In an appearance on Fox News Channel with anchor Bill Hemmer, Mitt Romney campaign spokesperson Andrea Saul turned her defense against a controversial SuperPAC ad (which implies Romney was partially responsible for the death of former steelworker Joe Soptic's wife) into a de facto endorsement of President Obama's signature legislative accomplishment. While trying to dodge responsibility for Romney's actions as Bain Capital CEO, Saul noted that 'If people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney's health care plan, they would have had health care.'
The ad has been a hot political topic since its release Tuesday morning, and despite Hemmer's helpful partial reading of the facts surrounding the ad, Saul stepped on a gargantuan rake by citing her candidate's Massachusetts health care plan. Romney took a lot of flak over the plan he put into place as Governor of Massachusetts, but has tried to differentiate his plan from President Obama's by claiming he never supported mandated health insurance on a national level (which is a flat-out lie that the media never calls him on).
But by pointing out that Joe Soptic's wife would have had health care had she lived in Massachusetts (although it wasn't enacted until the year she died of cancer), Saul is not just touting Romneycare, she's touting it as something that should have been available everywhere, while in the next breath saying that their campaign's raison d'etre is to remove from office the man who made it available to everyone. Expect Saul to be the star of a Democratic campaign ad sometime soon.
Ms. Saul's attempt to avoid responsibility for Romney's actions as Bain Capital CEO is also, in a way, an acceptance of the premise of Bill Burton's ad. By straining to excise Romney from the GST story (when, in fact, he was unquestionably running things when the deal was made, and when Bain saddled the company with hundreds of millions in debt in order to pay themselves), Saul seems to be acknowledging that there's something worth avoiding here. If Bain is blameless, then why go to the effort?
The answer is simple: even if you accept that Romney had nothing to do with the death of Joe Soptic's wife (an argument the ad never explicitly makes), or even that he's not responsible for the 2001 plant closing (even though he was CEO), the lives of the people laid off in Bain deals were never a factor in Romney's business decisions, and as Saul so brilliantly exposed today, they won't be a factor in his presidency. The very policy that Andrea Saul touts as a possible life-saver for people like Joe Soptic's wife is literally at the top of Romney's kill list.
In case you missed it, here's the clip, from Fox News:
Follow Tommy Christopher (@TommyXtopher) on Twitter.
Romney was for Obamacare long before Obamacare was born.
He is 'against' it for political reasons only
The Romney campaign is depending on very inept and incompetent rookies and it just gets worse every single day. It doesn't get more pathetic than these Romney idiots!
If a guy can't get competent pros to create and stay on message in a campaign what kind of knuckleheads will he get to run the government in his administration. VOTE EVERY REPUBLICAN OUT OF OFFICE DOWN TO DOG CATCHER!
Jesus Christ, The Romney camp is bragging about a safety net that he is campaigning to get rid of.
Bunch of morons.
As usual the diference between a state mandated and state funded healthcare program and a one size fits all massive federal leviathon of a program goes RIGHT BY YOU AGAIN'..
Why can't you liberals distinguish between this very, very simple yet huge difference?
Just read the tenth amendment so at least you can't claim ignorance for your false comparison'.
My dear, the inept woman have a passionate reason for the benefits of Romneycare to be enjoyed by ALL Americans. What more do you need?
I know'its the Romney campaign that has made assertions that Obama is a felon, claimed without any proof that he has not paid his taxes, and just yesterday accused Obama of murder'..
Is there pink elephants in the Bizzarro world that you live in? -
This is the type of miscue which would you get you fired by Mitt Romney in the real world. In the political realm though all these Romney people seem to walk around in dog poop saying they never smell anything amiss.
YES JUST LIKE IN 2010!!!!!!!!!!
I assume you think English should be the official language of this country, so why don't you learn to speak it? 'Are there pink elephants' is correct.
I sure am glad no one would accused Obama of murder or death panels in their ads in 2008.
Oh wait..
Take your medicine like a man.
Good Lord, the liberals still cant distinguish the difference between a state and federal program'.
What a bunch of morons'. -
'My dear?' Oh boy'
Sweet Cakes,
Thats great, then all Americans are more than welcome to create RomneyCare in their states, if they so desire'.
You can rest assured the Teabagging Idiot Party will not win again. What makes you people so stupid? Please tell us what grade you made it through, then tell us how many jobs you have created? Then tell us how often you shop at Wal-mart?
Then Obama has nothing to worry about, right? Should be leading by 30 or 40% in the polls, right? ;)
And he asked about a bizzarro world? The wingnut irony meter has been pegged out once again.
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