Sitting in for Chris Jansing on Tuesday morning, interim host Craig Melvin spoke with RNC communications director Sean Spicer about a trending topic poking fun at Mitt Romney's role (or, as the Democrats playing along on Twitter see it, a lack thereof) in the auto bailout. Romney, who had written an op-ed piece calling for what he described as a 'managed bankruptcy' for the Detroit auto industry, yesterday said he deserves a lot of credit for the industry's eventual recovery.
Spicer interpreted Romney's comments as saying that President Barack Obama essentially followed the same plan he had put out in his op-ed piece.
RELATED: Joe Scarborough Bashes Rick Santorum's Tepid Romney Endorsement: 'Be A Man'
Turning to former GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum's lukewarm email endorsement of Romney, Melvin asked Spicer to offer his reaction.
'When you're in politics,' Spicer explained, 'two people go at it over a course of months, each person thinks that they would be better at a particular job. And then at the end, you know, we come together. I think there's still ' I think every one of our candidates is starting to line up behind Governor Romney. You're seeing our enthusiasm gap in the political pol that came up yesterday. We're up nine points over Democrats in terms of enthusiasm come November. There's a lot of this, 'oh, was it the best endorsement, how big was it?' But, you know, at the end of the day, they're all lining up behind Governor Romney.'
'But none of them seem to be rushing to the front of the line,' Melvin pointed out. 'None of them seem to be joining the line with wild enthusiasm.'
'With all due respect, Craig, you guys seem to be so focused on how quick and what words were exactly used,' Spicer responded. 'The fact of the matter is that they're all behind him, they're all supporting him and the polling is showing that everyone in the Republican party is unified behind our nominee, getting ready to defeat Barack Obama in November. And I know that it frustrates you, but the facts are what they are. [...] in 2008, the Vice President called the President some pretty bad things when they were campaigning against each other. The now-Secretary of State said some pretty nasty things. The head of the DNC was Hillary Clinton's enforcer and yet it all came together and, somehow, when it happens on our side, it's an analysis of, well, this endorsement happened at this time and it wasn't used properly ''
Have a look, via MSNBC:
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Rombama'aka Obamney is just another big government stooge that supports the welfare/warfare system, and attacks individual liberty.
Romney: 'I deserve a lot of credit for the auto industry'
Well of course he does! Without his tough-love op-ed entitled 'Let Detroit Go Bankrupt', Obama would've never realized he should do the the exact opposite of whatever Romney says and it will inevitably be an enormously successful policy move!
Romney is an incredibly insincere man that loves to attempt to alter history in the hopes no one was paying attention and for the most part he's probably right, at least in the case of Republicans.
If we had taken his advice and allowed the car companies to be forced into a managed bankruptcy without government intervention, these companies would no longer exist today. There was zero borrowing going on at that time period and a backlog of bankruptcies' By the time the courts got all those automobile companies unwound they would've been a shadow of their former selves and we would've all been driving Kias and new model roll-outs from China's hypothetical Xing Xa Motors!
Thankfully this alternate universe did not happen' =)
Enthusiasm for Mitt?
He's the laughing stock of political candidates, nothing but a unconcerned about much goofball. -
Three-Way Race: Romney 44%, Obama 39%, Ron Paul 13%
''GOP Enthusiasm For Romney''
Nothing but one more Axelrod talking point that the MSM dutifully repeats as if it were a fact.
Dems are stuck with Obama and his record of failure. Romney is the one who will ' inherit' the Obama mess, and he'll never use that word. He'll go to work and restore the country.
English next time please. If you think Romney is the laughing stock, you must not be paying attention. Even the left is growing tired of Obama's dishonesty and pandering. Even our Navy Seals are calling out the effeminate Nancy boy.
Exactly. Santorum showed plenty of enthusiasm in his endorsement of Willard last night. E-mail. After 23:00 Hours, US EDST. Paragraph 13. The excitement is just flowing.
ellen, from where did you receive your economics degree?
Looks like Paul steals vote from Ovomit.
Paul Krugman faxed me a copy of his degree. He's such a nice bearded man who is never wrong about anything, don't you think, OSTL? ;-)
Right on, More Liberty. There is no choice in this election you got two corporate whores running against each other who are both jumping at the chance to take away our freedoms and dump the Constitution. Obomba is already much worse than even Bush in that department. Politics has been relegated to two guys on the same team pretending to disagree with each other. While the media reports on inane stuff no one in their right mind would care about in a million years.
We need third, fourth and fifth party candidates. I have no choice in this election and it's not how the system should work. Could never vote for Romney because he is incompetent and championing policies that have been tested and failed for 30 years. Won't vote for Obama because of his expansion of the American empire, his trashing of the Constitution, and the biggest war mongering president in recent history.
No thanks to all of the above.
Vermin Supreme 2012
Of course. President Obama is socially more liberal than Willard and economically more conservative. A bit of a Libertarian flair.
We'd all rather talk about your degree, Jeff. Ha! Ha!
I don't like Obama much , and I'm not gonna vote for him in November. But it sure is a giant joke to see such a moron like Mitt running for president. Just a pathetic excuse for a man let alone the POTUS.
Your Navy SEALs talking smack about their boss (no matter how much you can't stand it, Obama is the CIC) is pure lies. When one of them actually comes out in public and speaks out about the silly regressive party claim, then it is true. Until then the Navy SEALs talking smack is just another right wing lie. If ANY Navy SEAL actually does come out in public and talk smack, they lose their job''and they know it.
It's palpable! You can almost taste the contempt in the air! ;-P
Very true my friend. We are offered false choices. While these two parties might have different rhetoric, their actual application is the same. More debt/deficits, more welfare, more warfare and less liberty.
'the media reports on inane stuff no one in their right mind would care about in a million years.'
Case in point ' review almost every article on Mediaite.
Paul won't run third party. He's dead-set on disrupting the republican convention'
The American automobile is a P.O.S. and unions are to blame. Here in Cincinnati a GM plant closed ' everyone was up in arms 'oh god what's this going to do to our community' well ' it came to light that one of the reasons why GM closed this particular plant is because there weren't enough workers SHOWING UP to start the line for the first shift.
The fact is ' most Toyotas and Hondas are made right here in America. They are far better vehicle. and they are produced by workers who are NOT members of a union. GM will never ever get me to buy one of their vehicles. Not because of a government bail out but because their product SUCKS.
Ron Paul isn't running, the little creepy old racist coot might muster a handful of write in votes but he won't be on the ballot anywhere.
The Mitt enthusiasm canard is a hoot, he's the ultimate deer in the headlights moron, a really lousy candidate. He will fail. -
please excuse us if we don't worship our nominees on a messianic level'
I started to watch that interview, but had to turn the channel because Spicer is just so''.stupid.
'if we had taken his advice and allowed the car companies to be forced into a managed bankruptcy without government intervention, these companies would no longer exist today.'
The whole bailout of the auto industry is a perfect example of how the USA DOES NOT practice capitalism. What we have is corporatism in which the government pics losers and winners. These companies should have been allowed to fail, not that Rombama would have let them. I bought an American made truck ' non union ' that doesn't actually fall apart. It's called a Toyota Tundra and it was made in San Antonio.
Oh Oh''..Sounds like libs are whistling past the graveyard.
Banzai, More Liberty!
So I guess you would've preferred shedding millions upon millions of jobs. Ok.
They are produced here, but where do the profits go, Mia? I guess you support wealth extraction.
Just one vote?
Nonsense'..Wrong Paul isn't on the ballot'.anywhere.
The poll is silly hypothetical nonsense'''but it is after all a Rassmussen poll. -
Prediction: this will not happen
Please list for us the freedoms taken away by Obama
You dont like profit. so what the hell do you care. I know exactly where it goes back to the R&D at the company so it can make even better cars and its stock holders and its employees. See how hard work can pay off?
here's even more evidence of what happens when a company profits'
The Republican/Tea Party folks have displayed just how well they ONLY work with other Republican/Tea Party folks.
Working with the current President of the United States to clean up the Bush/Cheney mess,not so much.
Working for the betterment of all Americans,not so much.
Working for the top 1% of Americans and corporations, they give 100%. -
We shall see!
In your case understandable. Perfectly understandable.
-Patriot Act 2 ' Signed by Obama, passed by Bi-partisan congress.
-National Defense Authorization Act NDAA of 2012 ' Signed by Obama, passed by bi-partisan congress
-'Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011.' -passed by congress signed by Obama
-The assassination of a US citizen via drone attack without due process.-Oh and lets not forget the fact that TSA screeners are not law enforcement officers and have no probable cause to molest you or force you to be subject to electronic radiation from machines that have themselves been banned in the EU.
economically more conservative ' hah! If you can say that with a straight face you should sell used cars.
I know you've been told to make these claims, but name 'one' example of 'Obama' trashing the constitution, overturned by the courts.
this your first election? lol
'I don't like Obama much , and I'm not gonna vote for him in November.'
lol k
So nothing but your opinion and some programs that Bush started. OK.
I didn't vote for him on 2008 as well. If he was actually a real liberal or progressive I'd vote for him an a heartbeat.
I'm sure you were right there with Bush at the time. No? But if Obama does it that's okay. What is the latest plan to shut down Gitmo?
Opinion? Here is the very liberal ACLU's opinion on the NDAA.
'President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,' said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. 'The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.'
The Patriot Act 1 was passed by very (98 Senators) bi-partisan means in 2001. Then Obama wasn't a US senator, but when it came up for it's initial re-authorization in 2006 Obama was a Senator. Guess what'he voted for it, like the rest of the idiots on both aisles.
The in 2011 he sighed Patriot Act-2 as President.The fact is, President Obama is just as much of a tyrant as was Bush.
well, that's the problem right there, GM and chrysler padding union payrolls with 'millions upon millions' of employees doing the work of less than 500K workers'
Ok'just one example.
-NDAA of 2012.It gives the executive branch the ability to selectively and indefinitely detain US citizens on US soil via the military without due process (5th Amendment and 4th Amendment).
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll ' Rasmussen ' Romney 49; Obama 44; 3rd party 3; Undecided 3'
This is a Rasmussen poll and only polls likely voters. Undecided voters almost always swing heavily to challengers.
Romney will expand his lead and win a landslide election.
None of Mitt supporters can list why they support Mitt without mentioning Obama '
The majority supporting Mitt don't see their vote as a vote 'For Mitt' .. but a 'Vote Against Obama' ..
This is the sole reason .. Mitt is going to lose come Nov
Great piece on Maddow's show last night about it.
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