With every one of our sites up from the previous month, I am proud to say that July 2012 saw the highest total traffic ever to our network of sites. Individually, Mediaite.com, Sportsgrid.com and TheBraiser.com all welcomed more visitors than any other month since they launched respectively in July 2009, May 2010 and May 2012. These numbers come from Google Analytics, but compare our network to many other far larger and/or more established properties at Quantcast.com and I think you will agree our growth with such small teams is quite a feat.
As anyone who has worked here knows, our editors all have autonomy so this is a toast to them for their creative, smart and fantastic work. A lot of people deserve enormous credit for this success, but this month was a huge one for Sportsgrid and Mediaite in particular, so I want to single out Dan Fogarty and Glenn Davis at SportsGrid and the tireless Jon Nicosia at Mediaite. In addition, a special congrats is in order to sister site Gossip Cop where a record 4.014 million unique visitors came to see how co-founder and Editor Michael Lewittes and his team separated fact from fiction in the entertainment world.
Thanks to all of our readers and congrats!
For more on our sites check us out here.
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