Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Sandy Hook School Nurse Tells Harrowing Story Of Hiding Under Desk, Watching Gunman Walk Around

On Good Morning America today, host George Stephanopoulos spoke exclusively to Sandy Hook Elementary School nurse Sally Cox about her harrowing experience during Friday's shooting. Cox was literally steps away from the gunman, hiding under her computer desk, when he entered her office.

According to Cox, she first knew something was wrong when she heard 'loud popping noises' that morning. 'Your mind doesn't think it could be that,' she said. But when the school secretary 'called out with terror in her voice,' Cox knew then that 'there was something terrible happening.'

She tells Stephanopoulos that she immediately hid under her desk and as soon as she crouched down, she saw the gunman enter her office. 'His boots were facing my desk,' she said, 'twenty feet away.' The gunman turned and walked out in 'seconds,' but Cox and the secretary immediately dialied 911, then spent the next four hours hiding in her supply closet.

When she was finally escorted out, she said the police told her to close her eyes to avoid seeing the horror around her. Initially, she didn't want to know anything about the victims but as the story has unfolded, she has learned more.

Stephanopoulos asked if she knew of possible arrangements for the re-opening of classes and she told him only that she knew they would be using another facility and not returning to 'that school.'

Watch the full clip below, via ABC:

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