Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

James Lipton Critiques Eastwood's Speech: Obama 'Incapable' Of Uttering Such Vulgarities


The host of Inside The Actor's Studio, James Lipton, appeared on MSNBC with Alex Wagner on Friday where he offered a strong criticism of Clint Eastwood's Republican National Convention speech. Lipton said that Eastwood gave a weak performance and, worse, he was disrespectful to the office of the presidency in a way that he could not recall having a historical parallel.

RELATED: Clint Eastwood Gives 'Invisible Obama' The Best Lines Of His Performance Art Speech

Lipton told Wagner that he was friends with Eastwood and praised him as an actor and director, but he had to confess that he found Eastwood's speech to be 'not his best performance.'

Lipton said that Eastwood, improving his speech, gave President Barack Obama the worst lines of the speech. 'A couple of vulgarities,' said Lipton of the lines Eastwood gave Obama. 'A word we can't utter here, of course, and shouldn't have been uttered there.'

'In my opinion, Obama is incapable of saying 'shut up' and 'go blank yourself,' and is capable, in fact, of uttering much more eloquent and proper replies,' said Lipton. 'He was not given that opportunity; the words were put in his mouth. They were vulgar and, worse, they were disrespectful.'

'I can remember a number of Presidential campaigns where presidents running for reelection were not treated quite this disrespectfully,' Lipton lamented.

Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • I hope Obama brings an empty chair for Mitt Romney's taxes. 

  • Vulgarities? That's funny because 'What's your favorite curse word?' is a question he asks to every guest he has on Inside the Actors Studio.


  • Its amazing what these small minded people get in a tither over.  Perhaps they didn't notice ' but Obama wasn't there, there were no words 'put into his mouth', and if you want to see a President being disrespected just look at almost any mention of any Republican President during their administration by a liberal actor or comic.

Obama Campaign Releases Video Response To Mitt Romney Speech: 'What Romney Didn't Say'


President Obama's reelection campaign has released a two-minute web video response to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's Thursday night acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, but rather than focusing on the candidate's speech, the video highlights a lack of substance, and condemns Romney's failure to even whisper a mention of  the soldiers who are still fighting and dying in Afghanistan.

The video opens with a serious-voiced narration that says 'On Thursday night, Mitt Romney gave the biggest speech of his campaign ' a chance to tell America what he's done and what he might do as President. So what did he say?'

It then cuts to clips of Romney saying 'Now is the moment when we can do something. With your help we will do something,' and 'Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, 'I'm an American,'' and 'I learned the real lessons about how America works from experience.'

Well, when you play them together like that, it does sound a little bit vacuous.

'But Romney offered no tangible ideas to move the country forward ' not a word about his plans for the future,' the narration continues. 'He didn't talk about his plan to give trillions in tax cuts to big corporations and the wealthy paid for by the middle class; or his plan to end Medicare as we know it by guaranteed benefits with a voucher system. He didn't talk about his budget, which could cut funding for K-12 education and Pell Grants for college by 20 percent; or his plan to slash funding for renewable energy like wind, but keep billions in taxpayer subsidies for oil giants.'

Perhaps most damningly, and not unnoticed by the political media, the narrator notes that 'at a time when 84,000 Americans men and women are fighting for their country in Afghanistan ' not a single mention of how, or when, to bring them home safely.'

'Thursday was Mitt Romney's big night to tell America his plans for moving forward, yet he chose not to. When you learn about the Romney plan, is it any wonder he doesn't have much to say?'

Here's the video, from Obama For America:

Follow Tommy Christopher (@TommyXtopher) on Twitter.

  • That's awesome coming from a campaign who offered 'hope', 'change' and to 'heal the planet'.  How specific!  Bahahahahahahaha.  

  • romneyhood is all flash no specifics.. 

  • This is Obama's big chance to craft his DNC speech to tear Mitt's apart.

  • He hasn't accomplished that task or any other since he has become annointed.  He'll pooch that too!! 

  • Robbing the poor to pay the rich, Romney hood! 

  • Yes, quite right. Obama has done absolutely nothing since being sworn in. Not one thing. Minus all the things he's done, of course.

    I think you're confusing Obama with Congress.

  • Since Obama has no accomplishments of his own, his only choice is to bash Romney.

    Now, ask yourselves, is that who we need as POTUS? Obama is a stuffed suit'.All talk, no substance and just a total failure.

  • hmmmm''
      ' Getting Bin Laden.
      ' Bin Laden's next 2-3 #1's.
      ' Saving the American Auto industry.
      ' Getting American off of Bush's fiscal cliff.
      ' Ousting Kadaffi.
      ' Improving Equal Pay for Women with Lilly Ledbetter
      ' MASSIVE Healthcare reform.
      ' Consumer Credit Card Protections.
      ' The beginnings of Wall Street Reform.
      ' A Reversal of 700,000 jobs lost each month from Bush.
      ' Ending Iraq war.

    That's pretty specific'''..

    So not sure why you're laughing, unless you were laughing at your own silly post. 

  • sigh''

      ' Getting Bin Laden. 
    ' Bin Laden's next 2-3 #1's. 
    ' Saving the American Auto industry. 
    ' Getting American off of Bush's fiscal cliff. 
    ' Ousting Kadaffi. 
    ' Improving Equal Pay for Women with Lilly Ledbetter 
    ' MASSIVE Healthcare reform. 
    ' Consumer Credit Card Protections. 
    ' The beginnings of Wall Street Reform. 
    ' A Reversal of 700,000 jobs lost each month from Bush. 
    ' Ending Iraq war.

    yeah' right'. no accomplishments. 

    yeah' right' no substance. 

    no WONDER you people nominated a mormon liberal'

  • hmmmm''
      ' Getting Bin Laden.
      ' Bin Laden's next 2-3 #1's.
      ' Saving the American Auto industry.
      ' Getting American off of Bush's fiscal cliff.
      ' Ousting Kadaffi.
      ' Improving Equal Pay for Women with Lilly Ledbetter
      ' MASSIVE Healthcare reform.
      ' Consumer Credit Card Protections.
      ' The beginnings of Wall Street Reform.
      ' A Reversal of 700,000 jobs lost each month from Bush.
      ' Ending Iraq war.That's pretty specific'''..So not sure why you're laughing, unless you were laughing at your own silly post. 

  • 'Hope' and 'Change'' real specific. ;)

  • So you blame the 'congress' for the last 2 years Bush was in office? You are consistent' right?

  • You're bang on here, but probably not for the reason you think.

    Every convention the parties 1) introduce the candidate; 2) talk in broad themes and narratives; 3) ignore policy substance

    and after every convention, the opposition always complains 'where are the specifics?'

    it's a tired and stupid critique. Romney gave his version of 'hope and change''

  • bingo!!

    this critique is as stale as last weeks bread' can't wait to call bs after the dem convention too'

    it's like these partisans hope we will forget what a convention is supposed to accomplish'

  • Very effective video. The most important point it makes is that there wasn't a word from Romney about his poor record in Massachusetts or about how there's no disagreement that his tax plan totally screws the middle class.


Jon Stewart Offers Up Hilarious Parody Version Of Romney's Biographical Film


On The Daily Show last night, host Jon Stewart offered up his own take on Mitt Romney's pre-speech autobiographical film with a spoof video narrated by Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy.

Titled 'Mitt Romney: A Human Being Who Built That,' the parody mocks Romney for his background as the son of a wealthy governor and for his perceived 'robotic' behavior, among other things.

'Being born [Gov. George Romney's] son was anything but luck,' Nimoy narrated as the video cut to black and white footage of sperm swimming towards an egg. 'Willard Mitt Romney won the coveted position only by out-competing thousands of less-motivated sperm.' On-screen displays designated the losing sperm as 'teacher,' 'welfare cheat,' 'polio kid,' and 'bureaucrat.'

Nimoy's narration continues on to make deadpan jokes about Romney's decision to not use taxpayer money to fund his education and instead seek the sponsorship of a local businessman (his father); his decision to enlist during the Vietnam War as a missionary in France, where he 'bravely fought the French people's love of wine'; and his ability to, 'against the odds,' gain admission to Harvard and secure funding from his own stock, given to him by a local businessman (again, his father).

After explaining that Romney had built a successful education, business, and governorship, the narration said that there was one thing he had yet to build: a presidency. However, 'as the elite East Coast, Harvard-educated creator of RomneyCare started to run in the most conservative Republican field in history, Romney realized the terrible truth: he had built himself the wrong way.'

The parody then shows a montage of Romney directly contradicting his previously 'progressive' social views, 'a monumental feat of self-reconstruction' in order to become a man who now claims he was 'a severely conservative Republican governor.'

'Mitt Romney did it all by himself,' Nimoy concludes.

Watch below, via Comedy Central:

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • Never mind Eastwood. This was the night's highlight. 

  • Excellent.

  • Clint Eastwood might be remembered decades from now as the highlight of that convention. In fact, I'm certain he will be.

  • That was just brilliant stuff. The choice of narrator inspired.

  • Outstanding.

  • I see an Oscar.

  • Mitt Romney is a great inspiration to people with no values.

  • Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan protect rapists.

  • May I pretend I am any pundit on MSNBC and now declare Leonard Nimoy bizarre and senile'?
    Of course not because it was a comedy routine and some of us still have a sense of humor.
    Nimoy was funny.
    I am watching msnbc as I type this and they are in shock at the way Obama got dismantled last night.

  • We know'  It's funny when the joke is at Romney's expense.  Not so much when the joke is at Obama's expense.  

  • This is a funny clip on Obama responding to Eastwood I think everyone might enjoy http://www.facebook.com/PlayOfficeHooky

  • You embrace this while you criticize Eastwood for mocking Obama?


    Your 'standards' of what is funny is just too damn funny.

    This is hilarious, the other is demeaning and belittling.

    Come on mediaite ' how absurd on your part.

  • the other is boring and has been done before. The empty chair routine has never been funny. 

  • eastwood was unfunny. 

  • Really? Eastwood was at the RNC Convention. Jon Stewart is satire. You're the absurd one.

  • Try not to injure yourself multitasking, bagger.

  • I don't criticize Eastwood for mocking Obama.

    I laugh at Eastwood for doing so in an ill-prepared and amateurish way.

  • Here's something hilarious Mediaite might want to cover considering it happened to a media channel, 'A fight broke out after two men shouted, 'Hey Chris, how's that tingle up your leg.'"  An MSNBC producer shoved people who shouted how's that tingle.  Hilarious!

  • Spock had talented writers prepare his bit.  Dirty Harry's improv skills need some serious work.

  • Sorry, Art. I don't click on porn links.

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

CNN Utterly Fails At Calling Paul Ryan A Liar, Or Caring That He Is One

» comments

In the current cable news landscape, CNN has carved out a space as the 'down-the-middle' network, and that brand depends heavily on trust. Their tepid handling of vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night damaged that trust, but in the moments following the speech, anchors Wolf Blitzer and Erin Burnett seemed to indicate that trust doesn't matter all that much.

Josh Marshall from TPM flagged an exchange between Blitzer and Burnett that he dubbed 'Great Moments In CNN Euphemisms,' but their crime is far worse than simply refusing to call Ryan a liar. Their commentary seems to indicate that it doesn't matter if Ryan is a liar. Blitzer begins by calling it 'a powerful speech,' then notes, in the same breath, that 'I marked at least seven or eight points I'm sure the fact checkers will have some opportunities to dispute if they want to go forward, I'm sure they will.'

Burnett agrees that Ryan's speech was so dishonest, she, too, was scribbling down lies in real time, but then concludes, 'He's a man who says I care deeply about every single word. I want to do a good job. And he delivered on that. Precise, clear, and passionate.'

Did you get that? Just seconds after the speech, both Blitzer and Burnett already know, without even checking, that Ryan's speech was completely full of shit, but their takeaway is that he 'delivered,' and that he was 'precise' and 'clear.'

It was a breathtaking acceptance of post-honesty politics, and it came from the exact people who should be fighting that trend, the people whose existence depends on fighting it.

When they did get around to fact-checking the biggest lie in Ryan's speech, CNN delivered a ruling as mealy-mouthed as Blitzer's and Burnett's assessment, calling Ryan's claim about a closed factory in Janesville, Wisconsin 'True, but incomplete.'

Now, anyone who has ever had a parent, or been a parent, knows that if you omit important information that completely changes the meaning of what you're saying, you don't get partial credit. If you tell your mom 'I did my homework,' but fail to add that you're referring to last week's homework, you don't get a 'True, but incomplete,' you get grounded. You are a liar.

Ryan's speech was rife with such lies, and characterized by accusations against President Obama that are actually things that Ryan did, and did worse. He slams the President for failing to act on the Simpson Bowles deficit commission report, a report that doesn't actually exist because Ryan voted against it. He displays consciousness of guilt when he refers to the commission that he was a member of as 'they.'

Ryan also resurrected the Medicare lie that the Romney campaign has been flogging since he joined the ticket, accusing the President of 'funneling' $716 billion out of Medicare, when what he actually did was achieve savings from insurance companies and providers, while giving senior citizens increased benefits under Obamacare. Ryan fails to mention that his budget plan contains the exact same savings, and that he and Romney still plan to make those cuts, while repealing Obamacare, which would reopen the Medicare 'doughnut hole' and take benefits like wellness visits away from senior citizens. Romney and Ryan would use those savings to pay for tax cuts, while turning Medicare into a voucher program.

But the lie that's getting the most attention is the one which CNN gave that 'True, but incomplete' grade. In his speech, Ryan said:

My home state voted for President Obama. When he talked about change, many people liked the sound of it, especially in Janesville, where we were about to lose a major factory.

A lot of guys I went to high school with worked at that GM plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: 'I believe that if our government is there to support you ' this plant will be here for another hundred years.'  That's what he said in 2008.

Well, as it turned out, that plant didn't last another year.  It is locked up and empty to this day.  And that's how it is in so many towns today, where the recovery that was promised is nowhere in sight.

As nearly everyone in the world immediately pointed out, that plant closed in December of 2008, before the President ever took office. CNN, however, grants Ryan a generous April, 2009 date because that's when the last 57 (out of 2,400) jobs were lost. Any way you look at it, the problem with President Obama's prediction (in February of 2008) wasn't that he was wrong about the auto industry, but that he was too right. The auto industry rescue came too late for that plant because the economy was a lot more screwed up than anybody knew.

What's really beautiful about this lie, though, is what President Obama actually said at that plant, and what Paul Ryan said at around the same time. CNN dug up the passage in question, from then-Sen. Obama's February 13, 2008, speech at that plant. 'I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give you the assistance you need to re-tool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another hundred years,' Obama said.

In a letter to GM a few months later, Ryan (along with Wisconsin's two US Senators) requested a meeting with the company to 'discuss GM's plans for the Janesville plant, including the possibility of retooling the plant for different production lines.'

So, not only did President Obama have nothing to do with the closing of the Janesville plant, Paul Ryan actually agreed with him, verbatim, that retooling the plant would save it, and offered his support and assistance, as a member of the government, to acheive that.

Not that it matters, but CNN doesn't apply its faulty 'True, but incomplete' logic even-handedly. Their summation of Ryan's claim could also apply to the controversial Priorities USA ad featuring former steelworker Joe Soptic, yet despite the fact that everything said in that ad was technically true, CNN claimed it was 'full of falsehoods,' and ran segment after segment attacking it.

I say it doesn't matter because lousy rulings by fact-checkers are an unfortunately common part of the game, at least partially balanced out by the valuable research they do in arriving at stupid conclusions. What matters is journalists like Wolf Blitzer and Erin Burnett can spot so many glaring lies in a speech, and then conclude that that's not really the story.

The Braiser Blasts Tim Pawlenty For Insulting Celebrity Chef In RNC Speech

You know that you've made it in America when politicians try to appropriate your name and image to make a political talking point. (See: Barack Obama and Jay-Z, or  all of Paul Ryan's favorite bands.) The lamest politician of all is definitely sad sack Tim Pawlenty, who is most famous for dropping out of the primaries after he entered the Ames Straw Poll as a Presidential frontrunner, and exited in a very distant third place. And then the perpetual bridesmaid of the GOP got passed over as Mitt Romney's running mate!

As a consolation prize, Pawlenty received a speaking slot at this year's Republican National Convention, which he used last night to criticize the President. While criticizing Obama is absolutely necessary for success at the RNC, Pawlenty's approach dragged in another man who would gladly eat a dog:

'But you know, President Obama isn't as bad as people say, he's actually worse. The president takes more vacations than that guy on the Bizarre Foods show. And I'll give Barack Obama credit for creating jobs these last four years for golf caddies.'

Now that's simply not fair, Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. Andrew Zimmern is not vacationing, he's making television, which is his job. Constant globetrotting and avoidance of a painful death by dysentery is a very difficult task, and not many people can accomplish that. Show some respect for the Zimm.



Anti-Obama Billboards Spark Controversy In MA: 'Somewhere In Kenya, A Village Is Missing Its Idiot'

» comments

A few homemade billboard signs in Hanson, Mass., have generated considerable controversy for their inflammatory anti-Obama messages.

Sitting on the property of motorcycle accessories distributor Sullivans Inc., one large sign shows President Barack Obama with a caption that reads: 'Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot.'

'Obama One Big Ass Mistake America, Vote Mitt Romney for 2012!' it reads below the main headline. The communist symbolic images of the hammer and sickle are on the president's shirt collar.

Several feet away, another sign shows a pouting young girl giving the middle-finger to the president. 'Thanks, Obama,' begins the caption in bold red letters, and then continues in child-like penmanship: 'You've spent my lunch money, my allowance, my inheritance, 35 years of future paychecks and my retirement. You jerk.'

One young father told the Patriot-Ledger that he frequently drives by the signs, and has to shield his 6-year-old daughter from seeing the image of another little girl flipping the bird. 'If she saw that, she'd say 'Why is that little girl doing that? What does that mean?'' he said. 'How do I explain that?' Several stickers have been placed over the girl's middle finger as an attempt to quell the offensiveness of the image.

Hanson is a small town of about 10,000 located in Plymouth County, roughly 18 miles southeast of Boston. The area is largely Democratic, but many have supported the signs' existence, citing free speech. 'People are sensitive nowadays anyway,' said one local retired Navy vet. 'Those days are past, so I'm not too worried about it.'

Others say the signs go too far. 'That type of statement is real real redneck,' one resident said. 'It's regressive and not progressive.'

Local bureaucrats have tried to get the signs down, claiming business owner Robert Sullivan did not get the necessary permit to place them. The local zoning official said: 'It is a sign that ' is in violation of general bylaws. It also doesn't meet any of the zoning bylaw criteria for the signs to exist as they are.'

Hanson police have reportedly received dozens of calls in recent weeks from people complaining mostly about the content of the signs, but some believe they pose a dangerous distraction for traffic.

[h/t Patriot-Ledger]

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Norah O'Donnell Decimates Mitt Romney Foreign Policy Argument With Great Journalism


On Wednesday's edition of CBS News' CBS  This Morning, Charlie Rose and Chief White House Correspondent Norah O'Donnell put on a veritable clinic on journalism, questioning Romney foreign policy surrogate Condoleezza Rice, and in the process, completely destroying Mitt Romney's foreign policy message. Rice was unable to name a single foreign policy failure of President Obama's, and was hard-pressed to explain what, exactly, Mitt Romney would do differently.

To her credit, former Secretary Rice seemed to realize, early on, that attacking the President on foreign policy was a losing argument, and tried to stick with the vague generalities that have been the Romney campaign's stock-in-trade. 'The mission here is to talk about this country and its leadership. The importance of America to the world. The importance of a clear message from the United States as to what we stand for.'

When Rose pointed out that most people think the President has done a 'good job' on foreign policy, Rice wisely avoided the issue, saying 'this is about the future,' and that we 'shouldn't look back,' while deploying GOP word croutons like 'American exceptionalism' and 'leading from in front.'

O'Donnell then showed what a good White House reporter can do. 'But if President Obama isn't doing anything wrong,' she said, 'then why change things?'

'It's a question of what a President Romney would do,' Secretary Rice replied, 'and there is no doubt that the United States' voice has been muted, and when the United States' voice is muted the world is a more dangerous place.'

While most interviewers would have let Rice drift comfortably to Earth on that ejector seat, O'Donnell pressed on. 'How is the United States' voice muted?' she asked.

'Just look at the situation in Syria, for instance,' Sec. Rice responded. 'We have a circumstance in which Assad is butchering his people. The Iranians are helping him to do so. The United States seems to be mired in the Security Council. The Russians and the Chinese say no, no, no and we don't have an answer. When that is the case, it's a dangerous place.'

'But I think the President agrees with that as well,' O'Donnell countered. 'Having covered the White House, the question is whether a President Romney would be willing to advocate and commit American troops, American lives, in a place like Syria right now.'

'No one says we should treat Syria as if it needs American boots on the ground,' Rice replied.

Great. So what the ever-loving-eff are you saying?

'When the President of the United States says 'Assad must go,' and then nothing happens to make Assad go, our credibility is at stake, and we have a problem.'

So, the President needs to persuade the Russians to join us in sanctioning Assad?

'You are not going to bring the Russians along,' Secretary Rice said. 'Leave the Security Council aside. You don't need it. What you need is to work with the opposition to arm them in a way that does not undermine the unity of Syria in the future.'

The US is already providing non-lethal aid to the opposition in broad daylight, of course, but Rose pointed out the obvious problem with Rice's lone, last point. 'With respect, how do you know they're not doing that?' he asked.

Rice hilariously replied that she didn't 'see any evidence' of that, which is a lot like someone complaining that they can't see any ninjas at the Ninja Parade. You're not supposed to see any evidence of it.

This was a great interview by Rose and (particularly) O'Donnell, and it should be a model for the next journalist who interviews Mitt Romney. Hopefully, that next interviewer will finally ask Romney why he opposed a raid into Pakistan to get bin Laden, and whether or not he still needs to check with his team of lawyers before deciding if he should attack Iran.

Here's the video, from CBS News:

(h/t Alan Colmes)

  • Willard Romney has a lot of experience in foreign policy because most of his money is located overseas.

  • This is a losing argument for Rice since a great portion of the Obama Foreign Policy is actually similar, if not identical, to that of GWB's ' one which Rice oversees.  To criticize Obama on this front would be to criticize herself.  Republicans would be wise to stay away from this issue'

  • Why does everybody look to her for her so called expertise? Where's those WMD's dummy? How much money did her idiotic plans cost us in Iraq? She's a nice lady but an expert at foreign policy? No way! She's a joke!

  • I have never understood why journalists don't do just that. Just ask 'How' and 'Why' and let them explain. If they don't answer, ask it until they answer.

  • this is why we can't have nice things.

  • Tommy Christopher's headlines are like the mirror image of Noah Rothman's.

  • Mitt is a phony, maybe the biggest ever to be nominated. 

  • Looking forward to some aggressive questioning of the administration surrogates during the DNC convention. Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell are just the ones to take on this important role.

  • for a supposed expert on Russia, she sounds like a flyweight.

  • Fair bit of evidence why Condoleeza Rice never went into politics or was ever seriously considered for a slot as Mitt Romney's vp.

    Boilerplate nonsense from Rice. But this was a nothing interview that shouldn't even have been posted here.

    'Decimates'. Good grief.

  • 'Hopefully, that next interviewer will finally ask Romney why he opposed a raid into Pakistan to get bin Laden'
    That's a lie. It's a habitual thing for you. He was against announcing it to the world. But, you knew that and you don't care because you have no problem with lying. L it's what you do, lie.

  • The 'Should be President', HIllary Clinton is no doubt most responsible for Obama's foreign policy.
    It's no wonder that it's the high point of this administration.  Guess we'll give him credit for choosing her. 

  • Noah has the ability to write without making things up. And, he's willing to go after his side. Tommy is capable of neither.

John Boehner On His Last Name: 'At Least It's Not Weiner'

» 1 comment

There are many jokes to be made about House Speaker John Boehner's last name, which is not, in fact, pronounced like it is spelled. The speaker himself acknowledged the trouble people have with his name, joking about it ' and taking a jab at a fellow politician who, in Boehner's eyes, has it worse.

'People have trouble with my name. Is it Bainer? Bonner? Boner?,' he said.

He added, 'Well, at least it's not Weiner' ' an allusion to (now-infamous) former Congressman Anthony Weiner, who resigned last year after tweeting a rather lewd photo of himself.

(If you can't laugh at yourself, etc. etc ')

(H/T NYPost)

  • What's in a name? That which we call a Boehner would by any other name still be a Dick.

Maddow On Christie's Speech: 'One Of The Most Remarkable Acts Of Political Selfishness I've Ever Seen'


Reacting last night to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's keynote address to the Republican National Convention, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow expressed 'surprise' at his speech, adding that she found it to be 'one of the most remarkable acts of political selfishness' she has ever seen.

'I am a fan of Chris Christie as an orator,' she prefaced her take on his speech, 'I enjoy hearing him speak. I think he is a guy that who brings a looseness to his political conversation that even when you disagree with him, it makes you want to pay attention.'

However, she went on to say that she disliked this particular address: 'This speech not only I think was a bad speech, I think that this was one of the most remarkable acts of political selfishness I have ever seen on a stage this big.'

'This was a 2,600-word speech in which he used nearly 1,800 of those words before he first said the name 'Mitt Romney,'' she explained. 'And as soon as he said Mitt Romney, he went back to talking about himself for hundreds more words.'

She then suggested that Christie's speech was essentially a stump speech for a potential 2016 presidential run: 'This was Chris Christie accepting the nomination of the Republican Party for 2016 because Mitt Romney wasn't even interesting enough to talk about in the keynote address that is supposed to be for Mitt Romney's nomination,' she said.

'I find this speech to have been totally shocking, completely opposite to what I expected,' she concluded.

Watch below, via MSNBC:

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • Selfishness and greediness goes hand in hand, and we can see it clearly. 

  • That's about the size of it.

    Chris Christie, 2016.

  • Actually found it hilarious it took 16 minutes for Christie to mention Willard's name. This goes back to the primaries where the entire field hated Willard and in 2008 as well.

  • Maddow, without irony, notes that politicians like to talk about themselves.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Limbaugh: Hurricane Isaac Hitting New Orleans Is 'The Democrats' Wet Dream'


During his syndicated radio program Tuesday afternoon, conservative host Rush Limbaugh said that Hurricane Isaac's projected landfall on New Orleans is the 'Democrats' wet dream,' likening the news to the nocturnal orgasm some experience during puberty.

'We are mere hours away from Tropical Storm Isaac,' Limbaugh began, 'which everybody is desperately hoping becomes a hurricane.'

'It's the Democrats' wet dream that this thing hit New Orleans,' he added.

Limbaugh then offered up a few 'solutions' for the Republican Party to deal with the potential impact of a hurricane on the beleaguered city of New Orleans: 'Offer to send 500 bus drivers to New Orleans, paid for by us, to make sure that the buses that were not used by the Democratic mayor during Hurricane Katrina will be used to evacuate people.'

'Send bags of money instead of sand ' to shore up the levees,' he continued. 'This would accomplish much. It would show our compassion.'

'Once we publicize that we have sent whatever numbers of bags filled with money to shore up the levees, what will happen?' he asked. 'The poor of New Orleans will storm the levees and steal the bags, thereby putting themselves at risk for the eventual flooding that will happen once they remove the bags of money.'

'And that way,' he concluded, 'the Republicans can get rid of even more Democrats in Louisiana and shore up the state for themselves.'

Listen below:

[h/t Daily Rushbo]

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • Limbaugh talking about wet dreams. VOMIT

  • Of which he has had several'''

  • HE HE HE

    I love hearing the lardass IMPLODE !

Bill Nye Blasts Creationism, Begs Anti-Evolution Parents Not To Force Views On Children


Popular scientist and children's television personality Bill Nye, a.k.a. 'The Science Guy,' took to the web last week to decry biblical creationism and plead with parents who reject the theory of evolution not to force their beliefs on their children.

In a Big Think video titled 'Creationism Is Not Appropriate for Children,' Nye explained his belief that America is still one of the most innovative countries in the world because of our 'intellectual capital,' but 'when you have a portion of the population that doesn't believe in [evolution], it holds everybody back,' he said.

The scientific theory of evolution contends that all forms of life have evolved over time through a variety of natural processes like natural selection. Belief in creationism, which Nye seeks to dispel, holds that the universe was entirely the creation of a supernatural being.

Not believing in evolution, Nye said, is like 'trying to do geology without believing in tectonic plates,' adding that 'your whole world is going to be a mystery instead of an exciting place.'

As Reuters points out, a Gallup poll from May of this year found that 46 percent of Americans are 'creationists' for their belief that, within the last ten millennia, a supernatural being created humans in their present form. Nye decries such a world view as 'crazy' because it ignores scientific processes that involve 'deep time' such as radioactivity and the lifespan of stars.

Nye concluded the video by pleading with adults who reject evolution to not force such views upon their children: 'I say to the grown-ups, 'If you want to deny evolution and live in your world that's completely inconsistent with everything we've observed in the universe that's fine. But don't make your kids do it.''

A well-educated generation of students who understand science is essential, he said, adding that 'We need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future.'

Watch below, via Big Think:

[h/t HuffPost]
' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@Andrew Kirell) on Twitter

  • Yeah.Good luck with that.These idiots think Flinstones was a documentary 

  • Egalitarianism is leftist creationism. 

  • Clearly, he is liberal scum, suggesting we use things like 'proof' and 'evidence' to support our beliefs in the world.

  • Thanks for giving us the neo-Nazi perspective on this.

  • War on Christians

  •  like 'trying to do geology without believing in tectonic plates,' adding that 'your whole world is going to be a mystery instead of an exciting place.' http://HopsonToday5.blogspot.com

  • Why does he complain about our belief in creationism, if he also says most of the innovative ideas come from the US?  How is it holding us back? Why would believing in creation keep children from being good engineers?  His comments don't hold together very well. 

  • Bill Nye is a ground breaking scientist' Showing what vinegar and backing soda do when combined for 20 years straight!

  • Science is not within the dominion of liberals or conservatives.

  • Republicans are heavily invested in emphasizing the low information part of their low information voter base. Keep 'em stupid and keep 'em voting for us. When people start to actually think critically about their world, they start to realize that the GOP is full of sh*t. White idiots are the core of the party now. 

  • True. But to deny a conservative trend that flies in the face of scientific evidence and proof would be' well, immensely ironic.

  • Nazis were very pro science and Darwinism, so neo-Nazis ought to be as well.  You shoudl have called him a member of the Taliban or something

  • Creationism holds us back because evolution is integral to our modern understanding of biology, medicine and epidemiology.

    How can one deny evolution while attempting to predict the next step in viral or bacterial mutation?  How can one fully understand genetics and genetic expression while believing that everything was created in its current state?

  • Because we all know Creationism is the reason our schools are turning out students unable to read and write at the college level

  • this sentence does not make much sense to me but I think you are saying that Conservatives tend to disregard science more than liberals?  I think this is probably true.  But there is a difference between a healthy use of science and 'scientism' which I think many in the left have fallen victim to

Michelle Obama Topless On Magazine Cover

So... Yea.

Topless Magazine Cover Of Michelle Obama Totally Inappropriate And Disrespectful


I thought things were going well for first lady Michelle Obama, who has done a fine job guest editing iVillage this week, until I stumbled upon a Spanish magazine cover of her topless. The image in which she's photoshopped is also of a former French slave.

But Feura de Serie seems to be under the impression that this is artistic and forward-moving, according to BuzzFeed. I don't know about you, but that's not the impression I get:

The FLOTUS's face is inserted into the 'Portrait d'une négresse' painting, which Marie-Guillemine Benoist created in 1800 and is currently housed in Paris's famous Louvre. Benoist, who reportedly 'fit the middle and upper class ideal of 'womanhood,'' was trying to promote feminism and slave freedom with her work, according to some historians:

'Although we do not know whether or to what extent Benoist partook in the volatile debates on slavery and gender current during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in France, her painting may be seen as a voice of protest, however small, in the discourse over human bondage. With the portrait, the artist responded to early nineteenth-century French racialism and the less-than-desirable treatment of women by playing upon the popular analogy of women and slaves.'

Regardless of the painter's intention or publication's statement, our first lady does not need to be shown shirtless on the front of a magazine, and it demonstrates a great lack of respect for her as a political figure and woman to depict her in such a manner.

[BuzzFeed, The Frisky]

TAGS: michelle obama

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  • I wonder if Laura Donavon is just as outraged about all the Photoshopped nudes of Sarah Palin and other conservative women that are much more degrading than this one? For some reason I don't think so!

  • My cat had some clingers under its tail the other day. I cut them off. Somebody hould cut you off as well.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

On Today Celebrity Chef Gets Lobster Anatomy Wrong, Can't Spell 'R-O-E'

Oh, John DeLucie. Watching you make lobster fra diavolo on The TODAY Show with Savannah Guthrie is a visually pleasing and informative thing, but then you forget simple facts about lobsters? This is an unpardonable sin to us, the Lobster Inquisition.

First, the green stuff inside a lobster is not roe. It's the tomalley, aka the liver/pancreas, and while you're right in that it's pretty tasty stuff, it is not roe. The roe is the bright coral-red stuff inside a lobster. They kind of look like fish eggs, because they are fish eggs. Please tell us that you had a brain fart.

Second: You didn't know how to spell 'roe,' and Natalie Morales had to swoop in and inform you that it was, indeed, r-o-e. You should really know that, dude. You cook professionally for a living. That was most definitely not a brain fart.

Are we annoying lobster pedants? Yes, we are. Do we think this is sort of hilarious to watch? Indeed we do! Did it look delicious? Absolutely. Will we get in trouble with our vacationing boss, who's an investor in your restaurant The Lion, for being immature know-it-alls? We sure hope not.


Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

President Obama Also Giving Hard-Hitting Interview To Glamour


While Mitt Romney's been sitting in Tampa, staring longingly at his still-unpacked bathing suit in between bouts of shaking his fist at the heavens and screaming 'I GET IT, GOD! PLEASE GIVE ME LESS OF A SIGN!,' the President is busy doing the real hard work of campaigning; sitting down for incredibly tough and probing interviews. I know what you're thinking; how could there be anything left to cover after People and Entertainment Tonight have set their fine-toothed journalistic combs on him? Well, don't worry. If there's any news entity that's ready to find the stories that the others missed, it's this one.

That's right. President Obama is sitting down with Glamour.

While the magazine has historically interviewed presidents and candidates every election (including Obama as well as John McCain back in 2008), the announcement comes after a string of complaints about Obama's 'soft-media' strategy, fitting nicely into the narrative. Accessorizing well with it, if you will.

Cindi Leive, the Editor in Chief of Glamour (the magazine which, if you remember, broke the huge story which George Costanza got caught masturbating to) recently sat down with Obama in Portland. WWD scored the story about the score:

'A woman's magazine like Glamour would not traditionally be in play for an interview with the President ' first ladies have been more their turf ' but agreeing to the interview is a mark of changing media strategies. The Obama campaign has recently been exploring alternative news outlets to press their message ' ESPN Magazine, People magazine and Entertainment Tonight have all scored interviews, much to the dismay of the White House press corps, who have not enjoyed the usual privilege of questioning the President since Aug. 19. Stephanie Cutter, a spokeswoman for the campaign, described these outlets as being 'equally important' to traditional political media.

Glamour pitched them on a big audience, said Washington editor Linda Kramer Jenning. 'There's a lot of attention being paid to young, women voters,' Jenning said. 'That's the calling card that opens the door.' It took five months to lock down some face time.'

So, what's the next stop for President Obama? It's unclear, but I have my theories.

As we speak, I imagine one of the President's top aides is running into the room excitedly:

'Mr. President!' the aide yells. 'Good news! We booked that interview with Mad!'

'Cancel it,' the President responds quickly.

'But why?'

'It would be overkill. After all, the subtle message of everything we've done so far has already been 'What, me worry?''

(h/t Politico)

  • Is Mad Magazine still in print, or maybe Hustler?

  • I don't know why he's hiding from the media' we all know they would get under the interview table and polish his nob all while still asking him the easy questions

  • Where else can a first-term, liberal Republican go?

  • What the he!!, Jon?  You're taking time off from baseless accusations of homophobia and hate to make a joke about the President?  That's not allowed.  Get back on message!

  • King Obama specified no questions about his galpals Anna Wintour, Cher and Sarah Bertha Parker and the foursome's frequent shopping trips and makeovers.

  •  BTW, jokes about Obama are racist, dontchaknow?  Just ask your boy,
    Tommy.  He'll tell ya.  Let him read your post.  He has a gift.  He can
    pick out racially charged language in, not only alphabet soup, but
    Cheerios as well!  He really is a superhero.  The two of you make quite a
    pair.  Some super heroes have extraordinary powers like xray vision.
    Howevah, between the two of you, you're able to see racistismsists and
    homophobiaicssimsists in everybody! 

  • Is he going to have to wear a wig when they put him on the cover?

  • It's tough to figure out what's dumber' Obama sitting down for another soft interview, or Jon Bershad's opinion that he's (Jon Bershad) very funny.

    Reading a Bershad story, is like reading an Onion story that didn't quite make it onto the site. At best it has a glimmer of truth, but fails on funny, and clearly takes itself way to seriously. Yuck.

Pat Robertson Warns People Against Adopting Scary Foreign Kids: 'You Don't Know What Problems There Are'

» comments

For years, religious people have been against homosexual couples adopting children. But did you know they were really just trying to protect the gays?

Apparently, that's the case. At least it seems to be going by a recent clip of Pat Robertson on The 700 Club scoped out by Right Wing Watch.

In the clip, Robertson fielded a question from a woman who had noticed that prospective suiters were scared off by her adopted children. Not because the children were adopted, per se, but because they were foreign. Robertson's co-host quickly responded that those men were all 'dogs' because, as we all know, many breeds of canines reject foreign pups for fear that they eat weird smelling dog food or celebrate different dog holidays.

Wait. That's not what she meant? Oh.

Well, it doesn't matter anyway because Robertson quickly informed her that those men were not dogs of any kind but were just feeling the natural inclination not to raise children from different backgrounds because it could be all tough and stuff.

'A man doesn't want to take on the United Nations, and this woman's got all these various children and blended family. I mean, what is it?


You just never know what's been done to a child before you get that child. What kind of sexual abuse it's been, what kind of cruelty, what kind of food deprivation, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So you're not a 'dog' 'cause you don't want to take on that responsibility. You don't have to take on somebody else's problems. You really don't. You can go help people, you can administer to them. We administer to orphans all over the world, thousands of them. We love orphans. We love helping people. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I want to take all the orphans around the world into my home.'

Remember, men; if Angeline Jolie starts coming on to you hot and heavy, you can totally leave because her kids are too 'weird.' It's what Jesus would have done.

And as for you gay people, I speak for Pat Robertson when I say, 'You're welcome.'

Watch the video from CBN below:

(h/t Gawker)

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Jeb Bush: GOP Needs To Change 'Tone' To Reach 'Broader Audience'


Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush made an appearance on Meet the Press this weekend, offering a suggestion of sorts for his party's future. To reach a wider audience, he said, the Republican Party needs to change its 'tone of message' in the long term.

'I'm concerned over the long haul, sure,' Bush said. 'Our demographics are changing.'

And while addressing that change doesn't mean altering GOP principles, it does call for a shift, he said.

'We have to change not necessarily our core beliefs, but the tone of our message and our message and the intensity of it, for sure,' Bush said. Citing the upcoming 'close election,' he added, 'Long-term, if conservatives principles our going to be successful and implemented, there has to be a concerted effort to reach out to a broader audience than we do today.'

Exactly what that new 'tone' should be, Bush didn't specify.

Have a look, via NBC:

  • Jeb Bush Issues Warning To Republicans: 'We Can't Win On Birther Hate Alone.

  • Translation : please stop being racist D*ckholes.
    It's a pipe dream,Jeb

  • Well, he can't come out and say 'you're acting like a bunch of nuts!'

    Regardless of the fact that it's true.

  • Careful Jeb ' if you don't toe the party line of fear, hate and a desire to drive America back to the 19th century, you're in danger of being labeled a RINO!

  • No teabaggers are going to listen to Jeb Bush ' he actually served out his full term as governor.

  • well look on the bright side Jeb, they can only go up from zero, even if the current platform seems determined to keep it close to that

  • I disagree. The more Republicans alienate Hispanics, women, blacks and poor people, the more honest they'll be to their core beliefs. 

  • He might be right, but I refuse to listen to anymore members of the Bush family.  They have a pretty bad track record

  • ''GOP Needs To Change 'Tone' To Reach 'Broader Audience.'

    Forgetaboutit, Jeb. We got plenty of broads.

    Besides, Obama has wrecked the Dems for years to come.

    At least, there'll be no far, far, lefty-nutball libs getting the nom for Preezy for a long time.

  • Jeb Bush sees the same electoral map that both Republicans and Democrats see and it isn't pretty for Romney. Obama has been leading the electoral map this entire election cycle. Unless Romney increases his percentages with women, blacks and latinos between now and election day, he mathematically cannot win. Romney's only other hope is if those groups just mentioned stay home on election day. Both Karl Rove and Haley Barbour have also discussed the electoral map on Fox about a month or two ago and made similar comments.

    The news media and public tend to only focus on national polls in Presidential elections which is a mistake. The one and only thing that matters is the electoral map. Becuase Republicans have so alienated minority groups and are basically only the while male party, Jeb Bush correctly sees the writing on the wall and it spells a permanent minority party for Republicans unless they start expanding their base.

  • He's right. The Republican party is an exclusive party and they know it. They've gone out of their way to alienate everyone but the white male. Worst. Strategy. Ever.

  • 'We have to change not necessarily our core beliefs, but the tone of our message''

    Yes, you do have to change your core beliefs, Jeb. You can't have massive tax cuts and reduce the deficit. You can't threaten for more ill-advised wars and be respected internationally. You can't limit the rights of gays and talk about personal responsibility. You can't tell women that they have to carry their rapist's baby to term and pretend you believe in limited government.

  • Yeah, it'll be some fake christian, 1950's, hate filled bagger that gets to blame Obama for everything.

  • http://goo.gl/QtrJv

  • Whata RINO.

  • I dunno, I kinda like the Republican party being the party of White males.

    It will make things less complicated when the civil war starts.

  • John Ellis Bush, aka, JEB, is asking for the TBGOPers to tone down their verbiages?  OK.  Where were you during GW Bush, Rove and during all the hateful things said about pres Obama?

    What about the nonsense said during the primary debates?  Now he wants them to change?

    OK'.good luck with that.

  • I guess the first thing Jeb should do is apologize for abusing the powers of his office to keep his Terrorist Narco supporting kids out of jail on multiple felonies, then he needs to explain why he supports republicans who hold views he claims not to support, so long as he lets the letter 'R' after a candidates name decide his vote he has no real legitimacy on this issue.

  • 'We have to change not necessarily our core beliefs, but the tone of our message and our message and the intensity of it, for sure,' 

    The problem is that different elements in the Republican Party have different 'cores.'  Whether or not Romney loses this election, and I think he will for this very reason, the Republican Party must resolve these internal differences.  Otherwise, they face the possibility of a formal split in their ranks.   I personally would welcome the amputation of the more extreme right.  This would leave the remainder with at least a few more political options and greater support from the general public (over 65% of which are not currently Republicans.

  • The GOPBagger leadership will ensure that Jeb will soon 'clarify' his statement.  It was far too sane.

  • I see quite a bit of spam here, so I will just pass on commenting.

  • GOP is already reaching a broad audience'

    - Racists
    - Birthers
    - Gun nuts
    - Anti-choice, anti-contraception fanatics (neo-neanderthals)
    - Religious zealots
    - War-mongering chickenhawks (neo-cons)
    - Anti-immigrant xenophobes
    - Trickle-down economists 
    - Climate-change deniers
    The list goes on'

Fmr. Gov. Charlie Crist Endorses Obama, Slams GOP's Shift To 'Extreme Right'


Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist endorsed President Barack Obama in an op-ed in The Tampa Bay Times on Sunday. Touting the president for serving as the 'nation's calm,' Crist, now a registered independent, decried the GOP's shift to the 'extreme right.'

With a reminder of how the severity of the country's problems upon Obama's election, Crist applauded the president for serving 'as the nation's calm through a historically turbulent storm.' He went on:

The president's response was swift, smart and farsighted. He kept his compass pointed due north and relentlessly focused on saving jobs, creating more and helping the many who felt trapped beneath the house of cards that had collapsed upon them.

Shifting his argument to Obama's opposition, Crist criticized the GOP's 'extreme' stances.

As Republicans gather in Tampa to nominate Mitt Romney, Americans can expect to hear tales of how President Obama has failed to work with their party or turn the economy around.

But an element of their party has pitched so far to the extreme right on issues important to women, immigrants, seniors and students that they've proven incapable of governing for the people. Look no further than the inclusion of the Akin amendment in the Republican Party platform, which bans abortion, even for rape victims.

The truth is that the party has failed to demonstrate the kind of leadership or seriousness voters deserve.

POLITICO noted that while the move isn't a shock, the interesting aspect is related to 'ongoing rumors about Crist running for governor again, only as a Democrat.' While he doesn't make any mention of a run in the op-ed, ' if Obama wins Florida, this would be a handy thing for Crist, whose original consulting team is with Romney, to point to having done ' and supporting the Democratic president is sort of a half-measure toward announcing as one himself.'

Food for thought.

Read the full op-ed over at The Tampa Bay Times.

  • I will be celebrating the re-election of President Obama early in the evening on November 6, with Gov. Crist and millions of other sane and loving Americans.

  •  Hoodwinked much?

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Mitt Romney Defends Birth Certificate Joke: 'Not A Swipe' At President Obama


During an interview on CBS Evening News yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney addressed the controversy over a joke he made earlier that day about the legitimacy of his birth certificate. Romney insisted that the joke was not a 'swipe' at President Obama, and insisted that he does not have any doubt that the president was born in the United States.

RELATED: Obama Campaign Releases Ad Calling Mitt Romney 'Birther-In-Chief'

Scott Pelley brought up Romney's birth certificate joke and asked him why he said it. Romney explained that he was just excited to be back in his home state of Michigan, and felt like injecting some 'humor' into his speech. When Pelley pressed Romney further on his joke and whether it was intended to be a swipe at the president, Romney firmly denied it.

'I've said throughout the campaign and before, there's no question about where he was born. He was born in the U.S. This was fun about us, and coming home. And humor, you know ' we've got to have a little humor in a campaign as well.'

Romney clarified once more that he believes that Obama was born in the United States, saying, 'I've said that probably 30 times by now, and 31 certainly won't hurt.'

Watch the video below, courtesy of CBS:


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • Unforced error, as usual from Romney,

  • Where's your marriage certificates? How many wives do you really have ? Oh yea..how bout them tax returns while youre at it? Or dont't you want the rest of your cult to know how much you REALLY make?

  • Own it,you big robotic wuss 

  • Like Rudy Giuliani said, it was in very poor taste.

  • Be honest for a change, Mitt ' it wasn't a joke, it was a naked pander to the birthers and the far right cretins you need in order to win. And it obviously had the desired effect. The audience didn't just laugh, they cheered.

  • Remember when his son Matt Romney made a birther joke, that he later apologized for? The old man is unapologetically stupid.


  • That dude knows we actually watched the video,right?

    I'm still seriously questioning his basic level of intelligence.

  • This out of touch weirdo just doesn't get it.

  • Unnecessary too. Romney was set to have to a good day yesterday, and then made this crack which lost the news-cycle yet again. 

    Sometimes it feels like he's trying to lose.

  • 'Well we're in Michigan and Ann I and I were both born in Detroit and of
    course a little humor always goes a long way' he said. 'So it was great
    to be home, to be in a place where Ann and I had grown up, and the
    crowd loved it and got a good laugh.'

    That is the full quote'.'the crowd loved it' are the key words.

    We don't need a xenophobic jackass for a president.

  • What kind of alleged president talks about his opponent's dog? Three times?

    Does Obama hate dogs like he hates Romney?

    Does he need a toothpick after a chihuahua sandwich? They're pretty chewy.

    Obama claimed to be from Kenya in his literary bio, puffing himself up as to what jobs he held.

    He corrected the record in 2006, after 15 years listed as Kenyan born. Why did he lie in the first place?

    Obama is one strange cat with a very secretive and murky past.

    Time to be vetted, Barry.

    'What Obama's Literary Bio Says About the Media'


  • This is the same media who accepted the Obama excuse that Biden was talking about wall stret and not slavery!  Geez media, give it up. 

    Romney made a joke ' just because the manchild is a thin skinned empty suit doesn't mean the rest of the world is. 


    I hope he says it again, and again, and again.

    The media who makes excuses for Team Obama on anything/everything criticizes Romeny for anything/everything.
    Funny stuff watching the media panic because the pedestal they put up for their cult leader is rapidly collapsing, despite every attempt by them to keep it shored up.  HA

  • Nothing wrong with a little humor in a candidate, but Romney's funny bone always seems skewed toward the mean spirited frat boy variety. Reminds me of the time his sons appeared on the Conan show in an attempt to humanize him and as an example told the story about how their dad would tell them there was something wrong with their ice cream and when they'd go in to smell it, he'd push their faces into the dishes. I joke around plenty with my kids, but find this sort of behavior to be totally dickish. The man has no sense of how to deal with his fellow man ( Not to mention his treatment of dogs).

  • well, I think Romney is the embodiment of 1% evil, 99 % BS.

    but truthfully he came off looking pretty good here

    'incidentally, so did Scott Pelley

  • Terrible IDEA for a joke. People who like the Bam but not his policies hate that birther crap.

  • Remember when the liberals were so stupid to believe Bidens Chains comment had nothing to do with slavery'..well then under that same gullible mindset this must not have had anything to do with Obama. #HypocriteLeft

  • A new movie about Obama's favorite subject opened in over 1,000 theaters last night.

    It is number three and opened in less than a third the amount of locations as The Expendables and Bourne.


  • The trees are all the right white. 

  • redacted

  • Does he hate dogs?
    That doesn't even make sense in your argument.
    That said, I think that both cracks are fair game if it's clear they are jokes. 

  • it's like you're not even trying anymore

  • Goldberg is a wanker''birther boy.

  • We don't believe you. You need more people.

  • the two things don't connect in any way'

    and you also gloss over the fact that not a single rightwinger let Biden's comments go'all of you to a single rape-loving person went all nuclear faux outrage like sharks on seal-flavored chum

  • It's a little too late to Flip Flop out of this Birther one Mr Romney. Given your history, don't be surprised, that nobody believes you'

    'Flip Floping now, will only disappoint the Rabid Right. The Rabid Right who applauded with such ecstatic ecstasy!

  • I don't remember any widespread acceptance of the Biden comment

    you are either delusionally partisan or party san or part Issan or just delusional

  • he's not a funny man

    the joke wasn't funny

    but the way he answered Pelley's challenge (twice) was pretty impressive and appeared genuine (though I don't believe it really was)

  • show us your tax returns willard

  • Obama's extreme arrogance and self regard are what is bringing him down.

    He has no sense of humor, like most libs, and can't stand to be laughed at.

    So, he and they howl and scream and yell 'Racist!'

    But Barry is ridiculous as are his dwindling number of crazed defenders and we are laughing at him and at them.

  •  Obama loves it that ignorant uneducated bigots like you believe that he mentioning Semus The Abused Dog and a story that was told by The Romneys themselves and a Racist conspiracy championed by the likes of Donald Trump are the same thing'OBama wont let Romney off the hook  no matter how much confederates like you WHINE about it..you may as well get used to it'its gonna be a long slog till November with President Obama putting his size 12 boot up Romneys racist arse EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!!

  • What a coward!

    if you're going to throw sand in a man's eye, don't run and hide behind your mom's skirt afterward. Stand up and take responsibility for it.

  • He never lied, dumb birther. He wrote in his book published in 1995 that he was born in Hawaii. No 'record' was ever 'corrected' 

  • the original joke was clearly red meat for the rightwing zombies'

    but he did not directly zing the President, so I feel the 'joke' was lame but within bounds.

    But this was clearly the closest Romney has come to reaching out to the middle and feigning tolerance and reasonableness'it will cost him a few votes from the rightwing crazies but will probably gain him two for 1 for each crazy person he loses.

    This is different than flip flopping on a policy issue from the primaries to the general election, which is cheerleaded by the MSM.

    This is more about whether or not you have the guts to look into the camera and tell the whole country that the sitting President is illegitimate. So I give Romney credit ' not for being honest or reasonable ' but for taking advantage of the moment, which seems to be his greatest skill. And also the greatest skill of all grifters. He did not get to be the Presidential nominee by accident'it's best for us not to underestimate his political skills.

  • Etch-a-Sketch!

    Multitasking Two-Face Romney likes to please the birther crowds while reassuring the rest of us it is not what we think it is. 

  • It wasn't a swipe at Obama' He joking about that 'other' guy who's been forced to defend their place of birth for the last 4 years.

  • Rest assured ' we laugh at you .. not with you :-)


  •  mentioning ANYTHING Rudy 9-11 Giuliani has to say about ANYTHING  is even worse taste !!!!

  • Stop calling him Barry racist.

    If you don't have respect for others or yourself, nobody will have any respect for you.

  • How is the unemployment rate Mr. President? How is the recovery and the economy doing?'.Yeah, if I was you, I would focus n Romney's jokes also

  • Kind of like making a joke about the people who thought that McCain had fathered a black daughter with a prostitute.

    Yeah, I get it.

  • 'Yeah, if I was you, I would focus on Romney's jokes also'

    all of Romney's policies are jokes, so what choice does President Obama have?

  • Rmoney is utterly inept and only kept even marginally in the race (the Presidential race, not the white race) by our anemic economy, which is still WAY healthier than Willard's sense of humor.

    Tell us, wingers, what exactly is FUNNY about such a 'joke'.  Where would the humor be for anybody but diehard birthers?  'Ha ha, nobody ever asked me to an orange jumpsuit on!'  said the warden to the guards, to great effect.  It's just not funny in any context.


  • 'Romney's weird!'

    'Romney's a bully!'

    'Romney's a felon!'

    'Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years!'

    'Romney killed my wife!'

    'Romney's dog on top of his car!'


    Joke about Obama?





  • What a slimy, little sleazebag.  This guy has no character.  Be a man and admit what you were doing.  It's apparent to anyone with a brain.  What a coward.

  • President Obama could run on his record'..Oh, nevermind

  •  Barry, come on; he's not going to gain a single vote for an isolated interview on CBS which was necessitated by his keen sense of ineptitude.  But you're astute re: the 'grifter' part.

  • The brick OBAMO 'Messiah' movie from earlier this year died a quick and predictable death.

    The anti-OBAMO movie, by comparison, is opening #1 at the box office and tells a truthful story.


  • How about 'Dogbreath', jackass?

  • Ho do the people in Massachusetts think of Romney's tenure 2002-2006?

    (*) Romney Trails Obama by 25% in polls

    (*) Job creation dropped from 37th to 47th during Romney's term.

    (*) Romney lost 14% of the manufacturing jobs in the state.

    (*) Romney vetoed legislation that would have prohibited sending State jobs overseas .

    (*) Romney had the largest increase in debt of any Governor in the country, increasing by more than $2.6 billion.

    (*) Romney cut taxes for the rich, while increasing hundreds of fees that fall mainly on the middle class.

    Massachusetts got rid of Romney, but kept Romneycare.

  •  His character, or lack thereof, is apparent to anyone with a Bain.  BWAHAHAHA

  • Man, this guy lies good.

  • First its a true accusation, then it's a joke, then it's a true accusation, then it's a joke'.

  • Also, Romney was a terrible governor who failed miserably.

  • Obama tells us to 'be our brother's keeper.'

    He doesn't mean HIS brother, though.

    George-in-the Hut had to call Dinesh D'Souza for help when his son was in the hospital.

    George said he had no one else he could call.

    Has Dogbreath bothered to help his illegal alien aunt and uncle in Boston?

  • Where's Obama's college ap?  What is he trying to hide??????

  • 'Fair points. You appear quite convinced that Romney's sincere, but unfortunately those who that appealed to, are not.

    Although, grifting may seem a good approach. It is appealing and pandering to the worst aspects of human nature with Birtherism is despicable.

    The President of the US, is the President of the United States of America and not just favored sections of it. If Romney's grifting is counted as his political skill then, he may be better, seeking advice from Don King.

    A sitting US President has been required to produce his Birth Certificate to quench the rabid thirst and satisfy 'Birther Zombies.' Zombies, who then cyclically go on to suggest that the approved and real Certitificate is illegitimate'

    'Why bother!

  • Mitt's humor always seems to  involve demeaning or humiliating people. Ask the kid who's hair he cut off in high school'
    I get it . It's certainly what a lot of humor is about ' but I don't like when some one  puts someone else down (Look at those cheap rain jackets you're wearing)   then says ' just kidding ' can't you take a joke..?

    this is the very kind of guy who can take the same kind of joke back

  • A birther IS a racist, and Romney needs their votes.

  • You're right, Romney did look good.  In my opinion the context was more of a good natured rib at the Birthers/campaign than Obama.  You and I mostly disagree on things, but I give kudos to Obama where he deserves it.  It's nice to see you do the same.  Now about that evilness'

  • I think, though, after watching that, we can all agree that there's no better place to emerge from your mother's vaginal canal than Harper Hospital in Michigan.   I think i'll vote Romney.

  • When you go outside to riot on November 7th, libbies, remember not to light your own car on fire, or the bus that you take to the liquor store.

  • In an amazing stroke of genius, Romney has changed the topic. The gullible, soundbite driven media has taken the bait once again.

  • Remind again brdad what Mitt's grades were at BYU and Harvard?  Don't worry I'll wait..

  •  Number one?  I assume one in your eyes means three.  Also late August/early September have always been low yields in the Movie industry with everybody going back to school, coming off summer vacations, a new financial quarter starting, the start of new fall TV seasons, Football, baseball playoffs, etc.

    It reminds me of an old joke about winning and the special Olympics.

  • Nice DNC talking points buddy! Too bad they've all been debunked.


    Oh, and don't forget that he balanced the budget all four years without having to raise taxes!

  • It's stunning that '2016 Obama's America' is making such a splash at the box office.  Critics don't like it nearly as much as audiences are raving about it.  Can't wait to see what the buzz is all about.

  •  so explain why Romney isn't doing very well, or at the most, in a dead heat with Obama?

  • Mitt has no soul or character.  He will say or do anything if he thinks it will get him into the white house.  

    Is this a Mormon value? For people who do not know much about Mormons I think he is an awful spokesperson. 

    So following Mitts example am I to believe that Mormons worship money and are FOR abortion if it will get them elected. And they don't have to pay taxes if they can get away with it. 

    Christians believe  'Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.'  That means pay your taxes.  

  • Yea just save it Rmoney. Clearly you have no plans for this country and all you going to do is use race baiting -like the welfare smear- and dog whistle-like the birther comment-, to try and win this election. Divide and conquer the Old republican way. Disgrace.

  • On all key labor market measures, the state not only lagged behind the country as a whole, but often ranked at or near the bottom of the state distribution. Formal payroll employment in the state in 2006 was still 16,000 or 0.5 percent below its average level in 2002, the year immediately prior to the start of the Romney administration. Massachusetts ranked third lowest on this key job generation measure and would have ranked second lowest if Hurricane Katrina had not devastated the Louisiana economy. Manufacturing payroll employment throughout the nation declined by nearly 1.1 million or 7 percent between 2002 and 2006, but in Massachusetts it declined by more than 14 percent, the third worst record in the country.


    The Republican contender was the governor of Massachusetts from January 2003 to January 2007. And during that time, according to the U.S. Labor Department, the state ranked 47th in the entire country in jobs growth. Fourth from last. 


    Sorry to burst your bubble ' the Romney/Ryan Double-Trouble Ticket is a ticket for failure

  •  The lunatic-left ' like their radical islamofascist brothers ' have fully replaced their 'sense of humor' with violent, uncontrolled hatred of anything and everyone that isn't part of their socialist borg-like collective.

  • shes all of the above

  • so explain why President Obama isn't running on his record? just running birther-in-chief ads

  • Does that mean that Repubs will be worn out after having fought off all the scary Black Panthers that 'intimidated' voters? Or will they rage as they call into OxyRush & Co. as they  explain their conspiracy theory about how Obama stole the election? 

  • So, just like you Jesusfascists?

  • Oh that Romney, ha ha ha.

    When will he make a joke about the Jews being responsible for the 9/11 attacks ?

    Wouldn't that be funny !

  •  What you call humor in this case is clearly defined as racism and xenophobia.
    America doesn't need some pandering to racists jerk for a president.

  •  Yes, gloves is a racist pile of trash'.and he's proud!!

  • I usually find it distasteful when coming for the other side, but take a little sugar and tell me what you think would happen if Obama joked about not wearing his magic underwear.

  •  I would love to hear him explain who else (other than Obama) need to show their birth records.

    He is a coward, can't even embrace his newfound courage (according to Rush and the other hard-right haters)

  • When is President Obama going to run on his record?  When will we see an Obama campaign ad that discusses what he is going to do about the one trillion plus dollar deficit that we are going to have, again?  When will the Obama campaign address the fact that the manufacturing sector seems to be faultering?  When will President Obama address his plan to reduce the unemployment rate?  Oh, and by plan I'm not referring to him doing another failed stimulus package.

  • Romney the striving birther-in-chief cracks a joke and shriveled, white, old folks start laughing ' yeah the good ol' times when buses were clean ' at least the front seats that is, right Gloves?

  • 'Obama's extreme arrogance and self regard are what is bringing him down.He has no sense of humor, like most libs, and can't stand to be laughed at.' Little Caesar/Johnny Rocco
    'Not true. 
    Everyone laughs at you and they really can stand doing it!

  • He has run on his record. Don't blame Obama just because your nominee is too busy stepping on his own message by refusing to release his taxes, quarreling with his own party's platform on abortion and making birther 'jokes.'

  • If Obama had made a joke about Mormons FAUX news would've made an entire week abt 'Obama's war on Religion'.And Hopey Changey would be here all over the comments section complaining about black people,as always. 

  • 'The anti-OBAMO movie, by comparison, is opening #1 at the box office and tells a truthful story.'

    What Number One Box Office opening would that be'


  • Is Charlie Rangel a rightwinger now?

  • The audience for this film is the Obama Derangement crowd. No one else in American gives a sh-t.

  • I believe him when he said it was just jokes and it certainly came off that way in his interview. I just question why he would do it in the first place. Much more to lose than gain on this one. Reminding the country what Obama has had to deal with from the birthers is simply not good politics.

  • He is right that it was not a shot at Obama. It was a nod to the 'papers please' GOP immigration policy.

  • 'Romney's funny bone always seems skewed toward the mean spirited frat boy variety.'

    You pretty much nailed it ' well done.

  •  Of course if you had an ounce of patriotism you'd call him your president.
    But you make it clear every single day how deeply you hate this country.

  • You answered your own question. Mitt Romney is just a lousy politician.

  • 47th was the CUMULATIVE number.

    'Massachusetts' state ranking for job growth went from 50th the year before he took office, to 28th in his final year.'


  • I don't complain about black people ' I complain about racists. They are where they are.

    prin·ci·ple/' prins'p'l/
    Noun: A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

    I'm not like some weird lib who says, 'Oh, my priniciples are showing a one-sided result, so my principles must be wrong.'

    If libs were baseball umpires they'd call 50 balls and 50 strikes cuz they have no principles to guide them.

    Save your comments for someone who's stupid enough to be fazed by lies.

  • The United States best ally said it best 'MITT THE TWIT.'  Bwaaaaah


  • nice


  • Libs, the anti-racist, racists. Example No. 1,837 of what having no principles leads to. The lib land of unwitting irony and unawareness.

  • Hahahaha. You said 'clearly.' I say 'paranoia.' Let's agree to differ.

    On how to use brains.


  • That's Roafer/Cyberforce territory. 

  • This is the same media who accepted the Obama excuse that Biden was talking about wall stret and not slavery!  Geez media, give it up. 
    It is the same media that turns a blind eye to Rmoneys lies.


  • With no welfare, there'll be nothing to smear. It should be abolished.

  • Ever see Mormons attacking convenience stores en masse or sucker punching people on the street for fun? I recommend youtube. He's a Mormon, deal with it.

  • Fiscal year 2002 (no Romney influence): $22.47 billion
    Fiscal year 2003 (partial-year Romney influence): $22.25 billion
    Fiscal year 2004 (full-year Romney influence): $22.49 billion
    Fiscal year 2005 (full-year Romney influence): $24.22 billion
    Fiscal year 2006 (full-year Romney influence): $25.44 billion
    Fiscal year 2007 (partial-year Romney influence): $27.92 billion

    If you compare fiscal 2007 (the last year Romney had any influence on the budget) to fiscal 2002 (the last year before he had any influence), spending rose by about 24 percent over five years, or a little under 5 percent per year.
    So however you look at it, nominal spending ' that is, the number of dollars spent, without any kind of mathematical adjustments ' increased on Romney's watch. 


  • They'll assault the prison with Bradley Manning.

    'Free Bradley Manning! Put stop-and-frisk cops in here!'

  • The man is wholly unaccountable. I have never seen anything like it.



    So far, the film is the second-highest grossing documentary of the year behind the Weinstein Company's 'Bully,' with the exception big-time nature documentaries 'Chimpanzee' and 'To the Arctic.'

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/22/dinesh-dsouzas-obama-doc-wins-at-the-box-office/#ixzz24ZxAZyb1 

    Raving lunatics.

  • well thats your opinion dopey.

  • I'm laughing now, but I have no idea what the magic underwear reference is about.  But I find magic underwear to be funny.  Not as funny as elephant tusk underwear.  But funny.

  • Have you seen it?

  • As Governor, Romney Balanced Budget By Hiking Fees


    The campaign claims Romney balanced the Massachusetts budget without raising taxes, but he closed tax loopholes and raised fees to the tune of $750 million per year. 


    tate spending rose by 22% on Romney's watch, nearly double the rate of inflation. Romney increased corporate taxes and state fees by $750 million a year, outstripping his tax cuts.


  • Which is going to make that sting even worse when he beats Obama.

  • Hoe about Obama's kindergarten report card? How do we know he got a tetanus shot? Maybe we can see Mitt's draft card and find out why he dodged the draft?

Cory Booker May Challenge Christie In New Jersey's 2013 Gubernatorial Race


Newark mayor Cory Booker is reportedly weighing a challenge to New Jersey governor Chris Christie when Christie runs for reelection next year. According to PolitickerNJ, some state Democratic officials see Booker as the only viable candidate to run against Christie in the gubernatorial race. Both New Jersey politicians will be getting a national platform when they speak at their party's respective conventions over the next two weeks.

RELATED: This Exists: Chris Christie And Cory Booker Team Up For Jersey Rivalry Comedy Sketch

Christie will be delivering the keynote address at the Republican National Convention next week, while Booker will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention the following week 'to present the party's platform.' A source in the New Jersey Democratic party tells PolitickerNJ that following Christie's speech, they want to be able to recruit a counterpoint 'who can present more than token opposition' in the upcoming gubernatorial race.

Booker may end up being that counterpoint, because recently he has been meeting with party officials throughout the state with possible plans to run against Christie.

Booker and his political consultant Mark Matzen are meeting face-to-face with county chairs and making it known that Booker is weighing a run for governor and plans to decide by December, according to party sources.

Some Democrats see Booker as the only 2013 option against Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

By virtue of his fundraising ability, charisma and potential to transcend a fragmented state party, others see him, at the very least, as the preferred nominee.

When Christie was asked earlier this week about potentially accepting a cabinet position in Mitt Romney's cabinet, the governor dismissed the idea and said he intends to stay in New Jersey.

h/t NY Daily News


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • He'll focus on the states HUGE unemployment problem, rather than travel around the country yelling at people.

  • Well he's also a hero don't ya know?

  • yep

    and he'll help you shovel your snow

    swell guy

  • The Dems have already ruined Booker's future by CoryBookering him, and Book regrets making the hostage tape. There's always aspiring politician/N.J. resident Carl Lewis.

    'Pedicures are' transformative': Newark Mayor Cory Booker reveals peculiar fetish for midnight nail grooming

    The rising Democrat star, 43, has revealed that he regularly sneaks out of his New Jersey home to visit a 24-hour nail salon.'


  • To be fair, Christie is also traveling around the state yelling at people.

  • Booker will pass on 2013, as he probably should. Christie is still popular in New Jersey, in a state notorious for hating its politicians and especially Governors. That and Booker would have to raise an enormous amount of money should give him pause.

    You can't play the crown prince forever though, so eventually he'll have to move out of the small pond of Newark.

  • Not a fair race.   Christie has a double lead weight advantage.

  • You will NOTICE
    That PROGRESSIVES like Booker NEVER seek solutions OUTSIDE the realm of dependence-making Socialist Engineering.
    They STILL insist that they are the 'experts' have the answers, that THEY are our 'betters', that the People cannot be TRUSTED.
    But NO ONE believes them anymore, ALL can see that we've been FOOLED, that ALL PROGRESSIVES want is chaos and crisis, to con the DEPENDENT into ceding CONTROL.

  • Do YOU think that making your points in CAPITAL LETTERS somehow gives them an element of TRUTH? Because just for the RECORD, nothing you've SAID is accurate or even REMOTELY rooted in REALITY.

  • For the record, gratuitious underscores in nicknames also accomplish nothing.  Well, almost nothing in your case.  It is a fail, after all. 

  • Wont happen if Romney wins in November Christie will be off to Washington to join Romneys cabinet as Secretary of Bad Health & InHumane Services

  • 'What businesspeople see is a blizzard of question marks,' said Patrick O'Keefe, director of economic research at J.H. Cohn in Roseland. 'Where they can defer decisions, they are. Where they can't, they are minimizing their commitment.'O'Keefe said New Jersey may have a higher jobless rate than its neighbors because of higher labor and regulatory costs, as well as the state's relatively generous safety net.  

    Oopsie'   There's your reasons for the burgeoning unemployment numbers in NJ.

  • Who are you and what have you done with BillBuckley??

  • Ooopsie what?

    If that's the case, what cant Governor Loudmouth do what Walker did?