Jumat, 27 April 2012

Monica Crowley Apologizes For Controversial Sandra Fluke Tweet


Fox News contributor Monica Crowley apologized to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke for a controversial joke over her recent engagement she tweeted on Thursday. 'Regret my tweeted question caused a stir,' wrote Crowley. 'I certainly & unequivocally apologize to Sandra & anyone else I offended. Not my intention.'

RELATED: Sandra Fluke Responds To Monica Crowley: Where I'm From, We Say Congratulations Not Engage In 'Hate Speech'

Fluke told MSNBC's Ed Schultz yesterday that she considered Crowley's comment 'hate speech.'

'Well, you know, where I'm from, when someone tells you they've become engaged, you say congratulations rather than engaging in hate speech,' she said. 'It's certainly not the way I wanted my engagement to be greeted.'

'That said,' Fluke added, 'I'm not going to let this kind of thing get to me personally. What really bothers me about it is exactly what you said, the blatant homophobia in the comment. The idea that's an acceptable thing to say publicly.'

(h/t Twitchy)

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  • Really?  What was her intention?

  • My reaction, too. This isn't that big of a deal, but what does 'not my intention' mean? 

  • Biting humor, like just about every liberal commentator when responding to something a conservative activist does?    The joke was bad and should have been withdrawn right away, but Fluke shouldn't have taken the low road and called it hate speech, demonstrating she has zero humor and extremely thin skin.  For someone who makes a living attacking others she needs to learn to respond to detractors by saying it doesn't bother her because she knows many others support her work, which they do.   This is a good example of two people behaving badly.

  • What a dummy.

  • Usually when you act like a total jerk, it's your intention to be a total jerk.

    It's great to have another weaselly apology though to add the pile. So, that's exciting.

  • What was the tweeted question??

  • anything a Libtard disagrees with is 'hate speech' 

    sorry that Monica apologized, I would have told Mizz Flucke to acquire some free contraception and F*ck Off.

  •  Her intention was to get publicity for herself then act surprised that people were offended and apologize. Therefore she got attention and she can sell more of her stupid books to her cave people base.


  • I wish @MonicaCrowley had not apologized. She should have asked WTH they were all complaining about since professional propagandists like @SandraFluke, GLAAD, GLSEN, the HRC and others have for decades been driving this country toward a time when it would be scandalous to presume you knew a woman wouldn't be marrying another woman just because she had a boyfriend.

  • 'but Fluke shouldn't have taken the low road and called it hate speech'

    What do you expect a professional grievance peddler to do?  Of course, she's going to reach for the fences.

    There is literally no way for agenda pundits to walk away from a train wreck.

  • apparently now in the media, it's a bad of honor, or merely chic, if you have an apology under your belt'  i suggest mediaite create an apology scoreboard for our amusement'  who do you think is in the lead, currently?' 


  •  Don't be disingenuously asinine. There is nothing more loathsome than refusing to take responsibility for your own words and actions. If you are going to act like a jerk you should at least have the mustard to own it.

  •  Totally agree.

    But I'd like to categorize them from the pitifully earnest/hard to watch, to the earnest and responsible to the disingenuous legalese non-apology' amongst others

    There are so many great flavors of apology, each special in its own way.

  • Crowley had to take her hand of Nixon's mummified dick for the second time in a week to tweet this apology.

    If anyone other than Crowley and Nixon's mummified dick are offended by this comment, I sincerely apologize.

  • Why apologize. It was a fair question. I was curious to know the answer as well.

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