Mike Huckabee told the crew at Fox & Friends this morning that he understood his stance on immigration was not particularly popular among Republicans, and he didn't support and executive order for it, but the policy President Obama tried to implement for young undocumented people was something he had also attempted to pass in Arkansas. 'You don't punish a kid for what his or her parents did,' he argued, saying the policy was not a 'job-killer.'
RELATED: Obama Admin To Halt Deportation, Grant Work Permits To Young Illegal Immigrants
'The content itself, the goal, it's an admirable thing,' Huckabee argued, adding that he had 'tried to pass a similar measure in Arkansas,' but it failed in Congress and he let it lie. 'It never occurred to me that I could simply bypass the legislature and do what I wanted to do,' he added, calling it 'basic constitutional 101,' so much so that the President had previously said himself that he could not pass the bill along.
Dave Briggs came back to the policy rather than the way it was implemented, asking whether it was a 'job-killer,' which Huckabee said was 'not necessarily' the case, since the people affected are educated in the United States, many of them proven very intelligent. 'You don't punish a kid for what his or her parents did,' adding that this stance 'makes me very unpopular with a lot of Republicans.' Alisyn Camerota noted he was not alone among Republicans, either, with Sen. Marco Rubio and John McCain pushing modified versions of the act.
'This isn't amnesty,' Huckabee explained, but a 'pathway to become legal' for people for whom 'it doesnt make sense to throw you out because you've done well.' He was not soft on President Obama, however, who he said had no leadership skills. 'If he had ever been governor or mayor or even sheriff, [he'd know] you have the opposition and figure out how to make them work.'
The segment via Fox News below:
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Republicans, the minorities friend or'.We need to pretend we like minorities until after the election.
Bull. It's an arrogant, lawless thing. That's what King Obama does.
And it will backfire on him.
Obama 2012!!
No, he simply rendered judgement to the GOP side, with most GOPers going with your view, gloves, calling it all 'lawless', but lots of others, including Huck, supporting the Obama initiative to agree not to deport 'dream qualified' students. And not just Huck. Right now Romney is trying to figure out if he is better off etch-a-sketching his prior opposition. He'll probably wait for a public opinion survey on that. A house divided against itself 'will' not stand.
The tea party clan will find no support from the common sense mainstreamers as they hoot, holler and vomit on their frontsides. Reading the comments on the right wing b(l)ogs gives the impression that this particular decision has finally riled them up to the point of instigating their special revolutionary moment. Their madness will meet blanket rejection. The last and final fit to be commited as a solo act. President Obama introduced a common sense efficiency. It was fair, constitutional and long past due. Win, win, win, win!
This is a biparatisan initiative ' see Rubio for a key example ' this is his dream act and Obama just absconded it and implement it as an executive order because he is incapable of leading congress to a joint decision.
Obama is incapable, incompetent and thinks he is king. This will backfire on him. It is blatantly obvious this is ONLY a political move.
If he were a leader he would have called Rubio and worked it the right way'he is NO leader.
The headline should be:
HUCK KNOWS WHAT OBAMA DOESN'T ' respect for the constitution.
When Obama starts showing some respect to others, perhaps he will get some in return. His use of executive order in this instance is a reach and step too far; it will backfire on him.
My dear, what a dark and deluded soul you are. Marc O'Rubio's plan? Really? And, where was he going with it? Had he formulated it into a concrete law? Introduced it? Does he have the 'smack' to get it through the Senate with 60 votes? To each, to all, a resounding, 'No!'. Alas, your comment is yet another bleat without substance.
Bleat. Kvetch. Moan. Whine. Another post from Tina-in-Tampa.
That spanking you GOPers received in 2008 must have been pretty hard considering you guys never stopped crying about it.
Leadership eludes you , Tina. The President took the bull by the horns and made it happen. Waiting for the obstructionists to come to the table is over. Let's move forward. What's the old say, Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way. Tina, just get out of the way along with all of your republican trailer trash Teaturds.
Lawless? You should just stick with looking for his birth cert''you have no clue about anything lawful.
Wow, the regressive party opposite world on full display!
The teapubliKlowns have done everything to block the dream act. -
Why wasn't it 'admirable' for 3 1/2 YEARS, Bumblebee?
Obama is treating Hispanics like dolts.
How is it not a job killer? They just removed the only, albeit, small obstacle that was in front of illegals, the threat of deportation. How is giving this gift to millions of young people not a job killer for the rest of the population?
Also a question. Obviously this was geared toward illegal Mexicans, but do other nationalities fall into the basket as well? What if there are thousands of young, illegal, Middle-Eastern men who somehow made their way into the US? They have never been in trouble because they have been deeply hidden in the Muslim community. Can they not now be deported? What if their only intention is to harm the United States? Can they not be deported until they are caught doing something?
This policy is first and foremost a slap in the face to the youth of America, black, white and yes, even legal hispanic. They have just been told 'step aside' for the 'new American'.
The scariest thing is that 'HE' did it with 'HIS' executive power. Just a glimpse of what we are in store for if and when he is re-elected.
and another lame insult from you'
This decision is going to seriously piss off some in the GOP. Having grown up pretty close to the U.S.-Mexico border, I know that there is definitely a demographic of middle class, middle-aged whites who are convinced that every Mexican teenager is a thug out to steal their cars and deal drugs. That's partly because they've watched themselves become a minority over the course of decades, and partly because they live in depressed economies where crime has gotten worse during the same period. In my opinion, it's out of these communities that we've seen the rise of 'minutemen' militias, which are basically racist organizations pretending to hide behind the flag.
Those types already hate Obama but will view this particular decision as something worthy of going completely apesh** over.
There you go resident Mediaite wingnutz!
Start ranting mad at Pastor Fried Squirrel (R)!
How does he dare compliment President Obama!
Nope, just a clear observation of the truth. -
The comments on this WND thread are interesting. Some in the right clans even calling for Rubio's deportation after his mild support for the move. I didn't see this right wing split coming as concomitant of President Obama's directive. Apesh** indeed!
Are you overlooking 2010? Democrats cannot build a majority again without addressing the economic troubles of white voters with modest incomes. This is the challenge Obama needs to address. Empty talk about 'repositioning' on somebody's ideological scale won't do the job. Delivering results will.
Obama just told white voters with limited incomes exactly what he thinks about them. Go away and die is what it boils down to. Young people from another country are here now, and we like them better.
and another lame rebuttal from you.
Leading congress? Really? How can he work with a group of obstructionist GOPers whose marching orders are to oppose everything he suggests?
Given that you're a foreigner, I'm guessing you don't understand the legislative process here. A senator doesn't just wave his hand and decree that laws are passed. Come on, even you're smart enough to understand that there's process involved. Of course, being a monarchist as you are, I guess 'process' simply boils down to 'I wish it, so it will be'.
And it is an election year, which means that even if the sitting president's prior 3-year behavior was to engage in massive deportation, there's still time to pander to various groups, right? Let's pull out the 'executive order' card because popularity was slipping with one of his core support groups.
But see, here's the problem ' what is in place now to deter others from trying to get into the country illegally? Hey, they'll all get the 'get out of jail free' card at some point, right? Who cares about borders? Let's just call Mexico the 51st state! Who cares that the border states have to pick up the tab for health and welfare services for these individuals? It's just money, right?
for kenya perhaps
you name-caling again, Dorothy?
In 2010, the most significant shift against the Democrats occurred among the white working class. Congressional Democrats lost this group by 10 points in both 2006 and 2008. Yet this deficit ballooned to 29 points in 2010'a deficit even larger than Democrats experienced under Clinton in 1994 (22 points).
With the discloser last week that the GOP met on the very day of Obamas inauguration and hatched a plan to vote against everything he wanted regardless if it was to help the country why on Earth would Obama try to put this thru Congress? The truth is that Republicans over the past 3.5 years even went so far as to vote AGAINST THEIR OWN BILLS if Obama liked them. Crazy'.just crazy!
@GregoryIn:disqus said, 'The tea party clan''
You misspelled Klan. :)
No, its not the dream act. That act last failed in Congress in 2010 when the dem side could only get a mere 55 senate votes, and it was filibustered by the cynical men on the right who use that procedural tactic to block our Constitutional majority vote provision. The Obama policy does not grant amnesty or permanent residence to qualified dream actors, nor does its provide an avenue to obtain permanent residence, it merely says, we will not arrest and deport such people, and will grant them a work card. That is way less than the Rubio dream act concept, which of course, was stalled because it stands in direct opposition to Romney, who condemned the dream act during his GOP campaign, and stated that he would veto if it was passed.
Sad to hear you blame Obama for all these calculated filibusters blocking legislation since the GOP side decided to do that a few days after Obama was elected, and have been steadfast in their cynical opposition to Constitutional authority for 3.5 years now.
I just gotta say that this olive branch from Mr. Huckabee means the GOP is realizing it has got to steer back to the middle. For 20 years it has sucked the church dry of money from yahoos who don't know the first thing about politics, and have learned only how to repeat what the cue cards say (even if they can't spell them). It's really sad the church contributes to the low level of political insight by dumbing down the Gospel, and letting people 'think' they are smart without giving them the facts. Of course if the church ever did give them the facts, it would spell the end of sexism, racism, xenophobia, and homophobia, and the GOP knows it. Huck is on the right track, but I believe few Republicans will travel it with him'.I give Huck 1 point for this recognition of truth (mostly just for having the courage to buck the party and say so out loud), but that still leaves the GOP with 0.
The scariest thing is that 'HE' did it with 'HIS' executive power. Just
a glimpse of what we are in store for if and when he is re-elected.LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!'OHHHH!!!!!!!!..The regressive parry phony outrage once again. As if Obama is the only POTUS to use an executive order. WAHHH!
I think clan is precise. Klan works for some on the right, but not all, if we are aiming toward accuracy.
You birthers are fun to watch squirm around in the gutter.
You stupidity to what has taken place here is beyond comment. These individuals didn't come over the boarder on their own accord. They were born here or were BROUGHT by their parents. They have been raised in the US and deserve the right to be here. They have nothing to go to in Mexico but grandparents or less. WTF idiot'
In fact Obama has been deporting illegal aliens at a record pace. So you should be saying good job with that, based on your perspective.
Reagan granted amnesty, permanent residence, and by this time, citizenship to millions of illegal aliens via IRCA 1986. Do you retroactively rip Reagan, too? During the Bush 41 and Clinton terms, by Justice Department rule, Chinese illegals were able to get relief from deportation in similar fashion to this current Justice policy that Obama has just announced, except they were also granted a chance to apply for asylum, and permanent residence.
All you can do is mock and laugh. You didn't even attempt to answer my questions because you can't.
You are really a bad troll. Find another calling in life.
Stupid Disqus'
My take aways from this video:
1. The Huckster is now officially off Mittens' VP long list.
2. Good luck with that lawsuit. -
Every 30 seconds, a Hispanic youngster turns 18 years old (voting age!)
Huckabee wants The United States to become a Theocracy.
His immigration policy goes along with his ideas.
His hope is that the young hispanics will embrace their conservative Catholic roots about issues such as abortion and gay marriage ' and he's right ' they most certainly will do that. The only thing that keeps them from being staunch Republicans is the immigration policy of the Republican party.Liberals are so stupid and naive in their beliefs, that they embrace one of the least diverse nationality in the world, in the name of diversity.
Do you really want to live in Mexico? Really?
They don't like you. They will chop your head off while praying the rosary.
Are the border towns not hotbeds of Mexican gang and drug activity?
That good 'ol regressive party phony outrage deserves nothing but a gooo mocking.
I answered you so-called point'..executive orders have been around for a while, quite the outrage.squirmoing phony -
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer now admits she 'misspoke' when she said decapitated bodies had been found by 'our law enforcement agencies' along the US-Mexicoborder.
http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/The-Vote/2010/0904/Jan-Brewer-corrects-the-record-on-headless-bodies-in-the-desertJan Brewer Speechless On Headless Bodies (VIDEO)http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/09/jan-brewer-speechless-on-headless-bodies-video.php
Where is the namecalling?
Klan'clan'.they all inbreed in the same way.
You rather wait for the second cummin of the archangel Moronic.
U lost huckster. This is why.
It is not a 'job killer' because the 800,000 (not millions) are already here. And most of them are already working. They have graduated high school, many have served in the military. Read the actual policy. And it applies to all, not just Mexicans.
It is only a slap in the fact to those that want to see it that way. Nobody is telling anyone to step aside or whatever nonsense talking point there is. These folks are already here, already part of the society.
By the way, the president has the authority under law to grant this. It is inherent with the office. I seem to recall Reagan doing pretty much exactly the same thing. Was that a power grab?
And, had you actually read the policy statement, you would have seen that ' just like Marco Rubio's yet to be introduced version of the DREAM Act ' that there is no path to citizenship in this policy and that it is temporary pending Congress acting like adults (both stinking sides!) and passing something that both sides have called for.
Exactly. Just shows how delusional most of the regressive party is.
I was name calling just like Obama was born in Kenya.LFlagger uses that lame 'Kenya' bs in a post in this thread, but wonders why people mock the old birther insanity. Same goes for other birthers here, they get all defensive and deny everything when called out on their lame assertions but have made many birther comment here'huge whiner hypocrites.
I have a different set of questions for Mitt Romney.
Would he follow decrees of the Mormon elders in governing?
I think that's a valid question. My understanding is that Mormons are required to follow whatever the church elders say.In the case of Obama v. Romney. I will choose the lesser of two evils and vote for Romney. I'll take my chances with the Mormons over the Socialists.
You have two choices, Mr. 'I am not a clownservative'
Scratch that. You actually have a third choice.
Tell your wingnut friends not to bother showing up at the polls. And STFU. -
They may be working but not with 'legal' right to work. This changes everything. There is absolutely nothing stopping employers from now hiring an all immigrant work force (at a lower wage) and replacing people who are already working. I would bet the memos are going out Monday morning at fast food joints, movie theaters, factories. Why put up with a black or a gay or a white dumb guy when you can have a nice Mexican?
It's a slap in the face, you are too senseless to see it, until of course it slaps yours.
No you just don't have answers to my questions. At least be honest about it. Oh wait, you are a liberal, you don't understand the concept of honest.
Remember when Mittens lost to McDepends?
Republicans show how silly they are at every turn. They've taken the bait on this one and continue to cast themselves as mean, cruel, heartless, etc. Here's what the President did yesterday'he put a moratorium on deporting Highschool or GED grads with no criminal record, who may have been honor roll students now in college or in the military or leading otherwise prosperous lives'..GUESS WHAT???? We were never deporting these fine folks'..Republicans and Democrat administrations have never targeted this group. NEVER'so'President Obama was able to call out all the extremists and let them make A$$'s of themselves when the truth is' Pres Obama did nothing other than maintain the status quo. It's brilliant Politics.
Interesting reply from someone on the right. At least it was coherent and articulate unlike Romneys answer was yesterday. Watch your politicians run to the middle on this one tea party people:). Obama has played Romeny like a guitar. No matter which angle Romney takes on this right now he's got a statement two days, two weeks, or two years ago that contradicts himself. It was actually a brilliant move by Obama I must say.
Obama Promised change for America? He never said it would benefit Americans.
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