Senin, 30 April 2012

CNBC 'Freaking Out'' 'Their Biggest Attractions Have Become Their Biggest Losers,' Report Claims


The New York Daily News reports on Monday that NBC's cable business news network's executives are 'freaking out' over a large ratings decline in their biggest programs ' particularly among key demographics.

RELATED: Could CNBC's Rick Santelli Be Mitt Romney's VP Pick?

The Daily News reports that ratings are down, particularly for CNBC's 'marquee shows' like Squawk Box and Closing Bell.

According to Nielsen ratings obtained by Gatecrasher, from April 2011 to April 2012, 'Squawk Box' is down 16 percent in total viewers and 29 percent in the important 25-54 demographic bracket that advertisers buy.

On Tuesday, the show drew its lowest numbers of the year in total viewers ' 99,000.

Name talent like 'Money Honey' Maria Bartiromo and recent hire and author of Too Big To Fail, Andrew Ross Sorkin, have also dropped precipitously. Closing Bell, CNBC's end of trading day wrap up program, 'is also seeing its third straight quarter of decline.'

From April 2011 to April 2012, the show is down 16 percent in total viewers and 11 percent in the 25-54 demographic.

The most troubling news for CNBC is not merely in the decrease in viewership, but the demographic that Neilson ratings show are fleeing the network. The 25-54-year-old demographic has dropped 6 percent from April 2011 to April 2012, a demo with among the most disposable income that can be leveraged for advertisers.

Even CNBC's Kudlow Report with Larry Kudlow, which airs at 7 p.m., saw its first ratings decline against competition like Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs Tonight.

However, a CNBC Spokesperson told The Daily News that Neilson tends to under represent CNBC's total viewership because many of the network's key viewers do not watch the channel at their homes.

A CNBC spokesman responds: 'The Nielsen measurement is focused on the distant periphery of CNBC's core audience. They don't measure the wealthiest American homes or people who watch CNBC out of home on trading floors or in executive offices, country clubs' or 'five star hotels.'

h/t The New York Daily News

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  • CNBC has become too right wing. Their 'talent' skews too conservative,  They keep Larry the loon Kutlow on the air even though he is a republican operative.

    CNBC has lost its core and become too show biz.

    No wonder serious market watchers and investors are going to Bloomberg for real financial information and opinion.

  • Because the shows got political.  It turns us off.  The best business shows on CNBC are the scams.

  • Forget investing, the only safe place to keep money so Obama can't take it is under the mattress.

  • Who doesn't love Rick 'Teabag' Santelli and Larry 'Coke Addict' Kudlow?  Or Maria 'Free Ride' Bartoromo and Jim 'Neverright' Cramer?  If FOX Business wasn't staffed entirely with 9/11 Truthers, goldbuggerers and other libertarian retards, they'd be competitive with CNBC.

  • mark haines please return from the dead to save CNBC

  • well you know this bound to happen. When Erin Bernett left. Trish Regan or Mellisa Lee should have took Erin's spot. Not Mellisa Frances only for the fact that Trish and Mellisa Lee got more ratings then Frances did. and knock on wood after Trish walk's out due to being passed over for Mellisa Frances. Frances walked out few months after to go to FBN. That show bad bussness right there. That is just a example right there.

  • Having NBC in your name is the kiss of death!

  • Cable business news channels have always been a carney grift, no matter who owns them.

  • The Gloves Emporium loves this new fuzzy costume, apparently.

  • The Madness of Senility'from the acid-baked brain of Hout Flasher!

  • The blonde aussie chick is both hot and smart as an anchor.  The new british guy, simon, not very good,

  • only glove needed is fro a prostate exam

  • Mr. Picatinny suggests instead, you go to a doc for this procedure.

    As much as you like to perform self-exams, it's not recommended you do so'regardless of what they showed you in the Occupy tents.

  • They can only spin Obama's 'economic recovery' so many ways before their viewers catch on.

  • Based on these posts the Lefties cannot find business news they like even on NBC.  Of course, that figures since they and their idol hate business anyway.  Businesses are there to make profits.  How greedy.

  •  You really have to be clueless to not see an unapologetic don't-regulate-anything and corporate-taxes-bad meme on that channel.  Kudlow and the rest are in the bag for Republicans.  Nothing wrong with it, as kinda obvious (and preaching to choir).  Only someone that thinks life is a Star Wars movie thinks they are pro-Democrat

  • I'm not surprised by this at all. Viewers are getting sick and tired of CNBC because they have been shown to be nothing but corporate shills for the companies that they are supposed to be covering, reporting if they are breaking the law, and exposing fraud in the publicly traded corporations. Instead of being an independent news source that calls out companies when they are doing things that are bad for the country, bad for stock holders, and bad for they economy, they are affraid of losing access to the CEO's of these companies. CNBC lost all credibility when they blew it with the housing bubble, and the subsequent collapsing of the economy.  That exposed them in one of 2 ways. CNBC either knew that the housing sector was going to collapse, about all the subprime credit fraud that was going on, and chose not to report on it until it was too late. Or, they had no one with the journalistic ability to know what was going on. Either way, that shows CNBC can't do the job they say they can do.

  • 'A CNBC spokesman responds: 'The Nielsen measurement is focused on the distant periphery of CNBC's core audience. They don't measure the wealthiest American homes or people who watch CNBC out of home on trading floors or in executive offices, country clubs' or 'five star hotels.''

    Or prisons, or NBC headquarters, or Meghan McCain's house, or the Greyhound bustop just outside of Cleveland, or'

Michelle Malkin Hates Woman-Bashing, Unless It's Meghan McCain And Sandra Fluke


Michelle Malkin Hates Woman-Bashing ' Unless It's Meghan McCain And Sandra Fluke

What do you call it when a person who's launched a high-profile anti-sexism campaign makes a sexist joke against the poster child for victims of misogyny?

I'm wondering because Michelle Malkin has been instrumental lately in calling out sexism among several high-profile political pundits ' especially on the left. In particular, she's led the charge on calling out what she deems to be hypocritical complaints against Rush Limbaugh. There are plenty of sexists on the left, she's argued. And on that much, we can agree.

It confounds logic, then, that she would endorse a sexist tweet from her own website bashing two women who have been the targets of misogynistic insults from high-profile pundits lately. Curious.

After the White House Correspondents' Dinner this weekend, Meghan McCain tweeted a photo of herself with Sandra Fluke saying, 'My fav meeting of the night, the very brave and badass Sandra Fluke!' After receiving (what we assume to be) a flood of 'wait, really?' responses to her tweet, McCain then told everyone to relax, noted that she's still a pro-lifer and that, yep, she's capable of getting along with someone who has different political views, especially since she shares Fluke's experience of 'being called a slut.'

And then Michelle Malkin sent this tweet (first spotted by Media Matters) from her website, Twitchy:

Ohhhhh, I get it, Malkin. It's a Valley Girl joke! Because, like zomg no way, McCain is such a ditz. And those two just make you want to, like, totally vom.

Thank goodness you're here to defend us from sexism, Malkin.

TAGS: meghan mccain | michelle malkin | Sandra Fluke

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  • its Michelle Malkin, not exactly a person whose opinion I'm going to take seriously 

  • Wait, how is what Malkin said sexist or mysoginistic? She said they are party tools.

  • Sorry, I just don't see how this one tweet by Michelle is sexist. 

  • Nobody cares about Malkin.

  • Is that a still photo of Malkin from Mashed-Up-Bag-of-Meat the Press?

    Because if we're discussing Malkin's fraudulent claims of being a victim of sexism, I've got Exhibit A right here.

  • Michelle Malkin is a joke. Do people still take her seriously? She may be the angriest 'pundit' out there. It looks like her head is going to explode every time she talks.

    She's the type of person that goes to one of the most liberal colleges (Oberlin) in the country and complains about it being liberal.

  • What exactly is sexist about that tweet?

  • she is one nasty looking woman

  • I love Michelle Malkin.  As far as Megaton McCain, if she can dish it, she better be able to take it.

  • Exactly ' 'party tool' is a non-gender specific pejorative. Unless *any* criticism of *any* female (even by another female) is now considered to be misogynistic. Sheesh.

  • What is sexist?  Calling Meghan a tool is not sexist since it could be used to describe a similarly useles man who lacked any real accomplishment or insight.  Ditto with Fluke 'making up' massive birth control costs, when instead it's $10/month.  

    Actually, I think it's a little sexist that Malkin can't call out women simply because they are women. 

  •  i guess you love listening for opinions from MEghan.  Name one time she fought against the liberals and gave an argument you said afterwards 'wow impressive, she did a great job. 
    Take a look at Dick Cheneys daughter.  She can talk about any issue with substance not fluff. 

  • who said megan mccain or Cheney's daughters were more or less credible? 

MSNBC Panel Praises Obama's New Slogan 'Forward,' Says 'The Emotional Response Is: Be Very Afraid'


President Obama revealed his new reelection campaign slogan on Monday: 'Forward.' On Now with Alex Wagner, the MSNBC panel dissected the latest shift in messaging from the Obama campaign and praised the contextualizing nature of the theme. Wagner described it as a 'look back, but an emphasis towards the future.'

RELATED: S.E. Cupp And Alex Wagner Agree: As VP Picks Go, Sen. Rob Portman Is 'Unexciting'

'Team Obama is certainly trying to put things in context and in order to od that you do have to look backwards to a certain degree,' said Wagner. She went on to play a portion of a seven-minute video from the Obama campaign that showcases precisely how bad the economic crunch was at the end of 2008, creating juxtaposition between the depth of the recession at its height and the relative recovery today.

Wagner turned to The Nation columnist Ari Melber, asking him to weigh in on President Obama's new slogan, 'Forward, and the new campaign strategy which Wagner says includes a 'look back, but an emphasis towards the future.'

'The rational mind looks at that video and says, here's that counterfactual historical argument about what might have been if you had a different response,' said Melber. 'And the President's response was the best under the circumstances.'

Melber went on to say that there is also an emotional calculation to this slogan and to the election. 'The emotional response is: be very afraid,' said Melber. 'It's economic fear. We've had other elections on security fear and the fear there is suggesting the idea that the Republican party of Mitt Romney are not looking out for you.'

Wagner says that the Romney campaign is floating their intention to shift away from 'red meat conservative issues' and more towards general election themes. Wagner says, however, that Republicans on the state and local level are not helping Romney stay on message.

'What a surprise that he's not coming out for mandatory ultrasounds weekly for women,' said author and Mother Jones columnist David Corn. He recounts for the panel the Obama teams shifting message on Romney, in which the former governor is at once a 'flip flopper without core' but also described himself as 'severely conservative.'

'So reminding people that he's severely conservative, while being a flip flopper ' only Mitt Romney can achieve this ' is a good strategy for [the Obama reelection team],' Corn concluded.

Watch the segment below via MSNBC:

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  • This just makes my head explode

  • I guess when Hope & Change has become an utter failure, forward is all they can come up with.  

    More like Forward off the cliff.

  • Forward off a cliff.

    Obama is desperate and dangerous, like a cornered vole.

    We've all cornered one of those.

  • Wait, wasn't their slogan the Republicans were the party of fear?

  • 'We've all cornered one of those.'

    Speak for yourself.  I normally don't go around hunting or cornering small rodents.  But we all know Mitt Romney, AKA, the 'hunter' and 'great defender of gun owners', has.

    ' I've always been, if you will, a rodent and rabbit hunter all right, small varmints if you will,' 

    Funny thing is, if he is such a friend to gun owners in this country, why did he quadruple gun fees in the state of Massachusetts? 

    Hmm'.   defies logic.

  • MSNBC: Lean forward slogan.   Any questions? 

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Fox News Panel Devolves Into Hilarious Confusion Over Supreme Court Hearing

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When the Supreme Court rules on the Arizona immigration law case, they will either strike down the Obama administration's objections and uphold the law, or strike down the law and uphold the Obama administration's objections. Simple enough, right? Well, this led to some awkwardly confusing banter on Fox News Sunday today, where Chris Wallace and the panel got mired in a confusing back-and-forth with people misspeaking and confusing one thing for the other.

RELATED: Awkward: Karl Rove Calls Fox & Friends Host Alisyn Camerota 'Gretchen'

Wallace first asked how a potential ruling one way or the other would impact Mitt Romney's campaign. Washington Post reporter Charles Lane noticed that Romney has been dialing down the rhetoric on immigration in recent weeks, but as for the case itself, he said the Supreme Court would strike down the law. Lane said he witnessed something surprising during the court's hearings.

'The justice who asked the toughest, most quotable question against the Obama position on this was Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic justice, the one who said, 'Your argument's not selling very well up here.' If her vote goes against the administration, I think that would go a long way toward, you know, defusing the whole question of whether this is a one-sided''

Brit Hume interrupted to ask Lane if he meant the law would be upheld or struck down. Lane said he thinks it would be struck down' despite him sounding like he was expecting it to be upheld. Wallace interjected to remind Lane that Sotomayor was being critical of the Arizona law. Hume said that Obama's people want the law upheld, before Wallace immediately corrected him. Hume said he meant they want the lower court's decision upheld.

At this point, the panel was so hopelessly confused by what happened and who was arguing on behalf of what. Lane clarified for Wallace that he thinks the Supreme Court will rule against the Arizona law' wait, no, in favor of it. Wallace started laughing and joked that it would be nice if they could do a 'take two' on this. When b-roll of the Supreme Court justices popped up on the screen, Wallace said he was glad for it so they could all wipe the egg off their faces.

RELATED: Red Eye Airs Hilarious Blooper Of Guest Ombudsman Untangling A Mic From His Chair

As the discussion wrapped up and Wallace went to commercial, he promised viewers they would 'hit the reset button' for the rest of the show. I don't know about the rest of you, but this whole conversation reminds me of this Monty Python sketch. Classic confusing situations!

Watch the collective brainfart below, courtesy of Fox:

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John Boehner: I Criticize Obama So Much Because I Want To 'Help' Him


On CNN's State of the Union today, Candy Crowley pointed out to House Speaker John Boehner that in recent weeks he has been ramping up the attacks on President Obama. He has recently taken to accusing Obama of acting beneath the office of the presidency in how he has chosen to pick fights with Congress. However, despite Boehner's sharp tone in decrying Obama's tactics, he insists he is doing it to try and 'help' the president.

RELATED: Speaker Boehner Blasts Obama During House Speech: 'Do We Have To Fight About Everything?'

Boehner insisted that he still has a 'very good relationship' with the president despite everything he's said, including his campaign-style rhetoric claiming that the United States 'can't live for four more years' under Obama. Boehner made it clear that while he may have amped up the rhetoric, he has not attacked the president on any personal grounds.

Boehner went down a whole list of examples to argue that he really believes Obama is acting beneath the office of the presidency in his election-year posturing.

'The president's getting some very bad advice from his campaign team because he's diminishing the presidency by picking fake fights, going after straw men every day' the president's bigger than this. The presidency is important. America has big challenges, big fiscal challenges, and we've got big challenges for our economy, and the president ought to be working with Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill to address the big issues that affect the American people.'

When Crowley pressed him on if this is just election-year rhetoric, Boehner said, 'Someone needs to help him out, so I thought I would.'

Watch the video below, courtesy of CNN:

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  • Yeah ' he's been wanting to help Obama pack since 1/20/2009.  I want Obama and all Dems to move Boehner from the Speaker's Office to the back bench.  Since 2010, and the GOP House takeover, Congress has fallen to single digit approval ratings, the Tea Party held America hostage and brought about the Tea Party Downgrade, the Republicans have held the middle class tax cuts hostage to tax cuts for the wealthy.  Time to send the Tea Party and the Republcians home.

  • Obama is beyond help, Mr. Speaker.

    All but the thickest headed liberals know Obama has failed.

     If reelected,he will continue in his lawlessness, hand out more billions to his supporters and weaken the country further by appeasing and aiding the enemies of the US.

    Our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us. This has to stop.

  • Creeper of the House Boehner needs some self help.. Stop with smoking, crying and tanning beds.

  • Yep, the same way Boehner criticized GW Bush?

    Who is the divisive one, when Boehner said that in 2011, he got 98% of what he wanted and he was happy?  Who again walked away from negotiations in Aug of 2011?  Who again did his number 2 man, Eric Cantor and 20 other TBGOPers and Newton LeRoy Gingrich, met on Jan 20, 2009, the day pres Obama was sworn in, plotting to defeat him?  

    Now again, who is dividing America?

    How about helping America and pass the Job Act, Boehner?

  • History may not not be kind to John, since he presided over the least popular House, ever, that among other things sought to put the US into default, intentionally, just so they could say that the incumbent President 'failed'. In fact opposing Obama is the stated goal of the House tea party caucus, which John can not control. So he has not been a success as the speaker. That is not his fault, but the fact remains.

  • John, you are the most useless and pathetic Speaker in House history. You currently preside over one of the houses of the absolute least popular Congress in American history. Watching you screw up every single day is bordering on painful. You seem about as unprepared for the job as Herman Cain was for the nomination but at least Cain was interesting. You are a joke and an embarassment.
    Now, all of that criticism is really me just trying to help you. Don't' you see that?

  •  ''..weaken the country further by appeasing and aiding the enemies of the US.'
    Aiding the enemy? Not just a stretch, but just a huge lie.
    But birthers like you don't wanna hear anything truthful anyway, so no surprise you accuse the president of 'aiding the enemy'. Just pure baloney Gloves, and you know it.
    Maybe ask the family of OBL how he gave aid to him? He's dead, maybe you didn't hear the news.??

  • Why didn't he cry this time?

  • Obama is toast.
    Kimmel's jokes last night showed that even thought he lefties don't say anything they are aware of all his scandals, broken promises and failures and they don't like it.

  • If Mr. Boehner and the Republican party have been trying to help the president and the country since 2008, god help America should they decide they actively want to harm it. I'm not sure what they could do that's worse than the poison pill packed legislation, the attempts at holding the country hostage and the record number of fillibusters of the past few years and I'm not sure I want to find out.

  • Boehner has had a very tough job and I think that, in fact, he is more of a friend to Obama than people realize. If Boehner had been a tea party nut, like Bachman or Gohmert, the damage done by this dysfunctional House would have been worse.

  • And Romney is whitebread that can't figure out which side he wants buttered.

  • Imagine'a Catholic lying on a Sunday!

  • ' the president ought to be working with Democrats and Republicans on
    Capitol Hill to address the big issues that affect the American people.'

     This is exactly what President Obama has been doing,John.
     It has been very clear the Republican/Tea Party folks have done nothing but try and obstruct everything this current President has set out to accomplished in his 31/2 years.
     John,just what have you done to help President Obama and your fellow Americans to go forward?
    To 'clean'up some of the endless piles left by the Bush/Cheney Teams time in office?

  • Take that kind of help and shove it. If he wants to help, he should get his caucus in order and do something for the country. Because all he has done so far is hinder. 

  • Boehner is a vintage political leech, but I'm comfortable with that. Even though he's a crook he at least appears to dwell on planet Earth. Now, the freak show he presides over, however'.

  •  I agree he has a tough job.
     It is a tough job keeping the young guns in control.


  • Boehner probably does want to help, but his hands are tied by a caucus out of their collective minds. If he even breathes about a deal with this White House he gets crucified. The sad legacy he'll leave is as the Speaker who could do nothing in the ultimate do-nothing congress.

  • People who don't learn from their failures, blame others for their failures.
    The Blamer-in-chief can't be helped.

  • Boehner is useless. To everyone.

  • A very nicely placed return volley winner'

    'Straight down the line!

  • John Boehner just wants to help, by criticising?

    'That's nice!

    Many would like to see you leave the tanning beds behind and less of the tearful welling up at given moment.

    It's becoming increasingly difficult for people seeing a grown and tanned man crying profusely'

  • John Boehner: I Criticize Obama So Much Because I Want To 'Help' Him 

    I praise Sarah Palin so much, because she's so frigging intelligent. 

    If the above statements carry even an iota of sincerity ' JUST SHOOT ME.

  • The problem is not that John Boehner was unprepared, but that he was over-prepared to play the mindless political games of obstruction. Boehner knows how things work in Washington as well as anyone. He just took it upon himself as a given that he would be rewarded for stopping Obama's agenda at all costs. The irony is that he could very well lose his precious Speakership as a result.

John Boehner Dismisses Women's Health Concerns Over Student Loan Bill As 'Nonsense'


House Speaker John Boehner continued to hit President Obama for politicizing student loans on CNN's State of the Union today. The president made it clear that he would veto any student loan bill that attempts to cut from the health care bill, which Boehner dismissed as an election-year ploy. The speaker pointed to previous legislation backed by the president that has made cuts to the very same health care program targeted now.

RELATED: Martin Bashir: 'If There Isn't A War On Women, Most of Us Must Be Ignorant'

Candy Crowley brought up comments by Nancy Pelosi saying that the Democrats will continue to fight for women's health and the Republicans are trying to cut important cancer screening programs. Boehner reacted with some level of incredulity.

'That is just nonsense. There's no women's health issue here' I'll guarantee you that they've not spent a dime out of this fund dealing with anything to do with women's health. What we're trying to do here is deal with this problem in a responsible way.'

Crowley countered by asking if the decision by the Republicans to target the health care bill for cuts was also a political ploy.

Watch the video below, courtesy of CNN:

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  • This guy, Reid, McConnell, and Pelosi are like the Four Horseman of the Political Hackery Apocalypse; leaving a terrible trail of burnt cash and bullshit in their wake. 


  • The speaker pointed to previous legislation backed by the president that has made cuts to the very same health care program targeted now.

    That is unfair politics.

  • Boehner should read the article in the NY Times about Apple dodging billions in taxes. Instead of beating up on women, demand that Apple pay what it owes, or close the damn loopholes. 

  • The absolute worst politicians as political strategists I've ever seen. The Republicans have practically gift-wrapped the election for Obama.

  •  Be nice to see if Pres. Obama has the guts to take on Apple.

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Ann Coulter: Hollywood Loves Laughing At Americans, Exploits Stereotypes About Southerners


Perhaps there is no more appropriate time to talk about the media and Hollywood elite than on the day of the White House Correspondents Dinner. Ann Coulter was on hand along with the Fox & Friends hosts today to talk about how the Hollywood elite loves to mock average Americans, particularly Southerners, even though they've never actually taken the time out to meet them.

RELATED: Dubs Jimmy Kimmel 'Comedy Coward' For Not Knowing How To Mock Obama

Coulter said Hollywood often exploits stereotypes of 'Southerners, residents of small towns, Christians, priests, businesses, the rich,' and other groups for movies and TV shows. She mocked the Law & Order TV franchise for suggesting New York has some kind of white supremacist problem. When asked by one of the hosts if it's okay because they mock everyone, Coulter said Hollywood is willing to mock everything except for liberal ideas, like having an environmentalist as the bad guy instead of the stereotypical evil oil businessman or something.

She even pointed to Footloose as an example of a film that mocks small town ideas, because of its implications that many small towns hate dancing and have super-Christian legislators that expressly prohibit it. She also claimed that in the vast majority of Hollywood films, a cross only appears on-screen in a negative context, and she recalled something someone in Hollywood once told her that when designing sets for teenagers' rooms, there's always a Che Guevara poster or something to hang up.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

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  • Hollywood makes fun of EVERYBODY, even itself. Besides Hollywood studios are PRIVATE BUSINESSES. It's their right to make whatever they want and IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT then it's your right as a customer not to buy their product. Why do conservatives hate free enterprise?

  • White Southern males are the only remaining group you can make fun of without being called bigots or sexist.

  •  Ann Coulter is anorexic. Her body weight is not normal

  • these buffoons interpret everything as a political jab.

  • On 'In the Heat of the Night', Carroll O' Connor's accent was unlike any ever heard in the South or anywhere else.

    Recently in Georgia, Hollywood arranged for a Southern guy to win the Masters, and he was self taught and humble. What a hick !

  • are you her GP or something?

  • Yes, 'real' America is the victim.

  • I'm not saying you're wrong but why do you think that is?

  • go and make your own christian videos man face.. I hate conservatives. 

  • Oh, I totally agree with mAnn Coulter on this one.

    Those Hollywood and New York jews need to be perfected.

    Ain't it right, mAnnie?

    (wingnutz, /sarcasm off)

Bill O'Reilly Challenges Obama Mentor Over His 'Understanding Obama' Harvard Class


If there's one thing that gets Bill O'Reilly fired up, it's when the college elites try to indoctrinate students with their liberal agendas. And that is clearly the aim of a course being offered by Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree called 'Understanding Obama.' Ogletree, who personally admires President Obama, defended it as a good insight for students into understanding his character.

RELATED: Obama Mentor To Teach 'Understanding Obama' Course At Harvard Law School

Ogletree told O'Reilly that he taught this class during the 2008 presidential election, and he's just revisiting the topic now. When O'Reilly referred to it as a course, Ogletree clarified that it is a reading group that people can voluntarily take if they want to learn more about just who Obama is. He said that the president is a 'multi-faceted guy' with personal successes and failures just like everyone else.

O'Reilly called Ogletree an 'admirer of the president,' to which Ogletree clarified that he considers himself more than a mere admirer. O'Reilly said that while he has no problem with someone like Ogletree talking about Obama's character from his point of view, it feels like it would be too biased. Ogletree acknowledged that he's received e-mails from people addressing this very issue, and he pointed to an example of his willingness to criticize Obama over the Henry Louis Gates issue.

O'Reilly ended the interview by asking to be a guest lecturer for the class one day. Ogletree said he would love to have O'Reilly come in and speak one day.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

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  • First of all BillO has never been fair to Obama.Secondly this guy out positioned BillO at every turn.He just says yes I admire the president and no everyone doesn't agree with him including flaws and BillO was done.Here is one case where BillO couldn't do the evil college professor hit job.

  • The days of lingering at college and wasting money on useless classes are over.  Students today need to embrace the 'starving student' mentality not just to help their parents pay for the COST of going to college'and thus reduce the amount of loans needed'but also to help themselves learn solid money lessons that will serve them well later in life.

  • O'Reilly shouldn't be let near any academic environment.

  • This was a great interview especially because BillO displayed much respect for such a seasoned professor.  And, professor Olgetree demostrated much professionalism. Thanks.

  • Indoctrinated so deeply that you are blind to it. A student of Ogletree's and his ilk I presume.

  •  You are such a joke and Ogletree is a shameless race-baiter. What happened to his lawsuit for Skip Gates over his arrest?


  •  You obviously haven't ever been to an academic institution; just to an institution.

  • Many, many students do work through college. Unfortunately, the amount of money they can earn as entry-level employees is not enough to cover their tuition, books, fees, and living expenses.

  • Hey, Ogletree, what ever happened to the lawsuit you were going to file against the Cambridge police dept. for arresting that race-baiter friend of yours, Skip Gates?

  • I know lets let Ryan Seacrest cover the elections for NBC.  Funny?  He is.  You Lefts couldn't be any bigger losers.  The Factor is notorious for given the Bama his due respect.  Bill slams any guest who dis's the Prez, just a fact LiB O LOSERS watch some more NBC/MSNBC'networks of children and hardcore lefties

  • I have no idea what you're saying

Andy Levy And Red Eye Panel Look At Role Of 'God, Guns, And Gays' In 2012 Election

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Over at Red Eye last night, Andy Levy brought up two new Pew polls showing that more Americans support gay marriage and gun ownership, which he marked as a big victory for 'gay NRA members.' He talked with the panel over whether this means the United States has evolved into an increasingly libertarian nation over time, and what these numbers mean for the two men running in the presidential election.

RELATED: Van Jones: Libertarianism An 'Extreme Ideology That Would Spit In The Face Of Dr. King'

Comedian Jesse Joyce joked that the only problem with the Pew poll is that they limited themselves to people who had phones and didn't try to broaden out the survey amongst the hermits. Levy and congressman Thaddeus McCotter basically concurred that these recent polls will finally clinch the November election for Gary Johnson and that's the end of it. More seriously, McCotter noted that while both President Obama and Mitt Romney publicly have the same position on gay marriage (not in favor), Romney is more pro-gun than the president.

Levy pointed to the notion of 'God, guns, and gays' as the big culture war issues in recent political history, and asked McCotter if any of those issues would have to take a sidebar this year. McCotter said that the economy is going to be front and center in most people's heads. Jill Dobson said that factor probably means people shouldn't be reading too much into these polls to get a sense of what voting trends will be this year.

RELATED: Sen. Orrin Hatch Threatens To Punch 'Radical Libertarians' In The Mouth

Bill Schulz mixed in those two poll results with another poll showing a majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana, concluding that the United States is turning into a more libertarian nation. McCotter added that if the gay marriage poll had reached out to younger people and not just those with landlines, the margin of support would be larger.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

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Andy Levy, barack obama, Bill Schulz, culture wars, Gay Marriage, God, Guns, Libertarian, Mitt Romney, red eye, Thaddeus McCotter

Jumat, 27 April 2012

Monica Crowley Apologizes For Controversial Sandra Fluke Tweet


Fox News contributor Monica Crowley apologized to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke for a controversial joke over her recent engagement she tweeted on Thursday. 'Regret my tweeted question caused a stir,' wrote Crowley. 'I certainly & unequivocally apologize to Sandra & anyone else I offended. Not my intention.'

RELATED: Sandra Fluke Responds To Monica Crowley: Where I'm From, We Say Congratulations Not Engage In 'Hate Speech'

Fluke told MSNBC's Ed Schultz yesterday that she considered Crowley's comment 'hate speech.'

'Well, you know, where I'm from, when someone tells you they've become engaged, you say congratulations rather than engaging in hate speech,' she said. 'It's certainly not the way I wanted my engagement to be greeted.'

'That said,' Fluke added, 'I'm not going to let this kind of thing get to me personally. What really bothers me about it is exactly what you said, the blatant homophobia in the comment. The idea that's an acceptable thing to say publicly.'

(h/t Twitchy)

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  • Really?  What was her intention?

  • My reaction, too. This isn't that big of a deal, but what does 'not my intention' mean? 

  • Biting humor, like just about every liberal commentator when responding to something a conservative activist does?    The joke was bad and should have been withdrawn right away, but Fluke shouldn't have taken the low road and called it hate speech, demonstrating she has zero humor and extremely thin skin.  For someone who makes a living attacking others she needs to learn to respond to detractors by saying it doesn't bother her because she knows many others support her work, which they do.   This is a good example of two people behaving badly.

  • What a dummy.

  • Usually when you act like a total jerk, it's your intention to be a total jerk.

    It's great to have another weaselly apology though to add the pile. So, that's exciting.

  • What was the tweeted question??

  • anything a Libtard disagrees with is 'hate speech' 

    sorry that Monica apologized, I would have told Mizz Flucke to acquire some free contraception and F*ck Off.

  •  Her intention was to get publicity for herself then act surprised that people were offended and apologize. Therefore she got attention and she can sell more of her stupid books to her cave people base.


  • I wish @MonicaCrowley had not apologized. She should have asked WTH they were all complaining about since professional propagandists like @SandraFluke, GLAAD, GLSEN, the HRC and others have for decades been driving this country toward a time when it would be scandalous to presume you knew a woman wouldn't be marrying another woman just because she had a boyfriend.

  • 'but Fluke shouldn't have taken the low road and called it hate speech'

    What do you expect a professional grievance peddler to do?  Of course, she's going to reach for the fences.

    There is literally no way for agenda pundits to walk away from a train wreck.

  • apparently now in the media, it's a bad of honor, or merely chic, if you have an apology under your belt'  i suggest mediaite create an apology scoreboard for our amusement'  who do you think is in the lead, currently?' 


  •  Don't be disingenuously asinine. There is nothing more loathsome than refusing to take responsibility for your own words and actions. If you are going to act like a jerk you should at least have the mustard to own it.

  •  Totally agree.

    But I'd like to categorize them from the pitifully earnest/hard to watch, to the earnest and responsible to the disingenuous legalese non-apology' amongst others

    There are so many great flavors of apology, each special in its own way.

  • Crowley had to take her hand of Nixon's mummified dick for the second time in a week to tweet this apology.

    If anyone other than Crowley and Nixon's mummified dick are offended by this comment, I sincerely apologize.

  • Why apologize. It was a fair question. I was curious to know the answer as well.

Speaker Boehner Blasts Obama During House Speech: 'Do We Have To Fight About Everything?'

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House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) delivered an impassioned speech on the House floor on Friday calling President Obama's recent attempts to politicize the extension of lower rates for student loans 'silly.' He said that the argument alone was 'beneath the dignity of this House' and asked if because it is an election year, 'do we have to fight about everything?'

RELATED: John Boehner: 'America Can't Live For Four More Years With Barack Obama As President'

'How in the world did we get here,' Boehner began. 'A fight being picked over an issue that everyone knew was going to be resolved. A fight being picked over an issue that there is no fight over.'

'Democrats, five years ago, put this clip in the law that would require interest rates to more than double on July first. I don't know why they did it, but they did it,' Boehner continued. He said that no one wants to see those rates go up, and there is broad bipartisan agreement that low rates should be extended.

'Why do people insist that we have to have a political fight on something where there is no fight,' Boehner continued. 'My god, do we have to fight about everything?'

'Now, we're going to have a fight about women's health. Give me a break,' Boehner said to applause.

This the latest plank in the so-called 'war on women,' entirely created by my colleagues across the aisle for political gain. Let's review the facts: The president, in his budget, called for reductions in spending in this slush fund that's given to the Secretary of HHS. The President called for reductions in spending. He may have already forgotten that several months ago you all voted to cut $4 billion out of this slush fund when they passed the payroll tax credit bill. So to accuse us of wanting to gut women's health is absolutely not true. Ladies and gentlemen, this is beneath us. This is beneath the dignity of this House and dignity of our constituents. They expect us to come here and to be honest with each other. To work out these issues. And to pick this big political fight where there is no fight is just silly. Give me a break.

Boehner received a standing ovation from his colleagues in the House Republican caucuses after his impassioned speech.

Watch Boehner's speech below via C-SPAN:

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Joe Biden To Donors: 'You All Look Dull As Hell ' Pretend You Like Me!'


Joe Biden spoke to donors at a fundraiser on Friday morning ' and jokingly chided them for lacking enthusiasm and looking bored. 'Pretend you like me!,' he added.

Said Biden, according to the pool report (via Washington Examiner):

'I guess what I'm trying to say without boring you too long at breakfast ' and you all look dull as hell, I might add. The dullest audience I have ever spoken to. Just sitting there, staring at me. Pretend you like me!'

In Washington DC, Biden spoke to about 200 members of the Turkish and Azerbaijani communities at the breakfast. Tickets started at $2500 ' and all proceeds are going to the Obama Victory Fund.

(H/T Washington Examiner)

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  • Gee. I wonder how the comment was received.

    Oh. Wait. That would require actually providing CONTEXT to the story. And we're talking about The Washington Examiner.

    Context is for liberals.

  • Tell them another 'Big Stick,' joke. 

    One step from the White House, and as scary as that may seem, some feel he is the smarter one.

  • Joes got a great sense of humor.  I am still giggling over his Big stick comment.  Sure dorve the right whiners nutso!  Go Joe!

  • I love Joe Biden. He's the borderline senile grandfather I've always wanted. 

  • At least the MORON realizes that NOBODY Likes Him!

  • lol ' the right wingers?  I didn't realize Bashir and gang were right wingers.  

    The rest of us really don't care how big his stick is.  Trust me.

  • 'Pretend you like me!'

    Not. Enough. Drugs. Or. Alcohol. In. The. World.

  • His comment was one of the funniest I've heard in a long time.  I laughed and laughed and laughed.
    He is so human you can't help but like him.  No subterfuge there, what you see is what you get. And smarter than he's given credit for.

  • Donor.

    That's one thing you'll never be able to call 'Ol Joe.

Kamis, 26 April 2012

George Zimmerman Shuts Down Controversial Website Upon Lawyer's Request

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On the request of his lawyers, Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman shut down his controversial Geocities-esque fundraising website, The Los Angeles Times's Michael Muskal reports. It wasn't immediately clear how much Zimmerman earned from the site while it was still online.

RELATED: George Zimmerman Website Praises Vandalism Of Black Cultural Center

The site featured a photo gallery of two pictures: One of a protester holding a 'Justice For Zimmerman' sign and the other with a shot of the vandalized Frank W. Hale Black Cultural Center at Ohio State University with graffiti reading 'Long Live Zimmerman.' Ohio State University's president had called the graffiti a 'deplorable act of intolerance.' It wasn't clear if Zimmerman knew the context in which it was written. After outrage over the photo's presence on Zimmerman's website, it was removed.

Talking Point Memo's Nick Martin writes that the final update to the site was April 20th, when Zimmerman received bond. 'GZ hopes to be able to update the site in the next day or two, God willing,' the site said. 'He sends his thanks for your thoughts and support.'

(h/t TPM)

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Your Billionaires At Work: Karl Rove's Crossroads Attacks President Obama's 'Cool'


With the general election beginning in earnest (now that Newt Gingrich has decided to stand down), the effect of independent organizations on this election will be put to the test. The Karl Rove-co-founded American Crossroads, one of several pro-Republican SuperPACs expected to raise hundreds of millions in unlimited contributions to defeat President Obama this election, has released a new ad attacking the President's 'cool.'

The ad features clips of 'Four years of a celebrity president,' which consist of President Obama's recent appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, his off-air observation that Kanye West is 'a jackass,' his impromptu tribute to Al Green, his brief jam-session cameo on 'Sweet Home Chicago,' and that true mark of celebrity excess, the swilling of 'a pint of Guinness???

He also kills a fly in the video, a naked attempt by Crossroads to swing the entomologist vote. (The Ellen Degeneres clip was from 2007.)

The ad dismounts with the central argument of this election: 'Are you better off than you were four years ago?' vs. 'We saved the patient, and he's getting better. Do you really want to go back to the leeches?'

Curiously, American Crossroads' ad doesn't feature one of the President's most celebrity-laden appearances, his dressing-down of Donald Trump at last year's White House Correspondents Dinner, even as Seal Team Six was tooling up to do a Moe Green on Osama bin Laden. Now, that was cool.

Here's the clip, from American Crossroads:

For three years and change, that's not a whole lot of celebrity-ing, is it? If this knock had any merit to begin with , this would be a pretty weak case. They also seem to have forgotten that the 2008 McCain campaign tried this out:

How'd that work out for them, again?

There's room for debate over whether things like the Fallon appearance have value (although there seems to be bipartisan consensus that they do), but like that 2008 McCain ad, this offering is unserious, and insults the viewers' intelligence. It will probably work like a charm with independents.

The real significance of this ad, though, is that it foreshadows what the President will be up against this election. While he has out-raised Mitt Romney by huge margins in campaign cash, Republican SuperPACS have just as big an advantage over pro-Obama groups like American Bridge and Priorities USA Action, who apparently have little to offer the individual billionaire.

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  • Sorry,,,being'cool' is not a criteria for being an effective president

    I don't care who it is we are referring to'..because if cool were the criteria then I would be the best president ever

    Thats the butt naked truth

  • Who is saying that it is the reason for a second term?

  • And the alternative is Mittens?

    Because 'sometimes you have to work with what you have'?

    Anyway, nice try Rabbies. Kinda like the time you were 'rappin' '
    That was real cool.

  • Tommy left an unanswered question hanging in the air from the video..are you better off than you were 4 years ago?  I'm sure some will reply that it would have been worse.  Actually I think it would have been worse if the 2010 elections didn't install enough republicans  to prevent further damage.

    In my opinion the point of the video is that President Obama has been more interested in being cool rather than working to solve our big economic problems.  Mitt Romney may not be as cool but I think he is a lot more business saavy and will provide the confidence to the business community and remove fear and uncertainty that the current administration seems to cause with the negative image of profit and constant threat oh higher taxes.

  • Mitt has signed paychecks. Obama never had a private sector job or employees before he was president.
    Tell me'. does a community organizer have a better grip on our economy or a man who has hired thousands of people and ran successful businesses do?

    Being hip and reading a teleprompter well might impress you and others on the left'But we dont need a president that wants to divide us either between race and class which Obama seems to enjoy.

VP Joe Biden: 'I Promise You Obama Has A Big Stick'


Vice President Joe Biden apparently did not catch the potential double meaning when he paraphrased a famous Teddy Roosevelt quote on Wednesday when he said 'I promise you, Obama has a big stick.' The audience, mostly comprised of New York University students, immediately got the joke.

RELATED: Michelle Malkin Slams VP: The More Joe Biden Runs His Mouth, The Better For The Republican Party

Speaking before a group of NYU students on Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden praised President Barack Obama's role as a commander-in-chief and touted the president's numerous successes in foreign policy and in the prosecution of anti-terror efforts abroad.

Biden told the audience, invoking a variation on the famous quote by President Teddy Roosevelt, 'I promise you, Obama has a big stick.' But the audience apparently picked up on the statement's inherent double entandre more than the historical reference when they devolved into laughs.

'Now is the time to heed the timeless advice from Teddy Roosevelt,' said Biden. 'Speak softly and carry a big stick. End of quote. I promise you, the president has a big stick.' The audience began to laugh as the Vice President repeated 'I promise you.'

Watch this segment of the speech below:

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  • Obama is a joke.  What's next'will he dance with Carson Daly?  We need to bring dignity back to the white house.  Liberals are turning this country into one big fat joke.  PS.   Binden will always be an idiot, and he's one breathe away from the presidency.  How did this happen?

  • dumb and dumber.  but then, maybe biden knows something others don't''.

  • You tea bags r stupid

  • Obama is also a big dick.

  • Must' Refrain' From' Making' Obvious' Joke'

  • Aside from wingnuts like yourself, who thinks this country is a joke?

    Worldwide Approval of U.S. Leadership Tops Major Powers

    Notice the HUGE spike after 2008?

  •  Sending 4,500 Americans to their death must be a joke to you too.

    You believe the world didn't notice such monumental f00k up?

    A trillion down the drain, 4,500 American deaths, tens of thousands maimed, and how many WMD's were found in Iraq?


    Yeah. That sure brought dignity and leadership to the USA.

  • I don't think I woulda said that, Joseph!
    Good Lord, this clown is such a doofus'''.
    There is no way Obamba and Joe will be returned in Nov 2012!
    NO WAY

  • The vice president made a gaffe; therefore, Obama's administration is a failure and we ought to completely give up.

    Makes sense to me.

  • Obama kept us safe, right teabaggers?

  • Willard has obama penis envy

  • mark anderson's dick is between his ears

  • ''will he dance with Carson Daly?'
    'or just do a soft-shoe on the White House steps for reporters? Or maybe flip a bird to the camera? Or struggle with them big words, like 'nuclear'?

    Biden is one of the most qualified VPs ever to hold the office. Sorry you don't like his middle-class values and everyman appeal that won him 9 terms in the U.S. Senate and experience in knowing much of the government inside and out ' from foreign-realtions to Judiciary to military intelligence. His life story is one of the most inspiring of any politician alive today.

    But hey ' haters will hate, I guess. Your type of hate-filled rhetoric has become the expected norm coming from the 'new' GOP.

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Dan Rather In New Book: CBS Lawsuit Was 'Worth It,' Shed Light On 'Ugly Truths' About Network

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Dan Rather, the former CBS anchor, said his lawsuit against the network was 'worth it.' While the case was rejected by New York courts, in a new book entitled Rather Outspoken, Rather said it shed light on 'ugly truths' about CBS.

Rather had filed $70-million breach-of-conduct case against CBS ' following a much criticized report about President George W. Bush's military service. The lawsuit 'took a big whack out of my time, my psyche and my bank balance, but even so, it was worth it,' he said. Even his wife had advised against it, Rather added ' also noting that he still believes his story was true.

From the AP:

In his book, Rather describes being iced out of CBS during the 15-month period after he left as anchor of the 'CBS Evening News' and finally left the network altogether in June 2006. He was working for '60 Minutes' during that period but said he constantly saw his stories criticized and ideas rejected.

'It was clear to everyone but me that I was being erased,' Rather wrote. 'Nevertheless, I refused to believe what my eyes were seeing and my ears were hearing.'


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  • In other news, denial is still not a river in Egypt, Dan.

Jimmy Kimmel, Chris Cillizza Agree: Obama Has A Monopoly On Being 'Cool'


Recall how early in Barack Obama's presidency, it was anathema to hear a joke at the president's expense? For most, those days are long past ' time and events have a way of diluting any president's stature and opening them up for ridicule. This trend has not yet reached opinion leaders like ABC's Jimmy Kimmel or the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza who, within 24-hours of one another, observed that Obama maintains a monopoly on cool.

RELATED: Jon Stewart Proclaims Winner In Romney/Obama Comedy Showdown

ABC's late night host Jimmy Kimmel, who will headline this Saturday's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, recently told Reuters in an interview that he has his work cut out for him because President Barack Obama is 'hard to make fun of because he's a cool character.'

'Outside of his ears, there's not a whole lot to talk about,' Kimmel told Reuters.

Kimmel is joined by Washington Post political reporter Chris Cillizza who told MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Tuesday that Barack Obama was 'cool.' Although, Cillizza expended the energy necessary drew out the vowel sound in the word to emphasize just how 'cool' the President is.

'This is important, he is cool. Mitt Romney is not cool,' said Cillizza.

Matthews sought to interject some objectivity into the discussion and contradict Cillizza's statement by playing a clip of Romney echoing President Obama in saying that he supports the extension of low interest rates for student loans. Now that's cool.

'Can you dig it? I knew that you could,' said Matthews, showing off his coolness factor by parroting a catch phrase pioneered by comedian Billy Crystal on Saturday Night Live's first season which originally aired in 1976. Now that's cool.

Obama's prohibitive coolness has been a common problem for liberal humorists since before his election. Cartoonists have routinely wrestled with how to satirize this President. In 2008, Saturday Night Live famously concocted a skit wherein the only criticism of the president that they could muster was that he was 'just too awesome.' The sketch's true targets were Obama's fawning fans in the media, but the impetus for the sketch was the same ' Obama himself is too cool for ridicule.

Fortunately, that meme has long died away for most. Obama is regularly the subject of mockery on late night television, on stand-up comedy stages, among political cartoonists and satirists. The 'cool' that Obama exuded in 2008 has been replaced with a 'coolness' more akin to aloofness and detachment. That's why statements by Kimmel and Cillizza seem so out of step with the general perception held by many. For most with a broad and diverse social circle, it became acceptable to make fun of the president long ago ' liberals and conservatives alike. In fact, it has even become 'cool.'

Perhaps the trend setters in the media should try to keep pace with the sensibilities of their audience. No one has told them yet, so allow me: Iconoclastic mockery is back in fashion. What Kimmel's suggestion reveals is that this Saturday stands to be a particularly boring WHCA dinner, especially if he cannot find one issue beyond his physical traits worthy of taking a jab at the President over.

Imagine if we had a president that could laugh at himself, who maybe didn't take himself so seriously that he projected an air in which his supporters felt they were breaking some unwritten rule by making fun of him and thus offending his supporters. Now that would be cool.

Watch Cillizza talk up Obama's cool-factor via MSNBC:

h/t Real Clear Politics

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  • It doesn't matter how 'cool' someone is' they can still be made fun of. You just have to actually think about it.

  • Well having a President that is 'cool' is what really matters.

  • Gotta love the bitterness in this piece.

  •  apparently not to republicans, did you see who they nominated?

  • President Barack Obama has monopoly on 'Cool', the Republicans have monopoly on 'Crazy'.  

    That's a fair shake.

    Obama 2012

  • Obama is by far the coolest President, because he is like me, a handsome black brother who makes all the white women love us. Republicans hate that. Wonder why? Heh.

  • All you can do anymore is smile and shake your head at how embarrassing the state of journOlism in this country has become.  It's no wonder the American public has no use for them anymore. 

Barbara Walters Gives Whoopi Goldberg A Hand Massage With A 'Happy' Ending

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Well, it wasn't exactly a happy ending. The panel was talking about a scientist who claims to have pinpointed the erogenous zone in women known as the 'G-spot,' which allowed the co-hosts to indulge in one of their favorite pastimes: being inappropriate. Whoopi Goldberg was affronted that there could only be one spot (Why couldn't she have spots lettered A through H, she demanded), while Barbara Walters was skeptical that the guy had found it at all, and Sherri Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck looked generally horrified by all of the sex talk.

RELATED: The View Panel Gives Girls Cast A Major Softball Interview

Whoopi told the panel that her hands were her biggest erogenous zone. Naturally, Barbara requested that Whoopi present her hands so she could see proof. Does that count as sexual harassment?

As Barbara massaged Whoopi's hand (incorrectly, as it turned out ' Whoopi demonstrated the correct technique on her later) Sherri and Elisabeth giggled uncontrollably. 'Whoopi's gonna fake it, Barbara!' Sherri yelled.

Oh, boy. You can see the clip here, via ABC:

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Selasa, 24 April 2012

Bill Burton Was Way Ahead Of Obama 'Campaign Whisperer' Bill Clinton On Redefining Romney

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A recent Politico piece on former President Bill Clinton's advice to President Obama's reelection team is generating a lot of buzz in the political media. The general thrust of Clinton's advice was to pivot from hammering Mitt Romney as a 'flip-flopper' with 'no core,' to defining him based on the conservative positions he staked out during the Republican primaries.

However, former Obama spokesman Bill Burton, through his Priorities USA Action Pac, began to make that pivot six months ago.

Politico's Glenn Thrush and Jonathan Martin reported on a meeting of the Team Obama braintrust at President Clinton's Harlem office:

'[Clinton] said he thought Romney's positions on the issues would ultimately be the best way to attack him,' said a Democrat briefed on the details of an amiable Nov. 9 meeting in Clinton's Harlem office that included Axelrod, Democratic National Committee Executive Director Patrick Gaspard and Obama campaign manager Jim Messina.

'That's what we are doing, but it doesn't mean we can't and shouldn't do the etch-a-sketch, flip-flop moments when they occur and we will,' added the operative ' who says Obama's campaign likely would have emphasized Romney's conservative tilt once the primary was over, anyway.

Obviously, when a former two-term president talks, people listen, but Clinton's advice, backed by internal polling, was put into practice months ago by former White House spokesman Bill Burton.

Burton recognized, early on, that the 'flip-flop' attack could become problematic in a general election, where Romney's 'flexibility' could become almost an asset, as lightly-engaged independent voters might just fill in Romney's blank slate with their own beliefs. Ironically, the 'flip-flop' label acts as a shield against even the most extreme positions, which voters can simply convince themselves will be discarded by Romney once he's elected.

To that end, he began a strategy that's awfully similar to what President Clinton is now recommending. In November, Burton launched 'Mitt Romney's America,' an ad and social media campaign that took a look at what a country guided by Romney's conservative positions might look like:

The problem is that making this pivot is extraordinarily difficult in Romney's case. It's like trying to run against Hannibal Lecter without mentioning the cannibalism. That difficulty is compounded by the fact that the Obama campaign has been pounding the fava beans and Chianti home for months now. If they had made this shift when Burton did, they might be in better shape now.

No matter how deeply the Obama campaign engraves Romney's conservative positions in granite, they're always a shake of the Etch-A-Sketch away from disappearing. The answer might be to constantly remind voters of who's turning Romney's knobs, but there's a chance that hybrid message is too complicated to penetrate.

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Don Lemon Attacked For Saying Obama Admin Must 'Take Responsibility' For What 'Happened On Your Watch'

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In a report which aired on April 23 on recent scandals and how they may impact the 2012 reelection effort of President Obama, CNN anchor Don Lemon found himself agreeing with conservatives that the president needs to take responsibility for things that happened under his watch. For espousing this view, Lemon was promptly excoriated on Twitter those who disagreed with his opinion.

RELATED: White Panic Attack: Conservative Warns CNN's Don Lemon Of Impending 'Race War' Over Trayvon

In a report on the duel scandals that broke last week, the Secret Service prostitution scandal and the General Services Administration controversy, Lemon played clips from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and conservative columnist George Will saying that ' while they did not expressly fault the White House for these scandals ' that they reflect poorly on government's self-accountability.

Lemon agreed with this assessment and opined at the end of the segment that, after more than three years of the Obama administration, it is time to stop 'pointing fingers backwards.'

So, everyone understands it's an election year and you need something to hang your hat on. It's something to hang your hat on. But no one likes a broken record. And at some point you're going to have to take responsibility for the things that happened on your watch, regardless of what went down or up before you took office. And stop pointing fingers backwards. That's tonight's 'No Talking Points.'

For this break with Democratic orthodoxy, Lemon was excoriated on Twitter ' many of his most vocal critics took issue with Lemon, as a gay man, criticizing the presidnet. Michelle Malkin's Twitter aggregation site 'Twitchy' has amassed several of the better examples:

He even took to responding to some of his more vicious criticism:

Watch the segment below via CNN:

h/t NewsBusters

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HBO Renews Real Time With Bill Maher For Two More Seasons

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Michael Lombardo, president of the cable network HBO's programming department, announced today that they have renewed comedian Bill Maher's program Real Timefor two more seasons.

RELATED: Bill Maher Presents Obama Super PAC With $1 Million Check

Maher, currently in the middle of his 10th season of Real Time has signed a three-year deal with the premium cable network and will broadcast through 2014.

Lombardo praised Maher in a statement announcing the renewal.

Bill Maher's irreverent wit and fearless insights make him the perfect observer for these unpredictable times. I'm delighted that we can continue to offer an uncensored forum for his original and thoughtful humor.

Maher was the creator and host of Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central and ran from 1993 to 1999 when the program moved to ABC. There, the program ran until 2002. Maher joined HBO and renamed his panel program Real Time in 2003.

h/t The Wire

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Senin, 23 April 2012

Gotye Accuses Glee Of Doing 'Dinky And Wrong' Version Of His Hit Song

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Hey, did you know that Glee is still on the air? Apparently it's still there, teaching important lessons, churning out iTunes hits, and pissing off hilariously wrong-headed Fox News panellists all like it's still 2009. And, as such, the show is also still enjoying a very uneasy co-dependent relationship with musicians. The latest tunesmith to take a shot at the Fox behemoth is Gotye, the Australian singer whose taken American charts by storm the past few months and appeared on SNL a few weeks ago to teach us all how to pronounce his name. Recently, Glee did a version of Gotye's international hit 'Somebody That I Used to Know' and, apparently, the singer wasn't thrilled with the result.

RELATED: O'Reilly Panel Ponders Whether Glee Encourages Teens To Experiment With 'Alternative Lifestyles'

Gotye spoke to Australia's The Sunday Mail about the song's history and success and, in the article, took a quick shot at Glee's version:

'Glee gave the song a huge boost, but Gotye has mixed feelings about the version.

'They did such a faithful arrangement of the instrumentals but the vocals were that pop Glee style, ultra dry, sounded pretty tuned and the rock has no real sense, like it's playing to you from a cardboard box,' he said.'

Gotye also talked to the Herald Sun where he went on to call the version 'Dinky and Wrong.'


Check out both versions of the song, Glee's and the original music video below. I'm no vocalist so I can't really judge the too. I do know that only one of these videos has cool stop-motion animation and the singer Kimbra naked. So there's that.

(h/t Entertainment Weekly)

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George Stephanopoulos Blog Calls Peggy Noonan 'Wall Street Journal Communist Patty Noonan'


Tell us how you really feel, George!

In one of the funnier online bloopers in awhile, George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC News' This Week with George Stephanopoulos, made some significant changes to panelist and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan's résumé in a blog recap of the show. Toward the end of an article recapping a discussion of presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney's vice presidential hunt, Stephanopoulos says 'But for Wall Street Journal communist Patty Noonan, the No. 1 goal for Romney should be avoiding the fiasco that ensued for the last GOP nominee, John McCain, after he chose Sarah Palin in 2008.'

The blog was later corrected to reflect Noonan's actual bona fides. I'm not sure if Stephanopoulos has had the chance to explain it to Noonan, but I suggest he blame it on Auto Correct.

As far as her advice on a VP pick for Romney goes, I think she and the rest of the panel are relying on badly outdated historical perspectives. George Will cited the fact that 'in 10 of the 16 presidential elections since World War II, the vice presidential running mate has failed to carry his or her state,' and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd 'said the idea that a running mate will help a candidate pick up a certain demographic or region of the country is 'folly.''

But these factors, and even Noonan's advice to avoid a 'Game Change,' ignore the fact that, with the exception of Sarah Palin and Geraldine Ferraro, the VP slot has never been held by a 'game changer.' Although Palin ended up being a net negative, a different bold pick could net Romney benefits that the bottom of the ticket doesn't ordinarily deliver.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been pooh-poohed as a pick (despite polling that shows support for the idea) because of some moderate positions she holds, particularly on abortion rights. Those might make her less-than-palatable for the conservative base, but those people hate President Obama so much, they'd turn out for George Soros if you put an 'R' after his name. Sec. Rice would, however, appeal broadly to independents, and maybe even some Democrats, in a way that your average white male VP pick never has.

To say that the VP slot never delivers a state or a demographic, when you've only ever had one kind of VP nominee, is foolish. If the race is still knotted up like it is now come August, Romney can afford to play it safe with a Rob Portman. If he's trailing significantly, though, he shouldn't let Sarah Palin scare him back into that white male box.

Here's the clip, from This Week:

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  • Tommy Christopher is the running joke of Mediaite.  Who really takes him seriously anymore?  (P.S.  There are no racist coded words in this post Tommy)

  • tommy does seen a bit obsessed with race

  • It's rather sad that mediaite allows this hack to continue to write for them

  • Better to be obsessed with calling out racism than defending it, kid.

  • Why does Stephanopoulous write a blog? Seriously.

    People didn't vote for McCain. We voted FOR Palin. Boom.

  • tommy doesn't call himself out

  •  Kid? Hahahaha

    Tommy called out his own racism. Period.

  • Everyone who knew Patty in her younger days knew she was a commie. She was always giving it away ' morning, nooner night.

  • If this were Tommy Christopher making this gaffe, he would edit it and pretend it didnt happen, like he did here: 

  • What would happen if a columnist loses so much of his credibility that conservative posters no longer click on his articles?  The comment boards for such a columnist would turn into great big echo chambers of liberal/leftist thought.  We all know how interesting and successful those are (Air American, PBS, MSNBC, Current TV, MSM, etc')

  • Christopher should be proud that his enemies are some of the biggest d-bags on the internet. The Daily Caller and NewsBusters set the standards for dishonesty and incompetence.

    Face it, the editorial standards of Mediaite are abysmal. You could find even more embarassing work product from the wingnuts on this site (Rothman, Martel, Crugnale, etc) any day of the week.

Rep. Ron Paul Insists He Can Still 'Theoretically' Win: Romney Could 'Stumble'

» 1 comment

Despite trailing Mitt Romney 685 to 63 in Republican delegates, Ron Paul affirmed he still could get enough delegates to seize the nomination. Appearing on CNBC's Squawk Box, Paul told the panelists he would not quit the race when it was still technically possible to win. 'Theoretically you can,' Paul asserted. 'It's not likely, but you can't ever tell. Nobody knew Santorum was going to drop out [this month]. But only about a little over half the votes have been counted. When we come up with Texas and California, another third of the votes are yet to be counted so you don't know. But in theory, you can. In practical counting, I think we're very realistic.'

RELATED: Ron Paul Responds To Jack Welch's Call To Leave The Race

'But the one thing that is not practical and is not realistic for the supporters who have encouraged me to do this, would be to say, 'Well, we're in the third lap of a mile race, we're behind. Oh, OK, let's walk off the field.' That's the way they would see that. You don't quit because you happen to be behind,' Paul declared. 'You want to see how you do. And who knows? Maybe somebody will stumble.'

Paul also added that if he failed to get the nomination he would only endorse Romney if he changed policy positions and agreed with the Congressman on 'foreign policy and the Fed.'

Watch Paul affirm he could 'theoretically' still win below via CNBC:

(h/t Raw Story)

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  • Don't forget'the delegate counts you see up until the RNC in August are always 'projected'.  Many are based on straw poll results and not the actual caucuses and state conventions!  It's terribly unfair that the media chooses to 'ignore' this important fact.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Candy Crowley Asks Congressman If Obama's Race Makes Him More Concerned About Presidential Security

» comments

Congressman Elijah Cummings, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, came on CNN's State of the Union early today to talk about what steps are being taken to further probe into the Secret Service prostitute scandal. Candy Crowley brought up the issue of who would be held accountable for the scandal, before asking Cummings if President Obama's race has made him more concerned over presidential security than previous presidents.

RELATED: President Obama Says He'll Be Angry If Secret Service Allegations Are True

Crowley observed that normally speaking, you would want to make sure Secret Service agents don't get drunk and pick up prostitutes a day or two before they're supposed to be guarding the president. Cummings made sure to clarify that he thinks there were just a few 'bad eggs' the Secret Service and that people shouldn't judge the agency by its 'weakest link.' He said that while Congress should take action to discipline anyone who was involved, no one can legislate that people should not act 'stupid.'

Crowley asked if the director of the Secret Service will be targeted by the Oversight Committee or anyone else looking into the scandal. Cummings actually praised director Mark Sullivan for acting quickly as soon as he heard what had happened, and said that many on Capitol Hill believe he did 'a good job' in reacting to the scandal.

Crowley ended by asking Cummings a surprising question about President Obama's security, and his concerns over how different it is compared to other presidents.

'You have mentioned a couple of times that folks in your district ask you with regularity about the safety of this president. Do you have more concerns with the safety of this president because he's African-American than you would have had for, say, George Bush?'

Cummings made it clear that he is always concerned about the security of the president, before acknowledging that many African-Americans have expressed 'worry' about Obama's security and the violent rhetoric used about the president.

Watch the video below, courtesy of CNN:

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Bill Kristol Advises Romney Campaign To Stay On Policy, Not On Controversies Like Dog-Gate


On Fox News Sunday today, Bill Kristol advised both campaigns in this presidential race to keep the focus squarely on the issues and not all the nonsense and tiny controversies that have plagued much of the campaign so far. Remember, we're at a point in the race where people are playing the 'Omigod The President Ate A Poor Defenseless Puppy' card and the campaigns are bitterly arguing about which candidate is more out-of-touch.

RELATED: Bill Maher On 'Rosen-Gate': Just The Latest In 'Stupid, Non-Consequential, Meaningless Controversies'

Kristol's advice was mainly to the Republicans, urging the party not to succumb to personal attacks on President Obama or exploiting tiny controversies as something huge and significant. He laid out what he thinks the biggest policy issues of the Obama presidency has been, and stated clearly that you vote for Obama or vote against him depending on whether or not you like his policies.

He also addressed attempts by the president's election team to try and go after Romney for similarly irrelevant issues, sharing anecdotally that when he was in the George H.W. Bush White House, many people dismissed Bill Clinton's chances because of his personal background.

'I think if you're an incumbent president who isn't thrilled with defending your own record, you'll try to disqualify the opponent. You can try to disqualify him on personal grounds, and it hasn't worked. It has not worked' voters vote on policy. Voters vote going forward.'

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox:

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  • Too late Billy, Check out

  • Dog in Crate or Dog on Plate?

  • 'Demonstrating at political conventions is protected free speech under the constitution, organized killing of thousands of people in political acts of terror is not.  The left does the former, the right the latter.'  Unless you're Obama's big friend Bill Ayers.

  • 'voters vote on policy. Voters vote going forward'

    Except that the Neocons, wish to vote back to backward by 100 years, where their collective souls are in sync with society and norms.

  • Huh??  Wrong thread buddy.

  • Good advice. Axelrod could use the same. Pols are afraid to engage each other in policy debates lest it bore the audience and depress the turnout of the base' the result is a depressed vote overall, however, and is bad for our national conversation.

Keith Olbermann On This Week: Significant Likability Gap Between Obama And Romney


Today's panel on This Week was just a normal, everyday discussion about the general election campaign between President Obama and Mitt Romney. With one notable exception: Keith Olbermann was one of the panelists. In the midst of talk about this race and its connections to the 2004 Bush-Kerry race, Olbermann brought up the likability metric and how President Obama has that advantage over his Republican rival going into the general election.

RELATED: Keith Olbermann Rains On Post-Election GOP Baseball-Bat-And-Tears Parade

George Stephanopoulos had the panel weigh in on how this election has essentially gone to the dogs. Donna Brazile talked seriously about what each campaign will need to do to reach out to independents, before sharing a slightly disturbing anecdote about how her mother once told her, 'don't focus on the species, focus on the recipe.' George Will reacted to polls showing Obama's narrow lead over Romney by reminding everyone that the president had much more momentum in 2008, and all he garnered was 53 percent of the vote. Will noted that the Democrats, 'the oldest party in the world,' have only had three candidates that have ever garnered a majority, not just a plurality, of the vote.

Matthew Dowd, who worked as a chief strategist for George W. Bush during his 2004 re-election campaign, noted many similarities between that re-election contest and this one. He said that Obama's approval rating now is right around where Bush's was at this time eight years ago. And just like Bush did, Dowd pointed out that Obama too was facing a wealthy Massachusetts politician whose biggest perceived problem is flip-flopping on key issues and, as Dowd put it, 'authenticity.'

Olbermann then brought up the issue of likability and asked Dowd exactly where Bush's numbers on that scale were during the 2004 race. He pointed to a recent poll finding that the gap between Obama and Romney in terms of likability is over 20 percent, with Obama in the lead. Dowd disputed the idea that this would be an important metric for Obama, because strategically speaking, people could still vote against someone they like if they believe they're incompetent or not doing a good job. Peggy Noonan agreed, saying the biggest issue in the race is going to be Obama's record, and not the petty nonsense that's overtaken much of the campaign.

RELATED: Romney Says Election Isn't About Dogs, It's About Jobs

Will ended up doing a little quick math and illustrating that if Obama keeps the Kerry coalition, loses New Hampshire, but also gains a few states, the electoral college will be split 269-269. And God forbid this headache of a race drags on like it did in 2000'

Watch the video below, courtesy of ABC:

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  • Herr Olbermann a good one to lecture on 'likeability'. Two words: ba loney.

    The election: You want four more years of this ?

    Hey Olby. Still like Obama if he munched on an occasional kitty ?

  • Its good to see Mr. Olbermann back on TV. I hope he is able to get a spot on an actual network.

    'He pointed to a recent poll finding that the gap between Obama and Romney in terms of likability is over 20 percent, with Obama in the lead.'

    I can't wait till November!

  • 'munched on an occasional kitty ?' '. is that a sexual reference ?

  • I can not believe that Keith Olbermann will be allowed back on television, after all we know of him, a man who have no respect for his employers. Television does not need Keith, he needs to be reprimanded in a psychiatric hospital. Keith is a lunatic! He does not think he should answer to anyone.

    It's time people realize that a leopard can not change it's spot.

  • People 'liked' Jimmy Carter also.  It didn't stop them from recognizing him as the worst president of the 20th century.

  • So, Obama's advantage is that you'd rather have a beer with him than his opponent?

    So this IS exactly 2004 again.

  • There's a significant likability gap between Olbermann and the rest of the civilized world

  • Keith took his bipolar medication before taping the show. Not bad O.

  • Obama eats dog meat!

  • Did you hear Donna Brazile stating the facts of presidential campaigns re-tooling at this point to appeal to 'moderates'.  A strategy politicians follow all the time.

  • wow lefties are so thin skinned, how do you manage to take his comment in a sexual way especially considering it was a rebut of Olberman and his professed fondness for cats? 

    The silliness is in full swing & I to can't wait for November for all of you to crawl back into your basements and Barak to head back to Indonesia !

  • Its because you can't have a beer with Romney.  Nor would you want to.

  • All comes down to how conspicuous Obama and his treasury secretary are engaged in handling the European union single currency crisis. 

    The less conspicuous, the better. Europeans viscerally dislike being lectured to by the US. Especially a debt-burdened and politically-stagnated US of A. 

    Any hint of a crisis and potential of contagion, the entire wold economy can be sunk into the depth of depression. And so would Obama's reelection prospects

  • I'm sure you've had worse.

  • And awesome to see Olbermann on TV again. Hopefully he gets a Sunday morning permanent gig

  • I was proud of Keith. He cam across as sane and likable enough. The big take though is that this election is about how do you judge Obama's performance. I find Obama likable, don't have anything personal against him, but he is a complete disaster. He reminds me of Carter. Likable guy but not up to the job. He is gone.

  • Because the Seamus story didn't come from the Obama camp.  It was raised in 2007 when Romney was running for the GOP nomination.  By the way, check out

  • Also, I don't care what the polls say, this is going to be a thumping. Mitt may not excite people butt they will vote for giving somebody else a chance after Obama's disastrous term.

  •  Are any posters on Mediaite capable of simply discussing politics in general, or does everything have to be a partisan shot at the other side?

  •  Judging by Keith's entire history'..if he does manage to maintain some type of employment with ABC'that demeanor will not last.

  • Funny, just a month ago Noonan thought likeability was a very important issue:

    I guess when the actual numbers come in, instead of those you wish were the case, all you can do is let out a Trademark Noonan 'sigh' and pivot your message.

  •  The commenting guidelines allow for liberals to say crude things, just look at Ted41, so yes, it appears acceptable.

    But ronald above is correct.

  •  You can't have a beer with Obama either. It has too many carbs.

  • Of course not. He couldn't even get along with people who are as crazy as he is at Current or MSLSD.

  •  Either way, Obama ate a dog.


  • You're a quack. He's no more lunatic than Bill O'Reily or Sean Hannnity.

  •  Lefties are so consumed with 'teabagging' that it invades every random thought that they have. 

  • 'To the media, controversies are only 'distractions' if they benefit Republicans' ' Jonah Goldberg.

    The Obama campaign embraced it with David Axelrod's tweet.

  • Really, I guess you don't read the newspaper very often.  Google 'beer with Obama', the number of people he's sat down with for a beer is too numerous to list.

  • Blahahahahaha