Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

This Happened: Canadian Parliament Spent Time 'Debating' Preparedness For 'Zombie Apocalypse'

So' this happened. On Wednesday, members of Canadian Parliament 'debated' the country's preparedness for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

As a showy way of mocking the Canadian province Quebec's public security department for using a hypothetical zombie attack for security prep exercises, Winnipeg MP Pat Martin told the lower house:

'I rise today to salute' the province of Quebec for putting in emergency measures to deal with the possibility of an invasion of zombies. I don't need to tell you, Mr. Speaker, that zombies don't don't recognize borders and that a zombie invasion in the United States can easily turn into a continent-wide pandemic if it's not contained. So on behalf of concerned Canadians everywhere, Mr. Speaker, I want to ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs: Is he working with his American counterparts to develop an international zombie strategy so that a zombie invasion does not turn into a zombie apocalypse?'

Throughout Martin's remarks, the crowd both applauded and responded with noises of confusion. Bonus 'congenial Canadian' points for the MP happily digging for gold in his nostril behind Martin, at around 0:48 into the clip:

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird stood up and responded to the MP's question:

'I want to assure this member and all Canadians that I am dead-icated [ed. note: Ugh.] to ensuring that this never happens. I want to say categorically to this member, and through him to all Canadians, that under this prime minister, Canada will never be a safe haven for zombies.'

Keep in mind that someone actually had to transcribe this exchange for the official record. Years from now, a rugged band of Canadian survivors barricaded in a state library will happen upon this transcript and think to themselves, 'If only they'd have taken zombie preparation seriously.'

Watch the bizarreness below and now think twice before mocking the Canadians when their legislative body is clearly more fun and interesting than ours:

[h/t Uproxx / Graphic via Shutterstock]

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