Watch What Happens Live!, hosted by Bravo all-purpose mogul Andy Cohen, is a unique talk show' cocktail drinks, impromptu game shows, and, as Saturday Night Live perfectly captured, often featuring one extremely accomplished guest and one Bravo reality TV character. Tonight the latter position fell to Jenni Pulos of Interior Therapy, who got to rap Sarah Palin speech texts at Rachel Maddow.
RELATED: Bravo's Andy Cohen Is A Drunk Megalomaniac On SNL
Yes, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host and author of Drift, somehow ended up on bizarre cocktail show Watch What Happens Live, and it was endlessly entertaining. In true Andy Cohen form, the night's poll question was who among the listed MSNBC host was the hottest (it was a trick question' any MSNBC host list without Lawrence O'Donnell on it is incomplete). Maddow predicted that Ed Schultz would win, because he has a 'heartland, barrel-chested virility that cannot be denied.'
Cohen teased her a bit about high school afterwards' the famous yearbook photo of a young, blonde Maddow, and her graduation speech, including the word 'condom.' She laughed and explained herself, and then took viewer questions. Naturally, Keith Olbermann came up. 'I was totally shocked,' she explained of his departure from Current, 'I did not know it was coming, it was crazy.' She also wished Current TV the best: 'I'm a liberal, I want there to be lots of places for other people to be liberal on TV. I want that to exist. I've heard this Bravo place is nice!'
The second half of her time on the show involved two games' one, 'Plead the Fifth,' gave her questions that had her saying nice thing about Mitt Romney and being excited at the possibility of sharing an elevator with Rush Limbaugh. The second game involved Pulos rapping Palin speeches and Common songs and having Maddow guess which was which.
The interview via Bravo below:
Part 1:
Part 2:
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Smartest guest they ever had? Who was they the smartest they had before, Snooki?
Rachel was great and managed to do the show with class, considering the format.
The elevator question? Well if it took place in Florida I would be walking out of that elevator ALIVE and screaming STOOD MY GROUND considering the people they offered for that choice.
This show isn't built on class. She didn't show class because it's not a classy show. It's on all of the time.
Andy Cohen can be a hoot and he has on all sorts of guests. Why he has on people like Maddow and Geist, I have no clue, other than it being another Comcast network.
Without question I would have chosen O'Reilly.
O'Reilly is a pretentious loudmouth, but if we were stuck in an elevator together, he'd quickly see that raising his voice at me would boomerang on him without me ever really becoming flustered.
Hannity, on the other hand, is a world-class moron self-gratuitously deluded into believing he is intellectually capable. The guy believs his own propaganda. He would never adjust to seeing me, a liberal, as an equal. He couldn't be trusted and any teamwork to get out of the elevator early would be damaged by his closed-mindedness.
Rush, I'd just feel nauseous and crowded ' and worried the guy would be ogling me waiting for me to tak a nap. Eww'.
Rachel looked at it as an intellectual opportunity (though I do think popular, far right, hate-filled sermons pre-existed Rush by a lot). I was jut wanting to get of there sane, maybe early, and with no anal bruising.
Never seen this show before. Maddow played it off pretty well.
Gregory Williams, who's that blue guy with the great grin in your avatar? Been meaning to ask.
Blue from 'Mrs.Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends' my grand daughter picked it out after I said NOOOOOOOO to the little Mermaid.
That hate all the time is not healthy and considering you think the host can be a HOOT why criticize his choice of guests?
Oops forgot that you only consider Cult of Conservatism members as worthy guests for any show.
Maybe he will invite your favorite SNAKE LADY M Malkin on so she can demonstrate the proper technique for conservatives who eat rats,' First you UN-hinge your jaw like this''..'
Hottest BSnbc anchors???? Huh? LSDnbc doesn't have any so called talking heads that are even lukewarm. Now cross the street, Rachael, and you'll find a bevy of HOT, HOT, HOT female anchors and talking heads that are smart as all get out. Most have 2 degrees and/or law degree's as well. Now if we are talking a clown show then BSnbc wins hands down!!!
Coz being hot is of course more important than you know, intellect and talent of course! Be proud you watch fox just to ogle women in tight bodycon dresses and high heels. Talk about hating women ' don't you think it offensive that they even call the chairs the women sit on the 'leg chair' and if there's 2 women one is relegated to the second hottest seat like a zoo animal? And I can only presume most have short contracts whereby Murdoch and Ailes can fire them once they stop looking so sexy?
You are a pig.
I'm so ashamed that my home town is where Murdoch started his career at The News. I'm so sorry to the works.
Maddow or even Ann Coulter would both do well on that program.
Many from the opposite party hate them, but they can both mix humor with their politics ' and of course both are extremely intelligent and conversant in a wide variety of topics. Ms. Coulter also on ocasion has shown more tolerance for the gay community than one might expect, so she would presumably do well in this gay friendly environment.
You're an idiot. I have no doubt the word or board game simply does not exist at which she would not absolutely kick your ass & crush your self-esteem; hell, I doubt there's ANY form of game, in ANY context, she couldn't outdo you in.
But at least you ' lard-assed brain-shrunk cretin that you are ' would not be alone among those losing to her in the first category. She's too bright, too quick, too sharp for anyone in any word game one can imagine.
Parting shot: you need to do a little homework on what it means to be a smart person. Because you're definitely not one yourself; indeed, it appears you may be one of those folks too stupid to know how stupid they are.
You should probably see a professional about this coherency problem you're having.
So who wont the 'sexiest MSNBC host' vote? write-in Andrea Mitchell?
I like the look of the long-haired blonde Maddow. Lucky is the man (or are the men) who got to spend intimate time with her before she probably came to the realization she was a lesbian.
Not going to touch this one; most here know if you bad mouth Maddow, even make fun of her last name, you get BANNED.
Apparently Mediaite has a soft spot for lesbian queens. -
DAN RATHER: I still can't believe that here, in the second decade of the 21st century, in a presidential campaign, that we're talking about contraception. Do you know any woman, of any race, creed, color or religion, who doesn't use some form of birth control?
The openly gay Maddow tactfully let Rather's question pass unanswered'but the stare poor Dan Rather got could turn a bull into being gay..
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