This week, Newsweek dubbed President Obama the 'first gay president,' but it is difficult to believe that anyone would take them seriously. Enter Paul Cameron, expert on homosexuality for the Family Research Institute, who won't say he completely believes President Obama is gay, but told the Voice of Christian Youth radio show Crosstalk last week that his declaration 'lends credence' to 'various people' who claim the President 'has at least participated at times with them in homosexual acts.'
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'Homosexuality is the one sin, the one habit, that is 24/7,' Cameron explained on the program. 'While I'm not sure about the claims by the various people who have reported that Obama has at least participated at times with them in homosexual acts, this certainly lends some credence.' He did not elaborate on who the 'various people' are, but the most 'reliable' source a Google search could turn up on this is World Net Daily, so perhaps it's best he didn't try to justify this one.
He then went on to explain the 'homosexual movement,' with which he appeared to be intimately acquainted (as an expert of course):
Mark my words clearly; the long term goal of the homosexual movement is to get every little boy to grab his ankles and every little girl to give it a try. They will not rest until every one of our children at least gets to try, has the opportunity and maybe is forced to at least once experience homosexual acts. There is no retreating from that, they made it very clear earlier on'now they don't take about it'but that's what they want, they will not be happy until they get it, marriage is just a step along the way.
It isn't hard to see how this happened' how the more fringe anti-Obama elements decided that his declaration was a confirmation that he was secretly gay (hey, Newsweek did the same thing, albeit less maliciously and more metaphorically).
The clip from the Crosstalk program below:
[h/t Right Wing Watch via Queerty]
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Okay, I am a male, married with 5 children. I have also previously participated in 'homosexual conduct' before because I have hugged another male.
This would be Kirk Cameron's father (sort of similar to the nazi-loving, jew-hating father of Mel Gibson). Cameron had his accreditation taken away for misrepresenting data for his homophobic views. The Southern Poverty Law Center not surprisingly has labeled the Family Research Institute a hate group for their extreme views, which go far beyond what his son perpetuates in the mainstream media.
these right wing christian religious a-holes are no better than the taliban.
I hate religion. I mean seriously what is it good for besides teaching hate and ignorance? Being nice because you want to make 'God' happy not because its the right way to treat other humans? Religion is ridiculous.
'It would better if this Pastor was deprived of oxygen of publicity for these dumb comments!
First of all, even if true who cares? Second of all, who cares?
my co-worker's sister-in-law makes $82 an hour on the computer. She has been without work for six months but last month her paycheck was $18097 just working on the computer for a few hours. Read more here ''''''
Maybe he should talk to Pat Robertson and find out who is going to win the election. Evidently god told Pat Robertson but he's not allowed to say.
Speaking generally, all the people I've talked to that hold such views about homosexuality have never actually sat and talked to any homosexuals. Or know one person that had a lot of gay sex, which means they all do.
Why don't I believe in organized religion? Because of idiots like this.
The media should be ashamed to give time for such egregious observations of a so called pastor.But maybe not. The unconscionable has no shame. Both the pastor and the media outlet has lost it.Pity the fools.
First a muslim now a homosexual. Which is it? I hope it's not both! Double Devil!!
There are a lot more anti-gay 'experts' like this guy that have been found out to be in the closet gays than a lot of other occupations including President.
They tried the birther issues, it didn't worked. Try something else with same result.
Paul Cameron possibly 'Has Participated' In Homosexual Acts'
These right-wing religious wack-jobs sure spend a great deal of their time thinking about homosexual sex acts. 'Mark my words clearly; the long termgoal of the homosexual movement is to get every little boy to grab his ankles and every little girl to give it a try.'
Paul(white suit Kirk)Cameron
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