Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Limbaugh: Hurricane Isaac Hitting New Orleans Is 'The Democrats' Wet Dream'


During his syndicated radio program Tuesday afternoon, conservative host Rush Limbaugh said that Hurricane Isaac's projected landfall on New Orleans is the 'Democrats' wet dream,' likening the news to the nocturnal orgasm some experience during puberty.

'We are mere hours away from Tropical Storm Isaac,' Limbaugh began, 'which everybody is desperately hoping becomes a hurricane.'

'It's the Democrats' wet dream that this thing hit New Orleans,' he added.

Limbaugh then offered up a few 'solutions' for the Republican Party to deal with the potential impact of a hurricane on the beleaguered city of New Orleans: 'Offer to send 500 bus drivers to New Orleans, paid for by us, to make sure that the buses that were not used by the Democratic mayor during Hurricane Katrina will be used to evacuate people.'

'Send bags of money instead of sand ' to shore up the levees,' he continued. 'This would accomplish much. It would show our compassion.'

'Once we publicize that we have sent whatever numbers of bags filled with money to shore up the levees, what will happen?' he asked. 'The poor of New Orleans will storm the levees and steal the bags, thereby putting themselves at risk for the eventual flooding that will happen once they remove the bags of money.'

'And that way,' he concluded, 'the Republicans can get rid of even more Democrats in Louisiana and shore up the state for themselves.'

Listen below:

[h/t Daily Rushbo]

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  • Limbaugh talking about wet dreams. VOMIT

  • Of which he has had several'''

  • HE HE HE

    I love hearing the lardass IMPLODE !

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