Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Bill O'Reilly Challenges Obama Mentor Over His 'Understanding Obama' Harvard Class


If there's one thing that gets Bill O'Reilly fired up, it's when the college elites try to indoctrinate students with their liberal agendas. And that is clearly the aim of a course being offered by Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree called 'Understanding Obama.' Ogletree, who personally admires President Obama, defended it as a good insight for students into understanding his character.

RELATED: Obama Mentor To Teach 'Understanding Obama' Course At Harvard Law School

Ogletree told O'Reilly that he taught this class during the 2008 presidential election, and he's just revisiting the topic now. When O'Reilly referred to it as a course, Ogletree clarified that it is a reading group that people can voluntarily take if they want to learn more about just who Obama is. He said that the president is a 'multi-faceted guy' with personal successes and failures just like everyone else.

O'Reilly called Ogletree an 'admirer of the president,' to which Ogletree clarified that he considers himself more than a mere admirer. O'Reilly said that while he has no problem with someone like Ogletree talking about Obama's character from his point of view, it feels like it would be too biased. Ogletree acknowledged that he's received e-mails from people addressing this very issue, and he pointed to an example of his willingness to criticize Obama over the Henry Louis Gates issue.

O'Reilly ended the interview by asking to be a guest lecturer for the class one day. Ogletree said he would love to have O'Reilly come in and speak one day.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

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  • First of all BillO has never been fair to Obama.Secondly this guy out positioned BillO at every turn.He just says yes I admire the president and no everyone doesn't agree with him including flaws and BillO was done.Here is one case where BillO couldn't do the evil college professor hit job.

  • The days of lingering at college and wasting money on useless classes are over.  Students today need to embrace the 'starving student' mentality not just to help their parents pay for the COST of going to college'and thus reduce the amount of loans needed'but also to help themselves learn solid money lessons that will serve them well later in life.

  • O'Reilly shouldn't be let near any academic environment.

  • This was a great interview especially because BillO displayed much respect for such a seasoned professor.  And, professor Olgetree demostrated much professionalism. Thanks.

  • Indoctrinated so deeply that you are blind to it. A student of Ogletree's and his ilk I presume.

  •  You are such a joke and Ogletree is a shameless race-baiter. What happened to his lawsuit for Skip Gates over his arrest?


  •  You obviously haven't ever been to an academic institution; just to an institution.

  • Many, many students do work through college. Unfortunately, the amount of money they can earn as entry-level employees is not enough to cover their tuition, books, fees, and living expenses.

  • Hey, Ogletree, what ever happened to the lawsuit you were going to file against the Cambridge police dept. for arresting that race-baiter friend of yours, Skip Gates?

  • I know lets let Ryan Seacrest cover the elections for NBC.  Funny?  He is.  You Lefts couldn't be any bigger losers.  The Factor is notorious for given the Bama his due respect.  Bill slams any guest who dis's the Prez, just a fact LiB O LOSERS watch some more NBC/MSNBC'networks of children and hardcore lefties

  • I have no idea what you're saying

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