Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Mitt Romney Defends Birth Certificate Joke: 'Not A Swipe' At President Obama


During an interview on CBS Evening News yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addressed the controversy over a joke he made earlier that day about the legitimacy of his birth certificate. Romney insisted that the joke was not a 'swipe' at President Obama, and insisted that he does not have any doubt that the president was born in the United States.

RELATED: Obama Campaign Releases Ad Calling Mitt Romney 'Birther-In-Chief'

Scott Pelley brought up Romney's birth certificate joke and asked him why he said it. Romney explained that he was just excited to be back in his home state of Michigan, and felt like injecting some 'humor' into his speech. When Pelley pressed Romney further on his joke and whether it was intended to be a swipe at the president, Romney firmly denied it.

'I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know ' we've got to have a little humor in a campaign as well.'

Romney clarified once more that he believes that Obama was born in the United States, saying, 'I've said that probably 30 times by now, and 31 certainly won't hurt.'

Watch the video below, courtesy of CBS:


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • Unforced error, as usual from Romney,

  • Where's your marriage certificates? How many wives do you really have ? Oh bout them tax returns while youre at it? Or dont't you want the rest of your cult to know how much you REALLY make?

  • Own it,you big robotic wuss 

  • Like Rudy Giuliani said, it was in very poor taste.

  • Be honest for a change, Mitt ' it wasn't a joke, it was a naked pander to the birthers and the far right cretins you need in order to win. And it obviously had the desired effect. The audience didn't just laugh, they cheered.

  • Remember when his son Matt Romney made a birther joke, that he later apologized for? The old man is unapologetically stupid.

  • That dude knows we actually watched the video,right?

    I'm still seriously questioning his basic level of intelligence.

  • This out of touch weirdo just doesn't get it.

  • Unnecessary too. Romney was set to have to a good day yesterday, and then made this crack which lost the news-cycle yet again. 

    Sometimes it feels like he's trying to lose.

  • 'Well we're in Michigan and Ann I and I were both born in Detroit and of
    course a little humor always goes a long way' he said. 'So it was great
    to be home, to be in a place where Ann and I had grown up, and the
    crowd loved it and got a good laugh.'

    That is the full quote'.'the crowd loved it' are the key words.

    We don't need a xenophobic jackass for a president.

  • What kind of alleged president talks about his opponent's dog? Three times?

    Does Obama hate dogs like he hates Romney?

    Does he need a toothpick after a chihuahua sandwich? They're pretty chewy.

    Obama claimed to be from Kenya in his literary bio, puffing himself up as to what jobs he held.

    He corrected the record in 2006, after 15 years listed as Kenyan born. Why did he lie in the first place?

    Obama is one strange cat with a very secretive and murky past.

    Time to be vetted, Barry.

    'What Obama's Literary Bio Says About the Media'

  • This is the same media who accepted the Obama excuse that Biden was talking about wall stret and not slavery!  Geez media, give it up. 

    Romney made a joke ' just because the manchild is a thin skinned empty suit doesn't mean the rest of the world is. 


    I hope he says it again, and again, and again.

    The media who makes excuses for Team Obama on anything/everything criticizes Romeny for anything/everything.
    Funny stuff watching the media panic because the pedestal they put up for their cult leader is rapidly collapsing, despite every attempt by them to keep it shored up.  HA

  • Nothing wrong with a little humor in a candidate, but Romney's funny bone always seems skewed toward the mean spirited frat boy variety. Reminds me of the time his sons appeared on the Conan show in an attempt to humanize him and as an example told the story about how their dad would tell them there was something wrong with their ice cream and when they'd go in to smell it, he'd push their faces into the dishes. I joke around plenty with my kids, but find this sort of behavior to be totally dickish. The man has no sense of how to deal with his fellow man ( Not to mention his treatment of dogs).

  • well, I think Romney is the embodiment of 1% evil, 99 % BS.

    but truthfully he came off looking pretty good here

    'incidentally, so did Scott Pelley

  • Terrible IDEA for a joke. People who like the Bam but not his policies hate that birther crap.

  • Remember when the liberals were so stupid to believe Bidens Chains comment had nothing to do with slavery'..well then under that same gullible mindset this must not have had anything to do with Obama. #HypocriteLeft

  • A new movie about Obama's favorite subject opened in over 1,000 theaters last night.

    It is number three and opened in less than a third the amount of locations as The Expendables and Bourne.

  • The trees are all the right white. 

  • redacted

  • Does he hate dogs?
    That doesn't even make sense in your argument.
    That said, I think that both cracks are fair game if it's clear they are jokes. 

  • it's like you're not even trying anymore

  • Goldberg is a wanker''birther boy.

  • We don't believe you. You need more people.

  • the two things don't connect in any way'

    and you also gloss over the fact that not a single rightwinger let Biden's comments go'all of you to a single rape-loving person went all nuclear faux outrage like sharks on seal-flavored chum

  • It's a little too late to Flip Flop out of this Birther one Mr Romney. Given your history, don't be surprised, that nobody believes you'

    'Flip Floping now, will only disappoint the Rabid Right. The Rabid Right who applauded with such ecstatic ecstasy!

  • I don't remember any widespread acceptance of the Biden comment

    you are either delusionally partisan or party san or part Issan or just delusional

  • he's not a funny man

    the joke wasn't funny

    but the way he answered Pelley's challenge (twice) was pretty impressive and appeared genuine (though I don't believe it really was)

  • show us your tax returns willard

  • Obama's extreme arrogance and self regard are what is bringing him down.

    He has no sense of humor, like most libs, and can't stand to be laughed at.

    So, he and they howl and scream and yell 'Racist!'

    But Barry is ridiculous as are his dwindling number of crazed defenders and we are laughing at him and at them.

  •  Obama loves it that ignorant uneducated bigots like you believe that he mentioning Semus The Abused Dog and a story that was told by The Romneys themselves and a Racist conspiracy championed by the likes of Donald Trump are the same thing'OBama wont let Romney off the hook  no matter how much confederates like you WHINE about may as well get used to it'its gonna be a long slog till November with President Obama putting his size 12 boot up Romneys racist arse EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!!

  • What a coward!

    if you're going to throw sand in a man's eye, don't run and hide behind your mom's skirt afterward. Stand up and take responsibility for it.

  • He never lied, dumb birther. He wrote in his book published in 1995 that he was born in Hawaii. No 'record' was ever 'corrected' 

  • the original joke was clearly red meat for the rightwing zombies'

    but he did not directly zing the President, so I feel the 'joke' was lame but within bounds.

    But this was clearly the closest Romney has come to reaching out to the middle and feigning tolerance and reasonableness'it will cost him a few votes from the rightwing crazies but will probably gain him two for 1 for each crazy person he loses.

    This is different than flip flopping on a policy issue from the primaries to the general election, which is cheerleaded by the MSM.

    This is more about whether or not you have the guts to look into the camera and tell the whole country that the sitting President is illegitimate. So I give Romney credit ' not for being honest or reasonable ' but for taking advantage of the moment, which seems to be his greatest skill. And also the greatest skill of all grifters. He did not get to be the Presidential nominee by accident'it's best for us not to underestimate his political skills.

  • Etch-a-Sketch!

    Multitasking Two-Face Romney likes to please the birther crowds while reassuring the rest of us it is not what we think it is. 

  • It wasn't a swipe at Obama' He joking about that 'other' guy who's been forced to defend their place of birth for the last 4 years.

  • Rest assured ' we laugh at you .. not with you :-) 

  •  mentioning ANYTHING Rudy 9-11 Giuliani has to say about ANYTHING  is even worse taste !!!!

  • Stop calling him Barry racist.

    If you don't have respect for others or yourself, nobody will have any respect for you.

  • How is the unemployment rate Mr. President? How is the recovery and the economy doing?'.Yeah, if I was you, I would focus n Romney's jokes also

  • Kind of like making a joke about the people who thought that McCain had fathered a black daughter with a prostitute.

    Yeah, I get it.

  • 'Yeah, if I was you, I would focus on Romney's jokes also'

    all of Romney's policies are jokes, so what choice does President Obama have?

  • Rmoney is utterly inept and only kept even marginally in the race (the Presidential race, not the white race) by our anemic economy, which is still WAY healthier than Willard's sense of humor.

    Tell us, wingers, what exactly is FUNNY about such a 'joke'.  Where would the humor be for anybody but diehard birthers?  'Ha ha, nobody ever asked me to an orange jumpsuit on!'  said the warden to the guards, to great effect.  It's just not funny in any context.


  • 'Romney's weird!'

    'Romney's a bully!'

    'Romney's a felon!'

    'Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years!'

    'Romney killed my wife!'

    'Romney's dog on top of his car!'


    Joke about Obama?





  • What a slimy, little sleazebag.  This guy has no character.  Be a man and admit what you were doing.  It's apparent to anyone with a brain.  What a coward.

  • President Obama could run on his record'..Oh, nevermind

  •  Barry, come on; he's not going to gain a single vote for an isolated interview on CBS which was necessitated by his keen sense of ineptitude.  But you're astute re: the 'grifter' part.

  • The brick OBAMO 'Messiah' movie from earlier this year died a quick and predictable death.

    The anti-OBAMO movie, by comparison, is opening #1 at the box office and tells a truthful story.


  • How about 'Dogbreath', jackass?

  • Ho do the people in Massachusetts think of Romney's tenure 2002-2006?

    (*) Romney Trails Obama by 25% in polls

    (*) Job creation dropped from 37th to 47th during Romney's term.

    (*) Romney lost 14% of the manufacturing jobs in the state.

    (*) Romney vetoed legislation that would have prohibited sending State jobs overseas .

    (*) Romney had the largest increase in debt of any Governor in the country, increasing by more than $2.6 billion.

    (*) Romney cut taxes for the rich, while increasing hundreds of fees that fall mainly on the middle class.

    Massachusetts got rid of Romney, but kept Romneycare.

  •  His character, or lack thereof, is apparent to anyone with a Bain.  BWAHAHAHA

  • Man, this guy lies good.

  • First its a true accusation, then it's a joke, then it's a true accusation, then it's a joke'.

  • Also, Romney was a terrible governor who failed miserably.

  • Obama tells us to 'be our brother's keeper.'

    He doesn't mean HIS brother, though.

    George-in-the Hut had to call Dinesh D'Souza for help when his son was in the hospital.

    George said he had no one else he could call.

    Has Dogbreath bothered to help his illegal alien aunt and uncle in Boston?

  • Where's Obama's college ap?  What is he trying to hide??????

  • 'Fair points. You appear quite convinced that Romney's sincere, but unfortunately those who that appealed to, are not.

    Although, grifting may seem a good approach. It is appealing and pandering to the worst aspects of human nature with Birtherism is despicable.

    The President of the US, is the President of the United States of America and not just favored sections of it. If Romney's grifting is counted as his political skill then, he may be better, seeking advice from Don King.

    A sitting US President has been required to produce his Birth Certificate to quench the rabid thirst and satisfy 'Birther Zombies.' Zombies, who then cyclically go on to suggest that the approved and real Certitificate is illegitimate'

    'Why bother!

  • Mitt's humor always seems to  involve demeaning or humiliating people. Ask the kid who's hair he cut off in high school'
    I get it . It's certainly what a lot of humor is about ' but I don't like when some one  puts someone else down (Look at those cheap rain jackets you're wearing)   then says ' just kidding ' can't you take a joke..?

    this is the very kind of guy who can take the same kind of joke back

  • A birther IS a racist, and Romney needs their votes.

  • You're right, Romney did look good.  In my opinion the context was more of a good natured rib at the Birthers/campaign than Obama.  You and I mostly disagree on things, but I give kudos to Obama where he deserves it.  It's nice to see you do the same.  Now about that evilness'

  • I think, though, after watching that, we can all agree that there's no better place to emerge from your mother's vaginal canal than Harper Hospital in Michigan.   I think i'll vote Romney.

  • When you go outside to riot on November 7th, libbies, remember not to light your own car on fire, or the bus that you take to the liquor store.

  • In an amazing stroke of genius, Romney has changed the topic. The gullible, soundbite driven media has taken the bait once again.

  • Remind again brdad what Mitt's grades were at BYU and Harvard?  Don't worry I'll wait..

  •  Number one?  I assume one in your eyes means three.  Also late August/early September have always been low yields in the Movie industry with everybody going back to school, coming off summer vacations, a new financial quarter starting, the start of new fall TV seasons, Football, baseball playoffs, etc.

    It reminds me of an old joke about winning and the special Olympics.

  • Nice DNC talking points buddy! Too bad they've all been debunked.

    Oh, and don't forget that he balanced the budget all four years without having to raise taxes!

  • It's stunning that '2016 Obama's America' is making such a splash at the box office.  Critics don't like it nearly as much as audiences are raving about it.  Can't wait to see what the buzz is all about.

  •  so explain why Romney isn't doing very well, or at the most, in a dead heat with Obama?

  • Mitt has no soul or character.  He will say or do anything if he thinks it will get him into the white house.  

    Is this a Mormon value? For people who do not know much about Mormons I think he is an awful spokesperson. 

    So following Mitts example am I to believe that Mormons worship money and are FOR abortion if it will get them elected. And they don't have to pay taxes if they can get away with it. 

    Christians believe  'Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.'  That means pay your taxes.  

  • Yea just save it Rmoney. Clearly you have no plans for this country and all you going to do is use race baiting -like the welfare smear- and dog whistle-like the birther comment-, to try and win this election. Divide and conquer the Old republican way. Disgrace.

  • On all key labor market measures, the state not only lagged behind the country as a whole, but often ranked at or near the bottom of the state distribution. Formal payroll employment in the state in 2006 was still 16,000 or 0.5 percent below its average level in 2002, the year immediately prior to the start of the Romney administration. Massachusetts ranked third lowest on this key job generation measure and would have ranked second lowest if Hurricane Katrina had not devastated the Louisiana economy. Manufacturing payroll employment throughout the nation declined by nearly 1.1 million or 7 percent between 2002 and 2006, but in Massachusetts it declined by more than 14 percent, the third worst record in the country. 

    The Republican contender was the governor of Massachusetts from January 2003 to January 2007. And during that time, according to the U.S. Labor Department, the state ranked 47th in the entire country in jobs growth. Fourth from last. 

    Sorry to burst your bubble ' the Romney/Ryan Double-Trouble Ticket is a ticket for failure

  •  The lunatic-left ' like their radical islamofascist brothers ' have fully replaced their 'sense of humor' with violent, uncontrolled hatred of anything and everyone that isn't part of their socialist borg-like collective.

  • shes all of the above

  • so explain why President Obama isn't running on his record? just running birther-in-chief ads

  • Does that mean that Repubs will be worn out after having fought off all the scary Black Panthers that 'intimidated' voters? Or will they rage as they call into OxyRush & Co. as they  explain their conspiracy theory about how Obama stole the election? 

  • So, just like you Jesusfascists?

  • Oh that Romney, ha ha ha.

    When will he make a joke about the Jews being responsible for the 9/11 attacks ?

    Wouldn't that be funny !

  •  What you call humor in this case is clearly defined as racism and xenophobia.
    America doesn't need some pandering to racists jerk for a president.

  •  Yes, gloves is a racist pile of trash'.and he's proud!!

  • I usually find it distasteful when coming for the other side, but take a little sugar and tell me what you think would happen if Obama joked about not wearing his magic underwear.

  •  I would love to hear him explain who else (other than Obama) need to show their birth records.

    He is a coward, can't even embrace his newfound courage (according to Rush and the other hard-right haters)

  • When is President Obama going to run on his record?  When will we see an Obama campaign ad that discusses what he is going to do about the one trillion plus dollar deficit that we are going to have, again?  When will the Obama campaign address the fact that the manufacturing sector seems to be faultering?  When will President Obama address his plan to reduce the unemployment rate?  Oh, and by plan I'm not referring to him doing another failed stimulus package.

  • Romney the striving birther-in-chief cracks a joke and shriveled, white, old folks start laughing ' yeah the good ol' times when buses were clean ' at least the front seats that is, right Gloves?

  • 'Obama's extreme arrogance and self regard are what is bringing him down.He has no sense of humor, like most libs, and can't stand to be laughed at.' Little Caesar/Johnny Rocco
    'Not true. 
    Everyone laughs at you and they really can stand doing it!

  • He has run on his record. Don't blame Obama just because your nominee is too busy stepping on his own message by refusing to release his taxes, quarreling with his own party's platform on abortion and making birther 'jokes.'

  • If Obama had made a joke about Mormons FAUX news would've made an entire week abt 'Obama's war on Religion'.And Hopey Changey would be here all over the comments section complaining about black people,as always. 

  • 'The anti-OBAMO movie, by comparison, is opening #1 at the box office and tells a truthful story.'

    What Number One Box Office opening would that be'


  • Is Charlie Rangel a rightwinger now?

  • The audience for this film is the Obama Derangement crowd. No one else in American gives a sh-t.

  • I believe him when he said it was just jokes and it certainly came off that way in his interview. I just question why he would do it in the first place. Much more to lose than gain on this one. Reminding the country what Obama has had to deal with from the birthers is simply not good politics.

  • He is right that it was not a shot at Obama. It was a nod to the 'papers please' GOP immigration policy.

  • 'Romney's funny bone always seems skewed toward the mean spirited frat boy variety.'

    You pretty much nailed it ' well done.

  •  Of course if you had an ounce of patriotism you'd call him your president.
    But you make it clear every single day how deeply you hate this country.

  • You answered your own question. Mitt Romney is just a lousy politician.

  • 47th was the CUMULATIVE number.

    'Massachusetts' state ranking for job growth went from 50th the year before he took office, to 28th in his final year.'

  • I don't complain about black people ' I complain about racists. They are where they are.

    prin·ci·ple/' prins'p'l/
    Noun: A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

    I'm not like some weird lib who says, 'Oh, my priniciples are showing a one-sided result, so my principles must be wrong.'

    If libs were baseball umpires they'd call 50 balls and 50 strikes cuz they have no principles to guide them.

    Save your comments for someone who's stupid enough to be fazed by lies.

  • The United States best ally said it best 'MITT THE TWIT.'  Bwaaaaah

  • nice


  • Libs, the anti-racist, racists. Example No. 1,837 of what having no principles leads to. The lib land of unwitting irony and unawareness.

  • Hahahaha. You said 'clearly.' I say 'paranoia.' Let's agree to differ.

    On how to use brains.


  • That's Roafer/Cyberforce territory. 

  • This is the same media who accepted the Obama excuse that Biden was talking about wall stret and not slavery!  Geez media, give it up. 
    It is the same media that turns a blind eye to Rmoneys lies. 

  • With no welfare, there'll be nothing to smear. It should be abolished.

  • Ever see Mormons attacking convenience stores en masse or sucker punching people on the street for fun? I recommend youtube. He's a Mormon, deal with it.

  • Fiscal year 2002 (no Romney influence): $22.47 billion
    Fiscal year 2003 (partial-year Romney influence): $22.25 billion
    Fiscal year 2004 (full-year Romney influence): $22.49 billion
    Fiscal year 2005 (full-year Romney influence): $24.22 billion
    Fiscal year 2006 (full-year Romney influence): $25.44 billion
    Fiscal year 2007 (partial-year Romney influence): $27.92 billion

    If you compare fiscal 2007 (the last year Romney had any influence on the budget) to fiscal 2002 (the last year before he had any influence), spending rose by about 24 percent over five years, or a little under 5 percent per year.
    So however you look at it, nominal spending ' that is, the number of dollars spent, without any kind of mathematical adjustments ' increased on Romney's watch.

  • They'll assault the prison with Bradley Manning.

    'Free Bradley Manning! Put stop-and-frisk cops in here!'

  • The man is wholly unaccountable. I have never seen anything like it.



    So far, the film is the second-highest grossing documentary of the year behind the Weinstein Company's 'Bully,' with the exception big-time nature documentaries 'Chimpanzee' and 'To the Arctic.'

    Read more: 

    Raving lunatics.

  • well thats your opinion dopey.

  • I'm laughing now, but I have no idea what the magic underwear reference is about.  But I find magic underwear to be funny.  Not as funny as elephant tusk underwear.  But funny.

  • Have you seen it?

  • As Governor, Romney Balanced Budget By Hiking Fees

    The campaign claims Romney balanced the Massachusetts budget without raising taxes, but he closed tax loopholes and raised fees to the tune of $750 million per year. 

    tate spending rose by 22% on Romney's watch, nearly double the rate of inflation. Romney increased corporate taxes and state fees by $750 million a year, outstripping his tax cuts.

  • Which is going to make that sting even worse when he beats Obama.

  • Hoe about Obama's kindergarten report card? How do we know he got a tetanus shot? Maybe we can see Mitt's draft card and find out why he dodged the draft?

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