Kamis, 19 April 2012

Mitt Romney Heckles Beloved Bakery, Says Cookies 'Came From The Local 7-Eleven'


Presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney broke two of the comedy rules that Jon Stewart gave him on last night's Daily Show by sitting at a table with his audience, and by heckling them. Joking with voters at a Pennsylvania campaign stop Tuesday, Romney slammed a plate of cookies from the Bethel Bakery, saying 'I'm not sure about these cookies, they don't look like you made them. Did you make those? No, they came from the local 7-Eleven or whatever.'

The remark reveals that Romney might have something of a penchant for insult humor. In February, he needled some NASCAR fans about their cheap plastic rain ponchos.

Here are a few cookie jokes that Mitt Romney decided not to use:

Your cookies are so cheap, the elves who make them live in a van down by the river.

Your cookies are so cheap, when you call them 'chocolate chip cookies,' you mean it literally: one chocolate chip.

Your cookies are so cheap, even 6 year-old Barack Obama wouldn't eat them.

According to CNN, though, the bakery is taking it all in stride, and who knows, Romney's remarks might even be good for business:

After his remarks rippled across the Bethel Park community outside of Pittsburgh, the 57-year-old bakery on Wednesday began offering a 'CookieGate' special: Buy a dozen, get a half-dozen free.

'I'm sure he meant it all in jest and didn't mean to slam a local bakery,' Julie Lytle, the bakery's spokeswoman, said. 'It's nothing that we want to get really upset about it, no reason to be angry. We're just having fun with it.'

That's all well and good for the bakery, but what about 7-Eleven? There's only one Bethel Bakery, but there are thousands of 7-Elevens. How are they supposed to sell cookies now? Slurpee' Summit, anybody?

Here's video of Romney's remarks, from HLN:

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  • I look forward to a full investigation of Cookiegate.

    My brain is dying from this election.

  • Just more evidence how out of touch this guy is.  If his food isn't served on porcelain china by his butler he turns his nose up at it.  And this is him trying to be real, just guess at what he is like the rest of the time.

  • willard is such a joker. I bet Ann Romney's chef   bakes him his cookies

  • Romney remains as charming, personable and as good with real people as ever. Oh Mitt, don't ever change. :)

  • Exactly '   someone makes  an effort to  put  food on the table and he can only show disdain'. what a jerk.  '  he doesn't have to eat it, but does he have to make the person who offered it feel bad in the process ?   silly story , but shows this guys true colors' 
    wise up, Tea Party people  ' Mitt Romney hates YOU !!!

  • It is all a bit unrealistic for a guy with hundreds of millions to pretend he is one of the guys. Can't be easy.

  • Cookiehawk Republicans starting their War on Baked Goods!

  • Way to help a small business Mitt. 

  • He is too rich to relate to normal people

  •  That would be the job of the maids.

  • like everthing else in Willard's life, I bet the only cookies he ever eats are VANILLA

  • All jokes aside Mitts awkwardness and penchant for gaffes have been insulated by the goofs he's been running against..  With them basically all  out of the picture it will be on full display..  I'm not saying that's the ultimate decider or even should be a decider on whether he's qualified or not.. It's just he's a terrible politician and again it will now be on full display..

  • Poor Tommy has gone so insane over Romney that he thinks this is a story. But in his defense, it's easier than having to talk about what a massive failure his Messiah has been.

  • Mitt's brain has never worked a day in its life.

  •  His record of winning elections are terrible as well.
    He just can't relate. Too rich I'm afraid

  • Curious if this bakery bakes cookies the shapes of dogs or chocolate covered station wagons.

    Now where full into the kookery !!

  • Actually this is helping this small business owner.
    And he would love to have them distributed in 7-11 stores accross the Country.

    He was complimenting them. They're too perfect.


  • How rude!!  That Romney sounds like a real snob, he probably pissed off those hand picked Republicans sitting around the picnic table.

  • Yeah, it's hard to talk about something that's not true.

  • Insert cookie?  No.  Insert foot. 

  • Williard then bought the bakery, paid himself 10 million in pre-emptive management fees while lobbying for a federally supported small business loan, merged the bakery with the Potomac Bakery and Kribels, sold the ovens for scrap, cut wages' eventually moved production to China and divested with a more than comfortable profit. The business soon went under when lead paint chips were found in the gingerbread men. Williard celebrated his success with a steaming spot of lapsang shoshong at Bella's House of Fine Teas' 'Tea' he said' 'this tastes like it was purchased at a Panda Express'' It's simply how he rolls. 'America'''something tastes wrong' hmmmmmm'.

  • Vanilla cookies aren't nearly as white as the Obama re-election campaign. http://ace.mu.nu/archives/328542.php

  • Richard Brinsley Sheridan was an Irish-born playwright who had great success in England with his artfully-drawn comic characters.  One of them was named Mrs Malaprop because she kept confusing words like 'allegory' and 'alligator'.   This trope lives on in characters on TV like Archie Bunker who got many words wrong.  In fact, there is a current English word: 'malapropism'.  Now I propse we give Willard Mitt Romnet a similar nickname: Mr. Maladroit!  (By the way, like 'sinister', 'maladroit' is a slam against left-handers like moi.  I have news for some of you'my left-handedness added a little extra spin to my tennis serve and gained me a few points in my lifetime).

  • Those cookies are made with real dog butter!

  • And another for Tommy's collection: 

    Your cookies will never amount to JACK SQUAT:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TxvEsY5Cvg 

  • Close: that would be the job of the maid to their chef.

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