Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

American Intelligence Assets Used To Capture Alleged Ringleader Of Benghazi Attack In Egypt


Aided by U.S. intelligence, Egyptian authorities have captured the alleged leader of a terrorist network suspected of participating in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed four Americans. According to Fox News, Muhammed Jamal Abu Ahmad was detained this past week and is considered by counterterrorism officials to be 'one of the most menacing operatives to emerge in the region in the wake of the Arab Spring.' Further details of his capture have not yet been released.

Authorities believe Ahmad was in the midst of launching a 'new wing' of Al Qaeda. He was arrested last year in Egypt, as well, but was released after the end of the reign of President Hosni Mubarak. Since his release, Ahmad has been attempting to create a new terrorist network with camps in both Libya and Egypt, called the Jamal Network. Financing to his operation came from an Al Qaeda branch in Yemen. U.S. officials have been searching for Ahmad for several months.

U.S. officials believe the help of the Egyptian government shows a 'willingness' to pursue Al Qaeda-associated terrorists Seth Jones, an al Qaeda specialist with think tank Rand Corp, calls Ahmad's capture 'strategically important' to America, because his terrorist network was growing beyond Egypt and into North Africa. Egyptian officials also arrested five suspects in October believed to be connected to Benghazi, but American government officials say this can't be confirmed.

Watch the report from Fox News below:

h/t Fox News

  • Small time players, this is nothing.

  • You know this, how?

  • Awaiting the predictable chorus of 'no big deal.' Oh, wait'it already started.

  • Because you know all of this stuff? I had no idea anyone from NSC posted here. Well, thanks for clearing that up.

  • That or they just grabbed some random taxi driver and said he is guilty. Case closed.

    Let's work on prevention. Close all these stupid embassies and sundry stations. It doesn't help any average American one bit but WE PAY FOR IT ALL. No, this is for the ghoulish elites to play political games and such using OUR resources.

    Did any of you ever in your life say, 'gee, I'm sure glad I pay to have that place in BENGHAZI. That is much better than spending this money I have earned on something I want or need.' I promise you no one has.


    Let me put that another way, the EMPIRE is going to end whether you like it or not. Do you want a peaceful transition BACK to what the country was meant to be or chaos?

  • Some people are more interested in political witch-hunting than pursuing actual justice.

  • Sadly accurate.

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