Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Bob Schieffer Invokes Joe McCarthy During Discussion On Harry Reid


On Face the Nation today, Bob Schieffer brought up Harry Reid's provocative statements that Mitt Romney has not paid taxes in ten years and his refusal to back down from that claim. Schieffer questioned former Ohio governor Ted Strickland on whether such accusations are irresponsible in coming from a top Democrat, while Virginia governor Bob McDonnell called Reid's remarks 'slanderous.'

RELATED: Paul Begala Defends Reid's Allegations Against Romney, Is Mocked By Anderson Cooper, Mary Matalin

Strickland said the best way for Romney to put the whole issue to rest is to release the returns. Schieffer compared the whole controversy with Reid and Romney to the days of Joe McCarthy.

'Isn't this kind of like Joe McCarthy back in the era when he said, 'I have in my hand the names of 400 people in the State Department who are communists'? It turns out he didn't, and he was saying that the way to prove that they're not is for them to come forward there. I mean, asking somebody to come forward just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.'

Strickland insisted that the people 'deserve to know' what is in Romney's taxes, and defended Reid by saying that Romney's lack of transparency on his returns 'invites speculation.' McDonnell went in the other direction, calling Reid's accusation a 'reckless and slanderous charge.' He said Americans care more about their own tax returns under President Obama than about Romney's.

Watch the video below, courtesy of CBS:

  • Just pathetic but no surprise from the corporate and never been liberal media.
    To even think one might equate Reid calling out Romney about his tax returns with McCarthyism is just beyond pathetic and disgusting.

  • McCarthy looking for nonexistent Communists, Reid asking for existing tax returns from someone applying for a job.

  • McCarthyism?

    We have by far the wealthiest candidate ever to run for president in the history of the country and he's already been caught in numerous evasions and misstatements about his business experience and record.

    How much of a stretch is it to believe that one of the ways Romney has maintained his wealth is to funnel his money offshore, take advantage of questionable tax loopholes or enjoy tax breaks not available to 99% of Americans? GE got into hot water for its extremely extensive use of questionable tax avoidance schemes and the right wing went nuts about that. Why is it inconceivable that Mitt has done the exact same thing?

  • McCain's team saw 23 years of returns and Steve Schmidt said all is good. Plus Governor, Americans don't deserve to know as we see it is not required by law to release those returns.

  • I did not watch the video. Were the talking about Michele Bachmann?

  •  LOL!  What a troll this guy is

  • 'Reince Preibus said, I think over on Fox''.

    Is your senility getting to you, Bobby? He said it on ABC, just today! Unbelievable.

  • joseph, dont lie, schmidt never saw willard's returns . Old man McCain didnt pick willard as VP after seeing 23 years of his tax returns,  He picked Sarah,  I wonder why?

  •  Yes, the McCain team saw 23 years of his returns, and the entire country needs to see them.
    The fact is Romney is afraid of something in those returns, and now that he's just refusing to show them while calling everyone liars it just makes it far worse for him.
    Time to release the returns or just return to Utah or wherever he claims he lives and forget about running for public office ever again.

  • I don't think Romney did anything illegal. He just doesn't want to explain how he and other wealthy people legally avoid paying taxes. You can bet your bottom dollar he didn't pay any 13% like he did in the returns he's released. He's hoping it will blow over but it won't. Otherwise he would release them now wouldn't he?

  • Even Bob Schieffer is calling out these Axelrod dupes.

    Strickland is as much of a skunk as MealWorm Harry.

    The word is out to Dems to now to back away from Reid.

    Reid is going to apologize.

  • Reid will never apologize'..dream about it like you dream about a right wing regressive America..it ain't ever gonna happen.

  • thats not what Reid asked'..Reid accused Romney of not paying any taxes for 10 yrs

  • Kind of like Obama's college application?  Oh wait!   That's different because he has a D next to his name.  

  • There's a growing number of Republicans calling on Mitt to release his taxes. Few if any Dems are calling for Reid to retract his statement. But once again, in Glovesland, reality takes a backseat to contrived narrative.

  • Yawn. It's different because Obama has never campaigned on his academic record and it's totally, completely and wholly irrelevant to his claims to the presidency (as his lopsided 2008 victory proved).

    Meanwhile, Willard has made his so-called business success the cornerstone of his campaign because he can't talk about his record as Governor, lest the teabillies learn the truth: that he was the father of Obamacare, supported gun laws, didn't worship St. Ronnie of Reagan and called himself a better friend to the gays than Ted Kennedy.

  • where is willard's college application?

  • >> Bob Schieffer: 'Isn't this like Joe McCarthy when he said, 'I have in my hand
    the names of 400 people in the State Department who are communists'?
    It turns out that he didn't, and he was saying that the way to prove that they're not
    is for them to come forward. I mean, asking somebody to come forward just because there's been an unsubstantiated charge, that's a little thin to me.'

    So EXACTLY WHAT PART OF THIS was too hard for your brain to understand?

  • first of all, factually untrue on 'by far the wealthiest candidate ever to run for president in the history of the United States' when you include Steve Forbes, Ross Perot and even on a inflation adjusted basis people like Washington, Jefferson and maybe even Hoover and JFK.

    overlooking that silly pronouncement, the burden of proof is on the one making the allegations ' that quaint 'innocent till proven guilty' concept.  'stretch' and 'inconceivable' are not acceptable standards.

  • >> Roger Fails: 'McCarthyism? There's no wild speculation here.'
    >> Roafer: 'To even think one might equate Reid calling out Romney with McCarthyism
    is just beyond pathetic and disgusting.'

    >> Bob Schieffer: 'Isn't this like Joe McCarthy when he said, 'I have in my hand
    the names of 400 people in the State Department who are communists'?
    It turns out that he didn't, and he was saying that the way to prove that they're not is
    for them to come forward. I mean, asking somebody to come forward just because
    there's been an unsubstantiated  charge, that's a little thin to me.'

    So ' seriously ' EXACTLY WHAT PART of what Schieffer said is just too hard for Liberals and their pea-sized brains to understand?

  • Us? You are you and not 'us'.
    And of course I'm not kidding YOU!

  • It is just a question. Why be afraid of the question?

    Liberal logic ' if it is not then why be afraid of the question?

    Reid is following the script like the good little boy he is, demonize Romney before the debates'.

    Good little boy, you too, good little boy'

  • A 'troll' is when your avatar is 'Breitbart Lives' rather than the truth, which is that he's six feet under.

  • Reid is a liar. If he had anything he would put up. But he is nothing more that the good little dem lap dog that he is' got your marching orders too I see.

    woof'. woof'

  • How can Dems demand Romney's returns while passing off document requests related to Fast and Furious as just 'fishing?'

  • Why stick up for Reid. He is a liar. 

    How about this Reid apologizes and I will speak to Mitt about the tax returns.

  • Didn't turn out too well? LOL no wonder you're a FAILED screen writer who only writes for Mediaite. Let me explain the strategy so even a simpleton such as yourself can understand it. Can you name anything Romney has said or done in the past few weeks besides gaffe overseas? Of course not. Not just because you're an ignorant idiot but also because this has taken over his campaign. No one cares what Romney says, no one even cares what Romney is about. All people care about are the tax returns. Even Republicans can't stop talking about it. Of course you wouldn't understand political strategy, you're a screen writer in LA that can't even get a job LMAO!


  • Prove Harry wrong! Release your tax returns, Mitt ' game, set, match.  Uh' what's that? You releasing your tax returns would guarantee you would lose the elections? Oh'

  • Rogerthelibneedsabetterdiet said: 'Reid's claims more than pass the smell test.

    This is why the democrats are the party of hypocrites. They don't smell Holders crap with the Fast and Furious. They don't smell Obama's executive order stench. And on and on'

    Pass the smell test??? Get your noses fixed. The reek of nausea from your party makes a garbage dump, in the summer, smell like paradise.

  • Because in the truly IDIOTIC mind of a Liberal, here's how they actually see things'

    Average American: Hey, some MORON in Washington thought it was a genius idea to sell guns to drug cartels and they then stupidly LOST TRACK of them. And it resulted in the death of HUNDREDS of Mexican civilians and even a U.S. Border Guard. SOMEONE'S head has to roll. We need to find out who the rocket scientists were that were behind this fiasco.

    Liberals: Absolutely! Count us in! Getting to the truth is all that matters!

    Average American: Okay, then let's start at the beginning and work our way through. That's the logical thing to do. The records show there are OVER 100,000 emails and documents relating to Fast & Furious, so let's sort through them.

    Liberals: No prob. I'll give you 7,000 of them.

    Average American: Uh'but that's LESS THAN 10% of the material.
    That means you're holding back NINETY THREE PERCENT of things.
    Statistically, that pretty much ENSURES the odds of finding the answer will be zero.

    Liberals: Oh yeah, that reminds me ' I'll be cherry picking the 7,000 things too.

    Average American. But I want to see more. To get to the bottom of things.

    Liberals: (wagging fingers in ears, giving all Americans a raspberry)
    Sorry!  Too bad, so sad!  Sealed under Presidential Order!  BLBBBBBTTTT!!!!


    Liberals: Oh, by the way, while we're talking about turning over things,
    I demand to see 23 YEARS of Romney tax returns.  Hey, it's my RIGHT !!!

  • facts and truth are important'
    Roger_Fails made an statement / excuse / declaration that was spectacularly false.
    unfortunately, you're using the same hellaciously fallacious argument:
    that the burden of proof falls on the person accused when in fact the accuser must / should make a credible charge ' not simply spew unmitigated garbage into the mix.
    Exit Question: Who believes Harry Reid's charge that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for years?

  • You will speak to Mitt about the tax returns? Wow, not only are you a RETARD but you're a delusional RETARD as well.

  • thats how you think''prove you are not a child molester

  • What do you want to know or are you just trolling like the rest of the DNC minions?

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