Senin, 30 April 2012

CNBC 'Freaking Out'' 'Their Biggest Attractions Have Become Their Biggest Losers,' Report Claims


The New York Daily News reports on Monday that NBC's cable business news network's executives are 'freaking out' over a large ratings decline in their biggest programs ' particularly among key demographics.

RELATED: Could CNBC's Rick Santelli Be Mitt Romney's VP Pick?

The Daily News reports that ratings are down, particularly for CNBC's 'marquee shows' like Squawk Box and Closing Bell.

According to Nielsen ratings obtained by Gatecrasher, from April 2011 to April 2012, 'Squawk Box' is down 16 percent in total viewers and 29 percent in the important 25-54 demographic bracket that advertisers buy.

On Tuesday, the show drew its lowest numbers of the year in total viewers ' 99,000.

Name talent like 'Money Honey' Maria Bartiromo and recent hire and author of Too Big To Fail, Andrew Ross Sorkin, have also dropped precipitously. Closing Bell, CNBC's end of trading day wrap up program, 'is also seeing its third straight quarter of decline.'

From April 2011 to April 2012, the show is down 16 percent in total viewers and 11 percent in the 25-54 demographic.

The most troubling news for CNBC is not merely in the decrease in viewership, but the demographic that Neilson ratings show are fleeing the network. The 25-54-year-old demographic has dropped 6 percent from April 2011 to April 2012, a demo with among the most disposable income that can be leveraged for advertisers.

Even CNBC's Kudlow Report with Larry Kudlow, which airs at 7 p.m., saw its first ratings decline against competition like Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs Tonight.

However, a CNBC Spokesperson told The Daily News that Neilson tends to under represent CNBC's total viewership because many of the network's key viewers do not watch the channel at their homes.

A CNBC spokesman responds: 'The Nielsen measurement is focused on the distant periphery of CNBC's core audience. They don't measure the wealthiest American homes or people who watch CNBC out of home on trading floors or in executive offices, country clubs' or 'five star hotels.'

h/t The New York Daily News

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  • CNBC has become too right wing. Their 'talent' skews too conservative,  They keep Larry the loon Kutlow on the air even though he is a republican operative.

    CNBC has lost its core and become too show biz.

    No wonder serious market watchers and investors are going to Bloomberg for real financial information and opinion.

  • Because the shows got political.  It turns us off.  The best business shows on CNBC are the scams.

  • Forget investing, the only safe place to keep money so Obama can't take it is under the mattress.

  • Who doesn't love Rick 'Teabag' Santelli and Larry 'Coke Addict' Kudlow?  Or Maria 'Free Ride' Bartoromo and Jim 'Neverright' Cramer?  If FOX Business wasn't staffed entirely with 9/11 Truthers, goldbuggerers and other libertarian retards, they'd be competitive with CNBC.

  • mark haines please return from the dead to save CNBC

  • well you know this bound to happen. When Erin Bernett left. Trish Regan or Mellisa Lee should have took Erin's spot. Not Mellisa Frances only for the fact that Trish and Mellisa Lee got more ratings then Frances did. and knock on wood after Trish walk's out due to being passed over for Mellisa Frances. Frances walked out few months after to go to FBN. That show bad bussness right there. That is just a example right there.

  • Having NBC in your name is the kiss of death!

  • Cable business news channels have always been a carney grift, no matter who owns them.

  • The Gloves Emporium loves this new fuzzy costume, apparently.

  • The Madness of Senility'from the acid-baked brain of Hout Flasher!

  • The blonde aussie chick is both hot and smart as an anchor.  The new british guy, simon, not very good,

  • only glove needed is fro a prostate exam

  • Mr. Picatinny suggests instead, you go to a doc for this procedure.

    As much as you like to perform self-exams, it's not recommended you do so'regardless of what they showed you in the Occupy tents.

  • They can only spin Obama's 'economic recovery' so many ways before their viewers catch on.

  • Based on these posts the Lefties cannot find business news they like even on NBC.  Of course, that figures since they and their idol hate business anyway.  Businesses are there to make profits.  How greedy.

  •  You really have to be clueless to not see an unapologetic don't-regulate-anything and corporate-taxes-bad meme on that channel.  Kudlow and the rest are in the bag for Republicans.  Nothing wrong with it, as kinda obvious (and preaching to choir).  Only someone that thinks life is a Star Wars movie thinks they are pro-Democrat

  • I'm not surprised by this at all. Viewers are getting sick and tired of CNBC because they have been shown to be nothing but corporate shills for the companies that they are supposed to be covering, reporting if they are breaking the law, and exposing fraud in the publicly traded corporations. Instead of being an independent news source that calls out companies when they are doing things that are bad for the country, bad for stock holders, and bad for they economy, they are affraid of losing access to the CEO's of these companies. CNBC lost all credibility when they blew it with the housing bubble, and the subsequent collapsing of the economy.  That exposed them in one of 2 ways. CNBC either knew that the housing sector was going to collapse, about all the subprime credit fraud that was going on, and chose not to report on it until it was too late. Or, they had no one with the journalistic ability to know what was going on. Either way, that shows CNBC can't do the job they say they can do.

  • 'A CNBC spokesman responds: 'The Nielsen measurement is focused on the distant periphery of CNBC's core audience. They don't measure the wealthiest American homes or people who watch CNBC out of home on trading floors or in executive offices, country clubs' or 'five star hotels.''

    Or prisons, or NBC headquarters, or Meghan McCain's house, or the Greyhound bustop just outside of Cleveland, or'

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