Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Bill Nye Blasts Creationism, Begs Anti-Evolution Parents Not To Force Views On Children


Popular scientist and children's television personality Bill Nye, a.k.a. 'The Science Guy,' took to the web last week to decry biblical creationism and plead with parents who reject the theory of evolution not to force their beliefs on their children.

In a Big Think video titled 'Creationism Is Not Appropriate for Children,' Nye explained his belief that America is still one of the most innovative countries in the world because of our 'intellectual capital,' but 'when you have a portion of the population that doesn't believe in [evolution], it holds everybody back,' he said.

The scientific theory of evolution contends that all forms of life have evolved over time through a variety of natural processes like natural selection. Belief in creationism, which Nye seeks to dispel, holds that the universe was entirely the creation of a supernatural being.

Not believing in evolution, Nye said, is like 'trying to do geology without believing in tectonic plates,' adding that 'your whole world is going to be a mystery instead of an exciting place.'

As Reuters points out, a Gallup poll from May of this year found that 46 percent of Americans are 'creationists' for their belief that, within the last ten millennia, a supernatural being created humans in their present form. Nye decries such a world view as 'crazy' because it ignores scientific processes that involve 'deep time' such as radioactivity and the lifespan of stars.

Nye concluded the video by pleading with adults who reject evolution to not force such views upon their children: 'I say to the grown-ups, 'If you want to deny evolution and live in your world that's completely inconsistent with everything we've observed in the universe that's fine. But don't make your kids do it.''

A well-educated generation of students who understand science is essential, he said, adding that 'We need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future.'

Watch below, via Big Think:

[h/t HuffPost]
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  • Yeah.Good luck with that.These idiots think Flinstones was a documentary 

  • Egalitarianism is leftist creationism. 

  • Clearly, he is liberal scum, suggesting we use things like 'proof' and 'evidence' to support our beliefs in the world.

  • Thanks for giving us the neo-Nazi perspective on this.

  • War on Christians

  •  like 'trying to do geology without believing in tectonic plates,' adding that 'your whole world is going to be a mystery instead of an exciting place.'

  • Why does he complain about our belief in creationism, if he also says most of the innovative ideas come from the US?  How is it holding us back? Why would believing in creation keep children from being good engineers?  His comments don't hold together very well. 

  • Bill Nye is a ground breaking scientist' Showing what vinegar and backing soda do when combined for 20 years straight!

  • Science is not within the dominion of liberals or conservatives.

  • Republicans are heavily invested in emphasizing the low information part of their low information voter base. Keep 'em stupid and keep 'em voting for us. When people start to actually think critically about their world, they start to realize that the GOP is full of sh*t. White idiots are the core of the party now. 

  • True. But to deny a conservative trend that flies in the face of scientific evidence and proof would be' well, immensely ironic.

  • Nazis were very pro science and Darwinism, so neo-Nazis ought to be as well.  You shoudl have called him a member of the Taliban or something

  • Creationism holds us back because evolution is integral to our modern understanding of biology, medicine and epidemiology.

    How can one deny evolution while attempting to predict the next step in viral or bacterial mutation?  How can one fully understand genetics and genetic expression while believing that everything was created in its current state?

  • Because we all know Creationism is the reason our schools are turning out students unable to read and write at the college level

  • this sentence does not make much sense to me but I think you are saying that Conservatives tend to disregard science more than liberals?  I think this is probably true.  But there is a difference between a healthy use of science and 'scientism' which I think many in the left have fallen victim to

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