Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Rep. Darrell Issa Admits There Is No Evidence Connecting White House To Fast & Furious Scandal


Congressman Darrell Issa is leading the investigation into the Fast & Furious ATF scandal and his committee recommended Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt charges, but he admitted to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday today that so far, there is no evidence connecting the scandal directly to the White House and Obama administration.

RELATED: Rep. Issa On Fast & Furious To Greta: Obama Is Invoking 'An Executive Privilege That Doesn't Exist'

Wallace played a clip of House Speaker John Boehner saying that the invocation of executive privilege is 'an admission' of guilt on the part of the White House. Wallace asked Issa directly if 'any evidence' currently supports the claim that White House officials were at all involved with the operation or a cover-up of any kind.

Issa said quite clearly that it doesn't, and expressed the hope that the entire investigation stays with the Justice Department and that it doesn't turn out later on that they were involved.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox:

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  • 'Issa admits there is no evidence in connecting white house to fast and furious'

    No shit' he never said there was.  Misleading headline

  • After the dozens of scandals during the Bush administration, republiklans have tried desperately to create ONE, just one, for the current administration.  Solyndra didn't work, so try something else.  After O's re-election they will continue these futile efforts unless they lose the house.  Anything to distract from the fact that they have achieved nothing.

  • Fishing expedition.

  • Admit it, Isaa. It will make you feel better. You are pursuing this matter because you must mollify the racists in the Republican party.

  • There's no evidence because Holder won't turn over the evidence.

    The conjecture is that Obama is not doing this on principle, because he has none, but because he he protecting himself till after the election.

     It will come out.

  •  Misleading headline?
    Nope, he was asked a question and answered it, nothing misleading whatsoever.

  • Right, there ain't much of evidence here, don't think it'd be right to do this speech''. http://bit.ly/z1DdHY 

  • 'There's no evidence because Holder won't turn over the evidence.'

    No''..there is no evidence just as Issa said. Get over it, you're not ever gonna find his birth cert as well no matter how many times you're proven to ignore the facts'.birther boy.

  • Oh well back to the drawing board, Fox News Republicans (fake conservatives). But never underestimate the imagination of Fox News Republicans to pin some invented crap on Obama between now and the election. They have only just begun to do their best Don Quixote impressions.

  •  But Obama is still coming for all our guns right? Tell me that much is still true Mr. Issa

  • all you need to know about Fast & Furious ' http://hotair.com/archives/2012/06/23/video-follow-the-ideology/

  • You're right ' terrible headline.  Issa never said there was. The headline is deliberately written to make it sound like he's correcting a previous assertion under media pressure. But, this is Mediaite ' you get what you pay for.

    However, Boehner is correct (must be his one time this year) ' there is now one gigantic piece of evidence connecting the White House to the Fast & Furious scandal ' the President asserted Executive Privilege over a set of documents related to it.  He's saying the Congressional Oversight committee can't have them because he (the President) cannot be expected to do his job if the documents become public.  It's a tacit admission of involvement in the program, and direct evidence of involvement in the scandal/cover up.

  • This scandal is fast becoming the straw that broke the back of the incompetent Obozo administration, and the libs/progressives and the mainstream media are furious about it.

  •  Just poke your pointy sock head back in the sand, mkay?

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