Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Rep. Joe Walsh 'Bothered' That GOP Won't 'Stand Up For' Rep. Akin


Rep. Joe Walsh was one of the latest to chime in on the increasingly frenzied controversy surrounding Rep. Todd Akin's remarks about 'legitimate rape' and abortion. While Walsh agreed that Akin's words were 'offensive,' he said he was 'bothered' by the GOP response.

RELATED: Todd Akin Leaves Open Possibility Of Stepping Down: 'I Don't Know The Future'

'What he said was offensive, insulting and wrong, but I'm bothered by this rush to pile on,' Walsh said in a comment picked up by The Huffington Post. 'And I'm bothered by the silence of members of our own party to stand up for him.'

Fellow Illinois Rep. Peter Roskam said that there's no one who's saying Akin is 'immoral or incapable' ' and that this is an opportunity the Republican Party should not pass up.

Per Elmhurst, Ill. Patch:

'There's nobody who is saying Todd Akin is unworthy to serve,' Roskam said. 'There is no one saying he is immoral or incapable. He's not; he made a poor decision. The question is: Can he win in November? ' This is an election about a generational change. If we sqander this one opportunity we have, we will all look back and say: 'Oh, if only.''

'Let's make the good guys back in control,' Roskam added. 'What do you say?'

Walsh has been in the minority with his opinion, with high-profile Republicans ' ranging from Reince Priebus to presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney himself ' urging Akin to step out of the race. On Tuesday, Akin adamantly said he's staying in. But appearing on Good Morning America on Wednesday, Akin said, 'I don't know the future' ' adding, 'It makes me uncomfortable to think that the party bosses are going to dictate who runs as opposed to the election process. I believe in that principle.'

(H/T HuffPost)

  • Even Joe Walsh knows that the Grand Ol' Party tends to stand up for what they explicitly know to be wrong.

  • That's because the Onion knows what Akin meant


  • The good guys? Really?

    This is all politics. They're afraid that Akin will lose. It's not that they necessarily disagree with what he said, or more likely what he was attempting to defend (no rape exceptions) considering the GOP party platform is no abortion, period. They just want to get as many people as possible in the Senate and House. He could have said something anti-Semitic, and as long as people didn't raise a big uproar, they'd've let him keep going. Morality and ethics don't matter, really.

  • Brothers in arms. Or in this case for both, LOSERS.

  • Awesome..

  • Joe Walsh is correct.

    Todd Akin's views are MAINSTREAM REPUBLICAN VIEWS! 

  • I cannot wait to see this buffoon Walsh getting tossed out in November. Last thing we need is more of his ridiculous opinions

  • Joe Walsh has to get his shots in on the Republican heirarchy while someone is listening, after November I suspect he'll be looking for unemployment compensation.

  • Nice analysis here on the whole Akin fiasco, especially the final two sentences:


    The word Akin later claimed to have been searching for was 'forcible.' If he had found it, if he had said 'forcible rape' instead of 'legitimate rape,' then his assertion that 'the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down' may have been, at worst, Chris Matthews's lead item on the 'Sideshow' feature of 'Hardball.' After all, that particular fable has long been a convenient delusion on the outer reaches of the 'pro-life' right.

    The outer reaches and the inner circles of the Republican Party, though, are in substantive, if not semantic, agreement. Obviously, it is possible to distinguish among different categories of rapes: rape accomplished by overt or overtly threatened violence, 'date rape,' statutory rape. But the Republicans' concern for such distinctions'their fascination with 'parsing and qualifying and slicing what types of rape we're talking about,' as President Obama put it'does not stem from empathy for the suffering of the victims, or any attempt to understand the varieties of trauma. It stems from a determination to force as many pregnant women as possible to carry their pregnancies to term.

  • it's always great when the the looney fringe like dead beat dad joe walsh opens his stupid mouth.  Makes Obama the only choice to vote for in november

  • Absolutely! And Obama was correct in saying (while discussing the issue as an adult) rape is rape and not something to be parsed and sliced and set into different categories. The fallout is that right wingers still claim nearly all of these violent crimes are not really rape, since so many women vote liberal and are sluts. They take direction from 1950s court proceedings that discuss what was she wearing and, therefore, led the unfortunate gentleman along. Basically, turning the tables on the real victim with the truth being the ultimate causality.

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