Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Matthews Goes Nuclear On Conservative During MSNBC Panel: 'Here's The Idiot Republican Argument'


MSNBC host Chris Matthews took a swipe at President Barack Obama's reelection campaign on Friday, calling it 'pissant.' When a Republican panel guest agreed with much of Matthew's assessment but challenged his insistence that the American people want to hear the case for more government intervention into the economy, Matthews went on offense. 'Here's the idiot Republican argument,' said Matthews. 'I feel like I'm teaching first grade.'

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MSNBC host Chris Jansing asked Matthews how the President can adjust his campaign to be more 'forward looking.'

Matthews said that Obama can and should make the case for government intervention into an economy that is sluggish or too nervous about the future to make broad investments.

When business fails ' as it's over the last ten years. It has failed. The private sector fell apart under President George W. Bush ' it's a fact. The financial market fell down. The auto industry was dead on arrival. Everything has failed. The government has to act. When the consumer's uncertain and business is scared, the government has to act. Which it did when Obama came in and it hadn't done before that. He came in, took action, saved the auto industry, brought back the American economy with a big stimulus plan ' took a lot of heat for it. But if the government hadn't acted, nobody would have acted. Because even to this day; business is afraid.

The consumer is holding onto his or her money. Nobody is really got the guts to spend some money now except the government. He's got to say, we've got to keep doing this. We've got to keep shouldering the responsibility to keep the American economy roaring again until everybody's back. He's got to say we've done the right thing; we're going to do more of it. If the Republicans would get out of the way, we could do a lot more.

Matthews continued with a fiery admonition of President Obama's reelection strategy thus far:

He's got to be aggressive. He's got to be big time. Stop this nickel and dime ' a couple bucks for the teachers. A couple bucks for the firefighters. I'm going to reduce the payroll tax. This is pissant. You can't get reelected with tactics. He needs a strategy. Which is, we're different from the Republicans. They're basically free-marketers who sit around and wait for business to deliver this country from hell. Business has let us down.

At this point, former Deputy Press Secretary to President George W. Bush, Tony Fratto, interjected and said that he says the American people want the public sector to take the lead on the economic recovery.

Matthews interrupted, 'it has failed, and it keeps failing.' Matthews said that the private sector is conspicuously keeping money on the sidelines. Fratto retorted that the private sector will invest when they are certain there will be a return on that investment.

'Okay, here's the idiot Republican argument,' said Matthews. 'If you just give them a bigger tax cut than Bush gave them.'

Fratto responded that he was not talking about tax cuts, but Matthews continued to attack Fratto while he refined his thought. Matthews said that he should travel to Asia and take a look at their high speed rail trains, 'while we have Amtrak.'

'I feel like I'm teaching first grade here,' Matthews continued. 'Business and the Republican party are the same thing.'

'That's crazy,' said Fratto.

'I don't know how you can deny the obvious,' Matthews replied.

'Where were they in 2008,' Fratto asked.

'Business supported Barack Obama? Yeah, right,' Matthews responded.

Watch the segment below via MSNBC:

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  • Matthews is right.

  • Matthews has been particularly angry the last few weeks.  I'd imagine it's because Romney's chances look to be improving, even though we are still months away.

  • I saw the interview live. Chris Matthews kept cutting him off and took up about 90% of air time. That is why America is chasing Liberals back under the rock, they talk to much and say nothing.

  • Every republiklan argument seems to be designed to be easy for idiots to repeat verbatim.

  • Libs like Matthews live in some alternitive universe. Business don't pay taxes their customers do. Raising taxes on business just gets taken out of the pockets of the real taxpayers.
    Matthews couldn't pass first grade let alone teach first grade.

  • The libs are REALLY starting to get nervous.  They'll be eating each other in the streets before this is all over.  The closer we get to election day, and the worse Obama continues to do, the uglier it's going to get on the extreme left.

    Mr. 'The Private Sector is doing fine' is imploding, and it's driving Tingles up the wall.

  • Very much like a first grader ' Chris doesn't understand where the government gets its money (when its not borrowing from china) consumers, taxpayers ' he's only interested in trains and cars. Just like my 5 year old.

  • 'Business id afraid.'
    Business is afraid of Obama.

    Matthews is delusional.  He actually thinks our problem is that the govt. has not spent enough.
    He thinks corporations are not expanding because they want to make Obama look bad'.?
    Then he started muttering nonsense about bullet trains as if they are some magic unicorn that will  make us all richer.
    I also like the way he makes a ridiculous statement that is not an actual quote but attributes it to Republicans and then argues against it.

    There is a reason nobody watches that jerk.

  • Everyone must remember that this is the guy who said 'it's my job to make this presidency successful'. Anyone who takes anything this hack says seriously is an idiot. 

  • Businesses both big and small are keeping their purse strings shut tight UNTIL Obama is out of office!

    Once Romney takes over, watch this economy ROAR!!

  • My show is absoluely non partisan ' Chris 'I have an Obama shaped tingle running up my leg' Matthews

  • Matthews is especially right about the fact that Obama needs to stop with these piece meal ideas and come up with a grand strategy and plan for the economy. 

    The economy isnt going to recover with short-term solutions and Obama needs to quit with making dinky promises to every audience group like thats going to help. Big and bold and a way forward. That needs to be the Obama plan.

  • Desperation is showing.

  • Thank you Mediaite for everything you do for the United States Of America. But you are ignoring a huge issue, although you have had a couple of stories in the past weeks. It is the impending zombie apocalypse. I understand that Chris Matthews is just more evidence of this coming zombie takeover. But let's get serious about this. The CDC is warning us, lets get with it Mediaite.

  • Tingles is going senile.

  • Matthews is right that these ticky tack ideas by Obama and the campaign isnt going to get him or the country anywhere. 

    Focus on big solutions and the way forward. 

  • Note to Matthews: After your appearance on Jeopardy, you probably shouldn't call anyone else an idiot.

  • did you not hear that he was going at obama for not being big and bold with ideas for the economy?

    yes matthews is partisan. you arent giving us a newsflash here. why dont you watch the clip and actually provide feedback on anything that was said as oppose to spitting out the typical 'person X is a liberal shrill for Obama' nonsense. 

  • I'm actually finding humor in Noah now.
    ! day alone there were 4 headlines with the word 'slammed'



  • So let's see ' we put in place the community reinvestment act, then freddie mac literally created the sub-prime loan for the mortgage industry ' the government tells lenders if you don't follow sub-prime guidelines, we won't let you expand and we'll sue you '. and we're really all still wondering why the mortgage industry imploded?  Government forcing lenders to give loans to individuals who can't afford to pay them back ' individuals lying on paperwork for a stated loan stating that they made far more than they did ' and yes, mortgage brokers making the deals and the banks taking them.  Is there really any doubt as to why, after the sub-prime loans were bundled and sold to the market, the industry went belly up?  I know this is hard, just follow it back to its origins.  Government never works when it comes to the private sector.  There are different rules and standards for each.

    Auto Industry ' really?  We're still BILLIONs in the hole, GM still declared bankruptcy and somehow the government saved them?  Not on your life.  UAW is what caused the fiscal disaster across the board with the auto industry.  GM had to declare bk in order to restructure the union agreements and get their labor cost back under control.  The bailout was WASTED money.  Proof ' FORD completed their turn around without a dime from uncle sam.  Proof ' Toyota, one of the largest auto manufactures in the U.S. isn't unionized ' and has remained extremely profitable and didn't have to go through this to begin with.  Again ' government never works when it comes to the private sector.

    Chris Matthews is off his rocker.  Anyone with any sense armed with the actual facts of what preceded our countries economic collapse in specific industries will do cartwheels around Chris.  Kinda like they did on Jeopardy.

    By the way ' it would be really nice if people would stop talking about DNC / RNC talking points and start talking about the truth behind what occurred.  We would probably be a lot further along as a society with a distinct ability to fundamentally understand our mistakes and ensure they weren't repeated.

  • How come it's a big deal when Chris Matthews says talking to the opposition is like talking to children and idiots but no one flinches when Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck name all their books exactly that?

  •  Oh, the irony'.

  • Limp-wristed Kris Matthews: 'Business has let us down. I'll have more of my fiery anti-capitalist rant after these commercials from companies who paid us a lot of money to run them and allow me to live my 1% life.'

    I'm looking forward to watching as Kris jumps from some tall Manhattan skyscraper. If he's 'Going Postal' in early June and things will only get worse for 'His Boy,' then a 'Tall Building Alert' is in order for him and all other Leftist Media Hacks.

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