Jumat, 27 April 2012

Joe Biden To Donors: 'You All Look Dull As Hell ' Pretend You Like Me!'


Joe Biden spoke to donors at a fundraiser on Friday morning ' and jokingly chided them for lacking enthusiasm and looking bored. 'Pretend you like me!,' he added.

Said Biden, according to the pool report (via Washington Examiner):

'I guess what I'm trying to say without boring you too long at breakfast ' and you all look dull as hell, I might add. The dullest audience I have ever spoken to. Just sitting there, staring at me. Pretend you like me!'

In Washington DC, Biden spoke to about 200 members of the Turkish and Azerbaijani communities at the breakfast. Tickets started at $2500 ' and all proceeds are going to the Obama Victory Fund.

(H/T Washington Examiner)

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  • Gee. I wonder how the comment was received.

    Oh. Wait. That would require actually providing CONTEXT to the story. And we're talking about The Washington Examiner.

    Context is for liberals.

  • Tell them another 'Big Stick,' joke. 

    One step from the White House, and as scary as that may seem, some feel he is the smarter one.

  • Joes got a great sense of humor.  I am still giggling over his Big stick comment.  Sure dorve the right whiners nutso!  Go Joe!

  • I love Joe Biden. He's the borderline senile grandfather I've always wanted. 

  • At least the MORON realizes that NOBODY Likes Him!

  • lol ' the right wingers?  I didn't realize Bashir and gang were right wingers.  

    The rest of us really don't care how big his stick is.  Trust me.

  • 'Pretend you like me!'

    Not. Enough. Drugs. Or. Alcohol. In. The. World.

  • His comment was one of the funniest I've heard in a long time.  I laughed and laughed and laughed.
    He is so human you can't help but like him.  No subterfuge there, what you see is what you get. And smarter than he's given credit for.

  • Donor.

    That's one thing you'll never be able to call 'Ol Joe.

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