Following David Gregory's interview with President Obama, CNN's Howard Kurtz noticed a marked difference in the Meet the Press host's approach compared to last week, when he interviewed NRA head Wayne LaPierre. It 'didn't pop,' he said.
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Gregory 'didn't brandish any weapons or show much firepower.' And while he did press the president on certain points (accountability for Washington dysfunction, throwing Susan Rice under the bus), Kurtz said Obama's low-key, measured responses gave the interview the air of a press conference.
Overall, however, Kurtz was underwhelmed:
The interview didn't pop. It didn't make any news. That was mainly Obama's fault, thanks to his long monologues that were allowed to proceed uninterrupted. But Gregory could have showed a little more of the passion he displayed last Sunday.
Hard to argue with. This week certainly brought forth a much more subdued performance from Gregory ' a far cry from the ammunition-wielding segment that prompted an official investigation.
(h/t Daily Download)
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