Playing off of a popular quote by Toni Morrison who described President Bill Clinton as the
'first black president,' Newsweek published a cover article by Andrew Sullivan who described the President as 'the first gay president' and accompanied that piece with art that shows President Barack Obama with a multi-colored halo above his head.
RELATED: Top Republican Pollster Advises Party To Embrace Gay Marriage
In response to Obama's Tuesday interview with ABC in which he embraced the issue of gay marriage as a concept, Newsweek's May 21 issue described Obama the country's 'first gay president.'
In a blog post, earlier this week on The Daily Beast, Sullivan wrote that Obama will benefit from his embrace of gay marriage. Sullivan wrote that Obama 'will be looking to the future generations as his opponent panders to the past.'
I do not know how orchestrated this was; and I do not know how calculated it is. What I know is that, absorbing the news, I was uncharacteristically at a loss for words for a while, didn't know what to write, and, like many Dish readers, there are tears in my eyes.
Sullivan continued, saying that while the announcement had no tangible policy implications, Obama's embrace of gay marriage will have many intangible benefits for millions of gay Americans:
The interview changes no laws; it has no tangible effect. But it reaffirms for me the integrity of this man we are immensely lucky to have in the White House. Obama's journey on this has been like that of many other Americans, when faced with the actual reality of gay lives and gay relationships.
h/t Politico
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'Sullivan continued, saying that while the announcement had no tangible policy implications, Obama's embrace of gay marriage will have many intangible benefits for millions of gay Americans''
Undeniably true. He's given the marriage equality movement a huge boost just by helping to marginalize the voices of discrimination and forcing those who want to continue it play defense.
Yeah because this will help save Tina Brown's job (she will only continue to be more controversial and desperate to sell issues).
'Newsweek: Obama 'First Gay President''
Thought they was going to wait till after the election to make any more news, when he would have more 'flexiblity'.
Now they need to plan for the Obama monuments in Washington, and start building them.
For a quick one, they can rip that guy in the chair out of the Lincoln Memorial, and put in a statue of our beloved Barack sitting with his feet up on the Resolute desk, playing his Gameboy.
In other news'
Reports of a $150,000 'bribe' to Rev 'Chicken come home to roost'' talk about character issues.
The United States Air Force states that Drones can be used to spy on Americans' what was that about Bush and his shredding of the Constitution.
NSA & Google' yep that Google, ties can remain secret' why don't ya 'Google' that.
CA is now down $16 billion dollar, not a Barack issue' or will it be' a lot of votes in California, gay folk too.
What issue will you be voting on this coming November'???
Obama is the first gay president only if you don't count the tryst that Gloves and Ronnie Reagan had when they were contract players at RKO.
Or Andrew Siullivan's service to George W. Bush in the years after 9/11.
Place your bets on if the 'news' media will cover the bribe story'. I say they give it no coverage as they continue on 'gay' nonsense or Mitts prank from 50 years ago. Oh, what's that? You havent heard about the bribe? Chances are you wont, unless you tune into something other than CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS. At least it will be nothing more than a foot note with excuses. Obama bribed so called Reverend Wright to stay quiet in 2008 until elections were over.
Que the excuses, deflections and denials from liberals now'
Well you see, 80 percent of America will know nothing of the bribe story because you know damn well the 'news' media and Hollywood wont talk about it, while they continue to shot out the roof tops over a prank from 50 years ago. And some idiots refuse to admit media bias.
Seriously, a report is out that Obama BRIBED/Tried to pay off Wright to shut up until the elections were over!!!!!!!!!!! Character issues? Integrity issues??????????? We'll see just how much the liberals and the media actually care about them. They dont. They only PRETEND to when its a non-liberal they are after. -
I've been sitting back watching the GOP predicted fallout.
I read a great article on Daily Beast '
African-Americans Support Obama's Same-Sex Marriage StanceInteresting
'But when Obama said he now was in favor of it, I thought maybe I've been too pigheaded about this thing for too long.''
I think it is actually becoming a plus.
Of the people who will or would vote for him, they don't care.
AND he stood for something.
He's separating himself from the guy who can't make up his mind.
Now the people who MIGHT vote for him (and don't car about SS marriage) just saw a man stand up, even though people 'in the know' thought it might hurt him. -
Some more cool stuff
I'll bet you're still searching for his birth cert too!!??
NY Post!@!??
LOL!!!!!! -
Desperate to come up with something''.good luck!!
And if it proves to be true, than what? Is that when you spout out excuses? Perhaps the great 'news' media will investigate and get to the bottom of this'or perhaps not. This is damning if true, but dont worry loser, the 'news' media has Obama's back.
Big if.
Sounds like you need the excuses for posting a full on lie.
Have you found his birth cert yet? -
LOL Desperate? Who are the ones trying to make a big deal over a prank from 50 years ago?! That is desperate. Now lets see how fair and unbiased the media is in their coverage or lack their of on this bribe story. You seem worried their lib
Who exactly made a big deal out of Obama eating Dog when he was a little boy?'''.the same hypocrites crying about Mitt being a high school bully.
When someone runs for POTUS their entire life history is fair game''except is you're the regressive party candidate with all the cry-baby hypocrites that just don't know the definition of hypocrite.I'm not worried, Mitt is a huge loser. But I'm not voting for Obama anyway, not a chance because I'm a real liberal/progressive and Obama has never been close.
And there''not their.
Who are the ones trying to make a big deal over where he went to school 50 years ago?!
Madrassa ring a bell?That is desperate.
Out Magazine and TMZ got scooped on this one' As long as Michelle and his girls are cool with this I don't care what the President does with his weekends'
Obama is The First Gay President, according to those in the know like Andrew Sullivan; more truthful words were never spoken. Don't you just love The First Gay President's rainbow halo?
Desperate, then talk about the economy, the Middle East, the precious Constitutional violations right under your nose (and you say nothing), the campaign bribe' anything on that or sshhhhh let's bask in the glow surrounded by the multi-colored rainbow.
It doesn't matter what is said' you will always find an excuse and make a pathetic attempt to cause the other side to play defense'
How about this you are right, it is stupid to talk about eating dogs, roof riding dogs, cutting hair and dressage horses'
Let's have a conversation about the ECONOMY!!!
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