With Mitt Romney finally all but the official Republican nominee for president this year, Jon Stewart was hoping for a substantive debate about issues between the two candidates. Needless to say, he was far from getting that' instead, Diane Sawyer asked Romney if he was funny, a question President Obama himself had answered on the network himself. While the two candidates were evaluating their own humor, Stewart decided to weigh in himself, as a seasoned comedian.'
RELATED: Mitt Romney's Message To President Barack Obama: 'Start Packing'
Stewart began with a look at President Obama's 'comedy' career, though he thought a direct comparison was unfair. 'They are at different points in their respective careers,' Stewart argued, with President Obama playing to the White House Correspondents' Dinner and Romney still on the campaign tour. President Obama, Stewart joked, was 'killing'' and by 'killing,' he meant Navy Seals were out killing Osama bin Laden during his jokes.
Then there was Romney, who joked once that he was 'unemployed' (that didn't go over so well) and that someone had grabbed his backside during a photo op. This latter joke, Stewart approved of. 'That's grade A uncle humor!' he praised, adding that it was 'better than the time Biden tried that trick on a pack of visiting cub scouts.'
Ultimately, Stewart gave Romney the edge for proclaiming, 'I live for laughter,' and for President Obama's State of the Union milk joke being so bad. Except, since this is Romney, there is a video of him saying the exact opposite of 'I live for laughter.'
The segment via Comedy Central below:
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Poor candidates! They'd rather discuss national/political issues, but are asked stupid questions by Sawyer, Blitzer, et al., and they, wanting to be politically correct, just make up some answers. I think they should just refuse to answer such stupid questions. What do you expect Romney to answer to the question of who is funnier, him or Obama? That's a stupid question. He shouldn't have answered it. Same with Obama, he shouldn't have answered a similar question.
so as the dog meat obama story is going all over the internet'zip on it in this clip'bias..nah :)
I wonder if ABC will get that their conduct was the punchline
Stewart is funny sometimes but he is still part of the liberal elite. But, Stewart does not make fun of liberals the same way he does to conservatives. He's trying to make Romney look more dull. As usual the liberal elite in the entertainment industry try to influence the campaign. Let's keep picking on conservatives more than we do liberals. Many liberals do watch this show as their only new source which is pathetic.
The Daily Show is being generous by not doing a story on that. It's just too easy to pick on conservatives over that one.
Boo hoo.
Do you need a tissue libbie or are you being a typical liberal troll?
Since when the call-centre people started advising Americans on how to conduct our elections? Did your people kicked you out for being a loudmouth and you feel obligated to comment on our internal affairs?
How is he an 'elite'? ' serious question
'Many liberals do watch this show as their only new source which is pathetic.'
Not really. A lot of young people don't look at reliable news sources at all (of which there are few) and only get news from Stewart, Leno, Letterman, celebrities etc., which is sad. But I can't blame them since cable news is so biased and petty it's pathetic no matter what channel you're watching. -
And you watch Fox, which is really far more pathetic.
It's easier to pick on a conservative that didn't eat a killed dog? Uhhhhhh ok.
That's some RINOism if I ever read it.
99.9999999% of liberals watch this show. Period.
Can you tell me when O'Reilly and Hannity have ever called themselves journalists on air? The fact that you think Stewart should get commended for telling people that he's not a news source is just hilarious.
So literally Obama can eat a puppy and the lamestream media remains silent.
At leat FOX has real journalist unlike MSDNC.
FOX is not biased like the rest and you libbies can't handle that.
Release the hounds!
You have serious mental issues. Get well soon!
I'm not a 'libbie'. I'm not registered with any party and I'm an independent voter.
Are you retarded? I criticized both FOX and MSNBC for being biased. And yes, Fox is highly biased.
I love it when other people tell me what I'm thinking.
Here's what I'm actually thinking: you are making a conclusion that I'm saying Stewart should be 'commended' for something.
What part of your body did you pull that out of?
(moved comment)
How is he an 'elite'? ' serious question
You must be slow because being a liberal or a conservative does not always mean being registered as a Democrat or a Republican. You can be an Independent Conservative/ Liberal or a pure Independent. Most conservatives are Republicans and most liberals are Democrats. Many Independents actually lean towards the left they just don't want at title on their political views.
By the way countless studies have been done to show that their is a liberal bias in the media. FOX is the most fair and balanced. -
Because it is TOO EASY TO MAKE FUN OF CONSERVATIVES. The things you say just make it GOLD!!!!
Obama is a joke as president. Biden says some of the most ridiculous things. Pelosi looks like she needs to leave the botox alone. Most celebrities are liberals and they say some of the most ridiculous things. Obama had a czar who believed animals need lawyers. All of them are libs.
OK independent voter Stewart is your typical highly educated liberal who pretends he understands the struggles of the working class. They feel as though they have a better understanding of the ordinary man's life yet they are more out of touch than they realize. Most libs think they are intellectually superior to others and Stewart has shown that.
It's obvious you have been brainwashed by the liberal media.
'FOX is the most fair and balanced.' Good one. April Fools was weeks ago though.
I 'must be slow' because I don't affiliate myself with a political party? You can't be that silly.
What studies? Really. What studies? I've seen studies that show that exlusive fox 'news' viewers are lacking in awareness and comprehension of even events that have been well documented.
Fox 'news' is one of the most pathetic tabloids disguised as a news source in the world.
So what's wrong with education? Oh yeah you probably think its all a liberal conspiracy.
A quick search on Stewart shows he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth'he's funny sometimes and sometimes he's not. Out of touch is an inaccurate assessment.
You could use a little bit more education. If you had any you'd recognize that my saying that I'm an 'independent voter' is not at all the same as me identifying myself as an 'Independent voter'. Perhaps you might be able to see that the usage of a capital 'I' implies a title, whereas the usage of a lower case 'i' makes the meaning different.
Your lack of education and your abundance of ignorance as a result is a tragedy. You're making conservatives look stupid when you make these silly girlish playground insinuations
If it is such a 'story' then why did it take Rush and co. 5 years to start talking about it?
I don't think there's any thing wrong with education except that there are too many liberals forcing their Political Correctness views in public education. They've kept many important information from the history books by censoring and keeping certain events out. Even in college most of the professors are extreme leftist who indoctrinate their liberal ways during lecture.
Since you're using a computer you must be able to use google and research CMPA and other media and journalist sites that will show you how FOX is the most balanced network. They show real news that the liberal media refuses to show. Just because you're an independent doesn't mean you can't be a lib.
He makes $38,000/day. That's pretty elite.
Please don't get started. You got your beer date fantasy Bush Jr. TWICE over the less likable Gore and the even less likable Kerry and we're all still paying for it to this day
Wow you're a disgusting racist!
To point out the obvious;
Anyone can have an opinion
He could be an American, not that it even matters; maybe he moved?
Your tone is derogatory and hateful and you seriously need mental health attention, stat.
Until America stops throwing its weight around as world police we as concerned citizens of the world are allowed to have an opinion. Don't like it? Get rid of the Pentagon, stop ruining the world economy, stop invading countries and starting wars. Got it? -
Errr, that is exactly what Hannity said as his cover for the Zimmerman phone call. He used 'journalistic privilege' so that he wouldn't have to take the stand and could keep the call secret.
So you look like an idiot claiming that. Either he's a journalist (lol) or he's in big big trouble soon!
And yet Fox News is boooooooooring.
Yeah, cause Romney really understands the 'struggles of the working class' doesn't he? Being born into a political elite with no money problems since generations'?
The only people I've heard of in favour of whitewashing history are super conservatives that don't want children to know about the dark side of the founding fathers and that slavery was so awful. All have been far right religious nuts- remember the Texas school board and all the horrid things they left out in order to brain wash the poor children? I've not once heard of liberals wanting to whitewash. Can you please provide a link?
I'd really be keen to read all about that one!
Also college indoctrination? First of all this is teaching adults so how could it be when people have already formed their own opinions? I also don't understand how classes on science and Maths and engineering etc could turn into liberal political discussions? I assume you are only speaking of classes like political science or social studies? Which are pretty damn obviously going to touch on people's opinions aren't they? You have no case. I can only assume you've had v little education yourself and just believe what Breitbart et al tells you about!
Dog, cat,'elephant. Who cares what that sorry bag of bones eats? It's more important what comes OUT of his mouth than what goes IN it. That is something to be worried about.
I find it amusing that a nine year old kid who went with his mum to a strange place tasted stuff they ate there should be asked about it when that kid is 50. People are crazy.
As far you not liking Obama, more power to you. Not very interesting.
Apparently conservatives have been too busy making up quotes from Obama's books to actually read what was actually in them.
So you consider people such as Ann Coulter, Dennis Miller, etc' the standard bearers of Conservative humor?
'Many liberals do watch this show as their only new source' so for the many millions of people who ONLY get their news from the 'Fair and Balanced' network, the one who 'tells' their audience that theirs is the only network their audience needs to watch, your argument FAILS!
''Obama can eat a puppy'
You REALLY are basing your statement on a terribly done PhotoShop????????
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