The panel guests on ABC News' This Week erupted over a discussion about United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, her role in the administration's early push to blame the September 11 attack in Benghazi on a YouTube video and Congressional Republican's reaction to the attack in Libya. One panel guest lamented that Republicans had not rallied around President Barack Obama as Democrats did around Ronald Reagan in the wake of an attack in Lebanon. Former Mitt Romney advisor, Dan Senor, sent the panel into a frenzy when he suggested that the Reagan administration was open and transparent about the attack in Lebanon while the Obama administration has been opaque about the events that led up to the attack in Libya.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) lamented that Amb. Rice's potential nomination to become the next Secretary of State is being scuttled due to the ongoing controversy over her role in disseminating an erroneous explanation for why that attack in Benghazi occurred.
'Talk radio is just full of Benghazi,' Cokie Roberts said. 'It's a big issue.'
Ellison went on to say that he was disappointed the Republican party has not rallied around the president in the wake of this attack as Democrats did following the 1983 attack on a U.S. Marines barracks in Lebanon.
'You didn't see all this partisan bickering,' Ellison said. 'We came together and said that this was a national tragedy. Blame was not parceled out the way it is now.'
Senor challenged Ellison's analogy, saying that the Reagan administration handled the attack in Lebanon far differently than the Obama administration has handled Benghazi.
'Part of the problem here is in the lead up to the election, when Benghazi got a lot of attention, the president said, 'don't talk about Benghazi. If you do, you're politicizing the issue,'' Senor said. 'Here we are after the election and there is no full airing.'
The panel erupted at Senor's suggestion that the White House has been less than forthright about what it knew about Benghazi.
George Stephanopoulos questioned whether it was Susan Rice's job to be aware of the security failures that led to the attack in Libya. Former White House advisor Steven Ratner said that the questions being asked of Rice were unfair, though he thought the investigation into Benghazi was justified.
Roberts finally noted that internal politics in the Senate has resulted in several Republican and Democratic Senators pushing Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) to be Sec. Hillary Clinton's replacement. Senor said that conspiracy theories that suggest Republicans want Kerry to vacate his seat so Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), who recently lost his bid to serve a full term to Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren, was 'too much.'
Watch the clip below via ABC:
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barack obama, Cokie Roberts, Dan Senor, Elizabeth Warren, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Keith Ellison, Mitt Romney, Ronald Reagan, Scott Brown, steven ratner, Susan Rice-
Dan Senor, the hack and yack for L. Paul Bremer in Iraq, the much publicized 'policy adviser' to Conservative presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and one of Likud's front men in D.C., wants Americans to believe that he and his fellow Conservatives and Neoconservatives are not spinning the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi into Susan Rice's lap for political reasons.
Yeah, right. Far right.
And the check is in the mail.
And Danny's stayed loyal to his wife throughout the campaign.
And those WMDs from Iraq that Danny time and again promised us will be discovered any second.
The Conservative Fairy Tale Window is now open and Danny Senor is available for your chuckling pleasure.
I haven't watched this yet, but I'm going to be disappointed if there is no ERUPTION!!
This is rich: for the job of keeping alive the disgusting politicization of the Benghazi tragedy, the Rubes go deep into their farm system and pull out ' BAGHDAD BOB!
Are Republicans politicizing Benghazi? Yes. Are Democrats politicizing the Fiscal Cliff? Yes. Do politicians politicize damn near everything with more allegiance to party than country? Yes.
Mkay, not so much with the erruption.
Personally, I am waiting for the stand down order. After all, FAUX News and all the wingnut media claimed it existed for four weeks.
A GOP talking head calling a conspiracy theory 'too much'. Now that's rich.
Just like Mary Jo Kopechne, the four Americans didn't have to die. They were expecting help.
Ted Kennedy skulked back to his hotel room after going off the bridge, leaving Mary Jo to die hours later. She though he was coming back with help, but he was trying to pretend it didn't happen.
Obama could have sent a jet screaming over the building in Benghazi, which would have scatttered the mob of savages. He didn't bother.
Instead, he sent Rice out to lie. To cover up.
Obama lied and still won't come clean.
He has blood on his hands and the Dems are still trying to wash it off for him. -
It's been proven untrue by their lack of running with that story anymore ' they don't print or produce retractions ' they just move the goalposts.
dan junior=pathetic shumck
The Canda Free Press has a two-part interview on Benghazi. When the CIA is involved, the truth flies out the window. As for Suzy Q, dump her. As for Obama, he's already ready digging his hole deeper than looks wise. As for Kerry, read 'Unfit for Command' and start laughing. He's got more camel dung on his shoes beating a path to Syria and Assad than anyone in the world. Finally, Hillarious can go home and lose some weight.
This is the BEST example of why there is 'The Moron Vote' in this country! Look at the idiot leftist puppets circling their wagons around a total incompetent olike Rice, the same way they did around the Head Incompetent Barry Obama Soetoro Dunham Harrison J Bounel Esq! The first thing Ekllison did was bring up Beirut! Wel;l go back and look at what the media did then! Those of us who were around know exactly how the left dealt with it in the news and on Capital Hill! It seems the Marxocrats and Victicrats (that's democrats for you people living outside of NYC) skewered Reagan! No one has even asked Obama where he was for 7/2 hrs while it all unfolded in front of their eyes! Not one meaningful question to that maggot with his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office!
Another reason why I no longer watch this show. After David Brinkley, it has become a joke. Why would Americans want to know what happened when four patriots died. It may show the incompetence of Barack and Hillary ' can't have that.
Conspiracy theories are the life-blood of today's teabagger republicanism.
This is so easy. Who told our SEALS to stand down and why. Answer those two questions. This is not political.
That's the most hilarious false equivalent I've heard in a long time'.LOL
I always amused when neo con Dan Senor is always on these shows. He makes wild accusations and this is the same guy making the case for WMD's being in Iraq
'If' ?
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