Michelle Malkin Hates Woman-Bashing ' Unless It's Meghan McCain And Sandra Fluke
11:15 am, April 30th | by Amy Tennery
What do you call it when a person who's launched a high-profile anti-sexism campaign makes a sexist joke against the poster child for victims of misogyny?
I'm wondering because Michelle Malkin has been instrumental lately in calling out sexism among several high-profile political pundits ' especially on the left. In particular, she's led the charge on calling out what she deems to be hypocritical complaints against Rush Limbaugh. There are plenty of sexists on the left, she's argued. And on that much, we can agree.
It confounds logic, then, that she would endorse a sexist tweet from her own website bashing two women who have been the targets of misogynistic insults from high-profile pundits lately. Curious.
After the White House Correspondents' Dinner this weekend, Meghan McCain tweeted a photo of herself with Sandra Fluke saying, 'My fav meeting of the night, the very brave and badass Sandra Fluke!' After receiving (what we assume to be) a flood of 'wait, really?' responses to her tweet, McCain then told everyone to relax, noted that she's still a pro-lifer and that, yep, she's capable of getting along with someone who has different political views, especially since she shares Fluke's experience of 'being called a slut.'
And then Michelle Malkin sent this tweet (first spotted by Media Matters) from her website, Twitchy:
Ohhhhh, I get it, Malkin. It's a Valley Girl joke! Because, like zomg no way, McCain is such a ditz. And those two just make you want to, like, totally vom.
Thank goodness you're here to defend us from sexism, Malkin.
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its Michelle Malkin, not exactly a person whose opinion I'm going to take seriously
Wait, how is what Malkin said sexist or mysoginistic? She said they are party tools.
Sorry, I just don't see how this one tweet by Michelle is sexist.
Nobody cares about Malkin.
Is that a still photo of Malkin from Mashed-Up-Bag-of-Meat the Press?
Because if we're discussing Malkin's fraudulent claims of being a victim of sexism, I've got Exhibit A right here.
Michelle Malkin is a joke. Do people still take her seriously? She may be the angriest 'pundit' out there. It looks like her head is going to explode every time she talks.
She's the type of person that goes to one of the most liberal colleges (Oberlin) in the country and complains about it being liberal.
What exactly is sexist about that tweet?
she is one nasty looking woman
I love Michelle Malkin. As far as Megaton McCain, if she can dish it, she better be able to take it.
Exactly ' 'party tool' is a non-gender specific pejorative. Unless *any* criticism of *any* female (even by another female) is now considered to be misogynistic. Sheesh.
What is sexist? Calling Meghan a tool is not sexist since it could be used to describe a similarly useles man who lacked any real accomplishment or insight. Ditto with Fluke 'making up' massive birth control costs, when instead it's $10/month.
Actually, I think it's a little sexist that Malkin can't call out women simply because they are women.
i guess you love listening for opinions from MEghan. Name one time she fought against the liberals and gave an argument you said afterwards 'wow impressive, she did a great job.
Take a look at Dick Cheneys daughter. She can talk about any issue with substance not fluff. -
who said megan mccain or Cheney's daughters were more or less credible?
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