Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Mediaite's Noah Rothman Talks Immigration Reform With Geraldo Rivera

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Mediaite's Noah Rothman visited Geraldo Rivera last Wednesday on his eponymous WABC radio program, where the two (and callers) took on the issue of victory of Mitt Romney in November' what sort of policy and campaign changes he would have to make and how he could successfully court the Latino community.

RELATED: Geraldo: Neil Munro, 'The Jerk' Who Interrupted POTUS, 'Deserves To Have His Ass Kicked'

'I believe that Mitt Romney needs to be a flip flopper on immigration,' Rivera argued on his program, noting that he was a 'registered Republican' but that immigration was his 'litmus test,' that he did not stand for 'the double pejorative 'illegal alien,' as if they were from Mars' and could not vote for someone indulging in that rhetoric. Rothman replied that Republicans had a chance for rescue from Sen. Marco Rubio's version of the Dream Act.

In response to a caller who suggested that Romney hold fundraisers with Gloria Estefan and Jimmy Smits, Rothman argued that this would be antithetical to what Republicans have been trying to do as the 'down to earth party,' as opposed to President Obama's many fundraisers with celebrities. Because they are trying to be 'very serious, very grave' about the economy, turning around and making public appearances with rich and famous people could result in a backlash.

Listen to Rothman's appearance via WABC below:

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  • Geraldo. Why do you think the US should be the only country on Earth with open borders ?

    If you're here legally, you're an American. It is time to stop the hyphenated crap.

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