David Plouffe, adviser to President Obama, pervaded Sunday morning news shows this week, and among them was an interview with Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace. In a show focused largely on the recent leaks of classified intelligence, Wallace grilled Plouffe on how this information was leaked and how much the president is willing to participate in the investigation.
He told Wallace the person 'who wrote the book in question' said no one in the White House provided the information, to which Wallace countered, saying the author never claimed that. 'He in fact said he did talk to people,' Wallace said.
There is going to be a thorough investigation, Plouffe said ' but Wallace reverted back to the question Plouffe never answered: did the president or top officials declassify any of the information? Again, as Plouffe pivoted, Wallace said it's simply a yes or no question. 'No, of course he didn't,' Plouffe replied. Previously, Obama had said the notion that his White House leaked the information is 'offensive.' Along the same vein, Plouffe called it 'highly objectionable.'
Plouffe then accused Republicans of using the leaks issue to damage the president. We're going to let the investigation proceed, he said, rather than let this turn into 'distractions' from important issues like fighting Al Qaeda and fixing the economy. 'You think these are distractions?' Wallace asked. Plouffe clarified that he meant an investigation is already underway.
On that note, Wallace asked to what extent the White House is participating in the investigation. Plouffe said 'everyone is going to participate.' Wallace asked whether Obama would agree to be questioned, to which Plouffe replied, 'I'm not going to get into that right now.'
Take a look, via Fox:
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Poofy is getting huffy (like Obama) about the leaks Obama did to puff himself up.
He's offended that anyone would dare to question his crooked boss' 'integrity.'
This guy is the male version of Little Debbie, a walking talking points machine.
Snidely Axelrod and Poofy have to be the spokesweasels for King Obama because they can't trust any other Dems to lie for them. They would rather not have to CoryBooker anyone this weekend.
Obama will watch this interview later after attending the polo matches with Anna Wintour and Larry Flynt and playing his one hundreth round of golf.
Fluff the Magic Lackey!
'skewers'? i see ojectivity is not a Meidaite strong point
Ploufee was on at least three morning shows. Was Wallace the only one to ask him about the leaks? I hope not.
Valerie Plame, a 'secret' agent who wasn't really all that secret, had a special prosecutor investigate her 'outing' ' an outing that had ZERO national security implications. And, that investigation continued even after the leaker admitted to the special investigator who he was, really before the investigation began in earnest.
These leaks, by any measure, have resulted in lasting, material damage to our national security, and yet Eric Holder doesn't think it merits a special investigator, even though senior White House sources are, by the NY Time's admission, the principal sources for the entire story?
What did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it?
the rethugs only hate the leaks becuse it shows the pres to be the greatest war time pres ever,it shows how incompetent the rethugs are on fp.
'Skewered'? 'skewered'? Hahahahahahah. If he had those questions reamed up his ass any further, he'd a been coughing up The Fox News Sunday logo.
Congratulations Chris Wallace! At least one journalist in this pussy whipped town has the stones to put direct questions and followups to this crew of White House creeps.
It's because FOX is the only network Democrats don't have in their camp.
Amazing what it takes to get a yes or no answer these days.
this is a news site, not a comedy site.
no,rethugs are just a bunch of bozoz.
Oh, Lawd. He knew the same amount of important that all the Presidents knew, and he knew it in the same time span as they knew it.
you must not be in the intellectional wing of the party.
Good questioning. Hardly a skewer.
we all know that Obama let the bower and his crew into the Situation Room; we know that he told his Holywood buddies all about the OBL raid so they could make a moving of him personally shooting OBL because he is the King and that is what he wants portrayed, and his little lackeys will do whatever he tells them too.
The dems demanded a special prosecutor the Plame game, and she wasn't even covert and the prosecutor knew immediately that Armitage at State was the leaker, but the media wanted a head, any head as long as it was part of the inner circle at the WH, so they made stuff up, lied, cheated, stole and in the end someone who was innocent was prosecuted'because that is what the media wanted. Now the media wants to protect Obama, and they will. Their silence on these leaks is humorous at best ' treasonous at worst ' but it is just one more indication of the double standard that exists in the so-called 'news'organs of this nation.
you are just another hatriot who listens to hate radio all day,right little larry?
This democratic pundant wasted 12 minutes rehearsing the talking points, never answering any questions, this is tipical of all liberals, can't tell the truth if it bit them in the !!!!!!!!! they will surely lose in november we can't stand another four years of doing nothing. THINK ABOUT IT ARE YOU BETTER OFF THAN YOU WERE THREE AND ONE HALF YEARS AGO?
I don't listen to talk radio, junkie
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