that and add preventive health care coverage to the system.

Wallace pushed back that if the providers don't follow the orders, 'under your plan this unelected board of 15 bureaucrats come in and they decide,' he paused and stared at a laughing Gibbs: 'You are laughing at it but that is it.'

'I'm laughing at your characterization of it,' Gibbs said.

'Are they not unelected?' Wallace shot back.

'They're medical professionals,' Gibbs replied. 'They're people we trust to make medical decisions.'

'If all of this was so amazingly egregious,' he continued, 'why in not one but two Paul Ryan budgets, does he seek to cut back?'

'He has to accept current law and what is in the baseline,' Wallace responded, setting off another crosstalk debate that ended in Wallace interjecting that 'I get to ask the questions here.'

Watch below, via Fox News:

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  • Do we need a rational discussion on Medicare? Of course we do. However, how can you have this type of discussion when one party wants to demagogue the bill using ridiculous terms such as 'death panels'. It worked in 2010. It will not work now and this they can not comprehend.

  • The real question is not hard. Who do American trust the most to ensure medicare is saved and strengthened. It is certainly not the Romney/Ryan-Richie Rich ticket.

  • Chris is definitely not his father, Mike.

  • Obama stole $716 billion from Medicare.

    He admitted it on tape. 

    To Obama, that's chump change.

    He's just worried there will money left when he packs the U-Haul and slinks out of town.

  • Private insurance companies use committees to decide what is going to be paid for and what type of services are approved. Do we call them death panels?

  • Chris Wallace'..in a taped video on C-SPAN.org from April 2005'..The late Mike Wallace asked you, why are you working for Fox?

    That said all I needed to know.

    Chris Wallace, you are Not Mike Wallace.  Sad.  DNA was not a guarantee for wisdom.

  • Birther Gloves lies again. Must be a day ending in 'Y'.

  • Wallace is really trying to recycle the 'death panel' lie? Wow.

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