Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Hillary Clinton Spices Up Swearing-In Ceremony In Purple Cat-Eye Sunglasses

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Talking about how cool Hillary Clinton is feels redundant at this point. But the secretary of state makes it hard not to. On Thursday night, Clinton spoke at the swearing-in ceremony for her Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs Mike Hammer. And keeping with her trend, she managed to make things a little bit more fun.

RELATED: 'Perhaps Someday' Hillary Clinton Will Share The Screen With Jason Segel ' If It Involves Muppets

Turns out they were also there to celebrate the color purple, which is apparently known to be Hammer's favorite color. 'And Mike, I was in a real dilemma,' Clinton said. Alas, 'I have pantsuits in nearly every color ' except purple. And so I've got to get appropriately attired ' as you can see the entire family is appropriately attired ' and thanks to the good work of the PA staff''

Clinton then proceeded to whip out a box and, from it, put on a string of purple beads and a couple of rings. To top it off ' 'the piece de resistance' ' she donned a pair of purple and green cat-eye sunglasses.

The Mardi Gras accessories drew lots of laughter and applause. And Clinton proceeded to go through the oath ceremony 'appropriately attired.'

Come on, everyone. President Obama is not the cool one.

Do have a look:

(H/T HuffPo)

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  • The Mike Hammer I know don't play that.

    Hill must have borrowed her son-in-law Anthony Weiner's disguise kit.

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