Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

WATCH Live: House Floor Debate On The Fiscal Cliff Bill

With the House expected to vote on the fiscal cliff deal sometime today, tensions are running high and everyone's hoping for a solution. Last night, the Senate passed a comprehensive compromise, including an extension of Bush-era tax cuts for family incomes below $450,000 and individual incomes below $400,000.

The deal also includes a two-month delay on sequestration, with a 50-50 mix of spending cuts and revenue to pay for the $24 billion it will cost. This may set up another show down just at the time the U.S. is set to hit the debt ceiling.

President Obama urged the House to pass the bill late last night, saying it's 'the right thing to do for our country,' but the House still has yet to decide.

Check out the live debate heating up the House floor, below:

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