Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Republican Strategist: Obama Running On His Race To Win Sympathy


CNN hosted a panel discussion on Wednesday regarding each presidential candidate's likeability factor. Anchor Kyra Phillips asked her guests ' Tara Dowdell, founder of the Tara Dowdell Group, and communications consultant and principal owner with the Baker Wright Group, LLC, Crystal Wright ' who is the most likeable of presidential candidates. Wright, a Republican strategist, said that President Barack Obama campaigns on his personality because that is 'all he has.' She went on to say that since 2008 Obama 'ran on his race.' She went on to say that Obama brings his race up on the campaign trail to 'win sympathy points from the American people' as the first black president.

RELATED: President Cool? Obama's DNC Speech Airs Same Night As MTV Awards

In a segment on CNN deabating which presidential candidate voters would like more, Phillips asked her panel guests if voters would choose Obama or former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the person they would most like to sit down and 'have a beer' with them.

'While certainly personality does play a role in electing a president, we've seen that happen, I don't think it plays a major role in electing a president,' said Dowdell. She says that despite the slow economic recovery, President Obama has been a 'steady hand' and contrasts strongly with Romney.

'The main Republican argument against this President is he didn't fix the broken mess left by a Republican president's policies fast enough,' said Dowdell. 'We don't have a rich people aren't rich enough problem.'

Wright responded by saying she agreed with Dowdell. She said that the election will not be about personalities, it will be about the economy and that is why Romney is pulling ahead in the polls.

'The President continue to run on personality, because that is all he has,' said Wright. 'I'm going to say something that's going to upset some people right now ' the President from day one, starting in 2008, ran on his race. And when he got elected, he keeps going back to 'I'm the first black president,' to c from the American people and boost his personality polls.'

Dowdell said she was surprised by Wright's response, because she says it is usually Republicans who are continually admonishing Democrats for 'playing the race card.'

Watch the segment below via CNN:

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  • The model is now to say the most outrageous thing to get yourself noticed, what a desperate measure to take. 

  • Teastain party mantra from day one has been that he is a Muslim/Kenyan non-American, yet Obama is running on his race.  Amazing. 

  • Well according to Obama, having a name like his does make it tougher, so Wright is correct.  It won't work this time though.  The race card was maxed out about 3 years ago.  Of course, that won't stop the Dems from trying to use it.

  • and willard is hiding is mormonism to prove he is not a cultist

  • The libs can't say Obama is more likeable anymore. Barry's unfavorables are 46 to Romney's 41. The country is hip to Obama's tricks and fed up to the ears with him.

    'The latest USA Today/Gallup poll shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, it's Romney that has an edge over Obama on personal favorability.'

    Romney's favorable/unfavorable rating is 50/41, an edge over the president's 52/46 score.'


  • Sort of like Obama accusing Gerry Ferraro of racism and getting her fired from the Clinton campaign. Obama's been playing the race card from day 1. This is hardly earth shattering news. 

  • He's not hiding anything. If he were out there talking about it, you'd say he's trying to push it on the country. 

  • You are an idiot.

  • President Obama NEVER focuses on his race, he downplays it.  Leave it to idiots on CNN to make dumb arguments.  CNN is a joke now.

  • Local elections and local involvement will tell the tale on who gets to make laws and rules about America in the future. Anyone who discounts the TEA party is fooling themselves. Stealth-ly they have gained local control of power, decision-making, monies and implementation at the local level to counter anything they do not want. Whole states have been taken over by these extremist and have passed laws and restrictions while suing the federal government on other issues. Obama has the black vote, Hispanic/Latino vote, union vote and women's vote in many states, but that may not be enough. If you are happy with the way Congress has held the president and America hostage, stay home in November. If you are fed up with the confrontation and failures of Congress, make your voices heard, register to vote, vote and get out the vote. The TEA party want at all costs, for Obama to be a one term president. Middle America realizes this is the way until TEA activist are outed and ousted. Congress' approval rating is in the cellar while America watches Rome burn.

  • And they shouldn't, because it not only did not work last time, either in the primaries or the general, this time, using wright will beg for similar criticism of Mormons, which is really beside the point. Neither wright, or Obama is a muslim, or Mormons are a cult, any of that stuff, is relevent. As for Obama's 'blackness', that has always been a two edged sword with some people perhaps voting for him because he is black, and others choosing not to for the same reason. Its not race baiting to raise the issue for discussion though.   

  • Nug g

  • Personally, I think it is outstanding that we have so evolved as a culture, that the two leading candidates are both representative of traditionally persecuted minorities. We have substantially moved beyond both racial and religious bigotry, not completely, but enough to have a beloved black President, and a respected Mormon candidate, and we are mostly good with that. Way cool. Unimagineable even 40 years ago.

  • Since when did 50 become more than 52?

  • Ferraro is the one who brought race into it, but whatever'

  • Enough is enough. The utter nonsense being ginned up against this president by idiotic and desperate Republicans needs to be stopped. The GOP and conservatives ought to be ashamed of themselves for continuing to engage in this racist attack on the president. There is no indication that anything will ever be able to stop it, because Republicans appear incredulous that they are to be expected to understand the facts and accept reality. This fantasy will never go away so long as Republicans want to score points with their party's deluded base.   http://www.sunstateactivist.org

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