Minggu, 30 September 2012

Candy Crowley Grills Senior Obama Adviser: How Will Second Term Be Different?

» 1 comment

On this week's State of the Union, Candy Crowley sat down with David Axelrod, senior adviser to the president. Pressing Axelrod for specifics, Crowley grilled him on what the president plans to do if re-elected. How will he reach his goals? He will, Axelrod said, vaguely citing the president's specifics.

'How do you think a second term will be different?' Crowley asked. 'It's clear that Americans are generally not happy with the economy, you all say you're not happy with the economy at this point.' So, what then, would change in second Obama term?

'We've come a long way from when we were losing 800,000 jobs a month,' Axelrod said. The goal is not just to fix the economy, but also to create a thriving middle class, he added.

Crowley interjected, asking what the plan is to get there. Axelrod cited vague, favorable-sounding ideas like 'responsibly dealing with the deficit while leaving money to invest,' focusing on education, research and development, and clean energy.

'Those aren't sort of specific proposals,' Crowley pointed out. Axelrod mentioned proposals regarding education and manufacturing, which, he said, will pass. 'But they haven't passed,' Crowley replied.

Axelrod then took a different approach, seeking to remind Crowley that the other side's proposals include massive tax cuts that 'skew' to the wealthy, and slash funding for education and research.

Crowley noted that she's not suggesting who to support, again circling back to her central question: Is there a new plan? Or is the plan to stay the course?

'The president has a series of specific proposals,' Axelrod said, without volunteering any of those specifics. 'We need a long-term plan, Candy. Not taglines for a show like this, 30 days before the election.'

The segment below, via CNN:

  • Keep your mouth shut and let Romney step in his own poop.

Chris Christie On This Week: No 'Concerted Effort' To Skew Polls Against Romney


On ABC's This Week, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie discussed the upcoming presidential debate, raising expectations for Mitt Romney to give a 'big and bold' performance. Expressing his confidence in Romney, Christie also dismissed the notion of intentionally skewed polling.

George Stephanopoulos pointed to a recent column by Charles Krauthammer, which advised Romney to 'go large.' In it, he wrote:

For six months, he's been matching Obama small ball for small ball. A hit-and-run critique here, a slogan-of-the-week there. His only momentum came when he chose Paul Ryan and seemed ready to engage on the big stuff: Medicare, entitlements, tax reform, national solvency, a restructured welfare state. Yet he has since retreated to the small and safe.

When you're behind, however, safe is fatal. Even his counterpunching has gone miniature. Obama has successfully painted Romney as an out-of-touch, unfeeling plutocrat whose only interest is to cut taxes for the rich. Romney has complained in interviews that it's not true.

'Do we need a bigger, bolder campaign from Mitt Romney?' Stephanopoulos asked.

'I think what he need is a big and bold performance on Wednesday night,' Christie replied. 'And that's what he's gonna give us. I have absolute confidence in that.'

The ideas have been there, he said, but there's 'been a lot of filtering' going on. 'I'm not going to sit here and complain about coverage of the campaign because, as a candidate, if you do that you're losing. But what I will tell you that this is the first moment when the American people are going to see these two guys side by side laying out their vision unfiltered. I think that's going to be a powerful moment for Mitt Romney. And I think folks like Charles Krauthammer will be happy on Thursday morning, certainly happier than they are now.

Asked whether he believes the polls have been skewed against Romney, Christie replied, 'I don't buy that.' Polls are inherently imperfect, he said, but there's no 'concerted effort to skew the polls against Mitt Romney.'

Take a look, via ABC:

  • Good man.

  • Only idiot baggers believe the polls are skewed and Christie ain't no bagger.

    He also threw Akin under the bus and then said 'If you're complaining about the media coverage, you're losing'.

    Yup. He is the opposite of a bagger alright.

  • Who is this RINO?
    Them ain't the talking points.

  • Christie wants willard to lose so he can run in 2016

  • Excommunicate the Heretic NOW!!

  • Christie spews talking points through the whole interview then gives one reasonable answer about the polls and the media says 'isn't he great because he speaks his mind?''What a bunch of nonsense from Bully Boy Christie..

  • A reminder that as keynote speaker at the RNC Chris Christie talked almost exclusively about himself, before finally mentioning Mitt Romney after about twenty minutes into it.

    Kristie Kreme, 2016.

  • wrong thread

  • I'll sign a petition for Obama to go on Wallce, when Romney goes on Maddow.

  • Here's the problem with that scenario: after Romney loses, the far right
    wing of the GOP is going to push even harder for a teavangelical purist
    (like a Ryan) in 2016. So-called moderates like Christie ' a guy who
    thought a Mooslim could serve as a judge! ' won't get out of the Iowa
    caucuses alive.

  • He's the perfect spokesman for Romney. Our unemployment rate here in New Jersey is now at 9.8%. And since he's not wingnutty enough, he's not going to get the nomination in 2016. Oh, and my sympathies go to the chair he's sitting his fat ass on!

  • Mark Blumenthal at Pollster.com has dealt with this 'skewing' nonsense by making the simple point that party ID is in fact a fluid commodity, properly determined as such by the voter being polled and not the pollster. There's a particularly large percentage of self-ID'd 'Independents' this go-round, but pollsters have learned over time that there's no practical distinction between self-ID'd partisans and leaners, so when the voter being polled self-IDs as 'leaning D' or 'leaning R', they get recorded for the only IMPORTANT component, being how they intend to vote.

    Whether this means that Obama has succeeded in 'winning' over some Indies or that Romney has lost them is irrelevant: what matters is 1. if they are likely to vote and 2. who they intend to cast their vote for.

  • Nah, he's probably their best chance for 2016. He's just getting warmed up.

  • It certainly will help him to solve his dilemma about whether to stand for re-election, because if he does that and LOSES, which is a distinct possibility with how crappy and vulnerable his stewardship has been (Turning down the new tunnel was completely nutso, particularly from a job creation perspective.), his 'brand' is going to take a bad beating.

  • That will guarantee defeat. Assuming that the country is out of this mess by 2016, then trying to make an argument that neoconservatives would be a good thing for the country would be impossible.

    Moderation is all the Republicans have left, if they intend to govern again. I believe the party will split, and it will happen soon after election day.

  • Christie is correct in that the debates will be a powerful moment for Romney. Romney is going to win the debate. Romney supporters will get pumped. Indy's and Undecideds will get to see the human side of Mitt, for the perhaps the first time. They will see Obama's blustering attempts to explain away his failures with the economy. They will learn Mitt's vision of how to get America back on track.Obama's fanbots, including the many here on Mediaite, will blame Obama's loss on that he didn't have time to prepare. Yeah, right. He's been too busy campaigning. For the past 4 years.Go, Mitt Go!

  • And you still believe in the Easter bunny' what a load of poop you spew.

  • I agree, but don't expect that moderation to come about any time soon. I still think that while the split would be a great thing for the party ' and the country ' there's a lot more vicious infighting yet to be had.

  • You obviously don't really understand what Mittens needs to accomplish in a debate. The 'I'll have to tell you after the election crap' will kill him in and of itself. People tune in to debates for answers. The only thing that could even come close to helping him would be to provide very specific solutions, and even at that, the President can pretty much just ask him what took him so long.

    Then there's the tax returns which people still care about.

    Also the 47% remark will have to be explained on live TV.

    I think you are overly optimistic on what miracles Mittens can pull off.

  • Better post than mine. Less long winded. +1

  • Christie will put on a show for 2016, but people will never go for his bullying tactics or his fatness'He is screwing the people over in New Jersey with housing money, and will be lucky to be reelected'.Didn't he also screw up some education money in the beginning of his term'He is all talk, when his reel of gaffes are shown later, he will be laughed out of a job'

  • I can only hope so. The longer they fight, the more time we have to actually get work done.

  • He's still better than Ryan. Ryan has already been pegged as a liar. Can't overcome that.

  • 'No 'Concerted Effort' To Skew Polls Against Romney!' Chris Christie

    'Finally a dose of reality from someone who can at least admit freely that Romney's Campaign is doing very poorly indeed!

  • Running for office for 6 years and without a plan isn't going to magically show up on Wednesday. Mitt the Twitt and Lyin' Paul Ryan are dumb and dumber, Bush 3.0

  • They're all pushing pretty hard now!

    If that is the case and scenario then the current GOP could really relegate themselves to insignificance for decades!

  • Christie needs to shed 100 pounds by 2016 to get the nomination

  • You see invisible men in empty chairs.

  • 'Polls are inherently imperfect, ''

    Exactly, given how relatively close and 'imperfect' polls have been the only one that counts is the one on a coming Tuesday in November

    See ya then'

Chris Christie: 'Losing' Candidates Blame Media'Meanwhile Paul Ryan Calls Out 'Inherent Media Bias' On Fox


A candidate complains about campaign coverage when that candidate is losing, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said this morning on This Week. By Christie's own logic then, the Romney campaign doesn't seem to be too optimistic. During his appearance on Fox News Sunday, which also aired today, Paul Ryan said media bias goes without saying.

Responding to a question about Romney's conservative critics, Christie told George Stephanopoulos, 'I'm not going to sit here and complain about coverage of the campaign because, as a candidate, if you do that, you're losing.'

Earlier today, Chris Wallace asked Ryan, 'Do you think the mainstream media is carrying water for Barack Obama?'

'I think it kind of goes without saying that there's definitely media bias,' Ryan replied, with a laugh. As a conservative, Ryan said he's used to media bias, that the campaign expected it. Not naming names, Ryan said he's 'long believed and felt that there is an inherent media bias. And I think anybody with objectivity would believe that that's the case.'

Asked whether he believes the media wants Obama to win, Ryan evaded the question, only noting that they prefer a 'left of center' president, which obviously contradicts Romney's conservative platform.

Take a look below ' Christie remark, followed by Ryan's media critique:

  • Looks like they didn't get the same set of talking points.

  • They can't all be biased. NBC made an entire serious around their candidate, Governor Michael Scott.


  • Cue up winger self-pitying in three' two' one'

  • Ryan: ' We offer proven ideas'
    Really, the same old ones that launched us into the abyss four years ago?

  • Is the news day this slow that there needs to be an article that is a compilation of the two previous articles?

  • Ryan didn't blame the media. When asked a question, he stated a fact: there is a media bias.

  • Well, this time they won't have an ACORN to blame it on.

  • I'm really worried for Chris Wallace. Now asking Ryan a set of leading questions Hannity would love, after criticizing Peggy Noonan for being insufficiently conservative for having the gall to slam Romney, and agreeing to a PR job for the Romney campaign' that cringe making, pancake making episode.

    Does anyone really think that Wallace would lob such softballs at Biden?

  • He didn't say WHAT they proved.

  • Chris Christie is twice the man Paul Ryan is.

  • Ryan to to Fox News: 'I'll let you decide what's in peoples hearts, what's in their minds'.

    Wow, he got that one right.

  • If we are winning, it because our message it better. If we are losing, it's someone else's fault.

  • Does thsi mean that Faux 'News' is now part of the lamestream media? LOL!

  • 'Losing Candidates Blame Media!' Chris Christie

    'And isn't it just pathetic, sad and woefully pitiful!

  • you mean in pounds or iQ?

  • 'Does he mean both?!?

    Christie is quite a responsible and reasonable Republican and he at least acknowledged the poor Romney Campaign is down to Romney'

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Former NYT Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Has Passed Away At Age 86

» comments

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who stepped up as The New York Times' publisher in 1963, died in his Southampton, New York home today at the age of 86 after a long illness.

In its obituary this morning, The New York Times remembers Sulzberger's profound impact on shaping both the paper itself, and the very business of news and media:

The expansion reflected Mr. Sulzberger's belief that a news organization, above all, had to be profitable if it hoped to maintain a vibrant, independent voice. As John F. Akers, a retired chairman of I.B.M. and for many years a Times company board member, put it, 'Making money so that you could continue to do good journalism was always a fundamental part of the thinking.'

Mr. Sulzberger's insistence on independence was shown in his decision in 1971 to publish a secret government history of the Vietnam War known as the Pentagon Papers. It was a defining moment for him and, in the view of many journalists and historians, his finest.

Sulzberger's grandfather, Adolph S. Ochs, who bought The New York Times in 1896. In 1992, Sulzberger handed down the position of publisher to his son, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.

h/t NYT

Ann Romney: Biggest Concern For Mitt In White House Would Be His 'Mental Well-Being'

I think my biggest concern obviously would just be for his mental well-being.

I have all the confidence in the world in his ability, in his decisiveness, in his leadership skills, in his understanding of the economy, in his understanding of what's missing right now in the economy, you know, the pieces that are missing to get this job started.

So, for me, I think it would just be the emotional part of it.

Ann Coulter On Red Eye: Innocence Of Muslims No Worse Than A J.Lo Movie

» comments

Ann Coulter joined the Red Eye panel eeeeaaaarly Saturday morning, where she weighed in on whether the jailing of Innocence of Muslims filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was a move meant to 'appease Muslim extremists' or, possibly, to 'appease Muslim extremists.'

Coulter said she took a look at the trailer for the controversial film and thinks it's actually no worse than Jennifer Lopez's movies. This lead host Greg Gutfeld to wonder where Hollywood was on this ' especially Kathy Bates. Panelist Terry Schappert then pointed out that Nakoula's arrest had been filmed and distributed for a very good reason.

Gultfeld wondered whether director Kathryn Bigelow's upcoming film about capturing Bin Laden would result in anything similar, with the panel joking that she should definitely be arrested.

Later on, Andy Levy asked Gutfeld what, exactly, he expected Hollywood to do regarding the filmmaker's arrest. Gutfeld bluntly explained that he wants Hollywood to show some 'balls' when it comes to the causes they publicly defend and advocate for. Anyone can promote an anti-bullying campaign, for instance, but it takes more guts and risk to defend freedom of speech and expression across the board.

Check it out, via Fox News:

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Mitt Romney Now Less Popular Than George W. Bush, According To Poll


Pablo Martinez Monsivais | APApparently Mitt Romney is now less popular than' George W. Bush.

That's according to a new Bloomberg News poll, which finds that former President Bush has 46 percent favorable ratings and 49 percent unfavorable ratings among adults. By contrast, the current GOP presidential candidate Romney has a favorability rating of 43 percent and unfavorable ratings at 50 percent.

President Barack Obama came in with higher favorability than both Republicans, racking up 52 favorable ratings and 44 percent unfavorables.

Romney did, however, beat out Vice President Joe Biden's 42 percent net favorable ratings.

The poll's most favorable leader found was former President Bill Clinton, who polled at 64 percent favorable and 29 percent unfavorable. Coming in second was First Lady Michelle Obama, with 63 favorable and 29 unfavorable.

Check out the full Bloomberg poll results here.

[h/t NRO]
[photo via Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP]
' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • I'm starting to feel bad for Romney.

  • That's gotta hurt.

  • Well W was a nice guy.

  • The news just keeps getting better for Mitt Romney'

    'On the bright side, he's convincingly ahead in this Poll!


  • In other polling news that won't get any attention:

    New poll: Romney overtakes Obama on terrorism


  • 'There you go again Mitt'

  • 60% wrong track as well in the poll. So, looks like if Romney increases his favorability or gains the 'unsure ' 7%, he'll be in strong shape in Iowa. Interesting.

  • The GOP should have ran Casey Anthony .
    good grief

  • Mitt theTwitt and Lyin' Paul Ryan who has even offended the elderly vote with his Medicaide lies ' are going down in flames.

  • Skewed or unskewed polls?

  • In the same poll, 53% disapprove obama's handling of the economy, 6% unsure. I'd give Romney a huge edge since you can change people to like you more, but convincing them after 4 years you can handle improve handling the economy is challenging. Their debate goals are pretty clear.

  • How's that? Even Britain and Poland thank Romney's a moron. By the way, how about the 10,000+ Americans lost in Bush's wars? Want to talk tragedy? Talk to their families not the BS effort to create a false narrative from the Romney Ryan Camp ' Bozo.

  • Not that bad!

  • A bag of wet hair has more of an edge than Governor Romney.

    And higher likability.

  • It means they prefer a lying scum (W) to a wretched CEO.

  • These polls are SKEWED to make Bush seem more popular!

  • At Last! A poll Reince Priebus can point at with pride.

  • I'd like to think we don't hire a President because we like him, but because he is competent to do the job.

    Do you wan to have a beer with the guy or want him to get government out of your way to make life better for you and your family.

  • 'It means they prefer a lying scum (W) to a wretched CEO.'

    It looks like the 'lying scum is also the current President as it relate to Libya and what happened there.

  • Liberals demonize anyone who isn't a liberal so that limits their possibilities to who is the most 'likable' of the liberals. Odd way to choose a President, but thinking like a liberal is odd so it sort of makes sense, in a Justin Bieber, National Enquirer sort of way.

  • I can't remember the last time I thought, 'Man! The government sure is in my way from getting a better life for me and my family.' Then again, I'm big on personal responsibility (not meaning to imply you're not, honestly).

  • Must suck, then , eh? Even with all that, you still can't win an election.

  • From that link: 'A Pew poll released last week found that 45 percent of respondents who followed news about the attacks approved of Obama's handling of the crisis, while only 26 percent supported Romney's condemnation of the president's actions.'

    Is that the poll you were talking about?

  • Skewed??? They are all skewed.

    Question was asked 'Do you work full-time for pay?'

    50% answered NO. Kinda make ya wonder that the guy that hands out free cell phones is the 'nice guy' and the one you want you want in office. What else can one get huh?

  • Nice recap of Fox's 'Excuse for Why Romney's Not Winning # 134.'

    The ole, 'No need to LIKE the President, just vote for him because he's a shrewd CEO, because THAT'S what we need.'

  • You do realize the cell phone program is older than President Obama, right?

  • Odd way to choose a President?!?!!


    No more than being conservative and choosing a liberal from Massachusetts as your nominee! The guy that architected the very same healthcare plan that was the ONLY real attack ad you had! LOL!

    Do you people THINK about your posts before you post them?

  • Skewed, of course, meaning 'not leaning in the direction I wanted them to be leaning in.'


  • Yeah'' because there's no news there'..

    Romney losing already? That's news!

  • Not everybody wears the big boy pants like me and you' it appears we are becoming a minority of sorts.

  • No we need a competent person, not someone we want to classic beer with. Don't care if a candidate was or was not a CEO, just be competent at what you did as a measure of your potential for high office.

  • You're not after competent' you're after Republican, at all costs.

    Obama's Record:
    ' Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay for Women
    ' Course reversal of the US economy after Bush years disasters
    ' Ending Iraq War
    ' Course correction in Afghanistan War
    ' SAVING American Auto Industry
    ' Got Bin Laden ' Got Bin Laden's #1
    ' Got Bin Laden's next 2 or 3 #1's
    ' 30+ months of positive, albeit slower than wanted, Private Sector job growth
    ' A Declining, Albeit Slowly, Unemployment Rate
    ' Consumer Credit Card Protections
    ' The LARGEST overhaul of healthcare in Modern Times
    ' Something like 18 middle Class Tax Cuts
    ' The Largest Slowdown in Federal Spending in Recent Memory
    ' A Shrinking of Gov't Through Reduction in Public Workforce
    ' Relief for Minority Students Looking to Continue their Education
    ' A Roaring Stock Market
    ' A Dropping Gas Prices
    ' Climbing Housing Market

    Care to outline Romney's 'competent' accomplishments? Ohh and leave out any accomplishment where he used taxpayer money to get something done (so spare us the Olympics as a win).

  • And also please leave out any Romney accomplishments as governor that came about because of an increase in FEES.

    BEcause as you righties LOVE to remind us of, FEES ARE TAXES.

  • As with food stamps and now welfare the program has grow beyond the intended limits.

    Read this and thought it relevant to the discussion. Not sure who or what the website is but the gist of what is written is fairly dead-on don't ya think:

    'Not everyone in the 47% that do not pay federal income tax is looking for a handout, but there certainly is a number of voters that do. It's a growing voter block for Obama, because dependency on government is growing. It is growing because of the failed economic policies of the President and because he actually wants more people to sign up for these programs.

    This is bad for any country. We need a citizenry that is economically independent not dependent. We need a population that provides for themselves. We need a trampoline, not a hammock as our safety net. We need a growing economy. We need a free society with responsible citizens.'

  • Hence, they are all skewed.

  • ROFL! Appaud you for admitting it!

  • so, will George W. Bush be campaigning with Romney now to help Mitt's iamge ?

  • and now, even ROMNEY is behind him !!!!

  • What you guys always fail to either understand, or understand perfectly well but purposely leave out of the argument, is that unemployment, food stamps, welfare, are laggers after a depression/recession.

    They are 'the aftermath' of such events, and those take the longest to stabilize.

    So while you tout those as outcomes of the last 3.5 years, people paying attention KNOW that they are the end-result of the bush near-obliteration of the US economic system.

    which is why the majority of Americans, how do you guys call it, Blame Bush.

  • well, given that 84% thought we were on the wrong track in Jan 2009, I'd say Obama has turned things around.

  • Each and every one of those program costs in some form, ill-conceived, poorly executed, etc'

    Lili Ledbetter ' unintended consequences

    We are stagnant on the economy, this is not a recovery.

    The Iraq war was scheduled to end on Bush's watch. Obama just had to negoiate a SOFA and screwed that one up. We got kicked out and now look at Iraq.

    We have had more American deaths in the past three years than in the Bush's seven'. and many are by the people we are trying to help. Way to manage that war.

    Stuck unemployment rate and projected to climb.

    Banks are disbanding free checking and other stuff as a result of the Dodd-Frank bill. Besides what protections can help a moron who can't manage their own credit?

    Healthcare ' the cost projections have got up consistently. No cost saving on the horizon. Boondoogle alert.

    Gas prices have doubled since 2009

    The stock market, you obviously do not play the market. A climbing or falling market is not an accurate pulse on the state of the economy short or long term.

    Student loan relief' the numbers have been shown to be nothing in cost savings to the student. And looking to Uncle Obama will never do anything to cut the cost of education' never.

  • Robots are people too my friend.

  • liberalmediasux needs to stop taking Dick Cheney's hunters safety course. Poor fella has shotgun holes in every shoe he owns!

  • I'm not a Mitt Romney fan at all, but he has to go quite a ways to lie us into a war in the Near East and run around as a smug, pompous, delusional untreated alcoholic.

Melissa Harris-Perry: Romney Will Be Remembered As A 'Speed Bump In History'


MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry made an appearance on Now on Friday where she weighed in on the flood of early post-mortems coming out of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign with more than a month left to go in the election cycle. Harris-Perry said that, after Romney loses, he will not be able to retain political influence in the way that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) salvaged his political position after losing in 2008. She said that Romney will recede into posterity and be looked back on as a 'speed bump in history.'

Guest host Ari Melber read a portion of a widely circulated Politico report on Friday in which an unnamed official close to Mitt Romney said that the GOP presidential nominee is a bad candidate and is 'naturally an executive.'

He asked BuzzFeed Editor Ben Smith for his insights on Romney's campaigning. 'When was the last time that Governor Mitt Romney made a speech, or did an event or otherwise made some sort of news that had an impact on this race,' Melber asked.

'I don't know. It's been a while,' Smith replied. 'Every single day, he's losing it day by day in a, kind of, new and creative method.' He said it should be troubling for the Mitt Romney that his staffers are beginning to leak to the press in order to salvage their reputations this far out from Election Day.

Harris-Perry said that the future looks bleak for Romney if he loses, as compared with candidate who have lost in the past. 'There actual is extra credit for losing creatively if you are a current office holder,' said Harris-Perry.

'If you are a senator or a governor and you're going to go back to that job, then in fact there are ways you can lose and still retain your position ' for example, as McCain does as a particular kind of voice within the context of the Senate,' Harris-Perry continued. 'When you are, as Romney said multiple times in the primary, an unemployed guy, then what happens is you simply become, sort of, a speed bump in history.'

Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Romney will be remembered as Sarah Palin ?
    weird :)

  • Willard is more like a pot hole

  • It's amazing'In 2008, Obama said 'I don't want to wake up four years from now and find out that our children's future was mortgaged by another mountain of debt.' But four years later, that's exactly what's he's waking up to.
    Instead of cutting the deficit in half, as promised, the president did the opposite. He created four record budget deficits'$1.4 trillion in 2009, $1.3 trillion in 2010, $1.3 trillion in 2011, and it is projected to reach $1.3 trillion in 2012.
    What have we gotten in return? A weak economy. A bloated government. A failed $831 billion stimulus. A job-killing healthcare bill. Loans to failed companies like Solyndra. An embarrassing credit downgrade.
    Yeah, Romney might be a speed bump to perpetual poverty. It's time to send Barry back to Chicago.

  • I think that the name Romney will be remembered for many years.

    Instead of the word 'lie,' we will use the word 'Romney.' As in: That's a filthy Romney! You take that back!

    Instead of the word 'a$$hole,' we will use the word 'Romney.' As in: Does Paul Ryan's wife have a bleached Romney?

  • 'He said it should be troubling for the Mitt Romney that his staffers are beginning to leak to the press in order to salvage their reputations this far out from Election Day.' Ben Smith, BuzzFeed Editor

    Romney's own staffers are beginning to jump ship'

    'That's tough!

  • The hapless girly-man failure in the White House, who actually referred to himself, on TV, as 'eye candy' will not be spoken of at all in the future.

    Dems will try to erase him from the history books and deny that he ever existed.

  • Harris Perry is right. If Romney loses, he'll have no value to the party. He'll be a 2 time failure for president and in those two attempts, he was never in office.

    Once in a while MSNBC analysts will actually have something to say that isnt leaning towards bias. Harris Perry nailed it here I think today.

    Full disclosure, Im a dem for whatever that is worth

  • Again, the party continues to blame the candidate rather than their failed ideas which produces these types of candidates.

  • Exactly!

  • 'Dems will try to erase him from the history books and deny that he ever existed.' Little Caesar/Johnny Rocko

    How delusional'

    'What on Earth are you smoking!

  • Girly man? How dare you'most girls are more coordinated than this 'athlete' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJBlwUfIoDk

  • Two years from now, after going bankrupt almost immediately after slinking out of the White House, Obama will be living alone in a rusty trailer in Whoopi's backyard.

    Even he is sickened at the sound of his name and is now known as Captain Funkadelic as he makes speeches for cigarettes on the streetcorner, until no one at all will give him any.

  • 'tis better to be a speed bump, than a fly on the windshield.

    But in all honesty, I'm not sure Perry's career will rise to 'fly' status either.

  • I don't think speed-bump is very accurate.

    I would use road-kill.

  • And when this sniveling little racist cockroach named MHP is gone, she'll be remembered just the way she is now: As the vapid, disgraceful, and temperamental liberal piece of trash that she is.

  • Liar!

    She will not be remembered at all.

  • It'll actually be much worse for Romney when he loses, as 5 seconds after that happens the knives will come out and they'll tear him to pieces. It wasn't conservative ideology that lost, it was their sucky candidate, is what they'll drone on endlessly for months or years afterward.

  • LOL!

  • I love love LOVE MHP!

    Romney is completely irrelevant. He's a lousy politician and a lousy executive. Howard Stern says it the best:


  • Take note Obama, MHP just showed you how to properly apply the phrase 'speed bump.' We'll done MHP.

  • That applies to so many cable news anchors that I don't have time to make a list. Get over it and enjoy the trailer park drama. Ever watch CNN much?

  • Romney is defective, a poor driver on a rich NASCAR team, he drives it into the wall everytime, never have truer words been spoken. It is humiliating everytime he opens his mouth. The GOP is in a mess if that was the best they could do.

Oops: Iranian News Org Fooled By Onion, Reports 'Rural Whites' Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama


Iran's Fars News Agency picked up a story today, headlined, 'Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama.' Unfortunately for them, the story was neither indication of just how marvelous Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's UN speech was, nor of how many people simply can't stand Barack Obama. It was a piece from The Onion.

The Onion's story reads:

According to the results of a Gallup poll released Monday, the overwhelming majority of rural white Americans said they would rather vote for Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than U.S. president Barack Obama. [...] According to the same Gallup poll, 60 percent of rural whites said they at least respected that Ahmadinejad doesn't try to hide the fact that he's Muslim.

Fars' mishap below:

(H/T Business Insider)

  • Special follow up story tonight on the Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell.

  • beat me to it!

  • For once the Onion might not be kidding!

  • Exactly right.

    Both Larry O'Donnell & Tommy Christopher can get jobs with Iran's Fars News based on the solid professional news judgement they've shown us here in the U.S.

  • It might be a joke, but it's probably correct. Republiklans certainly prefer Amadinejad to Obama.

  • http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/06/republican-congressman-duped-by-abortionplex-article-in-the-onion/

  • would love to hear a single time either one has f$%ked up that badly without retraction

  • These folks are pretty smart, wouldn't you say? Any wonder why they keep denying the Holocaust?

  • Tough choice for Onion voters

    On the one hand we have:

    An extremist who's rhetoric soars much higher than his capacity to enact policy, presiding over the economic collapse of his country while hating on Israel.

    on the other hand we have Ahmadinejad.

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Vogue Violates Its Own Ban On Underage Models. . .Twice


Back in May, editors at all 19 editions of Vogue took a six-point pledge called the Health Initiative that outlined restrictions on model use to the end of encouraging 'a healthier approach to body image within the industry.' Clause number one? Don't knowingly work with models under 16.

Alas, it took but a few short months for two editions to break this rule, after 15-year-old Ondria Hardin popped up in Vogue China's August issue and 14-year-old Thairine Garcia shot a spread intended to run in December for Vogue Japan. Condé Nast brass is, understandably, less-than-pleased with the offending editors, and has responded to the online backlash with a statement to WWD:

'The Health Initiative banning underage models is very serious, and we will reinforce it. I apologize for the error that took place in China. We will do everything possible to prevent future errors.'

Of course, it seems pretty incredible that the titles didn't just do their homework and prevent this situation from happening in the first place, especially since the ages of both models were readily accesible via a quick Google query. Come on bookings editors! Get thee to a search engine!

However, at least one good thing has come of out of this mess ' now that those in charge are painfully aware of the media scrutiny (read: blogger watchdogs) they're up against, we would be surprised if the 'errors' do continue. Now if only designers like Marc Jacobs, who regularly flouts industry recommendations and indeed hired both aforementioned models for his latest show, would take a similar stand.


Health Initiative Vogue vogue china Vogue Japan

Wasserman Schultz: Obama And Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu Have A 'Very Close Working Relationship'


Ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to the United Nations on Thursday, Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) appeared on MSNBC to tout the strength of the bilateral relationship between Israeli and the United Sates. She said that, contrary to assertion by members of the GOP, President Barack Obama and Netanyahu are 'close' and Israeli leaders across the political spectrum have said repeatedly that 'Israel has no greater friend than President Obama.'

RELATED: Jay Carney: Israel Our 'Closest Ally' In Middle East, Bond 'Unshakable'

MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts cited a report in the New York Times which previews a push by the Republican party for the Jewish vote in Florida. 'Would the angst, Congresswoman, of Jewish voters on the question of Iran put the Jewish vote into play,' asked Roberts.

'If you look at the Gallup poll of Jewish voters, President Obama is actually at about 70 percent in the question of which candidate Jewish voters are likely to vote for,' Wasserman Schultz replied. 'That's ahead of where he was at the same point in the election in 2008.'

Wasserman Schultz said that Jewish voters are foremost concerned about domestic issues like the security of entitlement programs and equal rights issues. She went on to say that Jewish voters that are concerned about foreign policy know that the president has been a staunch supporter of Israel.

'We're making sure that Jewish voters know that President Obama has a stellar record on Israel,' said Wasserman Schultz. 'In fact, I would just push back a little bit and say, President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu have a very close working relationship. They meet and talk regularly and Prime Minister Netanyahu has consistently said that President Obama has stood by Israel.'

'They're not always going to agree on everything, but I think the record is very clear and there are Israeli leaders across the political spectrum in Israel who have consistently said that Israel has no greater friend than President Obama,' Wasserman Schultz concluded.

Watch the segment below via MSNBC:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • She said it, so given her track record you know our relations with Isreal are at an all time low.

  • Does anyone believe anything that comes out of her mouth? I'd say whatever she says, the opposite is true.

Touré: Obama's Reelection Will Advance Racial Harmony In United States


MSNBC host and TIME Magazine columnist Touré's latest opinion piece in the pages of the weekly newsmagazine advances the notion that the reelection of President Barack Obama would do more to create racial harmony in the U.S. even more than the president's first election in 2008. If Obama is reelected after a whole term which has humanized him significantly from his first term, Touré writes that it would prove that an African American, even the President of the United States, does no longer has to be 'twice as good' as the average white person to get ahead.

As public polls show increasingly that voters are turning towards supporting President Obama's reelection, Touré says that the racial implications of Obama's reelection would be powerful. Noting that in 2008, Obama was considered a 'magical' black man ' he was described as such in the pages of the Los Angeles Times in 2007.

Obama had to be extraordinary, which reminds me of something my mother told me when I was a boy: that being black meant I had to be twice as good to get ahead. Obama more than just good; in many ways, he was the embodiment of that staple of film and literature, the magical Negro.

Now, however, after four years of governance and with his approval and favorability ratings having come down to earth, Obama's reelection would signal that voters can see past his skin color and support him despite the fact that he is a fallible human being.

'[I]t's impossible to view Obama as a superhuman magical-Negro figure anymore,' Touré writes. 'Given the super-human expectations placed on him when he took office, it's not surprising that he has disappointed some of his followers.'

Touré says that the future will likely be more racially natural after Obama's reelection because it would go to prove that America is moving ever closer to a post-racial society.

So those poll numbers suggest something very interesting about this country in terms of racial progress. They show American voters embracing a non-magical black man. The magical Negro concept arose from a need to rectify supposed black inferiority with the undeniability of black wisdom by suggesting that wisdom is so alien that its origins cannot be explained by normal scientific methods.

'[F]or [Americans] to embrace a nonmagical black person who cannot promise anything but hope, intelligence, sweat and experience, now that comes closer to equality. Equality is freedom from having to be twice as good to get ahead,' Touré concludes.

Read the whole post via TIME Magazine

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Ni**erize.

    Beat you to it righties.

  • Doubtful. Bitter racist dead-enders like Noah Rothman will just gnash their teeth more loudly.

    I doubt there will ever be racial harmony, but it seems more likely to me that we will have more right wing ricin terror plots and Tim McVeigh attacks. This is what tends to happen when these people come to the realization that they have lost.

  • Oh and

    he never finished school
    he's a nobody

  • stupid name
    he's a racist

  • and head up Obama's butt

    did I miss anything?

  • 'Obama's Reelection Will Advance Racial Harmony In United States' Toure

    It's a little too early to level all of that weight on President Obama's shoulders, as broad as they are!

    Don't count the General Election chickens before they're in'

    'Will it advance Racial Harmony?!?

    'The demographics of the country are rapidly changing and reshaping the USA. It is more significantly suggestive and President Obama has had very little to do with changing those demographics, but it does help him with a more broadminded electorate.

    The answer is maybe. Maybe not. It depends on a variety of different issues including what else President Obama could achieve'

  • You know what these black racists are really afraid of' a colorblind society.

    You know, the kind where one's CONTENT OF CHARACTER is all that matters.

  • It's hard to have racial harmony with all of the BLACK MOB VIOLENCE going on.

  • Thanks for making my point.

  • If anyone should fear that, it's you.

  • Maybe so , but for different reasons .
    its all about timing . The racist white trash faux nooz watching types are 75+ Ayan Rand wannabees sucking off the system as the bitch'about it. Ayan loved her SS check just like teabaggers do .
    the reason harmony is on its way is these ol crazy coots are dying in record numbers .
    HATE has a short shelf life .

  • Why?

  • I hope you get your genocide of whites.

  • and your point is?

  • Like everything else, Obama made it worse.
    When race pimps like Sharpton, Twerpe', Chris Matthews, Maddow, Jesse, Maxine, John Lewis, Spike Lee,etc., go away and quit shrieking 'Racist!!' at everything, it'll improve.
    There are riots daily in the big cities that go unreported because of political correctness.

  • 'Bitter racist dead-enders will just gnash their teeth more loudly''

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Fox News, WSJ Climate Change Coverage Overwhelmingly Inaccurate, Report Says


Fox News' primetime coverage and The Wall Street Journal's op-ed pages overwhelmingly cover the issue of climate change in a misleading and inaccurate way, according to a new report ' which asserted that 93 percent of Fox's primetime coverage (and 81 percent of WSJ editorials) of the topic has not been factually sound.

The analysis, conducted by the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), focused on the two organizations ' both of which are under the umbrella of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation ' 'because of both anecdotal and academic reports suggesting high levels of misleading climate chatter in each,' according to LiveScience.

Their findings didn't put the outlets in a good light:

'It's like they were writing and talking about some sort of bizarre world where climate change isn't happening,' study author Aaron Huertas, a press secretary at UCS, told LiveScience.

'It's clear that we're not having a fact-based dialogue about climate change,' Huertas added.

For the report, researchers 'combed through six months of Fox News primetime programs (from February 2012 to July 2012) and one year of Wall Street Journal op-eds (from August 2011 to July 2012), for discussions of global warming.'

One of the problems highlighted by UCS researchers was that Fox News and WSJ were 'consistently dismissive' of 'the established scientific consensus that climate change is happening and that human activities are the main driver.' In other words, undermining science on the topic (calling it a 'hoax and fraud,' for example.)

By way of another example, they noted the following remark:

For example, a statement aired on a primetime Fox News show on April 11 says, 'I thought we were getting warmer. But in the '70s, it was, look out, we're all going to freeze.'

The WSJ's coverage posed similar problem, the report said ' but went on to emphasize that UCS doesn't intend to stifle debate when it comes to climate change.

'It is entirely appropriate to disagree with specific actions or policies aimed at addressing climate change while accepting the clearly established findings of climate science,' the authors wrote. 'And while it is appropriate to question new science as it emerges, it is misleading to reject or sow doubt about established science ' in this case, the overwhelming body of evidence that human-caused climate change is occurring.'

(H/T LiveScience/Yahoo! News)

  • And in the real world this surprises'.nobody.

  • Of course the WSJ and Fixed News live in this alternative universe. Its not reality. Its part of the ongoing anti science, anti woman, anti gay, anti middle class that these two organizations are built upon. This is not surprising in the least. There is a reason why Fixed News has the most uneducated viewers around watching that nonsense

  • I'm surprised that only 93% was found factually inaccurate. I assumed it was much higher.

  • Well no sh*t.

    If it weren't for Big Oil buying the Republican Party years ago, we'd have taken some serious steps to address this problem by now. It's to the point that even deniers in places like rural South Texas (see 110-plus temperatures for several summers in a row) have had to admit the climate and, consequently, flora and fauna are changing. Despite that, Sean Hannity and other idiots on Fox will continue to tell their sheepish viewers whatever it is Exxon wants them to say.

Samuel L. Jackson Shouts At Voters In Soros-Funded Ad: 'Wake The F**k Up!'

» comments

Academy Award nominee, frequent on-screen cusser, and outspokenly political actor Samuel L. Jackson will play the lead in a new 'quasi-ad' for a liberal super PAC called The Jewish Council for Education & Research (JCER).

The ad, unsurprisingly titled 'Wake the Fuck Up,' features Jackson narrating in a Dr. Seuss-like rhyme scheme a la the audiobook he famously recorded for the mock-children's book Go the Fuck to Sleep.

Throughout the video, Jackson magically appears in a variety of places, shouting obscenities like 'wake the fuck up!' at white suburbanites and potential Romney voters.

Mother Jones reports that in one verse, Jackson says:

Sorry, my friend, but there's no time to snore.
And out-of-touch millionaires just declared war.
On schools, the environment, unions, fair pay.
We're all on our own if Romney has his way.
And he's against safety nets, if you fall, tough luck.
So I strongly suggest that you wake the fuck up.

In other scenes, the website reports, Jackson shouts at 'disaffected teens' who once organized bake sales to support Obama's 2008 bid: 'STOP BULLSHITTIN'. GET OUT THERE AND SELL SOME CAKES AND COOKIES. NOOOWWWW!!!' In another scene, he reportedly pops in on a love-making elderly couple to shout at them about Romney's plans for their Medicare.

- RELATED: Samuel L. Jackson: 'Unfair Sh*t' That 'GOP Spared By Isaac' While New Orleans Likely 'F*cked Again'

JCER, a liberal super-PAC funded mostly by billionaire George Soros' son Alexander, aims for comedy with this ad, and hopes to create a future of 'mini-memes on social media' mixing satire with politics.

The group previously funded the ad starring comedienne Sarah Silverman offering to 'scissor' billionaire Republican donor Sheldon Adelman if he switched to the Democratic Party.

The ad is set to debut Thursday morning..

[h/t Mother Jones]

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

Ann Romney Should Sass Off More Often


Ann Romney Should Sass Off More Often


In politics, breaking points are inevitable, and prospective first lady Ann Romney had hers last week when she announced to haters, 'Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring.' It was quite a lot of sass from the usually composed woman, who has had a many occasion to lash out and fight back. Perhaps an aggressive response was what people wanted after all, as the mother of five just told Jay Leno that she received praise and 'high-fives' for her much-discussed remark. Some opined that she shouldn't get snippy, but I think hostility is what she has needed to demonstrate all along. Ann will not continue to be pushed around, and while it's good to ignore nastiness at times, it's also helpful to stick up for oneself, and that's what she finally decided to do when she went off about Romney opponents.

In retrospect, she worries she was too effusive:

'I stepped out of the interview and I'm like, oh dear,' Romney told Leno during his Tuesday show. 'Everyone I've seen is like, giving me high-fives. I will tell you, Jay that four years ago, it's a hard thing to do this, especially being the wife and having to listen to this all the time. Four years ago I made a videotape, and on the videotape I looked in the camera and I said, 'Mitt, this is for you sweetheart. I'm never doing this again.' I showed it to him and he said, 'You know Ann, you say that after every pregnancy.' Which is true!'

Romney, of course, has five grown boys. I don't know whether the election is starting to wear on her or if she's truly sick of the constant flow of criticism, but Romney should show her less-than-composed side more often. A lot of people have complained time and time again that the Romney clan is hard to relate to, but if Ann expresses herself a bit more, others will see that the Romneys really are human.

TAGS: Ann Romney

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  • Angry White Woman Syndrome
    How long before all of the media outlets start questioning why Ann Rmoney is such an Angry White Woman like they did about Michele Obama for [NOT] being an Angry Black Woman? I guess it is okay for Ann Romney to be angry and bossy and elitist.

  • Perhaps Ann Romney can run for POTUS in 2016 instead of her robotic husband'..Ann Romney is a whiner,,

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Coulter On Lawrence O'Donnell And Maher: They 'Date Black Gals So They Think They're Freedom Riders'

» 1 comment

On Tuesday, Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy interviewed author and columnist Ann Coulter about her new book, Mugged, which takes a look at the racial politics of the left.

He kicked things off by playing a clip of MSNBC's Chris Matthews defending his previous comments about the GOP essentially 'stoking racism' for political gain to HBO's Bill Maher last Friday.

Coulter said that the Democratic party has tried to take credit for things like, say, signing the Civil Rights Act, although 'it was actually Eisenhower who got the ball rolling.' She alter added that she found it curious that Matthews 'cites all the black people coming up to him and cites black people in other countries whom he refers to as 'African Americans.'' This is because, she ventured, 'here in America, he doesn't have any black friends. He doesn't have any black neighbors,' and a picture of his son's wedding reveals 'not a black face in the group.' If he'd been Republican, she added, he 'would be convicted of racism in two seconds.'

Coulter also described why it is that she believes Democrats 'use' racism for political advantage. Step one, she said, is 'tell black people that Republicans hate them for 100 years. Actually only since, I guess, the Democrats finally started to come on around the mid '60s. Once the civil rights battles were won, you have liberals playacting against nonexistent racism and telling the world that Republicans and Tea Partiers are racist.' Step two, she continued, is to 'taunt Republicans for not having more blacks in their party.'

She said that, through writing the book, she was surprised to find all the time that the President directly engages in 'race baiting.' Coulter also accuses the left of being quick to label their opponents racist for such things as opposing ObamaCare, being a Tea Party member, or ' and here she cited a conversation with Alan Colmes ' for saying 'the blacks' rather than 'blacks' or 'black people.'

Coulter later claimed that liberals ' specifically Rachel Maddow ' introduce black guests and being extremely special or 'wicked smart,' while 'poor nerd white guest' Chris Hayes simply gets a dry, straightforward intro.

She also joked that some liberals, Lawrence O'Donnell and Bill Maher among them, think of themselves as 'freedom riders' because they date 'black gals.'

Watch, via Fox News:

  • Lawrence is married to Kathryn Harrold, who is super hot. Ann Coulter looks like a guy in drag.

Bill Kristol: Conservatives Being 'Too Obsessive' About Lack Of Coverage Of Obama's Gaffes

» comments

Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, appeared on Fox News Channel where he was asked about charges made by conservatives that the political press is more willing to criticize Mitt Romney for his misstatements than they are for President Barack Obama. Kristol said that conservatives run the risk of cheapening their message by focusing solely on Obama's gaffes and not his policy. He says that substance will be how voters make their ultimate decision.

Jon Scott read a portion of a column in the New York Post by John Podhoretz who lamented that the press has abdicated its watchdog role in their coverage of President Obama's misstatements and gaffes. Kristol did not agree and added that it is dangerous for conservatives to become overly fixated on perceived biases in media coverage of the campaign.

'Honestly, conservatives are being a little too obsessive about individual sentences President Obama says,' said Kristol. 'Voters aren't going to make their mind based on that, they're going to make up their mind on four years of record and what the Romney alternative is.'

'The Romney campaign, I think, falls in the trap of becoming the speech critic of Obama,' Kristol continued. 'People like us should do that, it's perfectly appropriate. But, as a political matter, people are going to make their mind up on the policies.'

Kristol said that voters may not be satisfied with Obama's record but that does not mean that they are prepared to throw him out of office without a compelling alternative. He said that Romney has a 'subtle' challenge, needing to make his case without being overly critical of the sitting president on matters that are not related directly to policy.

Watch the clip below via Fox News Channel:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

President Obama Hits Romney's Economic Policies, Addresses Libyan Violence On The View


Barack and Michelle Obama both appeared on The View today, and after a few pleasantries about family life, the interview turned to more serious policy issues. The president responded to concerns over the state of the economy, arguing that under a Mitt Romney administration, the economy might survive, but not necessarily thrive. Obama also addressed the violence erupting in the Middle East and made it clear that despite how offensive the controversial film Innocence of Muslims may be, 'there's never an excuse for violence.'

RELATED: President Obama Condemns Both 'Disgusting' Anti-Islam Video And 'Mindless' Violence Before The U.N.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck said that many Americans are concerned with the state of the economy, including the high unemployment rate, and asked Obama if it was unfair to assume Romney's policies would fail the middle class when many would say the Obama administration's policies already have. Obama argued that the steps his administration has taken have been to make sure the middle class feels more secure in the long run.

Obama touted the success of the auto industry and consistent private sector job growth. He said that Romney is a good man, but his policies, from tax cuts to relaxing federal regulations, are 'the ones that got us into this mess.' Barbara Walters asked the president if it would be 'disastrous for the country' if Romney was elected in November. Obama did not explicitly say a Romney administration would be bad for the economy, but he did imply the economy may not thrive under Romney's watch.

'I think America's so strong, and we've got so much going for us that, you know, we can survive a lot. But the American people don't just want to survive. We want everybody to thrive. We want folks to have a shot at success. So the question becomes whose policies are more likely to lead us to where we want to go.'

In the next part of the interview, Joy Behar brought up the recent violence in Libya and around the Middle East that may have been spurred by the film Innocence of Muslims. Behar asked Obama if the violence was a direct result of the movie or if it was simply an act of terrorism. Obama said the investigation is still underway, but spoke of the need for the United States to always keep its guard up and be ready to strike back against groups like al-Qaeda.

Whoopi Goldberg addressed the issue of free speech surrounding the film, saying that people should be equally thoughtful about the consequences of what they say. Obama said quite clearly, 'There's never an excuse for violence, I don't care how offensive this video was,' making it clear he personally found the film very offensive.

Watch part one below:

And part two:

[Image via]


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

barack obama, Barbara Walters, Economy, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Innocence Of Muslims, Joy Behar, Libya, Mitt Romney, The View, Unemployment, violence, Whoopi Goldberg
  • Awe ' the eye candy speaks not with foreign leaders but with Babs and her view gal pals'how sweet.

  • Oh Good Lord, it's time to head back to Hawaii, Barry.

  • Again, Mr President'

    'Well said, very well said!

  • Yes I remember your outrage when the Romneys were talking about Mitt's magic underwear with Kelly Ripa.

  • He'll probably take a needed break at the beach after he wins the election.

  • I don't know what Obama's saying he is the 'eye candy' has to do with Mitt ' but hey'if you wanna make some kind of absurd comparison ' go for it.

  • [A General] must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance. ' The Art of War

  • Well it's good to see your new view of the president.

    He's gone from man child to
    'eye candy'.

    Tina like Obama
    Tina like ObamaTina like Obama

  • I can't stand to even listen to this immature lying sack anymore!

  • Kathleen McKinley '
    Number 1 reason to vote for Romney. Madonna says she will take all her clothes off if
    Obama wins. http://gaw.kr/RUM4WC
    Kathleen McKinley '
    Oh yeah, She called Obama a 'black Muslim' too. Could someone inform Madonna that the time anyone wanting to see her naked is LONG past.

Senin, 24 September 2012

Blitzer: Obama Going On The View Instead Of Meeting World Leaders Is A 'Missed Opportunity'


CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said Monday that he thinks President Barack Obama may have made a misstep by opting to forego traditional meetings with world leaders during the week of United Nations General Assembly and instead choosing to appear on ABC's The View. 'I do think there is potentially a missed opportunity this week for the President of the United States to meet with world leaders,' said Blitzer.

CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield asked if there was ever any real policy accomplished during traditional bilateral meetings between world leaders that often occur during the week of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City. She also asked if Obama had exposed himself to political attacks by sitting down with the hosts of The View instead.

'I think anytime a president ' a sitting President of the United States ' meets with another world leader, important issues can be discussed,' said Blitzer.

'He's going to be speaking to millions of people who will be watching The View, and they determined that is an important thing for the president to do,' Blitzer said.

He did say, however, that there is a 'missed opportunity' for the president to advance American interests by not meeting with world leaders while they are in New York City.

'I think he'll be taking it on the chin for it too,' said Banfield.

Watch the segment below via CNN:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Truly TeaNN'..Have you No shame?

    Foxlte is getting nuts. Can CNN please stop spouting Fox and righwingers talking points? It is so unprofessional.

  • When it comes to what is in America's interest vs. what is in Obama's interest, there's no contest.
    The arrogant, snappish Preezy does say that the buck stops with him, to some degree.
    ( or Valerie Jarrett).
    A guy this inept, this long, will never become ept.

  • Its indicative of an administration that exists to campaign, and govern on the side as opposed to an administration that exists to govern, and campaign on the side.

  • This lazy mug Obama thinks he can high hat the world and they will listen to him anyway.
    Well, Obama, it ain't 2008 and you ain't nothin' but a hound dog.

  • An easy choice. Those world leaders aren't going to slobber over him and tell him how great he is.

  • Nor should they over Nitpicking-Yahoo of Israel.

  • Actually, I think it was reasonable that President Obama chose to do what he did. Why? Remember that he is in an election to win votes & stay in power. Ask yourself these three questions: how many people watch reports on the United Nations? How many people watch 'The View'? Therefore, which of the two forums would be better able to present his case with the most people open to his message?

  • Who's on first?
    Is Ashleigh grilling Blitzer or did Blitz smoke Ash?
    Third base.

  • Spoken like a true red neck, hillbilly, racist'

  • i'm sure THE VIEW will be a whole lot safer and friendlier than Univision and Telemundo

  • Why would he talk to foreign leaders?

    We already know that people who speak foreign languages are the only ones who ask him tough questions (Univision).

  • Wolf Blitzer, Concern Troll.

    Noah Rothman, Conservative Troll.

  • We can add this to the pantheon of right wing Faux outrages, from Hug-gate to Two Minute-Gate to Terrorist Fistbump-Gate to Barack went to a Madrassa-Gate to Bo Rides Airforce One-Gate to'

  • Wolf is a CFR member, nothing liberal about the chump whatsoever, same with CNN.
    This CNN segment proves once again there is no liberal media.
    Funny how the UN is hated soooo deeply by those on the right, but then they cry foul when Obama wont meet with UN representatives ''..bagger hypocrites!

  • What has happened to Wolf he is selling out to the wing nuts, this is beneath him. Everyone knows that during the General Assembly Obama will be meeting behind the scenes with World leaders just as Hilary Clinton is doing now.

  • You just can't wait to give millionaires tax breaks, can ya doofus' The Repbulican Party had a choice. It could try and pull the country out of a recession or it could do everything it could to destroy the President. So just like the Republicans, Doofus' you could give a crap about America as long as you make the President look bad. The good thing is, the only thing you make look bad is yourself.

  • Poor Biltzer is sorry he cant multi task as good as President Obama. That is why CNN has removed Biltzer from any meaningful position at CNN. Wolf is now an opening act for a low rated cable news network.

  • Wolf always carrying the water for the GOP and Willard the lying Bishop.

  • if he can't handle foreign-language TV anchors what chance does he have against foreign world leaders?

  • favorite DEM talking point ' Benghazzi attack due to a YouTube video

  • CNN is really trying to out-douche FAUX.

    Wolf Bitzer: 'meeting with a bunch of women on The View'

    Mitt Romney: 'Four are sharp-tongued and not conservative, Whoopi Goldberg in particular,' he said. '

    Let the misogyny keep rolling along!

  • or maybe there trying to catch up with Univision and Telemundo in doing serious journalism.

  • Reminds of the time when Obama blew off the Boy Scouts 100 year anniversary to go on the View. The man has his priorities and thats why our country is in the crapper.

  • Probably more like The Weekly Reader

  • Volf Bleetzer & 'Ashes' Banfield might as well be on 'The View'. Both are dim-wits.

  • Oh no Wolf isn't acting like a partisan hack what a sellout!!!

Microsoft Accidentally Tweets Anti-Ann Coulter Message After This Week Panel


Conservative columnist Ann Coulter makes a point of riling up her opponents with messages that are rarely sugar-coated and often inflame progressive sensibilities. Her appearance on ABC's This Week on Sunday was jam-packed with conservative counterpoints to liberal orthodoxy on issues like President Barack Obama's electoral prospects, race relations and Mitt Romney's remark about the 47 percent who pay nothing in income taxes. Coulter's appearance on the Sunday morning news program appears to have infuriated the handler of the software firm Microsoft's Twitter account who took to the social network to send out an anti-Coulter message.

RELATED: NAnn Coulter Battles This Week Panel Over 47%, Obama's Electoral Prospects And Civil Rights

Microsoft's account tweeted a message at Coulter's fellow panel guest and former Labor Secretary for President Bill Clinton, Robert Reich, attacking Coulter for her level of discourse.

The tweet went out to Microsoft's 300,000 followers but was quickly deleted.

Microsoft spokeswoman Christina Pearson noted that the person who manages Microsoft's account was attempting to send Reich a message from his personal account at the time of the incident.

One of the people who manages our corporate twitter account thought he was tweeting from their personal twitter account on Saturday morning but tweeted from our corporate account by mistake'That person immediately realized his mistake and deleted the tweet from our corporate account. We have taken steps to help ensure that this kind of mistake doesn't happen again.

If nothing else, the dustup gives Coulter fans new reason to consider switching to Apple.

h/t The Blaze

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Wow, this non story is nearly two days old.

    You know, it might be a more productive use of time to figure out a way to support Mittens assertion about the merits of using hospital ER's for primary medical care for people who aren't insured.

    After previously stating that the people who used them for that purposes were low life leaches on the medical system.

  • Hey what a shock. A person's whose job is to literally tweet for a living which means they contribute nothing of value to society supports Obama. I am shocked.

  • What are your contributions, Dan? Why don't you list just a few. Be specific, please.

  • We still want to see your tax returns, Mitt. Hopefully, the President campaign will continue to remind you. What else are you hiding?


  • Of course, Ms. Coulter doesn't use Twitter at all. Right wingers and their hypocrisy, lol.

  • Your occupation is what exactly?

  • I mean he was right.

  • Noah's cleaning out his file of old stuff now.

    Heaven forbid that someone might acknowledge Ann Coulter's partisan bigotry and vile commentary that she spews toward all others not in line to buy one of her books.

  • Something seems to be happening to the Romney surrogates. Ann Coulter, Bay Buchanan and John Sununu have all had nervous breakdowns live on air this week. Its time to bring out surrogates who will not hyperventilate Pat Buchanan and Sarah Palin to push the Romney message.

  • Yeah, all 3 of her fans. She looks like a man. Aren't women supposed to have curves? I could iron my clothes on her. Actually, she looks like an Afghan. The dog, not the people. Think about it!

  • Well I studied hard for 4 years, got a degree in a hard science field and that's where I work now doing research and programming. I own my own place and a car. Every summer I take a month off and visit the Adriatic coast. All because I work hard. Good?

  • see below.

  • You attack other people's low IQs and yet here you are spouting out talking points cable news armed you with to rant about. Romney could give you 30 years of tax info all legal and you would never ever consider voting for him. Be honest, you just want it so you can find something to use against him. Are you honestly going to sit here and say you would consider voting for him if the numbers were good? At least I know Cyber would throw some respect him way, you just come off as a ranting moron.

Breitbart Writer Begs Libertarians To Vote Romney ' Sorry, It Ain't Going To Work

» 1 comment

In a two-part column over at Breitbart's Big Government, Kurt Schlichter practically begs libertarians to 'support our Constitution' and vote for Mitt Romney this November in order to avoid not only the 'destruction of this country' by way of a second Obama term, but also to avoid the destruction of libertarianism by way of the Libertarian Party becoming a pariah.

The begging will not work, especially when it comes with the usual platitudinous overtures to America and the Constitution being at stake; and the suggestion that not supporting Romney is to selfishly disregard of the Constitution in the name of ideology. No matter how you dice the logic, a committed Republican accusing libertarians of not supporting the Constitution is nothing short of laughable.

Schlichter's misunderstanding of the libertarian mentality doesn't help, either. The first and most obvious mistake he makes is to conveniently overlook the fact that small-L libertarians are truly unconcerned with the Libertarian Party. 'Remember the Greens?' he ominously asks libertarians, alluding to the fact that following the Green Party's role as 'spoiler' in Al Gore's 2000 presidential bid, the 'Greens' died off and became a punchline.

He naively assumes libertarians actually care what happens to the party that, for years, has been mismanaged and run by glibertarians like Wayne Allyn Root, a birther who only recently realized it's time to give up the act and join the GOP. For many libertarians, the party already is a punchline. And looking at this year's 'none of the above' incident at the Libertarian National Convention, can you blame them?

Schlichter makes the case that libertarians will sure-as-Hell never find a home in the Democratic Party, what with the party's 'free this, free that, bailouts this, bailouts that' spectacle at the 2012 DNC. He rightfully points out that the Dems only occasionally make attempts to reach out to libertarians, but are happy to eliminate that support at the drop of a hat. This is probably true. But dedicated libertarians find themselves politically homeless mostly because the corrupting forces of party politics are inherently in conflict with remaining ideologically principled. For many libertarians, a functioning political party to call home is not the desired end-game.

Schlichter's blind partisanship is unlikely to convince libertarians either. What's most insulting about the column is how he lectures libertarians about how President Obama is on an unstoppable path of 'trampling' the Constitution and Bill of Rights, one amendment at a time. He notes in terribly overwrought language that 'Obama's spent nearly four years trampling the First Amendment,' and that the Second Amendment is 'just one Supreme Court vote from being snatched away.' Look, it's no secret that the Obama administration has a seeming disregard for the Constitution. Schlichter suggests that, therefore, libertarians who are truly dedicated to the age-old document need to support Romney and the Republican Party because they are different ' they will save the Constitution and end the madness.

But hey, guess what? Many of President Obama's constitutional abuses are simply extensions of the ones initiated under President George W. Bush ' you know, that other unsupportable Republican that we libertarians were all told to shut up and vote for in 2004.

It was the Republican Party that rammed through the PATRIOT Act that Obama reauthorized last year. It was the Republican Party that set the precedent for the use of indefinite detention, torture, executive overreach, and the crackdowns on government whistleblowers. It was the Republican Party that heightened the crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries operating legally under their states' laws. It was the Republican Party that voted for Bush's spending spree and expansion of federal powers under Medicare Part D, the No Child Left Behind Act, etc.

Schlichter points to the administration's recent 'rousting' of the Innocence of Muslims filmmaker as an Obama First Amendment abuse. The president's handling of this entire 'movie-causing-riots' debacle was, indeed, frustrating to libertarians. And so we libertarians should support Romney because he's dedicated to the First Amendment, right?

Not quite. This is the same candidate who pledged to 'vigorously' fight the scourge that is all forms of adult pornography. Oh, and under the last Republican president, we saw an increase of pointless federal prosecutions of porn-makers like John Stagliano, who film consenting adults doing consensual things ' you know, the kind of stuff Republicans hate when it involves sex, drugs, or gambling.

Sure, this current presidency has some constitutional abuses you wouldn't have seen under Bush, but that's because this is precisely how our two-party system works: When Democrats are in power, they abuse the Constitution by lighting the metaphorical candle at one end; and when the Republicans are in power, they abuse it by lighting the other end.

A Romney presidency would surely not be exempt from this natural process.

And so it is truly backwards for Schlichter to implore libertarians to 'support the Constitution' by casting a vote for the Republican Party. Here's a better idea:

How about you start supporting the Constitution? And how about you actually make an effort to incorporate libertarians by, for starters, not dismissing them only until it becomes politically necessary to beg for their support?
' '
Read Schlichter's columns here and here.

>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • The main difference between liberals and libertarians is in the government size they favor . . .

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Stephanopoulos Asks Reince Priebus If The Romney Campaign Is 'In Denial' About Impact Of 47% Comments


Appearing on ABC's This Week, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus joined George Stephanopoulos to talk about the now-infamous hidden camera video in which Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney talked about the 47 percent of Americans who pay no income tax as well as the members of the GOP expressing anxiety that the Romney campaign needs to rethink their strategy. When Priebus insisted that the Romney campaign is still competitive with President Barack Obama, Stephanopoulos asked if they were in a state of denial over the negative impact of the GOP nominee's comments.

RELATED: David Frum Savages Mitt Romney Over His Comments About The 47 Percent

Stephanopoulos asked Priebus about the impact that Romney's comments about the 47 percent would have on the trajectory of the presidential race.

'Governor Romney's been pretty clear, it wasn't the best-said moment in the campaign and probably not the best week in the campaign,' Priebus said. He said that this week would be seen as the week when the Obama and Romney campaign's messages crystalized around a dependency society or a future of independence.

'You like the choice that was presented to votes last week,' Stephanopoulos asked.

'No,' said Priebus. He clarified that the message the Romney campaign has embraced in the wake of the 47 percent comments around dependency is a strong political argument.

Priebus was asked about critics of Romney on the right, notably Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, who called the Romney campaign a 'rolling calamity.'

Priebus called Noonan 'really smart' and said that he respects and admires those who are concerned about the Romney campaign's message. 'I'm not sitting here talking to you because I'm worried about the future of the Republican party,' said Priebus. 'We're worried about the future of our country.' He said, in this way, he can understand the anxiety of his fellow conservatives.

Watch the segment below via ABC:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • One of the best things about an Obama victory will be never having to see or hear Rinse Pubes again.

  • Um, you're the one in denial George. There hasn't been a backlash to the comments. The race is dead even. It's driving you libs crazy that there wasn't more of an impact of his statements. You keep playing gotcha with Romney and coming out the losers. You and your buddies in the corrupt, liberal media are getting more pathetic by the hour.

  • How can ANY serious political person go from slamming DWS to listening to this clown?

  • >>the race is dead even.<<

    lol'except in the swing states, bubbleboy.

  • Obama will win in Wisconsin making a fool of Ryan and Rinse Prebus

  • he does look real 'crabby'

  • Impossible to spin or deny, so Rinse and Repeat can only eat crow this week.

  • Ancient news, Steffi.

    Obama's massive foulups in the Middle East, his two Marxist videos coming out, his lying on Letterman and his making a fool out of himself and lying on Univision made for a bad week for Barry.

    He was in Wisconsin yesterday, drawing a very small crowd, just as he couldn't fill up venues in Charlotte and Las Vegas.

    George is being a good little deckhand on Obama's Titanic.

  • Dummy.

  • George, in case you didn't know it, your boy went from stating 'they passed a budget', which inclulded a $716 billion dollar cut on Medicare, to, in the next sentence, mentions Obama raided Medicare. You didn't think there was a need to mention that fact?

  • If President Obama had a 'bad week', then how on God's Green Earth do characterize Mitt Romney's bad week?!?

  • Don't get your feelings hurt if George doesn't reply to your comment. See, George didn't write the article. He's merely the interviewer on the video. So your comment is a rehash of your complaining to the images on your television screen again. George didn't hear you then either. I know that's rather complex for a bagger like you'

  • Bad week for Obama-he is up in every Swing state poll, Romney is praying for that kind of bad week. President Obama got 18,000 to watch him speak in Wisconsin.
    Gloves you are clearly a liar and in denial.

  • The Party of NO is not in denial because they keep hearing what they want to hear on FAUX News. Meanwhile, the rest of America is getting ready for the beat down.

  • Priebus is from Wisconsin, one of the swing states currently and heavily favoring President Obama 51.2 to 44.2.


  • Reince is a drunkard.

  • I wonder if Michael Steele looks so bad in retrospect.

  • Politics aside Reince Priebus is the most smarmy, snotty, nasty individual the Republican could have gotten to chair the Republican Party. He's COMPLETELY unlikable and does the campaign more harm than good when appearing on television. Optics and perceptions matter. Americans love happy warriors not mean, vile SOB's. Save the DWS comebacks as I don't think she's very effective either.

  • Reince Priebus has done something no one could have ever thought: Make Michael Steele look like a competent GOP chair.

  • He's not there to elect people. He's there to raise money and push the Republican party even further to the right while the state GOP continues to disenfranchise as many voters as can.

    They've already admitted that they don't want people to vote.

Chris Wallace Grills Robert Gibbs Over Obama Admin.'s Insistence That Libya Attack Was Spontaneous


Following Obama administration officials repeated insistence that the 9/11/12 attacks in Libya which resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens were spontaneous, numerous reports suggest that the attacks were pre-planned. Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace where he insisted that members of President Barack Obama's administration did not intentionally mislead anyone when they insisted that the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was spontaneous.

RELATED: Jake Tapper Grills Ambassador Rice Over Foreign Policy: 'Why Does The U.S. Seem So Impotent?'

Wallace asked Gibbs about the numerous contradictions to official White House accounts that the attacks in Libya were the result of spontaneous protests arising from an anti-Islamic trailer on YouTube.

Wallace pressed Gibbs, saying that last week he asked U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to respond to suggestions by Libyan officials that he events connected with the attack were pre-planned and not spontaneous. At the time, Rice insisted that the attack was an outgrowth of protests across the Muslim world directed at the offensive video.

'You look back at that answer and she says ' the information ' the answer, based on what she knew at that point,' said Gibbs. 'We've learned more and we're going to continue to learn more.'

'No one intentionally or unintentionally misled anyone involved in this,' said Gibbs.' 'We learned more information every single day about what happened. Nobody wants to get to the bottom of this faster than we do.'

Watch the clip below via Fox News Channel:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Obama knows this already..but' it MUST be the movie .. we can begin the taking of the first admendment!! Blame Americans for the violence.. not the idiots that do violence..

    Surely Muslims don't hate us because we carpet bomb, invade their lands and try to put our puppets into power under our control while handing over billions in taxpayer money'
    it must have been that dang little Movie!! I know they trust me to bring them the world.

    intelligence and Obama admin just don't seem to go hand in hand..and Americans overseas suffer from it.. as do those here at home' it's all Dubya's fault..I need 4 more years.. I just didn't understand the debt of the deficit.. nor the hatred the muslims have towards us, and rightfully so.. give me more money to burn.. I will solve it.. more please more'anyone for a round of golf?

  • Maybe a 'grilling' like this would hold water if Fox had held Bush to the same 'zero tolerance for error' standard that they hold Obama to '

  • Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush.

  • Fox is like having an enemy government in our midst, they don't care about what's best for citizens, they have their own mission and they really don't care if they harm America to achieve it. Fox News would rather take down the American president than tell the truth, what does that say?

  • HMMM. Ambassador Rice said the situation was fluid and they would learn more as the investigation developed. This is not a difficult concept to understand.

  • At least YOU remember Bush and the catastrophe that his regime was for this country. Fox News doesn't seem to be able to remember his name at all.

  • Fair questions. And Gibbs answered them. If you don't learn more details in the near-term after a surprise attack, then you're spending all of the time spinning and not investigating.

  • It is a difficult situation for those on the right to understand. I EVEN HEARD ONE SAY THAT BUSH HAD KEPT US SAFE. 4 dead is too many dead Americans but how quickly all the wing-nuts have forgotten 12 terrorist attacks under Bush including 9/11. It seems they are more angry that America has not had more attacks against us than the fact that Obama has kept us safe.

  • Go ahead Bob.
    Lie right trough your teeth into our faces one more time.
    Nobody will notice.

  • The better exchange was where Gibbs started the 'Romney has has more recent debate experience' line apparently greasing the skids for a less than stellar performance, without his prompter, of the President. Everyone know the 'ummm's , and uhhh's, are going to be counted and played back. How long before just having the debates is 'racist' in and of itself?

  • That 'it was the video' crap had to come directly from Obama.

    No one with any sense would try to put that over.

    Now Gibbs, Carney, Rice and Hillary all have cous cous on their faces.

    Even Little Debbie refused to go out and say that nonsense, as she did not want to damage her credibility.

  • Tough questions are fair play unless it's only done for one side of the aisle. Chris Wallace is one of the better anchors on Fox who asks probing questions of the subject regardless. Gibbs did a credible job of answering the questions. Obviously, the situation was and still is fluid as more information becomes available.

  • 'Fox News would rather take down the American president than tell the truth, what does that say?'

    Actually'nothing'.It only 'says something' if it's true in the first place. This was Chris Wallace's show'hardly an anti-Obama reporter.

  • If Obama still has it in his head that it was the video, (since he is deluded enough to think he can do no wrong) he needs to stop the Killing bin Laden movie because of the worldwide bloodshed this will bring about.

    When are the craziest Muslims not outraged?

  • 'Obviously, the situation was and still is fluid as more information becomes available.'

    That's my point, all this happened a week ago and they are already attacking the president and trying to pit some sort of blame on him.

  • This was a pretty good article on a pretty good video of some pretty good probing questions by a pretty good newsman. It's a shame you neither read the article nor watched the video but instead commented on whatever popped up in your little head, Hoo JardOWNed.

  • How do these lying scumbags sleep at night. We have a dead ambassador and navy SEALS and the Preezy is on the View, Letterman, J-Z/Beyonce Partays! Let's rid our country of this the Marxist cancer.

  • Obama has been the president for 4 years dumbass!

  • If you tell a big enough lie often enough the public will be foolish enough to believe it true. That's been the MO of this administration from the beginning and will remain so. That most of our media is complicit in helping to spread the lies is disgusting.

  • Interesting that the intellgence agency under Pres Obama are slower to get information and come to a conclusion than newspapers.

  • Why do intelligent people continue to give Fake News anchors the time of day?

    And, more importantly, why does Mediaite insist on talking about fake news hacks?

  • And he's STILL cleaning up the crap that Bush and the GOP left him, while the Republicons in Congress continue to try and stomp their feet and act like spoiled brats.

  • The attacks were not planned. They just happened to happen on 9/11. Okay.

  • I'm pleased that somebody informed you of ONE fact that you were able to retain somehow. I was responding to HopeyDopey's comment, if that's okay with you. The next time you'd like to butt in and dazzle us with your vast knowledge base, say 'Excuse me' first and someone might address you. There's lots of irony in your calling anyone else a dumbass. Look up the word and give it a little thought. Even YOU might get it.

  • 'When are the craziest Christians not outraged?'

    Fixed that for you.

  • We should never question the government, at least not when the guy we like is in power. Got it.

  • Please don't vote because you seem to suffer from 'Fox News-itis'.

  • It's funny, you guys always make the assumption Obama is inept' and then he beats you/proves you wrong every time. Can't teach an old dog new tricks I guess.

  • Chris Wallace is a typical corporate media hack.

    I'm sure next week he'll have on Palin or Romney to talk about how wonderful things were back between 2001 and 2008 while giving him a back rub.

  • Chris Wallace is a joke.

  • We should always question people in power but not blindly because they are our idealogical opponents. Mitt Romney made the same mistake of opening his mouth about the Middle East and attacking Obama, apparently you guys learn nothing.

  • Good point. Although if a newspaper gets it wrong, they print a correction or retraction on page 32-F instead of appearing constantly in the press being grilled about a fluid situation. If an intelligence agency doesn't put out all of the details that they have on-hand at a particular moment, or even chooses to use counter-intel to smoke out other sources, that's a tactical decision, not negligence or ineptness. Unfortunately, our ability to learn all of the facts immediately is often in conflict with those doing their jobs on matters of national security.

    'FOReWARneD 2012'