Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Ann Coulter: Obama Will 'Screw [Democrats] Six Ways From Sunday' To Win Reelection


Ann Coulter sat down with Sean Hannity on his radio show Thursday to talk about President Obama finally coming out in support of gay marriage. Coulter didn't spend too much time going after Obama for his position, instead going after him for putting his own reelection chances ahead of members of his own party. Several Democratic legislators in contentious elections are backing away from Obama's endorsement of gay marriage so they stay in office. Coulter said that the president's thought process on this was just to 'screw them six ways to Sunday' and keep the focus on his own reelection.

RELATED: Majority Of Americans Say Obama's Gay Marriage Endorsement Won't Affect Vote

Coulter said that every time gay marriage has come up for a popular vote, it has been rejected, even in liberal California. She also brought up that gay marriage is opposed by a significant percentage of the African-American community. Coulter didn't imagine Obama could lose any significant percentage of the black vote due to this, but predicted that Democrats running for reelection like Senator Claire McCaskill would lose if they were connected to the president on this social issue.

'She's in a tough race. A Democrat in Missouri, and I hope she loses. But she can't come out for gay marriage. And so, you know, this shows a level of desperation that Obama is saying, 'I have just got to get re-elected and I don't care what happens to the down-market Democrats. I'm going to screw them six ways from Sunday, but it will help me.''

Listen to the audio below:

h/t Daily Rushbo

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  • I always wonder if she is secretly paid by the DNC.  I cannot think of anyone more shrill, mean, and stupid.  Poster child of the crybaby right, no ideas other that 'tah librul suck'.

  • That woman is sickening.

  • The very many Men and Women that have and are serving this Nation are
    doing it For GOD Family and then Country not for the Wicked.

    Our GOD Has A Name you Know Not and the Day will come Obama when our
    LORD GOD and Savior JESUS CHRIST will say i know you not. This is sad
    and all should tell Obama to read the Lord's Word from the Bible. As
    all of the founding fathers of this One Nation Under GOD did. To Get Our Independence from the Wicked and ungodly.

    The Mexico border must be open to all the wicked, anyone can do
    what ever they want
    Drugs go to the USA and Money and Guns go to Mexico. Anyone gets in
    their way then kill them. Do you think the wicked leaders that let this
    go on think no one can see. It is about time
    all on both sides really do some thing about it for the good Of All.
    Not the pocket book of the wicked.

    counsel on all of Earth is the Bible. Tell all to read it daily.

    The next time you vote do not vote for a promise vote a man that will tell the

    his LORD and Savior is JESUS CHRIST, and that he will serve him, family
    then Country. For with out GOD and Family we will have no Country!

    And will tell all this on a Bible the
    truth of what was and is to come from are Lord GOD.

    Read the Bible and tell the lost to do so to. The Bible the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    So help you GOD He will send his Son to Judge all.

    All Taxes need to be lowered cut in half or there will be a lot more
    Poor and needy and not in just other countries. This 2012 year the
    World will see hunger like never before. More then 100 million will be
    sick from malnutrition going with out food and safe drinking water, many will die. Taxing the poor and taking
    there Land away from them is Wicked. Very soon the Rich will become the

    If your Legislature will not lower Taxes vote them out of office and
    VOTE in someone that will Lower your Taxes. If your Son or Daughter was
    raised in a Christian Home we need them in our Government as Leaders.

    May our Lord Jesus Christ and GOD the Father that is in Heaven,

    Guide and Watch over us.

    In this time of TRIBULATION, Strengthen your Faith, and

    all to Pray for their souls. The strong in the word of our Lord will Now

    Help the World and be the disciples of our Lord's Word. It is time to

    gather the lost sheep while you can and there still is so little time.

    Daniel 12:3

    The Governments of all Nations need to read.

    John 14:6  Jesus said '''.

    United We Will Always Stand That

    In GOD We Trust

    True Patriots

    The Lord's Little Helper

    Paul Felix Schott


    Many a Nation have fallen from taxing their people to Death. You want
    Prosperity and for thing to Flourish and grow lower all taxes. You want
    thriving, success, or good fortune for only a few, keep over taxing all.

    Solar, Wind and Renewable Energy Freedom from OIL. The Humanitarian thing to do. Solar Energy.

    Why let the Wicked in office in our Nation if they do not believe in GOD and the Bible vote them out of office.

    United We Will Always Stand In GOD We Trust

    George Washington and Johann Paul Schott 12/24/1776. 3:45AM

    In GOD We Trust

    The United States of America's Motto July 30, 1956.

    King David's Motto 3,000 years ago.

    Soon all the World will Pray to Our Lord GOD and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Sad for many HE will say I know you not. 

  • Sure, she may be right but she is for romney, who is a mini-obama. She's seemingly been BOUGHT by the Elite but LET 'do her thing to make a living still', as long as she doesn't cross the line that the Elite put up for their puppets.

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