Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

CNN Cancelling John King, USA At The End Of June


CNN anchor John King's program, John King, USA will end its run in the cable news network's 6 p.m. slot. King will be replaced at the end of June with The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer which will expand from two to three hours.

King will stay with CNN to cover the 2012 presidential election and will remain the network's 'Top campaign correspondent,' according to a CNN spokesperson. According to the New York Times, King will finish out the month and then transition to covering the campaign full time.

'John King, USA' was started in the spring of 2010 as a showcase for Mr. King and for CNN's political news-gathering. It struggled to pick up a loyal audience, mirroring CNN's problems across the board in relatively quiet news periods. The news channel is under pressure from its parent company, Time Warner, to improve its programming and ratings.

CNN's executives have stated publically in recent weeks that several poor ratings reports have forced them to rethink their primetime programming lineup. King's program is the first to be replaced.

h/t New York Times

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  • And not a single F*ck was given 

  • CNN has a fever, and the answer is ' more Blitz.

  • great, send that con to fox news of the world: news for stupid people.

  • Dump it all, and show Robin Meade reruns all night.

  • I don't have a particular problem with him, but I'm glad a show with as stupid a title as 'John King, USA' is being cancelled.

  • Does this mean we don't get  to  see John King work his elections maps anymore?

  • 3 hours of the Wolfman ' Awoooooooooooooooooo!!

  • CNN should clean house and start over.

  • 'King's program is the first to be replaced.'

    Erin Burnett would already be canned except for the size and length of her substantial contract, which CNN is obligated to pay in full whatever they do with her show.

  • they might want to rethink by putting a conservative in that spot not another hour of the wolf man. 

  • That's too bad.  I'm not a regular viewer of CNN, but King is actually their best host, and during election night coverage, he's one of the better hosts on all of cable.

    A guy like King could go to FNC, and not change anything with respect to his content, and he'd be successful.  In fact, I'd much prefer King on FNC than Shepard Smith.

    CNN has done too much damage to itself.  It will never win back the conservative or even Republican viewers it has alienated the last 15-years.  And, even it goes even further to the left to try and compete solely with MSNBC, that will a shallow well.  They're screwed.

  • What's wrong with audiences?  Where else will they get their daily dose of Democrat spin masquerading as journalism?

    Oh, I know' They will get it form King's replacement, who invariably will stick to the same tired and predictable CNN groupthink.

  •  King will be replaced at the end of June with The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer which will expand from two to three hour

    At this rate CNN will start dumping shows repeatedly and end up with Wolfyboy on for 12 hours a day.  Good for the budgets anyways.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPJtg_-PtDQ

  • Actually you are right.  The bigger dent they could make in the ratings would be to put a good conservative on  They would have to make sure they would be worth their salt though as the last few conservatives CNN had on were lame and fizzled.  They even screwed up when their sister network had Glenn Beck.

  • John King really doesn't have the personality to host a show.  He is just boring.

    He does have a lot of integrity, slightly left of center.  I think he will plateau and stay a reporter.  Maybe he could replace Bill Plante.

  • CNN's recent 'all things to all people' approach has pretty much alienated all viewers. Their embarrassing recent appeal to tea party types with the hirings of Erick Erickson, Dana Loesch, Will Cain and others I'm probably forgetting just pisses off people who don't want to watch Fox News lite.

    John King could do well on Fox, more in the Garrett Major way, than a dweeb like Ed Henry who left CNN.

  • Agreed. John King is also the only CNN show I watch (other than Piers Morgan when he has a decent interviewee).

    This is evidence that ratings and quality do not often match up. The sad part here is that CNN will screw up the replacement (as they always do. see: Eliot Spitzer, Campbell Brown, Erin Burnett, etc. etc.).

    Good luck to John King!

  • So! Wolf Blitzed will have THREE hours to moan about the collapse of his beloved Brick OBAMO.


  •  Two new and disturbing polls just out suggest that the road to reelection is getting tougher for President Obama.
    the most significant, Gallup found that union member support for the
    president is weaker than it was on Election Day. While Obama took 67 of
    the union vote, according to 2008 election night polling by Peter Hart
    for the AFL-CIO, Gallup discovered that just 58 percent of union members
    back the president now. Some 35 percent support Mitt Romney, 5 percent
    more than Sen. John McCain won in 2008.
    Gallup said the union
    vote is a significant block for Obama, though, 'their impact on the
    presidential race will be limited by their size ' just about 12% of
    employed voters are union members.'
    Rasmussen Reports, found that
    a majority of likely American voters ' 60 percent ' believe that it
    is at least somewhat likely that the next president will be a
    Republican, including 34% who see this scenario as very likely. Among
    Democrats, 35 percent of likely voters also said Obama would be followed
    by a Republican.
    Rasmussen said that when Obama first took office, just 44 percent thought a Republican would replace him


    Mitt Romney now leads President Obama for the first time in Wisconsin
    where the president's support has fallen to its lowest level to date. 

    The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters
    shows Romney with 47% of the vote to Obama's 44%. Five percent (5%)
    prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.


  • John's been Blitzed. Oh well.

  • CNN would do well to find a more expansive spot for Will Cain.  He is very good.  They need to get Gloria B and Jessica Y off the air as quickly as possible.  They are pedantic and irritating. Wolf is not worth watching at all.  Put him on during King's show time and Brett B at Fox will pick up all the CNN viewers.

  • An opening for Fat Joe and Meager?

  • Changing the talking head won't fix a thing, since every CNN host always says the same politically correct, vetted-by-the-DNC, lobotomized spin.  And that is why these firings never reverse the ratings slide at CNN ' which has now been going on for over a decade.  

  • Long live the King! 

  • you really are delusional and i think you might have been one of the people that deliverance was inspired by

  • More Wolf Blitzer? What? C'mon CNN you're never going to really compete in the ratings until you get like a Sean Hannity and a Rachel Maddow and play their shows back to back. That way you can still be down the center'but interesting.

  • What?

    They keep Democratic Operative O'Brien, but let King go?

    John, mid-town, there's a station there called FOX!

  • CNN will most likely find a slot for John Edwards.  Dopes

  • Here's a question that John King (and the rest of the lamestream media) may want to begin to debate:

    LinkedIN or monster.com?

  • 3 hours ?? of Blitzer?? 3 hours???????????????//

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