Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Suspended Politico Reporter Joe Williams Tweeted 'Racism' Politico's 'Secret Sauce'


Politico White House correspondent Joe Williams, who was suspended by the site for commenting that Mitt Romney felt 'relaxed' in the company of the 'white folks' at Fox and Friends, tweeted in March that 'what's most irritating is the overlay of blatant racism. that's the secret sauce in the Politico shitburger,' reports The Daily Caller's Dave Martosko. Martosko also reported an earlier tweet which read 'we're supposed to be about justice and the truth, but we're mostly about posturing, arcane rules and CYA [Cover Your Ass]. annoying.'

Martosko reports that Williams commented on the tweets 'I was having a bad day,' then referred him to attorney Jeff Jacobovitz for comment. As Martosko pointed out, it's possible that Mr. Williams intended those tweets to be private direct messages.

That tweeted accusation of racism, along with the fact that Williams has retained legal counsel, are intriguing developments. When Joe Williams was hired in June of 2010, Politico was under fire over a perceived lack of diversity in its newsroom after a CNN video segment on one of the site's editorial meetings revealed a lily-white, mostly male team of decision-makers. When Mr. Williams was hired as deputy White House editor, he became the site's first black originating editor, joining director of photography Michael Schwartz and reporter Abby D. Phillip as the only black members of Politico's editorial staff.

Williams was subsequently demoted, however, and his Politico bio now describes him this way:

A veteran political journalist and telegenic, quick-witted analyst, Joseph Williams is the White House Correspondent for Politico, where he covers the Obama administration cabinet and domestic policies, as well as examining the intersection of race and politics.

Mr. Williams has become a regular on the cable news circuit, which is where he ran into trouble while examining that intersection of race and politics.

Politico has thus far declined to comment for Mediaite (as has Joe Williams), but a review of the 114 editors and reporters listed on the site reveals that, including Joe Williams, Politico employs six black reporters and one black editor, Politico Pro Deputy Managing Editor LaRonda Peterson. While diversity is a problem for the news media in general (The Daily Caller is whiter than Hoth camo), the racially-charged suspension of Joe Williams, and his as-yet-unexplained charge of racism at the site, could make it a factor for Politico, especially considering the two years that have elapsed since they came under fire for it. While even Joe Williams concedes his words were poorly chosen, dismissing him could be problematic for Politico, should they decide to go that way.

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  • If you're looking for racism, Joe Williams, look in the mirror first, and then knock the chip off your shoulder.

  • Wow.

    The racial demographics at Politico look about like the racial demographics of the Obama campaign. Oh, those wacky enlightened liberals!

    Compare this Obama campaign picture to the one from Politico:

  • Tommy continues his Daily Caller hate fest, but why not also call out Obama's campaign staff (prior to be called out on it)?   Mediaite with a side of political bias'

  • The truth about politics is that Republicans ' regardless of the nominee ' are a mostly white party, and have been for decades ~Jim VandeHei 

    Double standard?

  • Racial demographics aside, though, I have to wonder of it ever occurred to Joe Williams that he just may have been fired because of what he said and did, not what he looks like.


    That would require acceptance of personal responsibility. Playing the race card is SO much easier.

  • Its funny that the first affirmative action president had a entire white campaign team in 2008 and this time too.

    this guy joe williams better be able to weasle some money from politico through threatening racism as being behind his firing, cause this loser has zero chance of getting another job in the MSM after the well, looney and deranged, way hes been acting.

  • what people like Tommy and almost all Obama fanboys dont get is that Obama is going to lose BECAUSE of this constant race baiting.

    They think that because it worked against the Clintons and scared the superdelegates silly and had them give the nomination to Barry despite him getting less votes than Hillary and many, many less votes than actual democrats that this will work with the Indy voters who will decide the election.

    This is as wrong a misjudgement as any I have ever seen in politics and all youd have to do is look at the 2009 and 2010 elections to see this, but team Obama and the fanboys actually believe that thye political reality is what they see on the cable news shows (mostly on MSNBC) and you cant get more deluded and dumb than that.

  • Who is 'allowed' to discuss race on the air?

    Give me names.


  • I love Tommy Christopher, who cannot be surpassed for sheer entertainment value.  This reporter trashes his employer with crude vulgarity, and later shuts down his Twitter account to prevent people from seeing what he has said.  And Tommy calls these 'intriguing developments' and demands answers not from the reporter, but from the employer that got smeared.

  • What is an 'Obama campaign picture'?  There's no credits.  How do we know where and when it was taken.  And by whom?

    This is bad journalism.  

  • Politico is gonna have to pay up.  This looks bad if he was suffering from workplace hostility in addition to being given a quota position?

    Man they're deluded.  Every attorney in the country wants that case. 

  • I see this reporter has closed his twitter account after more of his tweets were exposed:

    Gotta admire a man with the courage to back his convictions. This isn't him, though.

    Mock, blame, then hide what you said and run for the hills while screaming 'racism' when someone quotes you.

    It's the liberal way.

  • Try reading the article. And, by the way, I'm not a journalist.

    But then, neither are most of the people who work for the MSM. They just have credentials that get them through doors.

  • If people don't like the 'race card' being played.  Don't play with a stacked deck.

  • I'm confused. Where did I say anything about anyone being 'allowed' to discuss race?

  • Why would I need to read the article?

    An image is supposed to have the correct attributions and claims of copyright.  A caption too to link the scene to the body of the article.

    Why would you link to a very bad example of journalism and call it substantiated proof?

  • Obama's campaign about what?

    You can counter Tommy's article with one of your own.  It's called journalistic debates.  And they contributed to the development of journalistic science.

    Unless you feel commenting under his articles is the best you can do.

  • Then why are people always commenting about Valerie Jarrett as the closest one to him that has more influence upon him than ANY other staffer or adviser?

    Unless that statement was etch-a-sketched.

    Joe Williams will start his own publication house.  You know.  The Black kind you don't like.

  • This post made me curious about Mediaite's staff.  If you're going to mock other outlets about their lack of diversity, does that mean you're leading by example?

    Please note that I'm not making an accusation, just asking.

  •  Well, every thought in Tommy's mind centers around the color of the people involved.  He doesn't look at the quality or character of the person, that doesn't matter.  All that matters is what shade of skin color the individual happens to have.  Well, unless they're conservative.  Then, black, white, brown, purple, they're all evil racists!

  • Really?  Then why can't Romeny formulate an answer today from a historic Supreme Court decision.

    You know why?  Because he knows he lost the election yesterday.  If he and Rubio don't agree on the national model of legislation for immigration.  Then it's bad.  He just lost Florida too.

  • 'Why would I need to read the article?'

    Ah, the liberal mentality in a nutshell. Thank you.

  • Politico is gonna learn social responsibility.

  • You call it liberal.

    I call it Photographic Citation APA styleguide.

  • What to know who else is relaxed around Whites?  Jesse Jackson'.

    'There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to
    walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about
    robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved'. '

  • Again, Mr. Williams has a long and storied history of racism'.Politico made a huge mistake positioning him covering the White House ( Is that racist?'shouldn't it be Black house now that Obama is pResident?)

    He'll end up at the or some other racist website'.perhaps he'll write for Calypso Louie,,,the crazy 'leader ' of the Nation of islam'he'll be a perfect fit

  • Notice 'lack of diversity' is only used AGAINST WHITES.  It is never said that the Congressional Black Caucus 'lacks diversity.'   Like the charge of 'racism' it is simply a code word used by those who hate White people.

  • Tommy Christopher and Joe Williams would never meet your approval.  That shows the basis of the transgressions.  How do you not see your hypocrisy?

    Any CM attorney will tell you to shut down communications.  And that twitter feed is probably not the ONLY example of him being stressed.  The more examples the better.

  • What is a 'Black publication house?'

  • Why won't black conservatives come on talking about black conservatism?

    Where are they?


  • Stuck on uninformed?   Valerie Jarrett works in the White House, she's not a campaign staffer.  Obama surrounds himself with people he trusts, many of whom happen to be black (but not all).  His campaign is run by people who seem to have difficulty finding ANY black persons they trust, even as staffers, all while putting out press releases about how diverse their party is and how there's a war on women, even though they themselves don't like to hire women or pay them as much as their male staffers.   Racism has no party line, many racists in this country are liberal, all you have to do is look at the Democratic party and who its run by.

  • That doesn't make any sense.

    So there should be a bevy of African Americans with long resumes of working in politics to be campaign professionals.  


    You see how this President is treated?

    How you gonna keep jobs if you have to go through what this article is about?

    Circular logic you gotz.

  • Joe actually did make a mistake.  Mitt Romney isn't really comfortable around anybody.

  • Or maybe he'll just buy Politico shares and buy it out.  Romney style.  

    Then sure the same way Shirley Sherrod is doing to Brietbart's estate. won't be around much longer.  Especially once the Loesch's involvement gets investigated.  And subpoenaed. 

  • We'll see if you still feel that way once Romney's Mormonism and his 'self-deportation' claptrap comes back up during the time of the debates.

  • ' 'but a review of the 114 editors and reporters listed on the site reveals that, including Joe Williams, Politico employs six black reporters and one black editor, ''

    Maybe black people don't care for journalism as a career' ever consider that?  Kinda like hockey, inner city kids from the south don't seem to clamor for that as a possible career choice.

    The article has not one example of perceived racist act towards Joe Williams. So is it since you fired me, I am black, it must because you are a racist. 

    How far we have fallen in three short years'

  • Says a native from the Obananation..:)

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