Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Ann Coulter On Red Eye: 'Not A Good Image' For Obama To Be Meeting With 'Young Bimbos In Hollywood'


President Obama is courting both Hollywood and young voters to support him in his reelection bid, so it's pretty unsurprising that he's making a beeline for 'young Hollywood.' The folks over at Red Eye, including two panelists in character for some reason, had some fun with Obama for courting this particular demographic. Ann Coulter argued that it's not necessarily the image Obama would want to convey in these economic times, hanging out with 'Hollywood bimbos.'

RELATED: O'Reilly Panel Clashes Over Whether Celebrities Stirring Up Controversy Reflects Poorly On Obama

Andy Levy went down a list of all the celebrities who tweeted and Instagrammed (I'm still trying to come to terms with this one) their personal visits with the president. Levy asked if meeting with all these young celebrities means Obama has 'locked up the hot young actor vote' or if Romney can still make a play for them. Coulter observed that most of the celebrities' tweets were to each other rather than about Obama, as if they didn't actually care that much about being in the presence of the president.

Greg Gutfeld (a.k.a. Victor Roberts, actor) observed that no two groups are more naive than Hollywood and the young, so when you mesh them together, the end result is something 'exponentially stupid' or, to put it more deliciously, 'a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of really stupid people.' Jonathan Hoenig, a Fox News contributor who dressed up as the spawn of a feral creature and a castmember of CATS, also said something. I think it had to do with Zach Braff. Honestly, the costume just broke my concentration.

After a brief back-and-forth over which HBO show is the East Coast version of Entourage, Levy asked Coulter if meeting with young celebrities feeds into the idea that Obama is an elitist. Coulter decidedly said no.

'I don't think it's a good image, not with the economy the way it is now. And he's hanging out with these bimbos in Hollywood? And that he's wasting time. Now not only do we have to shore off his vote in Wisconsin, but he's worried about Hollywood bimbos?'

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

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Andy Levy, Ann Coulter, barack obama, bimbos, Glee, greg gutfeld, Hollywood, Jared Leto, red eye, youth vote, Zach Braff
  • Obama's wasting his time.  He already has the bimbo vote locked up.  

  •  More Hollywood jealousy from the right .. Pathetic!!!!!!

  • Ann Coulter.

    Maybe the one woman everyone , male and female, agree should be in the dictionary under the word b!tch.

    Not as bright as she thinks, hateful, a liar most the time.

    Tell me GOPers'if a woman has big boobs or you want to sleep with her, does that make her so much more a part of the political process for you?

    Because if you believe in anything this woman says'you are being hoodwinked.

    She does not care about your cause, never did.  Just your money for her increasingly shrill and offensive books.

    There's a special place in Hell for people like you Ann'

  • If there's anyone who knows bimbos, it's Coulter.

  • Ann's actually a bit on the outs with some on the right right now, because of her early support for Romney (apparently in hopes he'll pick her real fav, Chris Christie, as VP). In terms of comments, sniping at the celebs was low-key outrageous outrage from her, and not likely to win back some of those on the right who were irked this past winter she was directing her barbs at their candidates.

    And as far as Hollywood goes, least Mitt does have Victor Roberts in his corner (as well as apparently the Wall Street furry cosplay community). Too bad Erin Moran couldn't make another appearance on the panel after Thursday's show.

  • That's right.  I say those Hollywood bimbos are no match for great conservative stars' like Victoria Jackson, Stephen Baldwin, Chuck Norris, Jon Voight, Pat Boone, etc.

  • I forgot to mention Ted Nugent; you know, the real American who defectated on himself for a week to avoid being drafted and who adopted an underage girl just so he could in her pants.  What a man!

  • Mittens hanging out with Queen birfher Donald Chump is great for his image!

  • Chuck Norris once expressed a desire to tattoo the american flag on the forehead of every atheist. His popularity as a politician would be massive.

  • now' these are the most pathetic bunch. these are the same people that will turn around and say OWS are jealous of successful people. 

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