Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Chris Wallace Grills Romney Adviser On Romney's Job Creation Record As Mass. Governor


Chris Wallace focused on Mitt Romney's political past with Republican strategist Ed Gillespie on Fox News Sunday today. Romney's record as Massachusetts governor has come under much scrutiny lately, and Wallace challenged Gillespie with numbers suggesting the state fell in job creation and rose in unemployment during his four years in office.

RELATED: On Day Of Dismal Jobs Report, Anderson Cooper Goes After' Mitt Romney?

Wallace cited statistics showing unemployment numbers in Massachusetts increasing under Romney. Gillespie disputed the data, arguing that rather than ranking highest among all states in unemployment during his four years in office, he managed to get Massachusetts ranked 30th in job creation. Wallace shot back saying 'there's no question' Massachusetts ranked 47th throughout Romney's term.

Gillespie insisted that Romney oversaw a time of economic improvement in Massachusetts, and said 'we're proud to contrast that with President Obama.' Wallace then brought up the recent story about private companies that turned out to be Romney's version of the Obama Solyndra scandal. Gillespie argued that the difference between Obama and Romney in this regard is that at the state level in Massachusetts, a board had to approve the loans. He added that Romney was fairly insistent as governor that the state should not get involved with private enterprise.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox:

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  • Government and private companies have two completely goals. 

    Romney wasn't that great in Mass. that is why he didn't run for a second term. 

  • Typical GOP moron 'damn 'liberal media ' ohhh wait''..but but were on the same team he can't ask tough questions'

  • Next week, we can look at the underground economy jobs Obama created as a member of the Choom Gang.  For a start, there's the pot dealer he thanked in his high school yearbook.   

  • Wow, A Fox News host who actually uses facts against a republican.  Maybe the Mayans were right about 2012.

  • romneys magic underwear=SKID MARKS

  • What you have against pot? 

  • Romney ' Rubio '12!

  • Mitt is just another privileged rich guy on that privileged rich guy gravy train since he was born. Just like Dumbya it just never mattered what a failure he was, Daddy always bailed him out, or.r he just waked away like he did with his Mass disaster.
    America and the world doesn't need another privileged ruling class punk as POTUS'''..been there, done that''and a return to the teapubliKKKan glory years of Dumbya/Cheney would be a disaster.

  •  Romney ' Trump  2012!!!

  • Typical Ed Gillespie interview'.when anyone confronts him with a fact he either denies its true or he comes up with his own 'facts from outer space'.

  • Well it is ONLY polite.
    I'm sure Dubya thanked his coke dealer.

  • Which makes perfect sense under a thread entiled 'romney adviser grilled on job creation in mass'

    typical, ignore romney's failure as a governor and change the subject.

  • hey gillespie'he was 47th out of 50 in job creation'you're numbers are wrong.

    Mitt Romney was a failure at creating a job climate in Massachusetts as governor. From 2003 to 2007, during a time of robust economic growth nationwide, the state saw a mere 1.4 percent job gain under Gov. Romney while the nation's jobs grew at 5.3 percent. 
    [1] Massachusetts ranked 47th nationally in job creation while Romney was governor. 
    [2] Romney also failed to make a dent in the state's unemployment figures:In December 2002, as Romney prepared to step into office, Massachusetts unemployment rate stood at 5.6 percent, slightly lower than the national unemployment rate of 6 percent.By December 2006 ' Romney's last full month in office ' national unemployment had fallen to just 4.5 percent while Massachusetts unemployment numbers had inched down to 5.2 percent. 
    [3] SOURCES1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, total nonfarm seasonally adjusted jobs data.Massachusetts jobs in Jan. 2003: 3,224,600.Massachusetts jobs in Jan. 2007: 3,270,400. Change: +45,800 (1.4%).United States jobs in Jan. 2003: 130,016,100.United States jobs in Jan. 2007: 136,862,000. Change: +6,845,900 (5.3%).
    2. 'Mitt Romney's Job-Creation Record,' National Review, 9/8/11,http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/276684/mitt-romney-s-job-creation-record-katrina-trinko3. 'Romney's economic claims challenged,' USA Today, 2/4/08,http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/2008-02-04-859786718_x.htm

  • If states should not get involved with private enterprise, why does Governor Rick Scott of Florida have a slush fund of more than one hundred million dollars given him by the republican legislature to do just that?  But studies show only one in four of the companies Scott gives state taxpayer money to comes even close to meeting the minimum jobs they claimed they would.  Most, like Red Pines Health Care LLC take the money, in their case $750,000 dollars, then close just a few months after opening for business in Florida.  But there is one ray of sunshine for the poor and those needing help in Florida, they can get all the money they need from Governor Scott and all they have to do is incorporate.  Oh, and the state will even give you a free web site to get you started.

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