In promoting his role in the upcoming comedy film The Campaign, MSNBC host Chris Matthews talked with the stars of the film, Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis, on Tuesday. Matthews also talked about his son's political beliefs, which he described as being 'to the left of [Barack] Obama.' Matthews said he would need to 'work on' that a little.
RELATED: Will Ferrell And Zach Galifianakis Give Hilariously Awkward Interview On CNN
Matthews played a clip of his role in the upcoming feature film and said that he asked his two sons if they believed movies like these would help move young people to the polls.
'What did they say,' asked Ferrell.
'Well, they're going to vote because I'm going to talk to them about it and I'm going to encourage it,' said Matthews.
'Although, one of my kids is now to the left of Obama, which I gotta work on a little bit,' said Matthews. 'He's a perfectionist. He's mad about GITMO ' a lot of people are.'
Matthews went on to ask if the actors felt that that movies like theirs which show 'the evils of the Koch brothers' would discourage young people from voting.
One of Matthews' sons is also an actor and plays a prominent role in the HBO drama The Newsroom. It was not immediately clear if Matthew's was referring to him or another of his children when describing their politics.
Watch the clip below via MSNBC:
h/t Buzzfeed
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Chris is a moderate, his son is a lefty and his brother is a Republican. Probably makes for lively conversation at Thanksgiving.
Grownups think for themselves, Chris.
Nobody cares, The President is to the right of many people on the left.
If Obama slinks back in, a look at an unspeakable future.
2015. A former small business owner is working the Obama Salt Mines, singing plaintively:
'Some people say a man is made outta mud.A poor man's made outta muscle and blood.Muscle and blood, skin and bones;A mind that's weak and a back that's strong.You load sixteen tons an' what do you get?Another day older and deeper in debt.St Peter don't you call me cause I can't go:I owe my soul to the company store.' -
That's ironic coming from someone who comes here daily to link to the right wing's nuttiest groupthink sites.
Thanks for the best laugh of the day.
Chris 'bootlicker for Obama' is moderate? On what planet are you currently residing?
Oh! Tingles' children are to the left of Obama? We've got our own little Che Guevara's in the making. I hope they aren't as lushed as their old man.
To the left of Obama? Wowzaas.
Chris does comedy every day.
He just doesn't realize it.
Planet earth where facts matter. I know what I'm talking about. Chris is an old school Irish Catholic Democrat who favors labor and is probably less enthusiastic about left wing social issues due to his religion. I would think it's safe to say his biggest influence was Tip O'Neil whom he worked for. I've noticed he's moving more to the left probably as a reaction to the Republican Party's move to the extreme right. He knows politics inside and out which is why he has the best political show on tv. You on the other hand are clearly a card carrying tea party moron who believes everything you hear on fox news judging from your posts. Have a nice day.
'It was not immediately clear if Matthew's was referring to him or another of his children when describing their politics.'
Really? This is the best you can do?
Republicans' definition of 'center' is so far to the right as to be unrecognizable any longer.
Chris 'Bush belongs on Mount Rushmore' is moderate? On what planet are you currently residing?
And you are on here everyday with the looney left nuttiest groupthink sites. At least Gloves is funny and has something to say, you on the other hand ''. Looney tunes.
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